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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: The New Heroes (Camp IC)

Owen Rydian

Location: Infirmary

With: Ilabelle @Quiet Is Violent , Octavian @9forgotten

Have you ever tried stitching wounds when your patient is flopping around like a fish out of water? No? It's terrible. The second Ila started wriggling Owen stopped trying to stitch her wounds. He looked up at Octavian who was holding Ila back. "I can see that..." He said as Owen began thinking about how he could get her to calm down. Then it hit him. He closed his eyes and a cut opened up on his hand. Out of the cut came five insects. Two had a yellow strip across its back, while the other Three were completely white. Owen opened his eyes and looked at Octavian. "Hope this doesn't bother you..." He said as he let his insects fly to Ila's arm. The Yellow stripped Insects bite into Ila and shortly afterwards the white ones do the same. "They're specialized insects.... The yellow stripped ones cause her to go numb..." Owen looked at Ila who would be affected by the bites in a few seconds. "The white ones cause sleep... I used three so that it works almost instantly..."

Owen stood up and went over to the medical cabinets for some more antiseptic and gauze. He also grabbed a container of Nectar to help the wounds close faster. He sat back down and got ready to get back to work once Ila was sedated. Owen looked down at the girl and was hoping an actual healer would be on there way to make this go faster for her.

Alexander James Fuller


Location: Campfire -> Infirmary | Interactions: @Starchan @Quiet Is Violent @Garnet @Bishop The Corgi @9forgotten

Alex was planting another kiss on the cheek of Ember when a panting Dianne ran up to them. Alex raised his brow at her, wondering what had the girl in such a rush before she spoke and he felt the cloud of worry come over him again. He quickly put Ember down, his heart aching for their moment to last longer, though he knew he shouldn't have left Ila alone like that. It happened so quick the two words 'Ila' and 'Infirmary' connecting in his mind causing him to instantly turn around into a mad dash.
"Thanks Dianne." was all he yelled back before he dipped through the infirmary.

Alex burst through the infirmary a frenzy in his eyes as he scanned the room for Ilabelle.
"Ila!" He shouted out to her before he spotted her little body, two boys perched over her body as well as bugs. "THE HELL?!?" He shouted out as the bugs hovered above her before some came down to bite her. Alex was quickly put into action, nudging past Owen and beginning to swat at the bugs. He didn't mean it in a disrespectful way, Alex just had no idea what the bugs were doing, adding to the fact that Ila already wasn't a big fan of bugs.

Alex felt himself glance back at the two boys a hand on Ila's shoulder.
"What happened? Do either of you know what you are doing? Medically I mean?" he said before turning back to Ila's body. (Not sure if the bugs have done their trick already before he swatted them or not) he leaned down to hug her trembling body, the feeling of failure looming over him again. "I'm here Ila, I promise you'll be alright."
Ilabelle Amora Darren

@Kingly @Bishop The Corgi @9forgotten

Ilabelle felt bugs biting Her and she hated it. She wanted it to stop. It didn't. Someone will stop it, right? Tav, Alex, anyone. It's not fair. It's just not. She's not supposed to be eaten by bugs. She's not supposed to die. Not now. It's not fair. Is Alex there? Ilabelle can't tell. She hears his voice but she doesn't really.

"Alex..." Ilabelle whispers almost longingly. Her fever started to climb again in response to the bug bite. "Alex you're okay, right?" Her voice is strained and cracking. Then her temperature reached 106.5. Her body was thrown into convulsions once more.

The seizure lasted a full minute. A full minute of agonizing muscle spasms. When she recovered, she was crying. She was tired, scared, and hurt. She looked at Alex pleadingly. "Don't go away, Alex..." She whispers so quietly it's barely audible. "Please don't leave me."
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Derrick Emerson

Mood: In love? | Location: Outside the Infirmary - to the Hades Cabin| With: Viella - then Elijah | Mentions : @Starchan @Nico

Derrick felt her hand reach his arm. "Today we do, apparently. " He said with a half smile then continuing. "We're just, uh, passionate." He tried to not think about his brother and sister getting hurt again, it would just bring down his mood. He knew that he had to turn his hurt into passion and suppress it till the time was right. This was how he deal with his emotions, he let them drive him to crush his enemies. Although sometimes his passion got him into situations without thinking first.

He was glad she agreed with him about going back to the cabin. "Back to my trusty steed!" He joked as they walked back in Phantoms direction. He helped her back on and then he got up himself. If it wasn't for his injury he would be fine to walk, but at this point, the less walking the better.

They started off in the direction of his cabin. They started to get closer and you could already see the green glow radiating from it. The cabin was black and constructed from marble. Torches that glowed green hell fire adorned the sides. The cabin always had an intimidating and ominous air about it, but Derrick just called it home. "Home sweet home" he said as they arrived. It was completely dark outside now, so he was glad they made it in time.

Derrick hopped of of Phantoms back, helping Viella down again. He walked a bit slower than usual and slightly bent over from the pain in his ribs. He wasn't letting it affect his mood how ever. He took Viella's hand, interlocking their fingers together. He walked through the door of the cabin. His brother Elijah was there, and also wrist deep in a cheese it box. Derrick's laugh bellowed out of him at his brother. "Glad to see you've fully recouped." He said with a raised eyebrow.

"This is my brother, Elijah." He said to Viella still holding her hand. "Eli, this is Viella." He said with big eyes hoping he would get the hint to not say anything embarrassing. His ribs decided to remind him to sit down by throbbing once more, he winced. "Okay, I might want to sit down." He said gritting his teeth. He was really trying to stay strong and impress Viella but he was going to fall down, if he didn't sit down.
Kaden Rune

Kaden sat with his back resting against Thalia's tree. His stamina had fully returned and the injuries he'd sustained slowly began to heal. He had changed out of his ripped and tattered clothes and now sported camo shorts with a black tank. The demigod also grabbed himself a pair of red converse since he couldn't find the black ones he had ditched during the fight. Bummer since those were his favorite pair.

