• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 [ic]



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[div class=text2]some secrets are better off left hidden
brighter the light, darker the shadow[/div]
the leader
the maknae
the manager
the assistant
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coded by weldherwings
[class=text]position: absolute; width: 150px; height: 120px; opacity: 0; background-color:black; z-index: 2; text-align: center; line-height: 15px; font-size:18px; color:white; text-transform:uppercase;transition: 0.8s; padding-top:80px;[/class] [class name=text state=hover]opacity: 0.5; transition: 0.8s;[/class] [class=text2]position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 80px; opacity: 0; background-color:white; color: black; z-index: 2; text-align: center; line-height: 15px; font-size:30px; text-transform:uppercase;transition: 0.5s; padding-top:14px;[/class] [class name=text2 state=hover]opacity: 1; transition: 0.8s;[/class]
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[div class=text][div class="scroll"] [div class=h1]21st October

makeover day
With the official statement from the company of MXS’s launch, the boys have been informed that with a new concept comes with new looks. While some of the boys will be keeping their lush locks the same, others will be undergoing brand new hairstyles. Those who stay at the same will still get pampered and have their measurements taken to ensure that their outfits for photoshoots and their next appearances. Afterwards, it’s back to the main headquarters of Astro Entertainment for late night dance practice.
[div class=text][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]22nd October

in the studio
It’s time to get those voices to work! It’s going to be a very long day in the studio with the producers working with the band to get that perfect tune. The seven boys are sure to keep their assistants and managers on their toes, ordering food and coffee to keep them up as they make the masterpiece that is their album.[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=text][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]23rd October

It’s time to show the rest of the world our wonderful makeovers! The outfits are ready, and the studio has been hired. Each member of MXS will have the opportunity to take solo, sub-unit and group pictures together which will be used for all advertising and for their album sleeves. With this “sexy” concept, we wonder how the outfits will look and how intimate these pictures will end up?[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=text][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]24th October

more information coming soon
coded by weldherwings
[class=text]position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 88%; opacity: 0; background-color:black; z-index: 2; transition: 0.8s; padding-top:10px;line-height: 8px; font-size:12px; color:white;padding-left:10px; padding-bottom:10px;[/class] [class name=text state=hover]opacity: 0.8; transition: 0.8s;[/class] [class=h1]text-align: center; line-height: 15px; font-size:18px; color:white; text-transform:uppercase;margin-bottom:10px;[/class] [class name=scroll]width: 100%;height: 100%; overflow: hidden;box-sizing: content-box;padding-right:50px; left: -2px;overflow-Y: scroll;overflow-X: hidden;color: white; line-height:19px;[/class]
[div class=text]makeover time!
21st october
coded by weldherwings
[class=text]position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 60%; opacity: 0; background-color:black; z-index: 2; text-align: center; line-height: 15px; font-size:40px; color:white; text-transform:uppercase;transition: 0.8s; padding-top:80px; border-radius:5px;[/class] [class name=text state=hover]opacity: 0.8; transition: 0.8s;[/class]
jeong young-jae
[div class=text]
[div class="scroll"] He felt like death.

Whose idea was it to stay up until four in the morning, working on songs in the studio because he was feeling so inspired? Uh, well, it was his idea, after all. As Young-Jae sat in the car, his face pressed up against the window of the tinted vehicle, it took all of his will power to stay awake. If he woke up now, then his eyes would be all puffy. And if there was any paparazzi around when he got out of the car, well… that was screaming for some stupid news article to be printed. Besides, he was only going to be in the car for five or so minutes considering how close SKYZ dorm was to the headquarters. He could walk it if he wanted to; but that was too much of a security breach, according to his manager.

Luckily, he managed to stay awake for the full course of their journey (thankfully, Roze was in the car with him and keeping him accountable of staying awake). Once they entered the underground parking, both of the SKYZ members were greeted by one of the security personnel and then escorted through the headquarters. Even though it was the main building for Astro Entertainment, there were always fans in the café area on the ground floor. The security guards were there to ensure none of those fans would go absolutely crazy and hunt them through the building. It was when they finally entered the dance studio on the fourth floor that Jae felt like he could finally let out a sigh of relief.

Automatically, seeing the other members of their newest band collaboration in the room, both Roze and Jae bowed out of respect and offered them polite greetings. Of course, they had seen these other members around the place. They watched in awe as they performed on stage and practised. They were their hyungs and the boys practically idolised them. When they were offered the position in MXS by Kim Tae-Min, the founder and CEO of the company, Jae could’ve sworn he was dreaming. It was going to be such an amazing opportunity to work alongside K-Pop royalty.

Good morning, boys,” a voice called from over the side of the room. Sitting on the floor was Ryeom, the lead rapper and eldest member in MXS, waving his hand towards them before finishing his stretches. His own band, Force, was on hiatus as the other members were participating in their mandatory military service. Ryeom, on the other hand, had done and dusted his during the early years of his life. I suppose it explained for his youthful energy and eccentric atmosphere. It had Jae wondering how Ryeom had so much energy this early in the morning (even though it was almost ten am) “Come on, I’ll help you with your stretches.” He said to them, waving in his direction for the two SKYZ members to walk over.

Once they made their way over, they spent the next few moments stretching their legs and other limbs. But all Jae could think of was going to bed. “I watched your VLive last night,” Ryeom chuckled as he helped Jae stretch out his back. He stood to his full height, looking down at the younger member. “From what I gathered within the first five minutes, you tend to lose a lot of things in your studio

Jae looked up at his Hyung with a shy, half-smile before nodding softly. It was the truth; he had completed his mandatory Vlive broadcast last night around… well, two in the morning (his manager basically had to beg him to do a live stream as it had been three months since his last one), and every time he wanted to show something or use something, he would never seem to end up finding it. “Which is so strange,” Roze piped up, chuckling softly “Because Jae is the tidy one in the dorms. He has everything organised in our bedroom, bathrooms, even in the kitchen. He’s a freaking neat freak. I have no idea how you managed to lose so much stuff in your studio. It’s so tidy and organised

Once again, Jae offered another shy, small smile to his other hyung before allowing a soft chuckle to slip past his lips. Once they had finished their stretches, they remained on the floor, talking to each other. They had been waiting for their new manager and assistants that would be helping them on their MXS journey, and Jae was just almost ready to fall asleep. He could barely keep his head from drooping. Noticing the younger male’s eyes and head dropping every so often, Roze indicated to Jae to come and place his head on his leg as a pillow. The man didn’t need to say it twice. For an introverted soul like Jae, his love language was physical touch. So, to have Roze offer him his leg to use as a pillow, Jae could feel his heart skyrocket in his chest.

