• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern can you get away with m u r d e r ? [rules and ooc]


angel eyes ♡



• If you read the rules, put "I didn't do it" in hot pink font somewhere on your CS.

• Posting req. are 1 - 3 paragraphs, please stick to it.

• Drama is great and wonderful! However, please make use of this page and ask those involved if it would be okay before you try to kill their character.

• Did I say that? Yes I did! Yes your character can try to kill another character! Notice, I also said
try. Characters are not allowed to die. One kid's already dead, no need to add to the body count.

• Only one character per person, since there are limited spots.

• Language is fine and dandy. Have your character drop as many f-bombs as you want.

• Want your character to be a drug addict? Sure, they can be a drug addict. Just don't play them actually doing drugs IC. Basically, your character can do illegal things as long as you don't play them doing the actual illegal thing.

• Romance is okay. But no sex. Like, don't even take it to PM or anything. Staring at butts is good, but not actual butt-touching.

• Please keep OOC
in the OOC. Also, I lied. Forget that hot pink thing. Delete the Hair Color part from the CS if you actually read these.

• Be nice to each other and respectful of each other's characters OOC.

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I have a question, you somewhat answered it in the thread, but Im still somewhat confused. So you can or cant be a bestfriend or girlfriend, cheater, ect? Sorry xD I just didnt understand xD
Ah, no, I should've explained it better. You can be whoever you want! Wanna be Gabe's (former) best friend? Go for it! Wanna be his (former) girlfriend? Wanna be the kid who used to sit behind him in class? Or his (former) neighbor? Or his (former) stalker? Do it! I originally planned to have set roles, but then I changed my mind because I thought it was kind of pointless and just threw that part out the window. I hope this answered your question?
@SyrusShepard Sugai is sugoi, but there are a few problems with his CS. Thank you for including his age, but I also need his birthdate. And his eye color. And for you to read the rules.

@Cami Mikael is amazing, but could you read the rules?
@growl Okay, Thank you for the feedback.I will fix them in a moment, also Sagai is also a Japanese last name. It is just not as common as Sugoi
Oh I know! Sugoi means "amazing" in Japanese, so I was kind of poking at how Sugai and sugoi sound similar while calling him amazing at the same time cx
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Oh, now I get it. Lol. I'm sorry for my slowness. I sometimes don't pick up things right away.
@JustSmile *sing-songs* Read the rules, darling (I hope I don't have to do this with everyone)! Evelyn's very interesting though. She actually gives me an idea for my own character c:
Thank you!

I will try to get the suspect profiles for Mikky, Blake, and Evelyn up by tomorrow (I have to go soon).

@Ban Jax is accepted!

@Crystalblade Liz is accepted!

@Tricky Emotions Kaito is accepted! He looks like the most innocent character so far cx He's almost too innocent...

Everyone, I just had a most troubling realization. As soon as I laid eyes on the 'Notes' section of Katio's CS, within which is not a lick of anything even remotely illegal or medically worrying, I remembered that all of these people have to be on the suspect list for a reason. That's why I added one more part to the CS. Could everyone edit "Suspicious Activity" into their CS and answer it? I've already edited it into Blake's CS. It would also help greatly with the suspect profiles (btw, I've updated them, so you can check them out in the overview).

Can't wait to plug all these characters into a random generator and see who the murderer will be! *sinister giggle*
growl said:
Thank you!
I will try to get the suspect profiles for Mikky, Blake, and Evelyn up by tomorrow (I have to go soon).

@Ban Jax is accepted!

@Crystalblade Liz is accepted!

@Tricky Emotions Kaito is accepted! He looks like the most innocent character so far cx He's almost too innocent...

Everyone, I just had a most troubling realization. As soon as I laid eyes on the 'Notes' section of Katio's CS, within which is not a lick of anything even remotely illegal or medically worrying, I remembered that all of these people have to be on the suspect list for a reason. That's why I added one more part to the CS. Could everyone edit "Suspicious Activity" into their CS and answer it? I've already edited it into Blake's CS. It would also help greatly with the suspect profiles (btw, I've updated them, so you can check them out in the overview).

Can't wait to plug all these characters into a random generator and see who the murderer will be! *sinister giggle*
Sorry.... >.< I added a few things to make him a little less innocent in the Suspicious activity and Notes
The activities of suspicious behavior has been reported and given to the cops.

And we just need one more person to fill the slot.

Quickly! Someone tag someone!


EDIT: Some of the information on the CASE INFO will be inaccurate. These are variables of questioning. Don't take everything you read there as fact :D I will try to update it whenever something changes. I still need to put relationship information in there...

@SyrusShepard Are you still going to fix your CS?
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