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brighter the light, darker the shadow


This is Vision Management.

We would like to announce our company’s first collaboration group, MXC.

MXC consists of 7 members from various male groups within Vision Management. Their debut will be on the 23rd of August along with the release of their first album MXC: AN ODE TO YOU and their first single and music video, β€œNIGHT”.

It is expected for MXC to have a world tour in late September, starting in America.

We ask for your good spirits and encouragement as we work together to debut MXC! Please show your favourite idols your love through your support and cheering!

Hwaiting MXC!
the story
We all have our dirty laundry.

Hidden shadows and secrets, things tucked away under our beds, leaving us fearful for the day they see the light of day. Sometimes, it’s okay to keep a secret. It’s okay to leave people guessing and wondering. But when you live in the spotlight, constantly being harassed by fans and reporters, far too often you crumble. You leave doors open, or you drop something. They come in like vultures and tear apart not only you but the reputation you spent so long trying to perfect.

It’s okay to have secrets.

If you’re not working within the entertainment business, that is.

MXC, a new collaborative all-boy Korean band, are set to debut with an international tour just at their fingertips. Together with their team, the men are determined for a successful debut so they break out into mainstream music and be considered as actual musicians. Their company, Vision Management, have put blood, sweat, tears and a large sum of finances to ensure a profitable single and album release. They even hand-picked a team to ensure their journey to success and prosperity!

What the company doesn’t know are the dark secrets lurking in the background.

Ones that can make or break this debut.
Ones that can make or break their company.

An idol too scared to move on to his following stages of life in the military. A leader who has a wandering eye for their manager. A manager who dwells on being unfaithful just to feel wanted for a few moments. An assistant whose teenage years were filled with rebellion and running away from law enforcement. A maknae who lost his youth forced to step up in a parental role while his lover ran into the night. The dancer who shows the world a clean mask but struggles with intrusive thoughts that make him question who he is precisely. The newbie who has made it her mission to get close to the maknae, no matter what. And finally, the stylist, who would have an absolute field day spreading all these secrets to the media for money as they have done for many years.

Fame and fortune come with their trials and challenges. For these eight souls are soon to discover how powerful the spot light is; for brighter the light, the darker the shadows.

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Β© weldherwings.


VISION Management's 'best of the best' collaborative group prepare for their debut.
written by κΉ€λ„μœ€

Vision Management revealed late last month that they would be forming a new group created by pre-existing, popular idols from their company.

chapter one.
the photoshoot.

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Β© weldherwings.

Sunday, 11 March



jeong young-jae
the maknae

  • He had stayed up until four in the morning.

    Even after waving at the camera on his phone, wishing all the Galaxies - the fans of his fandom - a good night and promising them that he would eat and sleep well. The staff that had monitored the duration of the live carefully took hold of the phone, ensuring that he had in fact pressed the end for the live before making their way out of the studio. Young-Jae had two options from the moment the staff exited the room. He could do as he had promised to his fans and head on back to the dorms at a sane hour of ten at night and get a good rested night sleep. After all, they were meant to be up early for a photoshoot, followed by various interviews. It was going to be a very long day, and it would be ideal to try and get those recommended 7 to 8 hours of rest.

    Or, he could stay back in the studio and finish off the track that he had started and been preparing on the live. It would mean that he would probably be up for most of the night, hunched over in his chair and hyper-fixating on getting the right channels and loops. He had forgotten his glasses, unaware that he was going to be roped into doing a live tonight, much to his dismay. Now, don’t get him wrong. He loved his fans. But doing a live stream just never appealed to him as it meant having to constantly talk to keep people entertained and to look through the comment section, something that all idols feared. He always found a way to get out of doing lives, dodging the request from his manager here and there. But once in a blue moon, he was never quick enough and roped in. Tonight had been one of those nights, and as he came unprepared to be working in the studio, he had left his glasses back at the dorm. So, staying back wouldn’t be the best thing for his eyes, right?

    He still decided to stay back.

    Did he regret it? Of course not, because he was able to work on it until he was perfectly satisfied with the outcome of it all. Was his manager probably going to kill him knowing that he had snuck back into the dorms at four-thirty in the morning, proceeded to have a two-hour nap, and was now on his way for a fully scheduled day that possibly wouldn’t see him home again until late tonight?

    … God he prayed they wouldn’t.

    The swaying motion of the vehicle was enough to put any baby to sleep. Jae was no exception. He had the absolute luxury of being escorted by himself from the dorms to the photoshoot warehouse in a company Chevrolet Explorer. Chair reclined as far back as possible, his jacket draped over his body as a blanket, a mask covering the lower half of his face, and his legs stretched out without the fear of taking up anyone else’s space, the idol was officially out cold. Despite it only being a thirty-minute drive from the dorm, Jae had been knocked out the second he reclined that seat back. Even as they arrived at their location, the driver’s calls to him fell on… well, a sleeping ear. It meant the driver had to climb out of the car, make his way Jae’s side and wake the boy up with a physical shake.

    Dazed and confused, Jae woke up with a sudden burst of energy. Sitting up straight and then launched himself out of the car and onto his feet as if he had been sprung into action by a simple press of a button. Slipping his jacket on, and placing the hoodie over his head, he briefly turned to the driver and gave him a groggy head nod to acknowledge and thank the older man. A staff member came racing up to him, brisk and forceful like a tornado’s wind as they pulled on the fabric of his jacket towards the direction of the warehouse door.