Laying down on the ground, Jae took off his hat and masked, placed his head upon Roze’s thigh and closed his eyes with a sigh of content. Automatically, Roze’s hand found it’s way to the boy’s head, combing his fingers through the locks. Ah man, he was in heaven. He wished he didn’t have to work today.
[div class=phone][div class="scroll"] [div class=h1]mood
[div class=h2]im so tired[/div] [div class=h1]location[/div][div class=h2]dance studio at astro entertainment[/div] [div class=h1]mentions[/div][div class=h2]mxs [/div] [div class=h1]interactions[/div][div class=h2]roze + ryeom[/div] [div class=h1]outfit[/div][div class=h2][/div]
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coded by weldherwings
[class=text]position: absolute; width:700px; height:390px; opacity: 0; background: linear-gradient(90deg, #979797 18%, #e4e4e4 18%); z-index: 2; line-height: 15px; font-size:18px; color:black; transition: 0.8s; padding-top:10px; [/class] [class=phone]position: absolute; width:170px; height:345px; opacity: 0; background: black; z-index: 2; line-height: 15px; font-size:18px; color:white; transition: 0.8s; padding-top:15px; padding-left:15px; padding-right:15px; padding-bottom:10px; overflow:hidden;[/class] [class=h1]font-family:Helvetica;font-size:16px;font-style: bold; letter-spacing:-1px; margin-left:2px;text-transform: lowerCASE;background: white;margin-top: 15px;height: 15px;display: inline-block; color:black; padding-right: 20%;[/class] [class=h2]color: white; line-height:15px;font-family:Open Sans; letter-spacing: -0.5px;font-size:14px; margin-left:2px; [/class] [class name=scroll]width: 100%;height: 100%; overflow: hidden;box-sizing: content-box;padding-right:50px; left: -2px;font-size:14px;overflow-Y: scroll;overflow-X: hidden;color: #454a4e; line-height:19px;font-family:Open Sans; letter-spacing: -0.5px;[/class] [class name=text state=hover]opacity:1; transition: 0.8s;[/class] [class name=phone state=hover]opacity:0.8; transition: 0.8s;[/class]
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[div class=infobanner][div class=title]YOONA [/div]

|[div class=title]Outfit[/div] |
|[div class=title]Mood[/div] just another day|
|[div class=title]Location[/div] ASTRO Entertainment HQ|
|[div class=title]Mentions[/div] X |
|[div class=title]Interactions[/div] MXS [ weldherwings weldherwings VALEN T. VALEN T. allure allure ]|[/div]

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You know what they say: with great power, comes great responsibilities. It was true, and Yoona had grown all too familiar with this notion since she joined ASTRO entertainment, but it had never felt more heavier than now. Recently tasked with shouldering a wholly new boy group, the woman encountered the sacrifices attached to the job. Sleep became a true luxury, time with her family exceedingly restricted, and a peaceful mind rare. Sure, it had been a choice of her to pursue this career and return to work after pregnancy, but sometimes, she wished to have that oasis of serenity in this sea of activity. Alas, she also knew it was unattainable in this certain period time. Not now the official statement has been released and the road was paving its way towards debut.

Yoona had collected enough experience working in the entertainment industry to know that these upcoming weeks would be forever defining. Preparations had to be absolutely perfect and details were crucial when it came to orchestrating a successful debut. Competition was fierce and while the stardom of ASTRO Entertainment and the members themselves would be enough to catch some initial interest of the public, it formed no guarantee for triumph. There was a reputation to be upheld after all - and in this digital era, fame was easily fleeting. The fact that she’d worked with some of the members before brought her a small sense of ease. It was more easy to direct members familiar to her, already knowing their fortes and weaknesses. However, Yoona had been part of ASTRO entertainment long enough to be somewhat knowledgeable about most members regardless the group. She knew each one of them were hardworking individuals, which was the most important attribute to have, so overall, the woman had faith in this project.

Unfortunately, it never truly alleviated the pressure of her role as a manager. It was all on her to assure everything was going according to plan. Yes, their collaborative effort also played a factor but most people would first point towards poor management when a group didn’t succeed and they were partly right in that regard. It was her responsibility to get the group where they needed to be and balance all the activities. So Yoona did what she had to do, even if it came at an expense of her own mental health or private life.

Early enough to see the inexorable ascent of the sun, the manager had already been situated in her office. Numerous papers were stacked upon her desk, all with information of significance infused in printed sentences. She spent the morning double-checking everything and assuring all was prepared for today. Hours had passed before she finally left the room, heading down to the dance studio where the boys were supposed to be. Bag in one hand and phone in the other, she walked through the halls of the headquarters. Some colleagues respectfully bowed their heads once she infiltrated their sights, which she returned with a nod herself. It was evident that the woman was well-respected within the company, but some might argue she’s too glacial in persona.

Yoona politely knocked on the door upon arriving at the given dance studio in the building, before entering the room. “Good morning boys.” She greeted as she walked towards the centre of the room. “I hope you all had a nice rest and could get some practice in. I have come to inform you about today’s plans.” Her eyes swept across each member and she clasped her hands together. “As you are all aware, MXS has, as we titled it, a triple-kill concept and it’s our aim to convey that concept as best as we can towards our future audience. This, as you all might suspect, goes along with certain alterations appearance-wise. I have today scheduled to be dedicated towards that. Call it a make-over if you will.” Her eyes lowered down to the digits on her watch. “ We have forty-five minutes to get to the salon, so I will give you ten minutes to change clothes if needed and will meet you outside. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know.”
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code by RI.a
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[class=container] width:500px; height:525px; margin:auto; cursor: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/232c090ebdd37ae4bc17adb54e1e0344/tumblr_inline_ol4nwhvSwg1uxxza6_75sq.png'), auto !important; [/class] [class=picture] border-radius:50%; height:150px; width:150px; border:1px solid #210F04; background: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/333054119/original.jpg'); background-position:50% 40%; background-size:150%; float: left; position:relative; z-index:2; [/class] [class=block1] height:30px; width:160px; background: #690500; float: left; transform:translate(-80px); border-top-right-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=block2] height:22px; width:220px; background: #93520B; float: left; transform:translate(-50px); border-top-right-radius: 11px; border-bottom-right-radius: 11px; position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=block3] height:14px; width:300px; background: #D19734; float: left; transform:translate(-30px); border-top-right-radius: 7px; border-bottom-right-radius: 7px; position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=space1] height:40px; width:0px; float:left; [/class] [class=space2] height:32px; width:0px; float:left; [/class] [class=frame] height:400px; width:400px; background: #210F04; border-radius:20px; margin:auto; transform:translateY(96px); padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=name] font-size: 45px; color:transparent; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #fff; position:relative; letter-spacing: 3px; z-index:3; text-shadow: 4px 4px 0px #99241E; [/class] [class=namecontainer] height: 70px; width: 310px; overflow:hidden; text-align:center; position:absolute; margin-left:66px; margin-top:20px; [/class] [class=textbox] background:white; font-size:11px; height: 290px; width: 360px; text-align:justify; overflow:hidden; padding:10px; box-sizing:border-box; color:#444; transform:translateY(-110px); [/class] [class=mood] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=site] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; margin-left:70px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=tags] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; margin-left:140px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=fit] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; margin-left:210px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class name=mood state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=mood2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-42px; [/class] [class name=site state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=site2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-46px; letter-spacing:0px; width:110%; font-size:11px; height:20px; [/class] [class name=tags state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=tags2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-46px; letter-spacing:0px; width:110%; font-size:11px; height:20px; [/class] [class name=fit state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=fit2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-27px; [/class] [class name=mood2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class] [class name=site2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class] [class name=tags2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class] [class name=fit2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
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[div class=block1][/div] [div class=space1][/div] [div class=block2][/div] [div class=space2][/div] [div class=block3][/div] [div class=frame] [div class=mood]MOOD[div class=mood2]NERVOUS[/div][/div] [div class=site]SITE[div class=site2]DANCE STUDIO[/div][/div] [div class=tags]TAGS[div class=tags2]YOONA, JAE[/div][/div] [div class=fit]FIT[div class=fit2]CLICK![/div][/div] [div class=textbox]
Iseul worried her bottom lip between her teeth as she stood in front of the door to the dance studio. The furthest she'd gone in the Astro Entertainment building before being hired was to the third floor. Security here was annoyingly tight, and she didn't have a deal with any of the guards in this building like she did with the one at the dorm. But recently, those barriers had been knocked down. She fingered the employee ID hanging around her neck with a tiny smile, feeling all sorts of giddy and nervous. Although she had stayed up until 2AM the night before, fatigue was chased away by her excitement and anxiety over her new job.

