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Fantasy BoN: Stone Age


Happy Necromancer
Roleplay Availability
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BoN: Stone Age

After ten thousand years, civilization is finally recovering from the mass extinction that it had suffered through the demonic purges of The Old World. All of the old vestiges had been cast away, leaving only relics,some buildings and vaults to be found and discovered.

Nothing of the cultures or the people of that Old World truly remained any longer. Now it was to be the time of the new clans that have formed and could possibly grow to great heights. Though technology was lost, over time it could improve once more.

But for now, cultures will clash as they explore the land for resources and territory. Most likely violence will erupt as religious ideologies come into contact with each other with conflicting ideas. Races that are incompatible with others will consume and grow or falter and wither.

Now is the time to see which clans will turn into nations. Now is the time to see which nations will endure. Now is the beginning of The Stone Age!!

(Each player will get to perform 2 actions a turn. Each turn, players will choose from 1 of 3 options during a Break Point. Players will only have 1 NPC event/Adventure a turn. Players can have multiple Player interactions a turn. Movement is 1 named territory per turn unless you have mounted units which can move 2. Turn posts will be processed as they are posted. The following turn will only begin once all players have posted for that turn.)



The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks

The Devil’s Hand was filled with volcanic ash and soot at this time of day and The Skypiercer was not different in that regard. So as such, it was not a particularly clear day, but a day that was still worthy of entertainment to stave off any boredom.

Some Goliaths were throwing stones around to each other in a form of game that they called Stone Throw. The point of the game was to catch the Stone and make it past the other Goliaths to their side of the Ash Field. You scored a point if you managed to add your Stone to the pile without getting caught. The first team to land one land in the pile for each member of their team would win.

As one of the teams managed to win, a volcanic eruption seemed to answer the cries of victory. Another lava flow occurred a few miles from the clan’s camp. The Skypiercer seemed especially active in recent years. But of course, this gave them strength, strength against the elements. They were strong and would continue to grow stronger. But could they use that in another way to their advantage?

This gave an idea to The Great Hearted Alexandros. He had a few options that he could give a try.

  1. Create Magma Moats by diverting any coming lava flows​
  2. Set up a Blacksmith near the volcanoes active lava flows​
  3. Use the remains of the Lava Flow to create Ash Golems​

Followers of Izel

The Amazonians were all dark skinned beauties whose looks were as equaled to their strength. They had been created from the very stone in the ground, given a breath of life by their goddess Izel, to serve her daughter, Tikal.

They were fierce, they were strong, but most of all, they were devout in their beliefs. Every morning, they gave their prayers to the goddess and their immortal leader, her daughter, the demi goddess Tikal. And every night they did the same once more. They were grateful for the life that had been given and do not forget their humble origins, no matter how many generations might pass.

Their home, the Jungle of Tikal, they knew, was not fit for a goddess, not yet at least. But they had ideas to do so. Some ideas could give their home beauty, while others, strength.

  1. Use the Natural Stones to craft a Holy Temple​
  2. Use the Natural Stones to craft a Defensive Wall​
  3. Use the Natural Wood to craft an Effigy of Tikal​

The Moonsworn

King Izgil was born from the Skystone. He knew its power, as did the Dawi that served under him. He could feel its power when it thrummed with the mystical energy that glowed. He would know when more of that emerged from its dormant slumber, whether having fallen from the sky, or even just emerged from a dormant state in the ground. He would know.

The dwarves of The Moonsworn did not necessarily have some of the numbers of other clans that were out there, but what they did have was the strength of technology and access to at least some stores of Copper from which to build great things.

Some of those great things were the freshly minted Copper Golems that were currently lugging around large chunks of Copper, placing them into stone carts and depositing them in the depot to be crafted into weapons, armor or even more Golems. These golems were very ornate, but also intimidating looking. Any who wronged The Moonsworn would soon see themselves on the wrong side of their heavy copper fists.

However, there must be a better way to do things than just wield their state of the art golems as mere laborers. Even if they are good at it.

Current Copper: 20 Units

  1. Using existing Rock formations, cultivate pathways to PUSH the Copper.​
  2. Using existing Stone, carve out a simple group of STONE SERVITORS to aid in Copper retrieval.​
  3. Using Cuneiform, set up a work schedule for the Dwarves.​

Woodland Federation

The forest was ancient by any normal race standards. Heck, especially by its own animal inhabitants. For them, it had been around longer than they can remember. And longer than their parents and grandparents could remember.

For them, it was always there. But for Kwerkus, well, Kwerkus itself was probably always there. They say that it was the progenitor, the very first oak. At least, perhaps it was the very first Oak in these lands.

The Grovelings went about their normal play. The mice played tag, while the ducks raced each other in the small ponds that littered about.

It was a calm time. A peaceful time for the Woodland Federation. It was always a peaceful time for them. For they were an eternally peaceful people and as far as they knew, they would continue to be for ages forward.

They told each other stories. These ranged from simple daily quests from the mice, to the wind patterns of the ducks and other avians from the skies above.

But soon, tales began to circulate of a GREAT MONSTER that was on the outskirts of the forest. What would they do?

  1. Ignore the rumors of this GREAT MONSTER​
  2. Send a Delegation to TALK with the GREAT MONSTER​
  3. Leave an offering for the GREAT MONSTER​

The Penitent

Orpheus and the others had over time been drawn into the area around the ancient cathedral. They are pulled there by forces that they don’t truly understand and it is doubtful that they would, even if it was explained to them. So far beyond their knowledge.

