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Realistic or Modern Boundless(CS)


Elder Member
GM: @BloodyKhama

CO GM: @Azuria









Moral Standing:(The Alignment System)



You can have up to 3 characters, preferably some good and some evil, but its up to you!

(Note: You don't have to be a meta-human, but it will be much harder to survive on your own as an ordinary human.)
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Name: Amilia Carvas

Gender: Female

Age: 14


Amilia may come off as creepy towards others oftenly. She has a rather chaotic sense of humor, that can get quite morbid at times. Amilia, other than most kids her age and even most adults, does not fear death, does not see it as something big and threatening. She jokes about it a lot and even stays calm if a person dies in her near. Of course she will be sad if the person was dear to her, but she wont be freaking out. Amilia loves her plush bunny a lot and will cry non-stop, should she get seperated from it. She can get quite aggressive, if somebody actively takes it from her.


Amilia began her life pretty normal. She had a family, a father and a mother, two brothers. But when she turned 4, her father died. It was shocking to her. A few months later, the younger one of her elder brothers died. Another few months later, her mother and other brother died as well, together in an accident. By that time, Amilia had gotten a little numb to deaths, though of course, she was sad. Amilia got put into an orphanage afterwards, as well as being gifted a small plush bunny. It was little to make up for losses. Amilia from that point oftenly talked to herself, at least that was what it looked like. She always said she was talking to her family, that they all were around. People shrugged it off, saying she was imagining it. But they got suspicious, when they heard from the children, that little Amilia appeared to be able to speak to the others parents too. She answered questions about dead people without trouble, as if they were front to her to tell her the answer. Everytime she got asked, she replied the same. "I can tell the dead people to come, then they come and we can talk. Or play. Most of them are really nice!" People understood her ability and that was why she was one of the first to be send in to recieve Vaccine. 

The vaccine increased her ability. But it did not drive her fully mad. Instead, it split her apart, created a dark part of her personality that only strong negative emotions could trigger. 



Height: 1,42 meters

Weight: 36 kg

Moral Standing: Chaotic neutral 


The dead

Amilia is not only able to see the dead, no the vaccine made her able to actually summon dead people front to her as undeads. These follow her bidding but only stay about 5 minutes. She can summon up to 3 undead at a time.


A stuffed bear
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Do we post Cs applications here if we're interested? I just noticed that there doesn't seem to be any Cs's here yet and some chat
Okay so can you guys hide your posts, well the ones that aren't character sheets? I don't want this to be overly cluttered. Thanks!

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