The boy stared up at the night sky as a breezed played on his skin. It seemed so peaceful when only moments ago monsters had raged and caused so much death. The demigod clenched the sheathe that held his beloved blade. If he hadn't had such a hard time with those minotaurs, furies and hellhounds maybe he could have stopped a few casualties. Some child of war he was. He wondered what his father would have thought. He probably would've been disappointed.

With a heavy sigh, Kaden pulled a flip phone from his pocket. After getting to his feet, he walked a few feet away from the tree, making sure he was a good enough distance away from camp to have a good signal. He than punched in his mom's cell. After a day like this, he really needed to hear her voice. It always made him feel better when he was down in the dumps. After a few rings, it went to voicemail.

Now that was odd. When ever he called his mother, she always picked up. She would never miss a chance to talk to kaden, even if she was at work. He tried her number again and again it rung until the voicemail came on. Panic began to fill him. He tried dailing her work number. Nothing. No answer at all. Kaden began to become light headed. It wasn't like her to not be at work too. She loved her job. Something was wrong. He could feel it

The boy pocketed his flip phone and made and made his way back to the Ares cabin. He quickly packed his bag with a few clothes, snacks, dracmas and a few other neccesities. He looked at the picture of him and his mother she kept on his nightstand. He decided to put that in his bag too. Throwing the stuffed back pack over his shoulder, he headed out the cabin door. He hurried to the camp gate. Kaden took a moment to stare at the camp that had been attacked not so long ago. The chance of another attack was high but Kaden knew they'd do just fine. Its not like they needed him. No one would even notice he was gone. With War Ender in hand, the boy turned and started to make his way from the camp. He stopped at Thalia's pine to say a quick prayer, asking the gods to watch over the camp.

Then in the dead of night, he begain to walk down half blood hill. His destination was home. He had to make sure his mom was okay. She was after all, the most important thing in his life.
Josh DiMarchiatto

Location: Campfire | With: Rei


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-12_19-34-42.png.5fc1302657e0f987c9013cb050e1bc1c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124797" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-12_19-34-42.png.5fc1302657e0f987c9013cb050e1bc1c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Josh woke up just outside of camp. He was fine. Not injured. But he doesn't remember what happened. He heard the voice when he saw the monsters... And now he's waking up in the grass. Josh gets to his feet and smiles. Well, who cares? The monsters are gone. Josh walks into camp, a grin on his attractively dark features.

"Ahhh, a campfire..." the boy mutters, walking down to it. The warmth was comforting. He sat down on a log and held his hands out to warm them. He had to take off his gauntlet. Pointy. Just thinking of the name made him laugh. He was so good at entertaining himself.

From across the fire, Josh spotted Rei by herself. He smiled and walked over. "
Hey, Rei. What's up?" Josh greeted her, sitting down and looking at her sketches. "What are you drawing?"



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Felix Grant

Location: Camp Half-Blood | Mentions: Solaris Jackson

Felix's golden eyes narrowed while he watched the camp of demigods. He quickly deemed them all idiots, a serious prophecy was just told and they don't even seem to care. "Tch, why did Lady Nyx want anything to do with these brats?" He spoke to the raven on his shoulder who cawed in responce. His long coat brushed against leaves as he made his way down the hill. He made it past the patrol spots with ease, it was almost like they weren't even trying to do shit around here. Felix made a digusted sound as he stepped on the dirt in front of the Big House. He never wanted to come to this camp, he was quite happy working around for Hecate and Nyx and they taught him plenty.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and pulled out a notepad and wrote down something and handed it to Miri. "Take this to mother so she can send the word. Nyx's men have made it into the camp." he whispered to his faithful companion. As Miri flew into a nearby shadow a loud roar echoed through the night.

He noticed it as the Nemean Lion and he gave a slick grin. "Nice kitty, great appearance. Now, I'm sorry I have to send you back to Tartarus." he closed his eyes and when the opened them again, they were glowing purple. "Solaris, back me. Time to make kitty into dog chow." he laughed. Stretching his arms out he made a magical circle with the runes of Hecate and after some chanting a blast of fire shot from his circle and launched it at the monster.
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Ai Ferri

Mood:Tired/Loving | Location:In bed with a big baby|M:

Ai listened contentedly as Rais poured his heart out to him. Ai's heart skipped a beat when Rais finally and expressly professed his love for the older male. Ai wasn't yet quite ready to say that he loved him back,but before Ai could say anything Rais was wrapping his arms around Ai's waist and soundly fell asleep. "You big baby" he chuckled stealing a kiss from Rais' lips one more time before hearing the monstrous roar of a creature coming from the woods. Ai immediately shot up looking out the window trying to get a glimpse at hat was attacking the camp now...and all while trying his best not to wake up Rais

Solaris Jackson

Moo:Annoyed/Missing my baby| Location:Domesticating a kitty| M:

Solaris' golden Irises peered through the woods watching as the campers completely ignored the troubling prophecy that was just told to them. "Dumbasses" he said while on the lookout for a certain fifteen year old. Just as he'd spotted the Hades' cabin he heard the roar echoing through the woods. Solaris let out a depressing sigh as he jumped into the nearest shadow heading Felix's call. When Solaris emerged from the shadow at Felix' side he had already blasted the lion into the air with a fire bolt. "Perfect timing Felix" Solaris said grinning a malicious grin. Solaris produced his bow named angel. It was covered in pure white feather's which made it gleam in the moon's silver light. With the lion in the air and it's mouth gaping wide open Solaris pulled his bow back,the light from the moon forming itself into a silver arrow of light. "Moonlight Arrow" he whispered as he released the bow sending the arrow forward;The arrow found it's target immediately piercing through the lion's mouth and out the other side of it's body showering Felix and Solaris in monster dust and it's impervious pelt was left behind. "Did he actually think he had a chance against us?" he said confdiently his golden eyes glowing with a ferocious brightness
Viella Nyman

Loving/content/concerned|L:Riding on a hellhound-Hades cabin|W:Derrick, Phantom, Eli, and Ember|M: @Clementine @Nico @Starchan

"Passionate, huh? Sounds wonderful, don't you think?" Viella whispered, nudging him once again. She smiled at him as they walked towards Phantom, and she laughed when picked up again. "I don't think air travel is supposed to have beautiful pilots! Or knights have large hell hounds as steeds, my friend. Let's go then!" Her smile was warm and radiant, her cheeks aglow in the night sky. The moon shone on her just right, and for a split second, her very aura turned a bright red, fading just as fast as it came.

The two took off on Phantom once again, leaving behind a red feather on the ground. Viella was ready. As they travlled, the bright green glow of the Hades cabin could be seen from miles away. It was tantalizing, almost tempting to touch, but it was hellfire. Vi knew that, so she decided to stay away, despite the beauty. The cabin was ravishing, yet darker than night. Hades had good taste! Soon, she was taken off the hound and holding hands with Derrick, her cheeks even hotter than before. The small girl looked over at him and noticed the pain he was in, so she helped him through the door, to see a smaller boy digging into a box of cheezits. She giggled, waving a hand to say hello.
"Nice to meet you, Eli." Her first instinct when in there was to look around, but when she tried to scan, another child of Hades walked in. "So, lovebirds, welcome to Casa Del Death! Honey, enjoy the putrid smell, it's courtesy of Daddy-kins." She said, almost stomping to her room. "So, I take it that's your sister?" Viella asked, before sitting down with Derrick.

Rais Nyman

M:Content|L:In Ai's arms|W:Ai|M: @Angel Evans

Rais slept soundly for a small bit, but heard a noise in the distance. He stirred, waking up once more.

Ember Moreau

M:Loving-Disappointed|L:Outside campfire-Hades Cabin|W:Alex- Viella/Derrick/Eli|M:

@Kingly @Clementine @Nico @Starchan

As Alex put her down, Ember felt.. Jealous? No. Angry? No, she felt distraught. Like she was too open and loving, and right when she planned to do one good thing in her life, it walked right out. Sure, Ila was nice, but she was always hurt or in trouble, and that meant that their "Friendly Neighborhood Seaweed Head" had to go help her. The girl wasn't angry, just disappointed is all. Her mind was set on the Hades cabin with Alex, but still felt like going home and resting, maybe her brothers would be there too.

Once she made her way to the cabin, she saw her brother Derrick and his mystery girlfriend getting off of Phantom, and head into the cabin. Hopefully Eli was there, because Derrick could get a little handsy, if he was left alone. But, the boy never had a girlfriend in his life! She laughed, sneaking in behind them. "So, lovebirds, welcome to Casa Del Death! Honey, enjoy the putrid smell, it's courtesy of Daddy-kins." Ember remarked, heading to her side of the cabin, where they had built rooms. It was only her and her four brothers currently, so it was nice. While in her room, she changed into a pair of pajamas, and flopped down on her bed.

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Kora Blackfyre

Mood: Neutral | Location: Field near the campfire| With: A cute lil pup | Mentions : @Federoff

Kora had finally made it to camp, after Artemis sending her to spy for information. While she was going to play it off as being there to 'help protect the camp', she was really just there to recruit for Nyx's side. If Artemis was on Nyx's side, Kora was by default. She wasn't exactly looking forward to being with a bunch of kids, but there were still the up sides to it.

Valkyrie flew up above, tapping into her senses Kora saw that there was a bonfire up head, and most of the campers were still there. Perfect. She could get to the Artemis cabin, and start her mission in the morning. With that thought, Kora started her way towards the hunters cabin. While Artemis may not have any children, having a cabin for her hunters when they visited was always convenient. She didn't have much with her, just her bow and a small bag of things she might need.

As she walked she noticed a dog running her way, a husky in fact. How adorable. Kora had always been a animal lover, being a hunter and them being drawn to her was just a plus. "Hey pretty girl" she said getting down on one knee gesturing for it to come closer, and it did. She began to pet the dog and she smiled. She was awfully cute. "Well you're the cutest thing I've seen in a long while." She said with a smile as the dog licked her face.



Derek yelped as he was slapped by his sister, causing Nycanor to screech and whip his head around to glad at Constance."It wasn't my idea!" Rubbing his head with one hand, Derek stroked the gryphon's beak with the other. "It's okay, buddy. She wasn't hurting me." He promised, taking his sister's hand. "I will always be with you. If I had died, I guess you'd have to talk to one of the Underworld kids to talk to me. Of course...I'd have to find out uncle first." He shrugged softly. "Nothing will ever take me from you. I promise." What had compelled him to jump down the beast's throat? Hera... "It could have been someone we both know and despise. I don't know." Finally he addressed Vyseria, who had come up out of nowhere. "I must be very popular with the ladies today." he teased before Vyseria went on to criticize his plan. "No, that was pretty much my entire plan. That whole head slicing crap didn't work and I had to save my only home and the only family that I'm able to see."