It was Iseul's very first actual job, and she was hoping good manners and a bright attitude would help hide any glaring signs of inexperience in her performance. Despite the years of overseas experience listed on her resume, all Iseul really knew about being an artist assistant was what she had heard from other fans and what she'd seen in idol dramas. She reminded herself of her current task, which had been delivered to her in a very sharp and brisk tone that morning.
"Isabelle, go grab the members and bring them down here. Make sure they all get in the right car," the stylist had ordered, tapping on his clipboard where MXS' names were printed like there was a chance Iseul would forget who they were, "but wait for the manager to brief them first."

Iseul took a final big breath and opened the door, peeking her head in first. Oop. Her eyes immediately landed on the manager's spotless white suit. The woman was in the middle of her briefing, and Iseul inched inside and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could, feeling acutely like she was back in high school and had just walked into first period late. She had met MXS' manager, Park Yoona, for the first time several days ago. The woman had been polite but somehow cold, her eyes sweeping up and down Iseul's form like she could see through all of her pretenses. It didn't help that all of the other assistants had been noticeably older than Iseul. It really didn't help that Iseul had made a clumsy first impression by mistakenly thinking Yoona was a member of Astro Ent's senior girl group and thus just shyly stepping around her instead of addressing her properly as her new boss while Yoona was trying to get her attention.

Iseul shuffled into the corner of the room and clasped her hands in front of her, rocking back and forth a little on her heels. She twisted the ring on her left ring finger around and around. It was a nervous tick. The ring had been the first thing she'd ever lifted from Jae's studio. Iseul had found it lying innocently next to the computer and had pocketed it on impulse. Now it was a good luck charm, and one of the few items of Jae's that she took outside her bedroom.

Of course, Yoona wasn't the only person in the room worth noticing. Far from it. Iseul's gaze immediately landed on Jae, who – oh my gosh. He had laid his head down on Roze's lap. Iseul felt like her heart was melting in her chest. He was so precious. So pure. She wished she could take a picture. But that wasn't appropriate given the situation, and neither was the fact that she had been staring at him and smiling for quite a long moment now. She quickly ducked her head and forced herself to calm down. Be still, my beating heart. Chill with the crazy smile.

Once the manager had finished her announcement, Iseul walked over and bowed her head in greeting. "Good morning, Yoona-ssi," she said. "I was asked to accompany the members to the vans, since they'll be split into two groups. I can go with those who are ready to leave now, though, since the others know to meet us outside." She wondered if it would be proper to introduce herself to the group as a whole now. No, she should just wait and introduce herself to the members individually. She was only an assistant, after all.
[/div][/div] [div class=namecontainer][div class=name]JEON ISEUL.[/div][/div]
by allure
[class=bj] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 600px; height: 600px; background: url(https://imgur.com/E5aLhoq.jpg); overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; [/class][class=text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 382px; height: 283px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 16px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=textcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 382px; height: 283px; left: 194px; top: 34px; [/class][class=mood] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 116px; height: 40px; left: 59px; top: 25px; [/class][class=moodhover] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 116px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; background-size: 100%; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px; line-height: 20px; color: #fff; [/class][class=hidden] display:none; [/class][script class=mood on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 moodhover [/script][script class=mood on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 moodhover [/script][class=outfit] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 116px; height: 38px; left: 59px; top: 88px; [/class][class=outfithover] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 116px; height: 40px; background-color: #000; background-size: 100%; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #fff; [/class][class=hidden] display:none; [/class][script class=outfit on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 outfithover [/script][script class=oufit on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 outfithover [/script][class=location] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 116px; height: 41px; left: 59px; top: 149px; [/class] [class=locationhover] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 116px; height: 41px; background-color: #000; background-size: 100%; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; color: #fff; [/class][class=hidden] display:none; [/class][script class=location on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 locationhover [/script][script class=location on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 locationhover [/script][class=interactions] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 116px; height: 41px; left: 59px; top: 213px; [/class][class=interactionshover] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 116px; height: 41px; background-color: #000; background-size: 100%; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; color: #fff; [/class][class=hidden] display:none; [/class][script class=interactions on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 interactionshover [/script][script class=interactions on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 interactionshover [/script][class=tags] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 116px; height: 41px; left: 59px; top: 277px; [/class][class=tagshover] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 116px; height: 41px; background-color: #000; background-size: 100%; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px; line-height: 16px; color: #fff; [/class][class=hidden] display:none; [/class][script class=tags on=mouseenter] fadeIn 0500 tagshover [/script][script class=tags on=mouseleave] fadeOut 0500 tagshover [/script] [div class=bj] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text] He could kill Jae.

The male groaned as he pressed his hat further down on his head, now completely covering his eyes as he moved quickly down the street. The whole group had been up all night because Jae had inspiration. Don't get Joon wrong, he absolutely loved that Jae was so passionate but why in the world did it have to be so late at night? Couldn't it have been like after dinner or something? No, four in the morning sounded better. Of course Jae was so sweet that no one would say no, so there they were in the middle of the room at four in the morning.

Joon rounded the corner of the busy street, his dark eyes gazing to the two vehicles that were now parked out front of the dance studio, surrounded by a group of hormonal women trying to claw their way to the front of the barricade. Crap, there's goes getting in the front. Joon sighed lightly as he flicked his gaze down at the caffeinated drinks he held in his hands. Thankfully no one had really spotted him on his little adventure to the small cafe at the end of the street from their building. Honestly, he was surprised that he was able to even slip out without someone pulling him back in the room this morning. But alas, here he was standing next to the building with the foofy drinks.

Quickly turning on his heels, Joon made his way down the side of the building so he could slip in the side door to the building. "JOONIE!" Crap. If his manager didn't kill him today then the crazed girls who wanted to attack him would. Either way, at least it would be a pretty nice death. Death by women, what a great way to die. "Aissh! Ladies, please I promise to come back later and do photos but I gotta get these bad boys to the guys.", he cooed softly as he flashed his teeth to the group of girls standing before him. "You won't come back!" "Scouts honor!" The male winked quickly before making a dash for the stairwell, the ice in the drinks smacking either side of the plastic cups as he ran.

Within moments be made it to the studio entrance, nodding at the two guards who looked completely dumbfounded as he moved in through the door. "I've come bearing gifts!", he announced as he held up the completely destroyed looking drink tray. "There mocha chocka whatever things." Joon grinned sheepishly as he eyed everyone in the room, his gaze locking on Yoona's last. Why? Because she was going to be the one who was the most aggravated with his little stunt. He was the leader of the group, he was the one who should be making the right decisions which was normally true. However, things usually went right out the window when he was running on two hours of sleep.

[/div][/div] [div class=mood][div class="moodhover hidden"]tired af[/div][/div] [div class=outfit][div class="outfithover hidden"]let's dye my hair[/div][/div] [div class=location][div class="locationhover hidden"]dance studio[/div] [/div] [div class=interactions][div class="interactionshover hidden"]the whole darn group[/div][/div] [div class=tags][div class="tagshover hidden"] weldherwings weldherwings allure allure neon reverie neon reverie [/div][/div] [/div]
jeong young-jae
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[div class="scroll"] With Yoona’s entrance, Jae quickly lifted himself into a seated position to show some respect towards their new manager. After all, she didn’t want to think that he wasn’t listening to her. Nodding along to what she was saying, he gave a soft sigh of relief to discover that they would be doing something at least somewhat relaxing today, I suppose. As soon as she finished speaking, Jae brought himself back into his rested position against Roze’s leg before closing his eyes. He wasn’t sure for how long he had his eyes closed, but it was over quicker than he had dreamed.

Roze gave the top of Jae’s head a soft pat before beginning his quest in standing. Feeling the tap and his friend shift underneath him, Jae scrunched up his face with a disapproving notion. Noooo. He wanted to keep on sleeping. Lifting his tired head, the boy pushed himself up and brought himself to a seated position slowly, letting out a small huff. His tired, puffy eyes gazed up just in time to see their fierce leader making his grand entrance into the dance studio with refreshments.

