Brother's Grim Academy


Here is the character list, if you are interested/want to give me more characters comment please ^^

Headmistress Neferet Uka-ra Dredd (evil queen)-

Vice principle Sugareyes Moonbud (fairy godmother)- @RebelliousTeddyBear

Granny (teacher)-

Lil' Red- @Isabella

Wolf- @Idyllia


Pig 1-

Pig 2-

Pig 3-


Gretel- @RebelliousTeddyBear

Sleeping Beauty- @Listette

Prince 1-

Maleficent (teacher)-

Snow White- @EternalMusic

Dawrf 1 (security)-

Dwarf 2 (teacher)-

Dwarf 3 (security)-

Dwarf 4 (teacher)-

Dwarf 5 (security)-

Dwarf 6 (teacher)-

Dwarf 7 (security)-

Prince 2-

Alice- @Fandoms4Ever

Mad Hatter- @MrLlama

March Hare-

White Rabbit (teacher)- @Sigismund

Cheshire Cat- @Peachypants


Red Queen (teacher)-

Cinderella- @Sea

Bipidibopidiboo (teacher)-

Prince 3-

Rapunzel- @Hi Im Red

Prince 4-


Frog Prince-


Beast- @Cuddly Kraken

Rumplestiltskin- @IllusiveShade

Miller's daughter- @Mikailgirl

Jack- . @IllusiveShade

Giant (teacher)-

Dragon (mascot)- @Sigismund

Ariel- @Cuddly Kraken




Sebastian (teacher)-


Character sheet










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Name: Alice

Age: 16

Character: Alice

Personality: Alice is amused easily, so she is rather easy to trick. She is a adventurer, and rather shy went it comes to meeting new people. She is very peaceful and is scared rather easily, but not to much.

Height:5' 5"

Weight: 130 pounds (I have no idea what is normal)


Likes: Flowers, nice people, picture books, art

Dislikes: Mean people, being bored, older sisters

Picture: Is above!


Ryker Wolf




The Big Bad Wolf


Ryker is clever and cunning. He can persuade a lot of people to do as he wishes. He's also very ambitious, if he wants to do something, he WILL do it. No matter how many tries it takes. There is a bad boy side of him though. He's hot-headed, acting on impulse. If you pick a fight with him, he will fight you. He's very cold-hearted and rude. When he's nice, he's just acting. Beware of the Big Bad Wolf.






Wears a jacket most of the time, a button up white shirt or any black shirt. He has messy black hair and hazel eyes.


Food, Wolves, Hanging out with friends, Causing Trouble, Poems (secretly), Halloween


Overly nice people, annoying people, books, small annoying children




Eloise Charter






Eloise is rebellious, a go-getter. She is naturally, initially a goody-two shoes who dislikes leaving the boundaries of rules and circumstances. However, she follows her emotions and ends up breaking rules. She does what she wants, though usually doesn't have bad intentions involved. She is exceptionally empathetic and easily slips into someone else's shoes. She is stubborn and doesn't get ashamed of what she's doing if she believes it's right. In fact, she doesn't really get embarrassed at all. She is humble and independent, and has a low ego. She despises making big choices by herself and likes to go with the flow. She's clever and intelligent, with a subtle charm that slowly wraps you in. She is naive and believes in second chances.




110 lbs




  • Tea
  • Keeping busy
  • Chess
  • Games
  • Painting


  • Coffee
  • Checkers
  • Boredom
  • Not being able to do anything
  • Sports

Belle Chandler.






Belle is smart girl who refuses to be mistreated, undermined, humiliated, demeaned or controlled by any man. But of course she always listens to her father who she loves and respects. She doesn't really care how other people think of her and she doesn't really pay much attention to her appearance. But she absolutely hates it if people only like her for her appearance. She likes to spend her alone time reading books in the library, books that she most of the time already have read. Because she's so smart people often describe her as odd, but like I said she doesn't mind.




124,7 pound.



Books, libraries, big gardens, small houses, fireplaces, strategy board games.

Dislikes: Shallow and rude people, not having the freedom to stand and go where she wants to go.
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Name: Rose Buttons

Age: 16

Character: Sleeping Beauty

Personality: Rose is the laziest girl your can find out there. If she absolutely doesn't have to do it, she doesn't. She can be a great and a loyal friend when she get the power to crawl out from her bed and actually do something productive, like making friends. She likes to be with a small group of friends and just chill, she gets easily anxious if she has to be in front of many people. To put it short: she is anti-social and likes it.

She comes as a carefree and laid back person who doesn't care what people say and just takes everything positively. But in reality she is a hopeless romantic who is waiting for the One, she is just too scared (and lazy) to go and find him/her herself.

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Appearance: She has a platinum blonde hair that covers her shoulders and greeny grey colored eyes. She wears comfortable clothing made without child labor. She keeps her hair open or in a messy bun when she needs it out of her way. She also has reading glasses but doesn't wear them often, it's too much work for her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9f52a1e_Sleepingbeauty.jpg.1490518fd5b912e7fc18ba2c0a6f6d69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9f52a1e_Sleepingbeauty.jpg.1490518fd5b912e7fc18ba2c0a6f6d69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









-people who cause commotion



  • Sleeping beauty.jpg
    Sleeping beauty.jpg
    5.2 KB · Views: 149

If you haven't seen it yet I added the picture of how she looks like. I hope it's okay.

Oh and I changed a little thing about what she likes and doesn't like, strategy board games stands by like now :) .