Serena went off to investigate the explosion.
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Tashi Uttura


The young monk continued to chase after Starlight for a good solid minute before slowly coming to a halt a few yards from her when she saw someone interacting with her dog. She stopped to observe the situation, she trusted starlight's ability to tell good people from bad people so that didn't bother her that she was being very friendly to someone else; but it was the hair color of the girl. She was told by a few of the travels that some people around the world liked to "dye" their hair different colors, she didn't really know what to make of it. It was new, interesting, exciting. Growing up they were taught to accept their bodies for who they were and not to change them, so this was the first time she saw this to be true. It was a very strange world...

After watching for a while she decided to go up and confront the person, maybe they would be able to help her in her time of need? Tashi closed the gap between the three of them, coming forward with a gentle yet open smile at the scene between her affectionate dog, Starlight, and the stranger. "?????????????????" (tashi delek) Tashi greeted the foreign girl before setting down the strange bag given to her by that strange man just weeks ago. After a few moments of getting nothing but a confused look, it dawned upon her that she didn't know Tibetan; and that more then likely no one here spoke her native tongue. She chuckled lightly before speaking again, "Sorry, lets try this again. Hi, I'm Tashi and this is Starlight" she spoke in a gentle and soothing voice, the sound of pure peace in a sleepy valley as the night sky blanketed them. The young monk gave off a peaceful aura around he,r like that you would find at a temple, and just overall seemed to be a very serene person.

(Translation: Greetings/ Good Fortune)

Location: Field near Campfire

Mood: Memorized, Calm

With: Kora (@Clementine )


Samantha Rei and Octavian Blair Hawkins

Mood: Awkward, curious/Worried, confused|Location: Campfire/Big house (infirmary)|With/Mentions: Ila, Josh, Owen, Alex, Dianne @Quiet Is Violent @Bishop The Corgi @Kingly @Garnet

When Josh greeted her, Rei nearly fell off her perch. Looking up and giving a scowl over at the boy, she only shrugged faintly.
"Nothing really." she answered shortly, closing her book carefully and playing with her pen. She didn't know this guy well and in general had no real idea how to not come off rude. "What're you up to?" she questioned in return after a minute of thinking. Her attention was quickly pulled away from the sorta of conversation as a bright light lit up the sky and fire flew through the air, hitting something. Eyes darting around, she decided it'd come from near the Big House and wondered what was going on.

Turning back to Josh, she raised an eyebrow.
"Any clue what that was?" she asked promptly. Twisting her neck, she looked in the general direction curiously, wondering what it was. How she even noticed it in the first place was a wonder but then again she tended to see things farther away most people didn't spot. Well, that and it was pitch black and whatever was going on was lighting up the sky like a firebomb.

Meanwhile, Tav was still inside not sure what to do. He could only shake his head slightly and watch as Alex worked on getting Ila to calm down. Letting go of the hand he'd been holding, he ran a hand through his hair with a sigh.
"I dunno what to do. The bugs are medical, supposed to help her and such." He said as Alex demanded to know what was going on. The bugs Owen had put in had mostly all disappeared from what he could see but he had no clue what it was supposed to do. "I can go find someone to help Owen?" he questioned as a fireball whizzed past a window.

Glancing up, he blinked and stared at the window for a moment. He also briefly wondered where Dianna had disappeared to, maybe she was finding an Apollo kid to help out. Hopefully she was, he wasn't sure Alex would let Owen continue to try and do what he was doing and Tav was pretty useless when it came to extreme medical things. Turning back to Ila, he jut waited for someone to give him an order on the matter.
Clarissa Greene

Mood: At home | Location: The Campfire/Some distance away, heading towards the Big House | With: Jason | Mentions: @Nico (Felix) @Angel Evans (Solaris)

"Wait so it wasn't even Cat piss?" Clarissa laughed, pausing Jason halfway through his story to get clarification.

No that's the best part! He turned down the dare because he thought it was cat piss in the wine glass but he didn't even notice I had poured it into his pint, next round was his turn to down his pint and finished the damn thing before he even noticed." Jason explained through fits of laughter, his face twisted into a familiar smirk. Clarissa hadn't realised how much she had missed the outside world until her cousin reminded her of its existence. Now on her third cigarette she wondered how much it had changed being gone a year. Though she would probably find out soon, a prophecy usually meant a quest so her time left in the camp was limited.

Wait, where did you even get cat piss from?" Clarissa queried, equally amused by the story as it's narrator.

You know just headed down to my local Piss shop, they had a deal on." He spoke, his tone turning nonchalant as he seemed to inspect an invisible layer of dirt beneath his nails. Clarissa gave him a jab in the ribs which was met by a muffled groan.

Didn't see that coming huh Josie?" She teased, glad to have someone around to come out of her shell with. Jason went to return the favour before noticing the tight bandages wraped around the slender girl's ribs.

Woah you didn't tell me you were hurt in the fighting?" He said, somewhat agitated. Clarissa bit her lip, she had left that part out. The least she needed was someone else trying to help her when she didn't even need it.

It's just a couple broken ribs, nothing major." She dismissed, her large blue eyes falling away to the floor. "Besides Come morning it'll be fine, There are already many more people in the infirmary in more need of ambrosia and medical treatment than me." She reasoned. Though without the sun the pain of her injuries was taking its toll on her as her ribs were becoming increasingly sore. It was bearable though and there was no way she would let Jason catch on. She finished the end of the cigarette, it's dwindling embers biting at her finger tips with their heat. She decided a tour of the camp was in order, After all he would need to know where the Hermes cabin was at least.