Oh man, Jae felt bad. While most of the other members either fell asleep on the couch in the studio or had announced that they had to go home, Joonie had been the only other member to stay up with him until the very end. Jae, being the damn perfectionist that he was, continued to go throughout the night with dreams and visions for this one damn song. And Joonie, being the amazing leader that he was, prompted to stay awake the whole time with him to ensure that they met that expectation the young boy had envisioned. If anything, it was him that should be thanking Joonie and bringing him drinks.

Ruffling his hair with his hand, Jae took hold of his hat and mask and slowly rose to his full height as did Ryeom and Roze. Slowly following the other boys who made their way over to BJ, once he approached the older male, Jae gave him a bow to show respect and to thank him as he took hold of the cup. “Thank you, Bi-ssi” he said to Joonie. Despite the fact that they were now in a band together, one which he was producing a fair amount of songs for, he still felt like a baby up against Joonie who had been with the company just for those couple years longer than he. Therefore, instead of calling him hyung (older brother) like he would with his band members who were older than him, he was resorting to -ssi (Mister) to show how much respect he had for the other; especially after last night.

Alright, I think it’s time we bounced, right?” Roze yawned, slowly wrapping his arm around Jae’s shoulders. “We’ve been lazy as hell so we can head off straight away, right?” Jae’s gaze went from Joonie, to the cup, to the Joonie and then to Roze. Oh man, he was tired as hell. Even talking seemed like too much of an effort. So, instead, he simply nodded at the other male who responded to his nod with a wide grin. Using his arm to steer the boy (despite Jae being a couple of centimetres taller than him), Roze walked them both over to the newest assistant which they were yet to met.

Helllllo,” Roze chimed at the new girl, bowing at her in his greeting. “I’m Roze from SKYZ and MXS.” Sometimes he envied Roze for his extroverted personality. I mean, Jae liked his own introverted personality. But, sometimes, it would be nice to have that much confidence. Jae’s gazed moved from Roze to look at the girl, preparing to introduce himself. And that’s when he felt his face starting to burn. It was rare for him to talk to girls that were around his age due to company policies. So, to see someone who looked as young as he, stand before him … he couldn’t help but be stunned. Especially with how pretty she was.

Roze noticed Jae’s little human glitch, giving the boy a small nudge. “Oh, uh,” Jae fumbled over his words, finally coming back to Earth once more. He quickly bowed to the girl before finally finding his small, timid voice (hey, it was better than nothing, right?). “Hello. I’m Jae from SKYZ and MXS. I hope you’re having a good day”. I hope you’re having a good day. Boy, are you an idiot? Do you know how to talk to girls?!
[div class=phone][div class="scroll"] [div class=h1]mood
[div class=h2]human glitch[/div] [div class=h1]location[/div][div class=h2]dance studio at astro entertainment[/div] [div class=h1]mentions[/div][div class=h2]mxs, iseul + Yoona[/div] [div class=h1]interactions[/div][div class=h2]roze, joonie ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ), iseul ( allure allure ) + ryeom[/div] [div class=h1]outfit[/div][div class=h2][/div]
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coded by weldherwings
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[div class=infobanner][div class=title]YOONA [/div]

|[div class=title]Outfit[/div] |
|[div class=title]Mood[/div] disappointed but not surprised|
|[div class=title]Location[/div] Dance studio at ASTRO Entertainment|
|[div class=title]Interactions[/div] MXS + Iseul [ weldherwings weldherwings yousmelldead yousmelldead allure allure ]|[/div]

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To say that the member of MXS looked fatigued would be an understatement; most faces wearing expressions one would expect of someone with half their foot into their grave. It was somewhat amusing to watch the members trying their damn hardest to stay awake while she was informing them about the schedule of today. However, the sight quickly lost its comedic effect when it came to the notice of how there were only six people in the dancing studio instead of seven. It only took her a second to identify the missing member, annoyance bubbling inside because this was certainly not the first time that person had been late. Impunctuality was one of the things that could drive the manager up the wall. Time was too precious to waste and almost never on their side. Being late didn’t only go against common courtesy in her opinion, there were also the practical technicalities such as planned events that could – crudely put – get fucked over by tardiness. Not to mention it made her job way harder than it should be.

But before the burgeoning heat of annoyance could properly burn her, a distraction emerged. Yoona turned her head to the source, finding the new assistant in the studio. Ah, right.. Today was the assistant’s first day of work. Truth to be told, the manager did not quite know what to make of the girl. Her resume was remarkable for a person her age – it would have been foolish not to hire her- yet… there was something oddly conflicting about her. Based on the resume, the girl should be teeming with experience, but her demeanour exhibited the opposite. Either the girl was incredibly humble or nervous, or there was something off. Her intrinsic scepticism pulled her more towards the latter, but the more humanistic side of her liked to believe in the former. Either way, Yoona was sensible enough to keep any official judgement on hold. It was only her first day after all, and the manager was a firm believer in the innocent-till-proven principle.

Yoona nodded in response to the instructions that Iseul had been given.

“ Very well, you can escort,” her eyes wandered over to the members who had not gone to the changing rooms,” Roze, Min-jae, Kang-dae and Min-ki to the vans. I will, hopefully, follow suit shortly with the rest. Also,” she took another glance at the time, “ feel free to go ahead if we aren’t outside within the next five minutes or so. The driver should know the ad-“ her sentence was interrupted by the loud entrance of no one other than Bi Joon.

His ‘gifts’ did little to soothe the expanding temper, if not - it only added more fuel to the fire. This just informed the manager how he could’ve showed up in time, but he prioritized getting a caffeinated drink instead. She fixed him a gaze that was equally unimpressed as it was admonishing. He, as a leader, should know better, and it disappointed her to see how casual he acted about it. It was frustrating, really. He had so much potential and it was not without reason that he was appointed as leader of MXS. If only he would become a little bit more responsible and abandon some antics of his….

“ Yes… Well, do try to be on time next time or else we will be leaving without you, regardless of whether or not you arrive before the vans leave.”

It was a bit harsh, yes, but frankly enough, neither her or MXS as a group could afford tardiness. Not to mention that his unpunctuality looked poor on her decision to have assigned the role of the leader to him. She walked over to Joon, picked up the remaining cup, and took a sip. As expected; way too sweet for her liking. She set the cup back down and lifted her gaze up to meet his eyes.

“ And please try to set a good example for the rest. I believe – no, I know you can be a good leader.”

Her tone was a bit softer than earlier, and Yoona hoped it conveyed her sincerity well enough. Her head then turned at the noise that filed into the room as the other members entered the studio again – now dressed in other clothes.

The manager took a step away to enlarge the distance between her and Joon, and cleared her throat.

“Well now that everyone is ready, let’s head to the vans.”
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code by RI.a
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"Yes ma'am," Iseul replied though Yoona's attention had already been taken by the man who had just walked in. She felt a touch too intimidated to correct Yoona and tell her that the stylists wanted to put specific members in specific vans, so they couldn't really leave without the whole group.