P.s. I added a last name :) .
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Character sheet

Name: Samuel Tanner

Age: 16

Character: Mad Hatter

Personality: Samuel was found to be quite the odd person. In normal situations he's just like any other teenager. Nothing too special about him other than his love for his top hot. That quickly changes, though, when he's put into emotional positions. If he feels anxious, mad, sad, maybe even a little romantic occasionally, his inner self starts to show itself to the world. Gibberish, eye twitches, blank stares, and odd dances are some of these things pouring out. He is quite kind to those he knows and stands up for others. Following somebody else's rules aren't exactly an enjoyment to him, he prefers to do things his own way. On the inside he talks to himself here and there, though he sees it more as another persona. This persona goes a little beyond simple chit-chat and can affect how he feels or 'force' him to do things he doesn't want to.

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 138

*(Sorry that this is so massive. o-o and minus the cat.)

Likes: Top hats, acting, having tea at the same time every day, art, anything that can keep him entertained, writing, dressing in a more 'Shakespearean' sense, and dancing.

Dislikes: Missing his tea time, those who try to imply their rules on everyone (With a few exceptions.), sports, the color black even though he wears that often, and flamingos.
Name: Emma gold

Age: 16

Character: Miller's daughter

Personality: Emma is a hardworking and steadfast girl with good head on her shoulders and a good heart. She hate liars and will call people out on their lies. She a very helpful girl and will try her best to help anyone even if it seem impossible. She a bit of a crybaby but tries to suck it up. She loves having friends and she a social butterfly, she quick to get sad but just as fast to bounce back and be happy. She dreams of leaving her father mill and making it big somewhere else, maybe weaving will be her big chance.


Weight: 100 lbs












Name: Cicero Temuriel

Age: 17

Character: cheshire cat

Personality: Think of Cicero as a kind of childish, michevious person. He often play pranks and such on everyone as well as just acting really annoying. His pranks are harmless, but can be kind of irritating. Cicero is, despite his personality, a very smart and well mannered guy when needed. He can be serious and when he is, he get's really clever and fast thinking. Yo might not like him at first, but once you get to know him he's a really good guy. Also, he cares about his family and friends more than anything and would do anything to help a comrade.

Height: 5.9"

Weight: 152 lbs




Sour candy

Friends, Family






Way to serious people


Overly rich people



When it's too silent

@Mikailgirl I love it you're in

@Peachypants do you know anyone who likes licorice? You're in 
Name: Izzy Hood

Age: 16

Character: Red Riding Hood

Personality: Izzy is a shy girl when she meets people, other than that she is a nice girl with a sense of going to the forest instead of school. Though she looks nice, like most people she has a dark side. Besides hopping from foster homes, she has a short temper that can ignite if someone hurts her friends or loved ones, but it never happened yet.

Height: 5'3

Weight: 123llb

Appearance: She has golden blonde hair that is naturally curled, but getting it from her parents that she doesn't know who they are, she straightens it every morning. She keeps her hair down but pulls it up in a ponytail for gym. Her eyes are darker than the ocean water.

Likes: Reading (a bit), walking in forests, rock music

Dislikes: school, annoying people that won't stop talking, buildings in the city/buildings without at least a real plant

(I wanted to make one because I feel like you people won't know how my character will be like if I didn't make it and she's my profile pic) 
@MrLlama a whole bunch of people I know in real life hate licorice but I am sorry if I offended anyone I didn't mean it to be harsh or disrespectful
Name: Leveret O'Hare

Age: 27

Character: The White Rabbit

Personality: Extremly punctual, Leveret rarely misses any appointments or meetings. Leveret is an interesting teacher, at times he would have fun with the students and have a relaxed lesson, but at other times he would probably be one of the worst teachers in the eyes of students, pushing them to their limits on knowledge and giving them many hours of work. It all depends on whose late or not, tic toc goes the clock for the students. To the other teachers Leveret shows a much friendlier side, trying to help them if they need anything but his punctuality still stays. If another teacher is going to be late for their class, Leveret wouldn't bat a eye in telling them about it. But truly in the end Leveret is a friendly and out-going guy, he is always there when one needs him, and he will always try and keep up with set times. So truly in the end. If anyone needs a hand, Leveret is willing to give two.

Height: 6'4

Weight: 190

Appearance: The ears are there and he is rarely seen without any sort of watch.

Even the cane he carries for no real reason has a built in pocket. The most common pocket watch other see him with is his heart-shaped silver watch and the big bronze clock which he surprisingly walks around with as a sort of satchel.



Yes the bronze key is also there.

Likes: Watches, time, books, study, history, coffee.

Dislikes: Doesn't like tardiness, people(Mainly students.) Who doesn't respect him..

People who can't take a joke once in a while.

Teaching Subjects: English, History and Science. Basically anything practical to a normal school.

He does have special tutoring for those who sign up as watchmakering and ethics.
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Name: Adam Garvan

Age: 17

Character: The Beast

Personality: Adam is a more reserved person, with a quick temper. He has a hard time expressing himself, but still tries, and he doesn't bother to hide his feelings from people. He doesn't always think before speaking and acting, so he can come off as rude or arrogant, but he really does care about other people. He doesn't know his own strength so he tends to not be a very physical person, except in sports of course. Small spaces make him uncomfortable because he thinks he's going to break something or knock into someone and hurt them.

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 190 lbs



Likes: Ballroom dancing(though that's something that he hides), bantering, roses, animals, clocks and candles, tea

Dislikes: Being proven wrong, being tricked or provoked, people hurting those he cares about, arrogance, crowds or small places (but not to the point of claustrophobia. he's just rather uncomfortable)

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