She began to climb to her feet only to be helped up by Jason when he saw her struggling again. Being this powerless was exceedingly unnerving, especially as the shadows of the night crept forever forwards. It was only because of the sheer number of campers that surrounded her, all on high alert that prevented her from panicking. Not to mention Jason, whilst he had never been much of a fighter, he was no coward and she expected with his new abilities he was a force to be reckoned with. "
Come on I'll show y-" Clarissa started by before being interrupted by a piercing roar. She began to panic, not another attack already. They were too weak, still recovering. She didn't have enough energy to power a light bulb never mind fight a Minotaur. She turned to Jason, planning to warn him to run, but he was already gone, a smoking cigarette lying on the grass. She knew he would head towards the sounds of battle, this was all a game to him so far. Though Clarissa had told him of the bloodshed he had yet to experience it. He still wanted to play the damn hero. Clarissa cursed, throwing her cigarette butt onto the floor next to Jason's before grinding the both beneath her heel. She then turned and made her way towards the big house for the second time that day, the direction of the roar.

Jason Greene

Mood: Joyous/Pumped | Location: The Campfire/Some distance away, heading towards the Big House | With: Clarissa | Mentions
@Nico (Felix) @Angel Evans (Solaris)

As Jason talked to his cousin he began to think that perhaps life had done him a solid for once. She was a bit of a square compared to how she acted when he last saw her, she wheezed on her cigarettes like a fish gasping for air so he knew that they were her first few in a while. Still it was nice to have a friend again, and even more fun to have someone to reveal his adventures, correction, misadventures to. He was still unsure of the camp itself or even his place among the mythological world he now found himself in. It all seemed so bizarre yet it made sense... Bizarrely.

He was a little surprised to see her hurt, the battle itself sounded like something from a fantasy novel, a conflict in Narnia or some war from Middle-Earth. To see his cousin physically wounded made it real, and that mean people had really died. The revelation hit him hard, so much so that he couldn't think of a response to his cousin's claim that it was 'only a few broken ribs'. He was impressed however how well she was coping. He could tell she was in pain despite her best efforts. She always did this thing where she would chew on her bottom lip when she was hurt, she still did. Though that had been from stubbed toes or a nasty bruise, the way she was simply walking around and joking with broken ribs... It was impressive to say the least. Jason reminded himself not to get on her bad side any time soon. Not until he had mastered his abilities anyway. His cousin had explained her powers to him and frankly he was amazed, and annoyed. He had always wanted to fly.

Jason noticed Clarissa attempting to stand and swiftly moved behind her to help his injured cousin. Once they were both standing he listened to her begin to speak before she was interrupted by a colossal roar. The mere sound itself was enough to cause Jason's hairs to stand on end. Though it also flooded his system with adrenaline and drew a smirk on his face. It looks like it was a job for the world's fastest man! Making a mental note to rethink his self-appointed title Jason took off towards the sound, easily whistling past the trees and arriving in a clearing in front of a large building within seconds. His weapons were drawn, one sitting in each hand as he took in the scene before him. A lion, several times bigger than anything Jason had ever seen on the discovery channel faced off against two men, both staring back with equal intensity. Jason had planned on charging in to save the day but the sight of the creature rooted him to the spot as he looked on in awe. Though before the beast could even move, an attack each bought the beast to it's knees before disappearing in a shower of gold.

The fight was over before it had even begun and left Jason standing there for a dozen or so seconds, unsure of how to proceed. Though when in doubt, a few choice words always sort it out.

I mean... I would say that looked hard, but I would be Lion." He spoke, his voice full of a smug pride. Before either of the two could respond Clarissa arrived behind Jason just in time to shoot down his ego.

Gods that was terrible, comedy in my dad's thing, leave it at that. Though typical of you to make jokes whilst people are in danger." She groaned, half in pain from the pun, the other from the exertion of running with injured ribs. Jason turned to look at her and in the blink of an eye had sheathed his weapons and moved under Clarissa's shoulder to best support his cousin.

You know that was funny, besides these two kind gentleman have dealt with any immediate danger. Friends of yours?" He queried gesturing towards the two men. He felt Clarissa stiffen as she took in the appearance of the two people before them.

No... They're not, In fact I've never seen them before in my life. Who are you?!" She asked accusingly, trying to sound intimidating but flinching as the volume of her final words caused a sharp spike of pain in her chest. Jason caught on to her tone, his free hand cocked and ready to retrieve a sword from his back. Though he didn't much like his chances against the slayers of Roided up Simba.

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Josh DiMarchiatto

L: Near campfire W: Rei


Josh smiled cleverly at Rei. She was fiery. He liked that. Her scowl was slightly uncalled for, but Josh didn't mind. Why should he? He did sneak up on her after all. "What were you drawing? It looked quite good." Josh inquired, keeping's Rei's gaze until she looked away. "Me? I was just wandering. Woke up outside of camp, I don't really remember what I was doing there."

The flash in the distance caught Josh's eye. What was that? What happened? Rei was thinking the same thing, it appears. "I have no earthy idea." He mumbles, climbing down from the perch and starting to walk towards it. "Now, now, Josh" it was the voice. Josh stumbled a little bit. He felt faint. "Do you really want to find out?" Josh held a palm to his head, feeling very dizzy. Then he was gone.