"Helllllo. I’m Roze from SKYZ and MXS," a voice drawled from behind her. She whipped around, surprised anyone was introducing themselves to her already, and even more surprised that it was a member of MXS. For some reason she had expected them to be on the distant and aloof side, though that was probably just the influence of her past experiences with idols. She knew who Roze was, of course: the main rapper of SKYZ and one of Jae's closest hyungs within the group. Since he was so sweet with Jae, she had developed a bit of a soft spot for him as well. She bowed in greeting in return and smiled.
"Hi Roze-ssi, I'm –" the briefest pause – "Isabelle." She finally dared to glance at the person next to him, knowing full well who it was, and found herself frozen under Jae's heavy gaze.
"Oh, uh. Hello. I’m Jae from SKYZ and MXS. I hope you’re having a good day." He bowed and she bowed, a couple more times than necessary, and both of them were pink-cheeked and stiff.
"Hi Jae. Jae-ssi," she quickly amended, reminding herself that they were supposed to be strangers. "Isabelle. You can call me Iseul, though, since we'll be working together. I'm a new artist assistant." She said this last part to the both of them with a friendly grin. "And, uhm, yeah, I've been having a good day so far. Thank you!" Iseul giggled. A good day? Massive understatement. She'd just officially met the love of her life as well as one of his good friends as a cherry on top. Maybe Roze would be the best man at their wedding? Oh geez, she was getting way ahead of herself; it was too early to be speculating who would be what at their wedding. A lot could change in a few years, after all.

Iseul peered around the pair to see Yoona looked pretty busy berating the guy who had just walked in (another member of MXS, Iseul was sure, but she wasn't really familiar with any of the groups in Astro Ent aside from Skyz and Nova, so she couldn't place the man's name). "Well, um, follow me to the vans? K-Kangdae-ssi, Minki-ssi! Follow me please," she called, her words barely loud enough to carry across the room.

They exited the room and gathered in the elevator, Yoona's group electing to take the other one, to go down to the ground floor. Iseul stood next to Jae but not too close, hyperaware of his presence. Then it was a rush from the elevator to the front door as they all tried to get to the vans without the fans swarming them. It worked surprisingly well since they had the element of surprise on their side, and the people in the cafe seemed unsure what to do when not one but seven idols all came running through the lobby. "Jae, RJ, Minki, into the first van, Kangdae, Roze, Ryeom, and Bijoon, in the second!" Iseul barked out once they were outside, forced to raise her voice to be heard over the clamor that was starting to arise. She shooed everyone into their respective vehicle and then ducked into the first van and slammed the door shut behind her. The driver quickly pulled away from the curb.

Glancing around, Iseul noticed that Yoona had gotten into the front passenger side seat, so there was plenty of leg room in the back. She perched on the seat closest to her, an empty space separating her and Jae. "This is the car for the people getting their outfits styled first. The other car is for the members who are getting their hair done first," she announced awkwardly, then spent the rest of the short ride in silence. At least, that was how the stylist had told her to separate the members. Oh gosh, what if she'd memorized the lists completely wrong and fudged it all up?

Upon their arrival, the members were herded to opposite sides of the room depending on what they were scheduled to do first. To her immense relief, Iseul had sorted them correctly. One of the stylists set her on the task of sorting all the photoshoot clothes the moment she stepped foot through the door with a couple of the other assistants. Leather from silk, tops from bottoms. She got to work.
[/div][/div] [div class=namecontainer][div class=name]JEON ISEUL.[/div][/div]
by allure
[class=bj] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 600px; height: 450px; background: url(https://imgur.com/JdqvWD8.jpg); overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; [/class][class=text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 276px; height: 333px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 16px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=textcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 276px; height: 333px; left: 255px; top: 45px; [/class][class=mood] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 163px; height: 63px; font-size: 11px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 16px; color: #fff; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=moodcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 163px; height: 63px; left: 35px; top: 372px; [/class] [div class=bj] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text] The other boys, not including little but not-so-little Jae, were savages.

Joon rolled his eyes lightly as the men grabbed the drinks as if they had earned them, a subtle bow from each as they hurried off with drinks in hand. Jae was last and well, he was truly the only one that really deserved that sugary treat. Joon wasn't so sure that they would even have any new material if it wasn't for the younger male. For that, Joon was grateful. "Ah, thank you for everything you do Jae.", he smiled brightly at the boy before turning his gaze to Roze who was ready to go.

Shaking his head lightly, Joon moved the drink tray with the remaining three drinks up closer to his face. He managed to grab one of the straws with his mouth, taking in a large sip from the drink while he watched the boys move to the new assistant, Iseul. With another sip, he managed to continue two steps before the oh-so-riled Yoona started her rant.

"But will you really leave without me?" Joon turned his dark gaze to the woman, a grin making its way onto his dimpled cheeks as he started towards her. The male halted his steps as Yoona came towards him, his eyes widening slightly as he grasped the drink holder. Crap. Was she going to hit him? Wait, would I even mind if she did hit me? The feeling of a cup being lifted from the tray shook Joon of his thoughts, his gaze moving back to Yoona.

Joon felt his breathe being caught slightly in his throat as Yoona scolded yet...complimented him? Ah, this woman was going to end up killing him. "Ne.", he muttered softly as he cleared his throat while Yoona moved away from him.

Taking another large sip from the sugar drink, he quickly caught up with Jae, handing him the remaining drink. "This is for the new assistant.", he winked at the other before tossing the unfinished drink from Yoona and his empty one in the trash can. The male hopped into the "hair first" van, his legs spreading out comfortably as he leaned his head against the head rest of the seat. What color would he dye his blonde locks?


[/div][/div] [div class=moodcontainer][div class=mood] mood. "she's hot when she's mad."
outfit. ready for a dye job
location. studio
mentions. the boys: specifically jaebear, hot manager, new assistant
tags. neon reverie neon reverie weldherwings weldherwings allure allure

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jeong young-jae
[div class=text]
[div class="scroll"] Hearing Bi-Joon’s instruction of how the drink was for the assistant, Jae simply nodded and took hold of the beverage. Once everyone was set and ready in the vans, Jae watched as Iseul, the newbie, climbed into the car and took her spot. As soon as he saw that she was calm and collected, and after she announced what was happening, he extended his arm to hand her over the drink which Bi-Joon had reserved for her.

There was not much to report about the car ride to the studio. Luckily, the driver didn’t put any music on which meant Jae could actually get some shut-eye. With his mask still upon his face and his hood up, he rested his head against the window and allowed his eyes to close. When you get into this sort of industry, you take all the sleep you can get. Fifteen-minute car ride? Perfect sleeping opportunity. Waiting to go onto a music show? Perfect opportunity to throw a mat on the floor, roll up a jumper to make a pillow and have the chance to nap. You adapt to your environment and you take every opportunity you got to make sure you got that extra bit of sleep. Otherwise, it shows big time on the camera.

The whole transition to the company complex to the studio seemed like one giant blink. But, of course, it was something that Jae was used to. All the hustle and bustle; no time to stop and sniff the roses. He knew that as soon as those doors opened, it was time to get in and get some work done. He would have to be in work mode regardless of how tired he was. And so, as he entered into the studio and made his way over to the stylist, he mentally prepared himself for what would come near; the gushing and measurements, followed by instructions.

Oh man, how he wished he was getting his hair coloured instead of having to deal with so many people at once. He had only ever had one drastic hair color change and it was a big no-no. All the fans cried over his luscious locks when the company had decided to cut it short and dye it bright green. Since that day, his fans demanded that he kept his naturally black hair which he often styled to a medium cut. Heck, his hair was even considered ‘long’ by Korean pop idol standards. It had only been getting longer over the last few weeks as he took time to focus on creating music for MXS.

The stylist asked for him to remove his jacket so she could properly measure him (after all, there was no point in trying on the clothes if they weren’t to his proper measurement, right?). He nodded at the instruction, taking off his face mask before placing it and his phone into his jacket pocket. Once he had done that, he unzipped the hooded jacket and handed it to one of the other assistants who went to store it away. Once measured properly, she instructed him that Iseul, the new assistant, had the clothes for him to change into and to go straight for it.

Jae nodded; he knew the drill. It was just like when they were backstage at their concerts or during video and photo shoots. Everywhere was the dressing room. So, he sat down for a moment on a nearby chair and began to take his shoes and socks off. Once off and neatly tucked under the chair he was sitting on, he rose from the seat and swiftly took off his shirt, revealing his torso. Finally, he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down before picking them up off the floor until he was left standing there in nothing but his black wool boxers. Picking up his shirt and jeans, he folded them neatly before placing them on the chair.

