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Cartography Commissions & Requests


I have gotten so many requests about making maps that I figured it would be best to simply create a thread about the matter.

Firstly, let me tell you something
very important: I am a college student working on a degree that requires a ton of Chemistry courses. This means that my time is mostly spent in either a lab or studying (because I will be honest and admit I am terrible with this subject). Patience will be needed.

You will also notice I have two sections; one labeled
Commission Information and the other Request Information. So, what's the difference? Commissions are paid for and requests are not. I am offering both which I will admit seems strange. There are differences between a commission and a request map so please read all the information!

Commission Information

◊Pricing Information◊


Base Map Size: 900 x 700 | $5

Custom Map Size | Price Quote based on size demand.


Antique | Base Price $10

Semi-Realistic Physical | Base Price $15

Political | Base Price $5

»Map Details

Rivers | $0.50 per River

Roads | $0.10 per Road

Craters | $0.50 per Crater

Mountain Ranges | Free

Settlements | Free

Labels | Free

»Payment: I will only accept payments through paypal. I may accept an RPNation VIP membership as payment as well for smaller commissions ( under $10 ). Payment for smaller commissions will be due after map completion. Payment for larger commissions will be due after the basic map (continents created) is rendered as a preview of work.

»Refunds (Paypal): Refunds will be given only to those who pay via paypal and before map completion. I will be in constant contact during the map creation with you to create a map to your satisfaction. This means that there should be no issue with the commission upon completion.

»Refunds (VIP): I cannot give refunds for VIP memberships! Once I have been given a VIP membership the transaction is complete! This is why payment is due upon map completion instead of during.

◊Map Style◊

(Map coloration will vary.)



Semi-Realistic Physical



Request Information

Please read all of the information before requesting a map. Request maps do
not have the same options as the commissioned maps. Please do not ask me to add in things that are not part of the Request Package!


All request maps will only be as large as 700 x 500 in size. This is the largest I will map for a request map!


All request maps will only have a basic and plain style. All landmasses will be white while bodies of water will be blue. Rivers will not be included. Mountains can be included.

Request Style Example

(Map coloration will vary.)


The only details I will offer to include on a request map are the following; mountains and capital city labels ( limit of 10 ), continent labels, and ocean labels. I will not add any other details beyond the ones I have listed!

What I Need From You

Sadly I am not skilled enough to see what you visualize in your mind for your map. This means I will need some help on your part in order to create a map as close to what you envision as I can.

I will need you to sketch a rough visual representation of what you want your continents to look like. Keep in mind I am
not a professional cartographer so my coastlines may not match up exactly. This visual representation you make doesn't have to be anything exact or impressive. I can work well with blobs and other odd shapes. I just need an idea of continent placement to even begin to create a map.


While my example doesn't show any settlements, mountains, rivers, or other details this is a good start for me to get an idea of where you would like things and even a basic idea of continent shape.
If you do not provide a rough idea of your map I cannot create it. (Tip: You can use programs like Paint or GIMP - which are free - to create these if you do not have a scanner to scan in a paper sketch. )


I will try and update this section when I can to show the progress of the map I am working on. I may even show some pictures of the process as well (for request maps and and only for commission maps with permission).

Wait List

Because I have limited time and do not want to be overwhelmed with demand for maps I will be creating a waiting list. A waiting list works basically like a reservation where you announce that you are interested in a map. As I finish maps I will go down the waiting list to the next person and so on. Priority will be given to those on the commission wait list over the request wait list! (
Note: I will only be working on one map at a time! This means there could be a long wait! )

First Class Priority List




Request Priority List




Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you charge a price per detail (rivers, roads, craters)?

These details are very time consuming (especially rivers *


*). When I mean time consuming I mean

time... consuming

. I once spent a month on a map just working on adding rivers. Because they are so time consuming I decided it was best to charge a price per detail on those details that are the most time consuming.

How long does it take to create a map?

There is no set time-frame I can give for this question. There are too many variables to consider such as size, style, and details. I can confidently state that the larger the size, the more difficult the style, and the more details, the longer it will take to create a map.

I see various usernames ( ). Who are you really?!

These are all me. I have various usernames I use. I am a member of dA which implemented a username change which I took advantage of thus my custom watermarks are different (an unfortunate consequence I didn't consider).

How can I be put on the wait list?

If you post a reply to this thread stating you want to be added it will be done when I check my alerts. Please remember that I will add all wait list requests to the

Map Request

priority list so make sure that if you want a commission to say so.

You mentioned that you'd be in constant contact during the map creation. Why?

I want to involve you with every step of the process so that the map is created with the details you want. As someone who has commissioned artists, I found it a more enjoyable experience when the artist was in contact with me rather than simply accepting the commission and then popping out a final product that I had issues with.

Why do you ask that payment for more expensive maps be sent before the map is completed?

A common issue with commissions is that artists will do all this work and provide a product only to never receive a payment or the agreed payment amount upon completion of the work. In order to reduce this risk (where the "commissioner" steals the work instead of paying) payments are asked for earlier.

Why will you accept VIP memberships as payment on smaller commissions?

When I mean smaller commissions I mean very small commissions (under $10). However, I will not always accept a VIP membership as a form of payment!

If I pay for details on a request map will you do them?

No. Request maps mean that no form of payment is needed. If I permitted payment for details on request maps that would be unfair to those who are actually paying for a commission where they have to pay based on map size.
These maps seem to be big maps, like continents and countries. Do you think you could do a nice-looking city map?
[QUOTE="THE J0KER]These maps seem to be big maps, like continents and countries. Do you think you could do a nice-looking city map?

I do not do city maps.
Elwin said:
For details, mountains and such.

Again, depends on the map style.
:P I use a brush for everything, but if you are talking about pre-made brushes I only use those for antique maps.
Yes I just had a few queries about that's all. I make maps myself and I know that there could be some issues regarding making money off them. I just wanted to double check that you have made sure the creators of these brushes made them free for commercial use? :) also how do you do your rivers? My method only takes about 2-5 minutes per river so maybe your making things more hard on yourself (just mentioning this incase you could be saving time) I think your antique maps are really beautiful and well made. I love how you have added subtle colouring on the land area to signify which parts are grassy areas and which aren't.
Most of the resources I use for brushes are fine for commercial works except for a few which I only use for non-profit projects. I also have a few brush sets I've actually paid for and can use how I please. :3 The only restriction on all the pre-made brushes is no redistribution, which I have no intention of doing.

As far as rivers, I draw them by hand. I've tried various techniques and found that hand drawing worked best. I also have started to try and make them more realistic as far as placement - which isn't a natural intuition I have - which takes time for placement, modification, corrections, etc.

I've added color on the antique maps here and there, but have recently gotten more in to trying to make more classical antique maps. I was working on one of these when the power went out for a second and my PSD file was corrupted since it was saving right as the power went out. orz


RIP my precious map.
Well you are very talented! I also do my rivers by hand although I can't really compare, I've had hardly any practise whatsoever. I made my first map the other week, which I was pretty proud of!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.48330cd0d1162f8963bae64a293aa15c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.48330cd0d1162f8963bae64a293aa15c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
    273.1 KB · Views: 20
That's pretty good for a first try... my first try was very unimpressive. D:

Lol, makes me cringe a bit when I look at at my first map. Those coastlines, lulz. Those rivers!
I've seen some pretty bad ones myself. I plan on experimenting more with different map styles since they are just so fun to make ( except for rivers, rivers and dry up and die! ).

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