Jo Dimarchiatto

Jo was grinning wildly. That was too easy. Josh really did obey its every command. It stood up straight, looked around, and saw Rei. "Ah, Rei. Would you like to come with me? It would be such a shame for you to let me go on my own." Jo's voice was like syrup, thick and sickly sweet. It ran a hand through its long brown hair with a sigh.
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Ai Ferri

M:Alert| L:Aphrodite Cabin/Campfire| W: @Starchan| M:
@Nico @Allcure

Ai was still intently looking out he window trying to find the source of the roar when he felt Rais stir under him and smiled. "Good you're awake" he said proudly immediately jumping out of bed. "It sounds like camp's being attacked again." Ai said as he stripped naked and began putting his gear on. "It's time to go lover boy" Ai announced as he zipped up his leather jacket and dashed out the door towards the campfire. When he got the there he was absolutely amazed. Firstly a child of Apollo just shadow travelled In front of his eyes,and second two demigods just defeated a Nemean lion in under 30 seconds. Ai looked to his left to see Clarissa and Jason on the scene as well. "Who are they?" He asked to the fellow campers and then turned to the two mysterious men one with bright golden eyes and the other with luminescent purple ones. "Who are you?" He asked again
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Rais Nyman

Confused|L:In Ai's arms-Outside|W:Ai, Felix, Solaris,Clarissa,Jason|M: @Angel Evans @Nico @Allcure

After Ai stripped his clothes and got changed, Rais changed back into his clothes from the day, and ran out brandishing his sword with no shoes on. As he exited, he followed his lover, intent on catching up. Once at the campfire, he skidded to a halt behind Ai, his body overshadowing the boy's with ease. There was a boy who could shadow travel, but Rais's eyes weren't on him. He glanced over the two new people, looking over their purple eyes and chocolate skin. They looked normal, but where they?
" So, tweedledum and tweedledee, who in tartarus are you? Everyone is dying to know." His eyes turned red after his last comment, but the Ares child didn't do anything.
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Felix Grant

With: Rais, Ai, Solaris, Jason, Clarissa, Eli | Mentions: @Angel Evans @Starchan @Allcure

Felix let out a chuckle "I think he saw two demigods and thought, ooh food." he shrugged. He knew he needed a shower after this, he has monster dust all over him. He noticed demigods were now starting to gather and he gave a smug grin "I'm Felix Emerson, Son of Hecate. I've been sent to talk to you demigods on Nyx' behalf." he moved forward to look at them sternly and the potions on his belts clanked. "Your 'Gods' aren't telling you everything. They don't want to deal with the situations that are happening so they are taking sides on who wants to wipe the world and who doesn't. Sure Nyx is behind all this but they cast the first stone." He said the last words with an airy breath and a laugh. "Some of your parents are already on Nyx's side." he smiled peacefully. He was going to continue but a blur past by and attached to Solaris. 'Oh so that's the boyfriend.' he mused to himself.

Eli Emerson

With: Derrick, Ember and Vi -> The group at the big house | Mentions: @Angel Evans @Starchan @Clementine

Eli gave a small smile and wave to Vi "Nice to meet you. Any friend of my big brother is a friend of mine." he said with a laugh. He watched his sister Ember or who he called Emmy walk into the cabin. He gave her a small tilt of the head "It smells like candy in here though." he said quizzically or maybe he was just blind to it. The massive roar shook the cabin they were lounging about in. He packed up his box quickly and grabbed his sword. "Not more attacks." he sighed before running to the sounds of battle. When he reached there he saw the monster rain dust over two people. One he didn't recognize but the other person made his heart flip in happiness and relief. He approach cautiously as he listened to the other talk. They were with Nyx, as the guy said, but that wasn't enough to break his awe. The one person he thought dead was standing in front of him "Sunshine?" he asked before he saw his face "Sunshine!" he gasped and ran forward and jumped on Solaris and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Why didn't you fucking IM me?" he said lightheartedly.
Constance Maria Grace

Mood: Curious| Location: Campfire| With: @Yuuki Kuran @Clementine

Constance forgave her brother for his bad decision. "Perhaps we should start being a little more aware of our 'Step-mother'." Constance used the word lightly. If anyone hated the Zeus children the most it was Hera. Constance smiled, greeting Vyseria as she walked over to the two. As her brother flirted away with Vyseria she let her thoughts wonder. What was going to happen to the campers now that the Fleece was gone. Constance had a very bad feeling something was coming there way. Suddenly there was a loud boom coming from the direction of the Big House. Perhaps the storm was already here. Constance quickly stood up looking in the direction of the boom. "Did you hear that?" Constance asked Derek and Vyseria.
Ai Ferri

M:Confused| Location:Campfire| M:
@Starchan @Nico

Ai couldn't help but think how sexy Rais was as he watched them interrogate the two suspicious boys. Ai took two steps forward when the purple eyed one explained everything. Ai was about to ask why Nyx would want to save the earth,but his question was interrupted by a small pale boy latching on to the much larger chocolate skinned boy. "Eli,why are you do-" Ai's eyes widened in realization. "Solaris?!" he exclaimed recognizing the boy as Eli's boyfriend for the past few month's. Ai grabbed Rais' hand as if to silently tell him to back off. Ai watched the two of them go at it and in true son of aphrodite fashion just knew that he couldn't let those two beat him. Ai turned to Rais looking up at him with those multicolored eyes of his. "Hey Rais,kiss me just like that" he sad his voice emitting an oddly alluring tone the charmspeak had already begun to work it's magic

Solaris Jackson

M:Ecstatic| Location:Campfire

Solaris was wiping the monster dust off of his clothes as Felix explained why they were here at camp. "and my name's Solaris Jackson son of apollo And we're here to gath-" Solaris' continuation of Felix' speech was cut off by someone saying Sunshine. There was only one person on this planet that called him sunshine,and before he could react Eli was already wrapping his arms around his neck. "Elijah!!!!" he exclaimed happily as he twirled him and his boyfriend around in a joyful circle. Solaris placed Eli on his feet and cupped his face leaning in for a well deserved and passion filled 'I've missed you kiss' The couple seemed to stand in the middle of the circle of spectators kissing for what seemed like hours even though it was only for about five minutes. When the two of them came apart Solaris stared at Eli with those golden globes of his admiring the person he loved. "I didn't IM you because I knew as soon as you told me that you missed me I'd come running back" he said honestly rubbing small circles on the backs of Elijah's hands
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  • f56ee350e3405c4425fac97830e052cc.png