Alright. Iseul. He turned around, puffing his cheeks slightly as he tried to look for the new assistant which he had met this morning. Ah, found her. Allowing a yawn to escape as he scratched the back of his head, Jae made his way over to the girl. “Jinnie said you had the clothes she wanted me to try on?” he said to her in a low, tired tone. Oh man, he shouldn’t have fallen asleep in the car. His throat felt like something was clogging it up, giving him a deeper than usual voice.
[div class=phone][div class="scroll"] [div class=h1]mood
[div class=h2]can i sleep on the floor here?[/div] [div class=h1]location[/div][div class=h2]moving from astro to the studio[/div] [div class=h1]mentions[/div][div class=h2]mxs, + iseul [/div] [div class=h1]interactions[/div][div class=h2] joonie ( yousmelldead yousmelldead ) + iseul ( allure allure ) [/div] [div class=h1]outfit[/div][div class=h2][/div]
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coded by weldherwings
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Iseul was making good progress on the pile of clothes she had been assigned. She wasn't sure why exactly they had given her clothes for a different photoshoot and not the one the group was currently preparing for – because surely all these chains, straps, buckles, mesh pieces, and scraps of leather weren't for MXS. Maybe they just needed to clean out their storage room? She daintily hung up a harness (a harness!) on the clothing rack and then rushed over to a side table to take another gulp from the chocolate mocha Jae had handed her in the van.

She'd mutely taken the drink from him with a small nod of thanks after a few seconds of looking wide-eyed between the cup and his face. She was under no illusion that Jae had bought it especially for her since she had seen that other member come in with the exact same drinks. If anything, Jae probably just hadn't liked it and decided it would be better off in someone else's hands than wasted in the trash: typical of his kind heart. Still, she hadn't even been able to say "thank you" properly. How embarrassing! He'd never fall in love with her if she kept acting like she was slow. But the drink was a gift from Jae, and she was trying to make it last by only taking a sip every now and then. It sure was tasty, though. Iseul had always been a fan of sugary sweet coffee.

She had just started on a mound of multicolored silk shirts when a very low voice behind her asked something. "Give me oooone second," she replied, turning around just a bit so the man would know he had caught her attention. Her focus was still on the chiffon scarf she was currently trying to detangle from a shirt button, though, her tongue peeking out the side of her mouth as she tried to separate the two without damaging the material. When they finally came apart, she dropped them onto the floor with a victorious "Huzzah!" and then spun around on one foot, only to stumble and let out a short little scream.

Jae was standing in front of her with about 200% too much bare skin exposed. She did a double take, just to confirm that yes, it was JAE, and yes, he was only wearing BOXERS, and then covered her face with her hands. Her eyes were burning, her face was burning – fuck it, everything was on fire! "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod –" she chanted under her breath. Oh shit, he'd said something. What was it? Something about clothes? A grand idea!

Iseul took a deep breath, put her hands down, and then turned back around so she wouldn't have to look at Jae and risk on-the-spot combustion. She walked over to another clothes rack which a stylist had told her contained some of members' photoshoot outfits, somewhat unsteady on her feet. It was truly a testament to her strength of mind that she was even able to remember which one it was. Iseul rifled through the hangers until she came across an outfit that consisted of a sleeveless top, leather pants, a bunch of silver accessories in an attached baggie, and fingerless gloves for some reason. There was a sticky note on the hanger that read "Jae - 1" in messy scrawl, and she yanked the outfit off the rack and stuck it out behind her towards where she assumed Jae was still standing.

"Um, here you go!" she exclaimed in a high, wavering tone. Her arm was shaking both from the shock of forbidden sight that had just been sprung upon her and from the exertion of holding the entire outfit in one hand. "Please put some clothes on!"
[/div][/div] [div class=namecontainer][div class=name]JEON ISEUL.[/div][/div]
by allure
[/div][/div] [class=container] width:500px; height:525px; margin:auto; cursor: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/232c090ebdd37ae4bc17adb54e1e0344/tumblr_inline_ol4nwhvSwg1uxxza6_75sq.png'), auto !important; [/class] [class=picture] border-radius:50%; height:150px; width:150px; border:1px solid #210F04; background: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/333054119/original.jpg'); background-position:50% 40%; background-size:150%; float: left; position:relative; z-index:2; [/class] [class=block1] height:30px; width:160px; background: #690500; float: left; transform:translate(-80px); border-top-right-radius: 15px; border-bottom-right-radius: 15px; position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=block2] height:22px; width:220px; background: #93520B; float: left; transform:translate(-50px); border-top-right-radius: 11px; border-bottom-right-radius: 11px; position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=block3] height:14px; width:300px; background: #D19734; float: left; transform:translate(-30px); border-top-right-radius: 7px; border-bottom-right-radius: 7px; position:relative; z-index:1; [/class] [class=space1] height:40px; width:0px; float:left; [/class] [class=space2] height:32px; width:0px; float:left; [/class] [class=frame] height:400px; width:400px; background: #210F04; border-radius:20px; margin:auto; transform:translateY(96px); padding: 20px; box-sizing: border-box; [/class] [class=name] font-size: 45px; color:transparent; -webkit-text-stroke: 1px #fff; position:relative; letter-spacing: 3px; z-index:3; text-shadow: 4px 4px 0px #99241E; [/class] [class=namecontainer] height: 70px; width: 310px; overflow:hidden; text-align:center; position:absolute; margin-left:66px; margin-top:20px; [/class] [class=textbox] background:white; font-size:11px; height: 290px; width: 360px; text-align:justify; overflow:hidden; padding:10px; box-sizing:border-box; color:#444; transform:translateY(-110px); [/class] [class=mood] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=site] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; margin-left:70px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=tags] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; margin-left:140px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class=fit] height: 20px; width: 60px; background: #512603; font-size:13px; text-align:center; position:relative; z-index:4; float:left; margin-top:-75px; margin-left:210px; color:white; letter-spacing:1px; [/class] [class name=mood state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=mood2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-49px; letter-spacing:0px; width:110%; font-size:11px; height:20px; [/class] [class name=site state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=site2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-46px; letter-spacing:0px; width:110%; font-size:11px; height:20px; [/class] [class name=tags state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=tags2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-46px; letter-spacing:0px; width:110%; font-size:13px; height:20px; [/class] [class name=fit state=hover] box-shadow: 3px 3px 0px darkred; transition: 0.3s; transform: scale(1.1); color:transparent; [/class] [class=fit2] color:white; opacity:0; position:absolute; display:inline; margin-left:-41px; height:20px; width:110%; [/class] [class name=mood2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class] [class name=site2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class] [class name=tags2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class] [class name=fit2 state=hover] opacity:1; [/class]
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[div class=infobanner][div class=title]YOONA [/div]

|[div class=title]Outfit[/div] |
|[div class=title]Mood[/div] please let this go smoothly|
|[div class=title]Location[/div] studio
|[div class=title]Interactions[/div] MXS + Iseul weldherwings weldherwings yousmelldead yousmelldead allure allure [/div]

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Joon’s cheeky responses were going to be the death of her one day. At least his follow-up indicated that he understood her and that was satisfactory enough. Yoona led the other members to the vans that were parked in front of the entrance, holding a moderate pace in comparison to the rushing members. Most of the attention was drawn towards MXS anyways, so there was no need for her to bolt to the vans. This was one of the few perks that managers and people working behind the scenes had. Her privacy had diminished throughout the years but it was never to the point of invasion. She could still take her kids to the park if she wanted and have a 60% chance of remaining unrecognized. It was one of the things she relished in; to be able to live as a somewhat standard citizen outside of her work.

