Capisce [Reboot] (Invite Only)

Characters! Right. Hold on; Invites first! Oh, and guys please make sure to read the rules.

Specially Invited Guests:




@Lovely Bones


*Mafiosos: A group of ruthless mobsters who are known for their unusual forms of punishment and their talent of getting information out of someone; one way or another. Otherwise, a peaceful group, who sticks to the shadows unless prompted forward.

Cops: Your everyday police force. They've been focusing more on the murders, than usual city life. However, there are still officers who get stuck on patrol duty.

*I'd prefer for these guys to be male. I find it'd be better if they weren't American. You know, keep the Italian Mafia feel about it. (They don't have to be Italian.)

Major Roles: (These are first come, first serve)

Mafia Boss - Taken by @Darth Cinder

Mafia Spy - Taken by @Ezra-San

Mafia Consigliere/Confidant - Taken by @Darth Cinder

Mafia Underboss - Open

Police Chief - Open

Deputy - Open

Detective - Open

Minor Roles:

Mafia Soldiers:

Police Officers:

Character Sheet:


Nickname: (opt.)



Sexual Orientation:




Appearance: "(Faceclaim's name." And a picture

Other: (opt.)

What got you into the"Mafia?": (Mafiosos only)

Theme Song: (opt.)


My guys:

Name: Don Lo Piccolo

Nickname: Don, Donnie, Boss

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Polysexual

Side: Mafiosos

Rank: Boss

Personality: Don is your basic Mafia Boss. He refuses to ever take orders from anyone and will kill to get what he wants. However, he has his insecurities about being so young and having to take charge of all these thugs. Obviously, he doesn't show it to anyone but his most trusted. He has a naturally calm disposition and handles sticky situations well. He's honest. It isn't in his blood to lie, and when he tells the truth, he tells the truth. He doesn't over exaggerate. What he says, he means. Like most Mafia bosses, he believes that lying is for the afraid. He deals with problems in the group by sitting calmly at his desk and asking who caused the rift in their plan. What happens to them depends on his mood.

Appearance: "Ben Barnes"

Other: 'Murder, accusations, betrayal.'

What got you into the"Mafia?": It's been a family job for as long as Don could remember. The old Boss, Don's father, passed away of old age, and Don, being the elder of two siblings, took up the title.

Theme Song:


Name: Vincenzo Cardellini

Nickname: Cardellini

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Unknown

Side: Mafiosos (Indirectly)

Rank: Consigliere

Personality: Vincenzo is a friendly soul and extremely easy to begin trusting. For this, he has been the Mafia's Consigliere, or counselor, for years. He's cunning and smart, always the quick thinker. He always considers every aspect of something. He is known to be calm, even when others are trying to rile him up. He often finds himself beating around the bush on many topics, and offers cryptic answers instead of direct ones.

Appearance: "Johnny Depp"

Other: 'Murder, accusations, betrayal.'

What got you into the"Mafia?": He isn't in the Mafia, not directly. He has been a close friend to Don's family for many years and serves as a deciding voice most of the time.

Theme Song:

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Name: Roselina Piccolo

Nickname: Rose, Rosie, RoRo

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Side: Mafiosos

Rank: Spy

Personality: Roselina is a very reserved person, keeping only near her family. She is extremely protective of her brother, and spends most of her time with him. She is known to be a bit more remorseful and caring than the others in the family, but it would be a mistake to toy with her. Rose has a knack for investigating, as well as gaining trust and getting information. With her innocently beautiful features, she has had her share of adventures to gain what she needed for her family. Though she is the younger of the two siblings, she is very motherly toward her brother.

Appearance: (Dunno her, heh.. I had it from tumblr.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_lquny8WwIn1qah5ozo1_500.jpg.8711a5ea5cf56e09e3ea7ae4bbff49e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/tumblr_lquny8WwIn1qah5ozo1_500.jpg.8711a5ea5cf56e09e3ea7ae4bbff49e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: -

What got you into the"Mafia?": She was born into the life, and now she sits along side of her brother while he is the new boss.

Theme Song: -



  • tumblr_lquny8WwIn1qah5ozo1_500.jpg
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Name: Kailina Marzia Torres

Nickname: Kai or Marzia

Age: 22

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: lesbian, but she often flirts to get what she wants.

Side: Mafiosos

Rank: underboss (if it is still open?)

Personality: Marzia is the kind of girl who will do whatever it takes to live up to reputation and to make a name for herself. She learns quick, and is extremely convincing. Though, she is easily disgusted by someone who breaks code or is found guilty of charges such as rape or murder of someone innocent. While she may seem weak in some cases, she has no line when it comes to someone disobeying their authorities.

Appearance: see Attachments. I am on my phone currently. The face name is Rachel

What got you into the"Mafia?": her father was completely dedicated to the Mafia, and so she was raised in the lifestyle. He even raised her to be fluent in English, Italian, Spanish, and Latin. After he was killed by a detective, Marzia was immediately implemented. Since then, she's worked her way up for years to try and make her father proud. Through all of this, her dedication to the Mafiosos is beyond most.

Theme Song: A Little Death by The Neighborhood.


[/media]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/uploadfromtaptalk1386368931258.jpg.a1268029215809fe8dbbae7219d1beb3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/uploadfromtaptalk1386368931258.jpg.a1268029215809fe8dbbae7219d1beb3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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@Ezra-San I'm really sorry for such the late reply, I've just been very busy and never saw the alerts for this. -.o But accepted!

@ayezombie And again, sorry for the late reply. However, I'm afraid this roleplay is an invite only. :( Terribly sorry.

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