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Fantasy Broken I bow to the Beast inside

He frowned and shrugged. “Seemed not important when her life was in danger… and when we were trying to work out how to get you back…. Joe you didn’t hear the scream when that bitch took you… it was bad.” He told him

He chuckled and followed her carefully, rolling her eyes. “Babe it’s filthy back here… and the kids are gonna know what we did.” He grumbled but obliged anyway.
Joseph frowned deeply but gave a small nod sipping at his drink "I'm not pissed....upset it happened this way, but I should have said something sooner." He murmured running a hand over his face "She says she is getting better, I keep feeling her slipping though."

Max laughed happily and pulled him close "Shhh no one will know anything and fuck it if they do." She murmured before getting down. She came back to the house with him a few hours later "You are so handsome."
He frowned and shook his head. “It’s been a reallly rough year man… it might take a while for her to bounce back.” He explained. “Has she worked it out that she’s gonna get old without you?” He asked him frowning some.

He chuckled quietly and kissed her head. “Oh now you tell me. After we fuck behind waterfall.” He teased her, holding the door open and following her inside.
Joseph shrugged some "Not sure yet, but she doesn't need to worry about it right now." He murmured yawning some while he made a quick sandwhich

Max nodded and laughed some "But of course." She said as she walked in. She waved to Charlie and Joseph before taking Serge's hand "Should I introduce myself properly to him?" She asked quietly when she noticed Joseph watching them as they walked
He nodded and nudged her over there. “Yes. He’s your alpha now he’s back,” he pointed out.

Carmen had woken up and got bored, getting up carefully and leaning on the wall as she made her way down to the lounge to get something to eat, smiling a little at the sight of Joseph taking back his natural position.
Max gave a small nod and made her way over to him. He was definitely more intimidating than anyone else and she had this feeling of submission towards him almost "Hi...I'm Maxine, Serge's mate...I go by Max." She said softly shaking his hand.

Joseph used his alpha presence against the new girl listening to her some. He gave a small nod and shook her hand before he let his guard down just a bit smiling at her "Hello Max, its a pleasure. I'm glad Serge was able to find his mate." He said softly before letting them go off.
She shuffled over to him and stood next to him, leaning on the counter. “Don’t try and scare her.” She scolded lightly her legs shaking as she struggled to stay standing.

Serge nodded to him in thanks and took her upstairs to go take a shower and get settled on his couch.
Joseph jumped a little when he heard Carmen's voice but chuckled softly. He helped her stand and got her to a chair "I gotta show her who I am." He teased

Max got a shower as well before cuddling up to him in bed "Mmm you wanna watch a movie?" She asked tangling her legs with his
She smiled and nodded. “Righg….. super intimidating…. When you lick peoples hands.” She teased him.

He just nodded and held her close, kissing her head and playing with her hair a little. “You pick what you like. French subtitles please.”
Joseph let out a hearty laugh at that "Hey, she doesn't know that." He said before giving her a quick peck on the lips "You want something to eat?"

Max gave a small nod and picked something out making sure to have the subtitles on for him "Are you okay?"
He nodded and smiled tiredly at her, “perfect.” He murmured just holding her close and resting his head back while he watched with her.

She nodded and yawned a little, taking his plate. “Thank you.” She giggled when she saw him roll his eyes, taking a few bites before frowning. “You can have this back,,,. You put normal cheese in it… you’ve condemned yourself if I eat this.” She pointed out
Joseph gave a laugh and nodded "Well I didn't make it for you! Or then I would have put your fake cheese on it." He said before taking his food back "Now, would you like a sandwhich for you?"

Max smiled happily staying close to him for the rest of the night before eventually falling asleep
She just nodded. “You should be making all your food for me.” She teased him quietly.

Serge dropped off at the end of the movie and slipped into the first nightmare he’d had in years
Joseph sat across from her and chuckled softly "You are beautiful." He murmured stroking her cheek before he started to eat

Max frowned softly when she felt him starting to move around gasping when he started thrashing on the bed and made her fall out
he woke with a jolt shortly after at the sound of a shot, sitting bolt upright and panting heavily with a yell.

She smiled a little and ate with him. “Mmm you’re kinda pretty yourself.” She winked at him.
Max got up from the floor and scuried back into bed with him "Serge? Its okay, hey hey its okay." She said trying to get him calmed down "Take deep breaths baby okay?"

Joseph chuckled making a little funny face at her before he finished up. He cleaned off their plates then helped her back up frowning when he heard a yell from Serge's room. He raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off thinking they would get him if it was serious enough.
She got up there with him, breathing a little heavy but soon settled once she was in bed watching him get ready. “You know… if you’re gentle… we could have a little fun.” She smiled wiggling her eyebrows

He looked up at her and just nodded, eventually steadying himself enough. “Okay… okay.” He mumbled, gripping at her hands and then just lay back and went straight back to sleep. It was more like a night terror after all.
Joseph looked at her with a bit of a concerned face "I don't want to hurt you....plus I'm not sure if I could contain myself." He admits before laying with her

Max frowned deeply as he fell back to sleep. She stayed awake for a little while later watching him, but she too eventually fell asleep.
She nodded and leaned into him. “Alright. I don’t think I can hold out much longer though.” She pointed out.l, oblivious to how Joe could feel her constantly going up and down.

He woke up early in the morning after another few nightmares, stepping out onto the balcony and staring out at the town at the base of the valley, yearning to be among people again.
Joseph gave a small nod and sighed softly cuddling her close to him "I love you beautiful." He whispered feeling her start to go down some

Max woke up early when you felt him stirring again. She got up and went to the balcony wrapping her arms around him "Talk to me baby."
She smiled tiredly and gave his hand a squeeze. “I love you too. My favorite old man.” She murmured, drifting off for the night and waking up feeling a little better, managing the bathroom on her own and getting back into bed, just laying with him quietly again and watching him sleep.

He frowned and just lay an arm over hers. “Mmm… just bad dreams.” He mumbled frowning and turned to face her, holding her tighter.
Joseph slept peacefully that night, for the first time in a long time. He grumbled quietly before he opened one eye the next morning "Ya know a picture would last longer." He mumbled before rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Max nodded softly but frowned when he squeezed her tighter "What happened? In your dreams?" He asked softly
He frowned. “Fire. Screaming… chaos… blood… a place I want to forget.” He mumbled frowning.

Carmen giggled a little and scrunched her nose up. “I know but I like creeping on you… and I like having you home again.” She murmured.
Max frowned more as she listened to him "Alright baby....lets just get some breakfast okay?" She said softly

Joseph laughed lightly and kissed her gently "God I have missed you." He said quietly
She smiled and sat up a little. “I got to the bathroom this morning and back on my own. Maybe you wanna help me take a walk round the yard today?” She suggested.

He nodded slowly and got up with her, heading downstairs and picking up a plate, going to sit in the lounge with her, eating quietly. “Do you have a passport here?” He asked her a little absentmindedly

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