Yoona, as usual, took the front passenger side seat in the first van. Iseul’s announcement sounded a bit awkward, but the manager could appreciate the initiative. The assistant had at least shown a bit more assertiveness in her actions, which was promising. Perhaps it was indeed the first-work-day-nerves that initially affected her mien and performance. With a bit of faith, Yoona hoped for Iseul to further prove herself today – or at least enough to take the budding worries about competence away. She let out a mere hum in acknowledgement of the announcement, her eyes fixated on the tablet in her hands. Her fingers brushed across the screen and a map opened up at the motion, revealing even more maps, each titled after the members of MXS. Yoona skimmed through the maps for a final time, triple-checking for any errors. Each map held various photos of the members themselves, the haircut and outfit concepts, and some typed up notes detailing personal and conceptual information. Her breath halted briefly as a close-up photo of Joon flashed into existence and unconsciously, her fingers lingering above the screen. The leader had frustrated as much as puzzled her these last months. He could be so contradictory in his ways of mischief yet passion. Sometimes it seemed as if he could not care much, his actions done in such a nonchalant manner it was equally alarming as impressive…yet at other times, he exuded such a caring light it could be blinding. Out of all the members, Joon still managed to surprise the manager more often than she’d like to openly admit. It kind of intrigued her…?

Her train of thoughts crashed immediately at this idea, and the manager was brought back to reality. Blinking, the photo entered her vision again in clarity, eyes drawn to his face. No. Instantly, the manager closed the map and moved onto the next one. It was then when she felt the van halt and she peeked up from the tablet to see that they had arrived at the salon. Yoona stored the tablet back safely in her bag and opened the door, before stepping out of the vehicle. It had been decided in advance that the manager would go and oversee the haircuts at first, so she moved along with the group towards the side of the room that was designated towards that. Her eyes briefly fleeted back to Iseul but upon seeing her being put to work, she returned her focus back to the members. “You all have been informed what will be done with your hair, correct?” Yoona had long figured out it was best to let the members know beforehand what kind of transformation their hair would undergo. Sure, it took away some of the element of surprise, but it also offered them something to look forward to ( or mentally prepare for). “If there are any dissatisfactions, feel free to speak up - though nothing can be promised, of course. If there are none, just sit back and let the hairdressers do the work. It also goes without saying that I expect to see professionalism. That means absolutely no stunts.” her eyes purposefully paused on Joon, “if you need anything, go ahead and notify the assistants. I’ll be not too far if you need me as well.”
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code by RI.a
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[class=joon] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 850px; height: 500px; background: url(https://imgur.com/H3oUsTh.jpg); overflow: hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; padding: 0; [/class][class=pic] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 116px; height: 116px; left: 111px; top: 359px; background: url(https://imgur.com/UUXj2nA.jpg); background-size: 100%; border-radius: 200%; [/class][class=text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 305px; height: 354px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 16px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=textcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 305px; height: 354px; left: 273px; top: 38px; [/class][class=mood] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 75px; height: 39px; left: 223px; top: 436px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 5px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=location] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 84px; height: 39px; left: 330px; top: 436px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 5px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=outfit] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 75px; height: 39px; left: 447px; top: 436px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 5px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class][class=mention] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 86px; height: 39px; left: 530px; top: 430px; font-size: 12px; font-family: avenir; line-height: 12px; color: #000; padding: 8px; text-align: justify; [/class] [div class=joon] [div class=pic][/div] [div class=textcontainer][div class=text] Joon seemed to be in rare form today. Even though he was exhausted he couldn't help the playful feeling erupting through his body. He dubbed today as 'How Bad Can I Tick Off Yoona Day'. Call it an experiment but he wanted to see just how far he could push the woman's buttons.

The boys had just about trampled each other as they moved out of the vehicle, Joon following close behind the others who were moving through the doors of the salon. Even though he was a guy, hair day was probably the best day. Who didn't love getting their hair washed and massaged? Hell, he would even go get a pedicure every now and then just to get his feet rubbed. Joon moved in between Roze and Min-Ki, hands clasped together casually in front of him as he listened for instructions.

Yoona's gaze drifted to his own, his dark eyes catching it quickly as she spoke about not pulling any stunts. So she was taking notes. The blonde lifted the corners of his lips lightly to give the girl a small smirk before nodding his head in agreement. No stunts will be preformed today. He was crappy at gymnastics anyway.

"Right this way Bi Joon." His name being called startled the boy, his cheeks puffing out lightly before he quickly moved to the chair that was designated for him. Joon took a seat happily, resting his neck against the back of the salon chair. "So what is the plan today?", he asked politely as his gaze moved to the woman behind the chair through the reflection in the mirror. "Just touching up your roots today!" Well, that was no fun. "Did Yoona speak to you? There was a last minute change to plum. Something to do with making a statement." Joon kept his voice low as he spoke, his expression casual as if he had just spoken to his manager about the last minute change in hair style.

The woman looked flustered, her eyebrows scrunched in slightly as she gazed at the male through the mirror. "It's okay, I'm sure Yoona will be fine if you don't--" "No no! Plum it is!" Joon couldn't help the grin growing on his face, his dimple showing clearly as he stared into the mirror. Sometimes he wondered how he was able to be the leader of the group, but as a leader he took the risks unlike the other boys so he guessed it was fitting. Joon wasn't afraid to make quick decisions which also put him up there in leadership status.

Leaning back further in the chair, the boy closed his eyes as the stylist's hands began to work on his hair. Between the soft buzzing in the studio to the way the woman's fingers massaged his scalp, Joon had completely knocked out in the salon chair with his now purple locks.

neon reverie neon reverie weldherwings weldherwings allure allure

[/div][/div] [div class=mood]mischievous[/div] [div class=location]hair salon[/div] [div class=outfit]here[/div] [div class=mention]yoona,mxs,iseul[/div] [/div]
jeong young-jae
[div class=text]
[div class="scroll"] All these years of being an idol, Jae had grown used to practically being naked in front of everyone who worked behind the scenes (heck, even in the dorms. His favourite thing to do was just lie around naked). Of course, as an idol, he had some sort of purity to uphold. People wanted to feel as if he would be someone who wouldn’t dare to show his body to anyone apart from his future wife. Heck, most of his fans were probably dreading the day that he would finally have a wife. He wouldn’t put it past them to make some sort of stupid protest to stop him from having any sort of romantical relationship because it meant he wasn’t available. But on the topic of showing this sign of purity, it meant that most of his outfits in the past in which he had worn had always been quite conservative.

The most risqué outfit he had ever worn was shorts. Or maybe that one time he wore a singlet and jeans on stage. That seemed to make the fans go absolutely wild. I suppose that’s why when he was approached by the CEO of Astro Entertainment with the concept of MXS, he jumped right for it. It allowed him to try something different. For years he had been displaying this cute, boyfriend look. But he was a grown adult. He had a body and he was… well, he was experienced, I suppose you could say. Min-Seok would be a prime example of how experienced he was. And, eventually, his fans would have to learn that, right? That he couldn’t always be this cute little maknae of a group. That, eventually, like them, he would have to grow.

So, as a small scream fell from the new assistant’s mouth, Jae had to stand there in complete confusion. Had he scared her? Well, no, he had told her that he was there and she had acknowledged him? Was there something scary behind him? A glance over his shoulder confirmed that no, there wasn’t anything behind him. Was it… Was it because he was in his boxers? Jae’s brow only continued to furrow in confusion as he tried to figure out exactly had Iseul reacting this way. She… she was an assistant, right? This wasn’t her first assistant job… right? So, wouldn’t she be used to seeing people in their underwear…?

