Captain Jethro Scott Gerhardt


The Guardian and Protector






Name: Jethro Scott Gerhardt

Age: 26 years old 

Rank: O-3 Captain [CPT]

Years served: 4 years

Specialist: Airbourne Ranger [Special Forces]

Bio: Jethro was a prodigy from the day he was born. Born to James and Claire Gerhardt, to his parents, he was born to serve. His father, James Gerhardt, served as a Sergeant Major in the United States Army. His mother, Claire Gerhardt, served as a Senior Chief Petty Officer in the Navy. His father was infantry and his mother medical. Over the years, they decided that they also wanted to see their son serve his country. So, they began preparing him for a military career. Enrolling him in martial arts and Young Marines when he became old enough, they began teaching him the skills and mindset he would need in the military. They also emphasized importance on his school studies.They did not just want to see their son serve, they wanted to see him surpass both of them. Over the years, Jethro developed a sharp mind and strong body that would make him perfect for military life. When he graduated from High School, he applied for and was accepted into West Point, the Prestigious Military College. He studied there for four years and graduated with a degree in Leadership Development Science. Teaching him the skills to be a successful leader in the Army. Because of his time spent in the Young Marines, Jethro was awarded a higher rank when he finally joined the Army. From the day he graduated boot camp, he was made a 0-2 or 1st Lieutenant. He served for 3 years, in which he went to Ranger School and Earned his Ranger Tab and his Airborne qualification. He has also earned a Distinguished Service award and a few purple hearts. Soon after, he was promoted to Captain and has served in that capacity for about a year. He still plans to serve his country for years to come, much to the pride of his parents.  

Personality: Jethro is a calm, quiet individual. He dedicates his time to best serve in his leadership capacity. Slow to anger but once he becomes angry he is a force of nature. He is very analytical, preferring to carefully study a problem before coming up with the best course of action. His biggest flaw would be his blunt nature. He will say something as he sees it without much consideration for someone's feelings and that has earned him a few enemies in his career. He is not the kind of leader to send his soldiers out on their own. If something needs to be done, you can bet that he is leading the mission.


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