    Derrick Emerson

    Mood: Tired/Happy- Livid/Murderous | Location: Hades Cabin- Campfire| With: Viella, Elijah, Ember- Felix, Solaris and everyone else | Mentions : @Starchan @Nico @Angel Evans

    Derrick smiled as his siblings took a liking to Viella. He certainly had. "And that would be Ember." He said with a smile, while rolling his eyes. Derrick was finally sitting down, when he heard a mighty roar come from outside. What the hell could that be? Perhaps the camp was being attacked again. Derrick sighed. By the time he stood, Elijah had ran out the door before them. Derrick looked to Viella. "Let's go see what this is all about." He said standing again. He was just going to grit threw the pain because it seemed like he wasn't getting off his feet any time soon.

    Jumping on to the back of his dire wolf again, the two of them rode back to where they had just met, this time without the bull. Unfortunately, to a much worse scene in Derricks opinion. Two boys stood, covered in golden dust, announcing that they worked for Nyx. Derricks blood began to boil, his eyes glowed bright with hellfire as his body pulsed with rage. His ribs were no longer bothering him. He wanted blood. He slung himself off of the back of his wolf and marched himself towards the scene. Swords still sheathed, for now.

    Once closer, Derrick was horrified. Solaris, Elijah's boyfriend that Derrick had never approved of and absolutely despised, he was a traitor. He was working with Nyx and he had his beloved brother in his arms. This was the breaking point for Derrick. Breaking through the crowd, Derrick met the three of them. Standing in front of them, his very presence was frightening. Derrick, usually a happy sight to see had been transformed into the embodiment of anger. "
    Elijah. Come. Here. NOW." He said every word so cold and powerful, like a sword cutting through the air dividing them. He was not going to be defied or he was going to pry his brother from Solaris's dead arms.

    He got very close to the traitorous pair. "
    My brother nearly died today." He said directly into Solaris's eyes. "ELIJAH NEARLY DIED" he repeated, raising his voice into a roar, eyes burning green out of his skull. "Your brothers, sisters and cousins ALL nearly died today." He continued. "And you have the audacity to come to our camp and preach about the bitch that compromised the safety our whole camp!" He spoke each word ever more powerful than the next.

    His demeanor calmed eerily. The whole camp was silent now after his spectacle. "
    If a war is what you want. A war is what you've got." He spoke to the two of them leading up to his true intention, he continued.

    And now you're our prisoners of war."

    With that he out reached both of his arms blasting them both with hellfire.

    TAKE THEM! BIND THEM! WE'RE TAKING BACK OUR CAMP!" he commanded to the other campers to jump in and take the traitors captive.

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Dianne Percival

Location: Campfire / Mentions: I really don't know

Alex ran off to see Ila and left Ember standing by herself. Probably a blow to their relationship. Dianne shot Ember a look of sympathy before heading back to the infirmary herself. But her short journey was interrupted by a loud roar from the other side of the campfire. Freaking again? We JUST did this. She grumbled irritably and diverted her course to the sound.

Dianne arrived at the scene soon enough to hear what the apparent 'traitors' had to say. She didn't think she had met the blue haired one but the other one looked familiar. As the boys revealed their allegiance to Nyx, she felt her blood boil with undiminished rage. She betrayed no anger on the outside but was fuming internally. Who the hell do they think they are? Wipe those traitorous grins off your faces, you back-stabbers, or we'll do it for you. In fact we'll be more than happy to wipe those egoistic heads clean off your necks. She thought, gritting her teeth.

As if the anger wasn't enough, Dianne's heart did a flip when Elijah threw himself into the arms of the familiar looking one, exclaiming 'Sunshine'. It was then that Dianne realised Solaris had returned. Her fiery anger was replaced by a deep sense of worry for Eli. The poor boy was almost killed by the enemy today and now his boyfriend is on their side.

Derrick gave his speech, commanding the demigods to capture the two. The small crowd gathered around the scene charged forwards, weapons in the air and anger in their cries. But Dianne stayed behind. This is too easy. Too easy. She put her arm to her side to stop a demigod from rushing forwards.

"Don't." She told them simply.

This may as well be a trap. Or an ambush. Or maybe they want to be captured.... Or maybe I'm wrong. Dianne went through as many possible scenarios in her head but there really isn't any other option other to wait and see.
Viella Nyman

Confused/Impressed/Frustrated|L:At the campfire|W:Derrick, Ai, Rais, and others|M: @Clementine @Angel Evans @Allcure @Nico @Garnet

Viella wasn't the most impressed at the sudden leave of the cabin, she actually really liked the atmosphere and the siblings of Derrick, why couldn't she stay there? The girl sat behind Derrick as they mounted Phantom once again, making their way back to the campfire, where a crowd of demigods stand. There were two in the middle, seemingly new, surrounded by a half circle of others. As her eyes glanced around, she saw a faint, then suddenly bright green light come from Derrick's eyes. His body seemed to feel new, as he jumped off of the wolf, swords unsheathed. He was pretty hot, mainly because of the flames. He walked up to the new individuals, one now embracing.. Eli? To get a closer look, Viella jumped off of Phantom. She gave a nod to the wolf and followed after Derrick, who seemed to get VERY angry at the situation. She heard most of what everyone was saying, but mostly payed attention on her Hades crush and the followers of night.