The confusion only grew as he watched the girl chant under her breath and try to compose herself before making her way over to the clothes rack. Jae watched in complete and utter fascination. Was this girl seriously that flustered over seeing him in his boxers? That high and waving tone as she held out the outfit to him, not daring to look back at him, only confirmed it. As confusing as it was… it was… kinda cute. He had forgotten what it was like to get a reaction like that out of someone, especially after all these years of being around professional makeup artists and stylists.

A soft smile formed on his face as he couldn’t help but let a low chuckle fall from his lips. “Thank you” he said to her, reaching over and taking hold of the outfit. He looked at the design of the outfit, releasing a soft sigh. Ah, yes, this was going to be a whole new experience. Never had he ever been asked to wear something so… sexy, I suppose? Jae began to sort through the items which were in the collection before his dark eyes gazed over at Iseul. Maybe pants would help the poor girl out? He took hold of the leather pants off the hook, placing the other items on the chair in front of him, and easily slid into them. Thank God they got the measurements right. Otherwise, he would be spending the next thousand years trying to slide into these bad boys.

I have pants on now” He announced to Iseul, another smile forming on his face thinking about the whole situation. Jae leant forward to the chair, taking hold of the sleeveless top that… well, he was damn confused about how the freaking thing was meant to look. It was a custom shirt, that was for sure, which meant that there weren’t any tags on it. Which meant he had no clue which way was front or back? “I uh… sorry… but…” he began, gazing at the shirt in his hands “How does… this shirt work?
[div class=phone][div class="scroll"] [div class=h1]mood
[div class=h2]flustered over some man titties? cute.[/div] [div class=h1]location[/div][div class=h2]studio[/div] [div class=h1]mentions[/div][div class=h2]iseul [/div] [div class=h1]interactions[/div][div class=h2] iseul ( allure allure ) [/div] [div class=h1]outfit[/div][div class=h2][/div]
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coded by weldherwings
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He said he had pants on now. The godly thighs were hidden. She could do this. Even if he was shirtless, she was going to get ahold of herself and keep her cool and stay professional. Okay, maybe all pretenses of staying professional went out the window when she screamed at the sight of him, but it was never too late to do the right thing! Feeling a little better after her internal pep talk, Iseul turned around and oh, how foolish she was. The godly thighs were not hidden; they were very, very public and sheathed in tight black leather.

Iseul squeezed her eyes shut for just a moment, thinking they're just legs get over it! which reminded her of the little song she'd learned in middle school: hot leg hot leg leg so hot you can fry an egg. That was enough to get her mind off of Jae's legs, fortunately, but then things took a turn for the worse when she suddenly had an embarrassing flashback to something that happened in middle school, and yeahhhh she would rather focus on Jae than allow herself to dwell on that.

"Ah, let me see," she said, taking the shirt and holding it up next to Jae's torso to try to make sense of the design (good God, his torso – stop looking!). The only difference between the two sides of the top was that one had several cargo pockets sewn unevenly onto the edges, so. "I'm going to assume this is the front." She turned the top around to show Jae the side with the pockets. The pockets were quite large and wonky-looking, but it would probably look fine once the shirt was on. "What would be the point of slapping these on if you can't even see them in the pictures or on stage, right? You could, like, hide candy in those bad boys."

In fact, you could fit a bunch of the candies Iseul liked to leave for Jae in his studio into those pockets. She still had a bunch in her bag. It wouldn't hurt to give him some, right? She knew he liked them because she would always see the wrappers in his trashcan the day after. Yeah! He deserved some sweets for the hard work he was doing, it didn't matter whether she gave them to him the usual way or in person. "Speaking of, want some candy?" she asked before she could second guess herself, already digging in her purse. She came up with a couple of the familiar pink-wrapped candies and offered them to Jae with a smile.
[/div][/div] [div class=namecontainer][div class=name]JEON ISEUL.[/div][/div]
by allure
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[div class=infobanner][div class=title]YOONA [/div]

|[div class=title]Outfit[/div] |
|[div class=title]Mood[/div] I am gonna kill him
|[div class=title]Location[/div] studio
|[div class=title]Interactions[/div] Bi Joon + hairdresser yousmelldead yousmelldead [/div]

[div class=textWrap][div class=scrollWrap][div class=textBox]
Yoona had taken a seat on one of the couches near the group that had their hair scheduled to be done first. Sitting with one leg crossed over the other, the woman had her eyes fixated on the trusted tablet in her hands, only occasionally looking up to check how the haircuts and dyes were faring. Even though today was dedicated to finalizing the looks of the ‘triple kill’ concept, her mind was already occupied with future matters. Tomorrow was another important day, some might argue even of greater significance, and it was absolutely imperative to have it go as well as possible. An idol group could have the perfect looks, but in the end, their music was what their audience would connect to. A good music production was, all things considered, essential. There were no major worries about tomorrow ( she wouldn’t have done a proper job if there were), but there were always external factors to look out for.

Yoona let out a small sigh and closed her tablet, having just drafted some emails to different media outlets. ASTRO Entertainment had made it no secret that they were planning to debut a new idol group and with the company’s earlier successes, MXS had already garnered the attention of the media; music and variety shows alike having expressed their interest in the group should their debut be successful. Of course, it was ideal for MXS to make an appearance in as many shows as possible, but the manager was more than aware she’d to decline a few offers due to it clashing with the schedule or simply because of health factors. The last thing Yoona wanted was to run the boys into the ground with activities; she’d spent enough time in the industry to see the detrimental effects of pushing idols beyond their mental and physical capabilities.

Her eyes travelled towards the group, watching how the hairdressers transformed the boys’ hair to fit the concept. Everything looked like it was going according to plan and – oh this better be a figment of her imagination. The manager immediately rose from her seat and marched over to the chair Joon was seated in, eyes never leaving the purple locks the man was donning at the moment. I swear to fucking god, if this is what I think it is.. Yoona pushed down the tension that was swelling up in her throat and with one calming breathe, she turned to the hairdresser. “Excuse me but what is going on? I thought it was pretty clear Joon would only have his roots touched up.”

“W-what?” the other woman uttered, obviously taken back. Her eyes fleeted back to Joon and realization flickered across her face, followed by abashment. Bowing deep, the hairdresser began to stutter an apology;” M-my deepest apologies Yoona-ssi! I will immediately try to revert it and-“

“Don’t bother.” Yoona cut her off. The damage had already been done and there was not enough time to get it back to blonde. At least not today. She shut her eyes for a brief moment as she grappled for every bit of composure she could muster – easier said than done, given the overwhelming urge to commit justifiable homicide. Speaking of homicide…

Her eyes opened again and she turned her gaze towards Joon. A string of obscenities was released within the safety of her mind, despite the fact how tempting it was to start cussing him out right here and there. Nevertheless, all that she allowed herself to say was a terse ”Bi Joon,” followed by “ a word, please.” She did not wait, immediately turning around and walking away towards a more private area – which were, turned out, the bathrooms.

Only after the two were secluded from the others, she allowed the anger to truly burn her and oh, it burned. “Do you think this is a joke?” she started, tone cold, “do you think what we do is a joke?” Taking a step closer, Yoona had to lift her chin up to be able to look him in the eyes. Her facade of neutrality finally broke to reveal a deep frustration that has been simmering ever since… well, far too long. She simply could not understand why the leader was always so hell-bent on making everything much more difficult for her. Did he hate her? Did he want her or MXS to fail? “And do you have any idea of the consequences that your little stunts bring? You could have gotten that hairdresser fired. Or even worse, you could've brought MXS’s success into danger.” She gestured to the door, before crossing her arms. “Maybe I wasn't clear before, but I will be now, so listen to me. If you think your little antics will stand, you can leave right now and not come back. I will not let MXS be your personal playground, is that clear?"
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code by RI.a
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