Brittany Hendricks (alumnus) [Fight or Flight]


Moon Pie Maven
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Brittany_originalcrop.jpg.6d6b6d0bf5583c4c4e543e656194b280.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29139" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Brittany_originalcrop.jpg.6d6b6d0bf5583c4c4e543e656194b280.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Brittany (Britt, Bree) Hendricks

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Appearance Notes: Brittany stands 5'7" tall and weighs around 135#. She has straight, long dark brown hair that is usually tied up in a ponytail, with barrettes, headbands or whatever. She loves hair accessories and is always wearing something in her hair. Brittany has no tattoos or other discerning marks. She has deep, green eyes and a svelte figure. Brittany carries an air of grace and elegance about her and is often well dressed. She likes to look pretty without trying to be eye-candy.

Personality: Brittany has a gentle and caring soul. She seems to see the good in just about everyone and sincerely wishes to help anyone in anyway that she is able. Brittany is polite, almost to a fault, and steadfastly loyal. She trusts fairly easily, but is not completely naive. Brittany is a big defender of personal space and respecting one's privacy.

: Telepathy (mental communication via thought/image projection; very limited mind reading – surface thoughts)

Limitations: Brittany's telepathy requires her to have a line of sight to her target. If that line is broken or the target is otherwise concealed or hidden, she loses touch with it. Her telepathy extends to a maximum distance of thirty yards (about 27 meters) and the farther the target, the more difficult it is for her to communicate with it. Prolonged use of her talent, against unwilling targets, will fatigue her greatly. Brittany can only concentrate on one target at a time and the initial contact with any target takes several seconds (is not instantaneous). Also, the target can sense the contact and although he/she may not know from where it originates, they can take measures to try to hide and break the contact. Stronger willed individuals can also force-break the contact which would cause both Brittany and the target a significantly strong headache for a period of time (30-90 minutes) during which Brittany would struggle to make any additional contact attempts.

Drawbacks: Brittany was born mute, so she cannot speak. Telepathy is the only way she can communicate other than by the written word. Brittany's irises also change to a silver color when she is using her talent with either a willing or unwilling target. Brittany must constantly shut out stray thoughts around her, so she doesn't manage well with very large crowds as the effort easily fatigues her.

Preferred Tactic: Confuse target by issuing conflicting thoughts in their mind, or to make them think they see what isn't there.

Background: Brittany (she also goes by either Britt or Bree) was born mute. Brittany was raised by a family that was fairly well off; she never wanted for anything, but was never spoiled either. Brittany was also quite intelligent for her age and quickly surpassed her peers.

At the age of 15, she took a job as an intern at the local hospital. Her telepathic talent emerged and with help, Brittany learned how to use her talent to help calm and ease frightened children at the hospital.

Her telepathic abilities grew with her and her family worked tirelessly with Brittany to help her learn to control her talent. They also drilled into her the importance of trust, respect and courtesy such that Brittany learned not to use her talent to enter another person's mind without their permission (unless threatened of course).

Brittany attended Winford Academy and studied to become a nurse. While at the Academy, Iren worked with Brittany to help build and refine her telepathy over many, long nights and carafes for hot, spiced teas. Iren helped teach Brittany how to soothe pain by blocking certain receptors in the subject's mind.

After graduation, she resumed her internship at the hospital in hopes of becoming a registered nurse and perhaps, eventually, study to become a doctor. When news of the attack of the rogue metas on the Academy reached Brittany, she immediately packed her things and took the next available flight.

Personal Theme Song: Caught in the Middle - Nemesea

Other: Brittany is well versed in first aid. She is knowledgeable about more significant injuries and cures, but prefers to defer to someone who is licensed. Brittany loves laughter and is almost always smiling. Additionally, Brittany has a small, laminated card that she shows to people that reads:

"I am a telepath and a mute. I can only speak to you in your mind. Will you allow me to do so?"

She will then establish that when she points to someone using her first three fingers (pointer, middle and ring), that means she wants to talk to them and they can simply tell her yes or no.




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