Suddenly, there was a burst of hellfire, and the newbies were prisoners. Vi ran up to Derrick, who was now leading the capture, and placed her hand on his back. It was gentle, but what she was about to do wasn't. "So, I hear these boys are working for Nyx.. Am I correct?" She asked, stepping forward. "There is a war, which was started by ALL THE GODS. We aren't about to drag our whole camp into this, boys, so I have a favor to ask. Take me to Nyx." In that moment, Viella felt a warm glow rise over her, embracing her in a toasty hug. Maybe she should have waited for them to be captured, but she needed to act fast.

Rais Nyman

M:Extremely Angry/Confused|L:At the campfire|W:Derrick, Ai, Viella, and others|M: @Clementine @Angel Evans @Allcure @Nico @Garnet

Rais looked at the new people, then to Ai who looked even better than he did before. There was an essence, a warmth, coming from Ai which spilled over onto the Ares boy. It was a long time since he'd felt the feeling, the hot, numbing sensation, almost like hypothermia.It took his body over completely, wrapping it's way around his heart, tugging at the very sinews like a puppet. It was like a summer's day times 6, the warmth was that unbearable. Rais began to snake his arms around Ai's waist, wrapping around the boy with gentleness. As Rais leaned in, he looked into Ai's now slightly pink eyes, he saw the eyes of his lover, a warrior at heart who had the greatest power of all; love. Rais knew he loved the Aphrodite child, and would do anything for him, but wouldn't do anyone's bidding. The chains of the spell broke as the lightbulb in his head went off, his smile appearing. His own eyes flashed a crimson colour, as he looked into the other's once again. "I know what you're trying to do. You just should have asked, babe." He said, before kissing the boy with force. The fireworks could be felt tenfold, them popping in every direction, filling the world with colour.

Rais let go of his boyfriend unwillingly, keeping one arm at his waist as he turned to hear a very familiar voice. It was his twin, Viella. As she got closer, he could see the similarities, and smiled at her. He'd waited a long time for her to come around, and now his life was complete. But, what she said made his heart drop. She asked to go to Nyx, of all people, she was going to kill herself. Rais stood up straight and looked down at her. The words in his mouth turned to cotton as she spoke, his tongue a piece of lead.

Ember Moreau

M:Sad/Distraught/Impressed|L:Hades cabin->At the campfire|W:Derrick, Ai, Rais,Eli and others|M: @Clementine @Angel Evans @Allcure @Nico @Garnet

After Ember left to the Hades cabin, she began to fester. In anger, jealousy, sorrow, and sadness. The lone Hades child did not weep though, for her mother was dead and could always be brought back. But would that be fair? Would her mother enjoy life a second time? There were a series of loud noises from a ways away, which shook Ember from her thoughts. The girl quickly got redressed in her clothes from the day and grabbed her bident, running out the Hades cabin door. She didn't close it, but when she looked back, it was shut. The girl was a blur in the dark, looking like a shadow, and suddenly, she was; appearing at Derrick's side at the campfire.

"And now you're our prisoners of war." She heard her brother yell, telling everyone to bind and practically take hostage the new arrivals at camp. A tall chocolate skinned male who's aura was golden, and a smaller child with purple hair and eyes who was just shrouded in darkness. As the shadows clipped at her feet, she could definitely feel the presence of Nyx, a goddess whom she didn't want to tangle with again. She glanced to her brother, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Is this really necessary, Der?" The Hades child was cut off once again, when a fiery little sprite walked up to the party, asking the traitors to send her to Nyx. She cocked an eyebrow, her grimace turning into a smirk.
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She smiled at Kora when she extended a hand in greeting, mirroring her with her own hand, "Starlight likes you too" Tashi replied calmly before pausing and adding "I like your hair, it's really pretty Kora" There was an awkward silence between the two for a few minutes before, quite suddenly, the sounds of roaring came from the distance. The orange haired girl quickly gave a confused look before running off in the direction it originated in, leaving Tashi just staring at Starlight for a few moments. She nodded to her companion before picking up her bag and the two following the girl, arriving way after the fight. On the ground was some sort of giant cat, dead. People were attacking each other in the distance, and she heard something about prisoners, war, and death. Her eyes widened with sorrow, what was happening? What had she arrived to? All these question and more were running through her head as she trailed up behind Kora, coming to a complete stop. "What is going on?" she asked softly to Kora, the only person she knew at this camp despite just now meeting her moments ago. Hopefully the girl could explain to the young and naive monk what was going on.

Location: Fields near the Campfire

Mood: Happy/ Excited -> Confused/sorrowful

With: Kora (@Clementine )


Owen Rydian

Mood: Annoyed -> Angered

Location: Infirmary

With: Ilabelle, Alex, Tav @Quiet Is Violent @Kingly @9forgotten

Owen was annoyed at Alex's question... He was more annoyed that he killed his insects. Owen visibly winced in pain as Alex swatted and killed a few of his insects. "They... Were to stop her from struggling... " Owen said as he got up to rummage through the camp supplies "They were going to put her to sleep and numb her... Now she's seizing up and Im in pain." He continued rummaging through the medical supplies. "And for the record. Yes i know what i'm doing... Ive done this before. Im a son of Apollo." Owen Slammed the cabinet door. "Why do they not have more medical crap here!" He said loudly as he walked over to the front window. "Where are the other heale-" Owen stopped and opened the door to the infirmary to look outside. He closed the door and walked back over to Ila and the others. "Somethings going on near the border..." He said as he unscrewed the cap off the nectar thermos. "Tav can you go check it out?" He gently poured some nectar into Ila's mouth, avoiding getting too close for her to bite him again. "Maybe grab an actual healer or something while i try to do things." He said as he started pacing, thinking about how to continue.
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