    Today was going to be a long day, wasn’t it?


Β© weldherwings.


Sunday, 11 March



im seo -eun
the manager

  • Time is something that slips away far too easily with every sunrise and sunset: one segment a second, a moment a minuteβ€”there is something found with every breathe, and something lost with every blink. Every day, erratic, buzzing offices are traded for cold, silent homes where the walls know more about your family’s life than you do. Nothing creeps more than loneliness, the taste of aching solitude on your tongue: you grab a glass of wine, wishing to wash it away, wanting to fill that empty feeling with something. It never quite works, but you do not have anything better.

    Seo-eun has spent another night looking at papers and screens, working, because she needs a distraction, a candle to battle the desolate darkness that festers inside her home. And soon, she will spend another day, chasing a light that she convinced herself of to be right. To be worth everything. Seo-eun has little right to complain, she knows. A choice was made all those years ago, one she cannot regret lest she wishes to prove everyone wrong to be right. It was a cruel one, forced by the hands of those more concerned with the past than the future, but in the end, the manager did choose career over family. So, she knows this is just the price she has to pay, the way this life goes.

    She knows.

    The brighter the light, the darker the shadows.

    The manager gets little sleep that night and arrives at the studio with already two cups of coffee in her system. She holds a tray with three other cups, having considered that she might as well get coffee for the rest of her team since it’s going to be a long day. As other staff members were setting up the photoshoot, Seo-eun had gathered the senior assistant, the junior assistant and the stylist for a preparatory talk.

    β€œRight, so since it will be your first official day working together with the whole team, we will start with some introductions as soon as all the group members have arrived. I will lead the introductions, but you are free to state your own name and role. Afterwards, we will go into styling and make-up.” Her eyes briefly rest on the stylist, a name talked as much as whispered throughout the industry. Another career build stone by stone, or so it seems. Seo-eun respects her work and could only trust that her reputation precedes her.

    β€œI know you have already been debriefed on the concept, so I will leave the styling to you. But, if you require any help, please notify either of the assistants.β€œ the gaze travels over to the newest assistant, who remains more unknown than known. Doubt sows a little, discomfort planted in the stomach: Seo-eun can’t judge the decision from the upper management, but she wonders how this girl managed to snatch a position like this for her first job. She hopes she can keep up.

    β€œI know this is a first for you as well, so if you have any questions regarding your task or upcoming work, you can ask miss Go. I have requested her to oversee your process and help you if needed.” A nod to the senior assistant: an ease of familiarity brings the manager to release some tension in her posture. Having worked together before, Seo-eun knows exactly what Hayoung is capable of, which soothes her more than she would admit.

    The warehouse door opens, and the manager takes a breathe.

    Another day of work.

    Another day of light and shadows.


Β© weldherwings.


Sunday, 11 March




Calendar: "pepper vet"

go hayoung
the assistant

  • the quiet chimes and whines of dawn always feel ambivalent; they represent a certain sort of calmness to her as much as they do an indescribable ennui. it is quiet, but it is quiet, enough so that she had considered seeking out a roommate despite all the secrets she feared she would have to hide. but it is better now, because mornings are greeted by soft mewls and small paws than the looming loneliness.

    she has certainly grown accustomed to waking at dawn, and the mundane routineβ€” work out, wash up, coffee and a slice of toast, and catching the sunrise as she leaves the houseβ€” but hayoung finds routine is not so bad. a predictable rhythm, as is the gentle sway of the train as she commutes to work. the same thought of driving a car to work wanders into her mind as it has countless times before. it has only been a brief 2 months since she'd been promoted, but hayoung wonders if having a license might get her into better graces. it was something to ask seo-eun about, if she had the chance today.

    hayoung is massaging her knuckles as she steps into the studio. she is early, just slightly, but the many already are already bustling about. like clockwork, her routine continuesβ€” let her superior know she was already present, then find something to help out with until the idols arrived. not the most exciting thing, but not unlike the rest of her everyday life these days. hayoung's assisting in the setting up of lights when manager im finally calls for her, and it is, at last, that she finally gets a good look at their new team.

    so-young is already familiarβ€” a pretty face with a smile that reminded her far too much of kim subin from high school, whose nasty smirk always concealed some sort of malevolenceβ€” which left the unknown, fresh face to be their newest hire. mi-rae, according to the text seo-eun had sent last week, and her guess is affirmed when the older woman addresses their newest directly. "i know this is a first for you as well, so if you have any questions regarding your task or upcoming work, you can ask miss go. i have requested her to oversee your process and help you if needed."

    hayoung responds with a curt nod to the manager and a polite smile to her newest coworker. as the briefing ends, the senior assistant takes the opportunity to study her new assignment. mi-rae's demeanour seems to brighten even further as one of the idols walks inβ€” yeong-jae, if her pre-readings serves her wellβ€” and her expression betrays the slightest bit of awe. their newest hire is spirited, certainly, but hayoung cannot help but wonder if her sparkling gaze holds more than light within.

    but you could not live life pre-occupied by what others hid beneath their masks, and it was exhausting worrying if everyone concealed a snake within their sleeves. she's become too high-strung, too wary; how was she to construct a new life if she remained stubbornly caught in her old one?

    "mi-rae, right?"
    hayoung asks, in a low voice,
    "welcome to the team. are you nervous at all for your first day?"


Β© weldherwings.


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