Those drawn in have set up a series of tents that they are living in, small things that are made of wooden sticks, vines and leaves to try to keep out the elements. Though it is difficult to keep out the rolling fog that occasionally comes in from the East.

The assembled worship the Archlector and all he has to speak in front of is the ancient cathedral. While it provides a great backdrop, there could be MORE. The only way that his words would carry them ever forward was if they could get inside the ancient structure.

It was apparently well built as the elements have not left it open and it is by far a sturdy lock. The Penitent have come up with some options on the matter.

  1. Attempt to pick the lock on the door.​
  2. Attempt to Break Down the Door​
  3. Decorate the Outside to make it extra holy, while barring any from Entering​

Blackrock Troop

The Old World Obelisk known as the BlackRock has stood there since time immemorial. It had seen civilizations grow and civilizations fall. But now, it has created its own. The Blackrock Troop were monkeys that were taught by the BlackRock and educated on the ways of civilization so that they could become one, spreading far and wide.

Though they are but a young civilization, they are greater than many, having been given the secrets of early technology from the Blackrock itself. They have become more than they were and more than other clans around them. The only tales they hear of a people more advanced than they were of The Dwarves in the West.

However, some have decided that they are not learning and growing fast enough, that they need more, now. These monkeys that feel this way are being led by a young upstart, a Great Warrior known as Jo. It is only a matter of time before this could come to a head.

Perhaps they would fight those loyal to Blackrock. Or perhaps they would attempt to make their way West and find these technological dwarves.

  1. Talk some sense into Jo​
  2. Have Jo challenged to Single Combat by a chosen champion​
  3. Ignore the Situation at Present (Perhaps it will go away)​

Glimmerhill Giants

The Stone Giants lived a peaceful life up in the hills and mountains of the North Forests. For ages, they have been mostly undisturbed as those whom had did not last very long. They were strong, though slow. But lived in a semi harmonious state with nature.

They lived in one of the most bountiful forests in all of Astoria and there was not much in their own mountainous area that they did not know what was going on. The hunting grounds were plentiful, the fruit trees were in bloom and there was plenty of potable water for drinking.

A few Grungle Grunks returned with some Slops, looking quite disheveled, even for Grungle Grunks and Slops. Apparently, they had come across a group of bandits that made a camp in the forest. Something had to be done, right?

How could these bandits have arrived there without their knowledge on their home lands. And without paying any tribute?

It seemed that someone needed a lesson to be taught, right? Can that be let stand, or perhaps something else could be reached?

  1. Fight the Bandits​
  2. Parlay with the Bandits​
  3. Leave the Bandits Alone (For now)​

The Shifting Covenant

The Elven barbarians, gladiators and beastmasters all wished to become more. That was the very goal of their leader, Ekco A’thuun. They all wanted to believe in the power of evolution so that they could become stronger, faster, smarter. So that they could spread their ideology to all the corners of Astoria and possibly even beyond into the great unknown.

Their ancestors were much more, having lost much in the ages since the Old World. No longer were they all well lived. That was a luxury that only some were still afforded, such as their leader.

Now they fought for pleasure, for their own or for others. And they trained animals who would help them in their fighting. Crude fighting pits were crafted in times of battle and washed away with the seasons. Nothing permanently remains, at least not yet.

A young elf named He’o discovered a small well in the forest. He thought he saw something shiny down it and wanted help to get it. The young elf believed that it was something of value. Something that he needed.

  1. Help He’o check down the well.​
  2. Ignore He’o. Your warriors have far better things to do.​
  3. Demand recompense before helping He’o check​


The Eternals

Mythanar Fesandoral was something of a mystery. At least he was to his fellow elves that he had assembled on the Black Archipelago. He looked young, but he commanded a presence and a level of magic that was beyond them. He also had with him, a plethora of powerful magical items that he kept hidden away.

He was a true enigma to the people that followed him. But he made them all stronger just with his presence. And the Sea Elves and the Fire Elves knew that he was the one that would and could lead them all to greatness.

They would help him bring back the elven people to what had been lost. And it started with this tower that Mythanar had led them to.

For the last fortnight, they had camped outside it with tents made from wood and leaves. But something had drawn their leader there. And so they waited.

  1. Use Magic to Open up the Tower​
  2. Have the Fire Mages Blast the door down​
  3. Conduct research using Magical relics on what to do with the Tower​

The Valora Pod

The Pod is Life. The Pod is Happiness. The Pod is all that they have known. But it has been all that they have needed. They welcome all to the pod. Selkie and Sharkmen alike inhabit the lands and waters of the Leviathan Islands.

They have always provided everything that they have needed. And as far as they were concerned, they always would. After all, they never over fished, or pulled too many coconuts from the trees.

They did it all in moderation.

A wooden ship crashed into the island directly south of the Valora Pod’s home. A bunch of humans seemed to be shipwrecked and some even seemed to have perished. What would be done about this?

  1. Try talking with the Shipwrecked Humans​
  2. Have the Sharkmen EAT the shipwrecked humans​
  3. Ignore the Shipwrecked Humans​

The Flesh Prophets

All will become one. All your pain will be lost to the aether. All your desires will be our desires. Do you not want to live at peace? Do you not want to be somewhere that you belong?

We are growing and we are willing.

You wish to belong.

You wish to be OURS.


The Call is Strong, even across the Scorched Valley. And more will arrive each day to answer the call. The Sun does not scorch us. Only our enemies. Their flesh is added to our own.

The Tower of Belonging aids the cause, bringing them all in by droves. The Flesh Guardians protect the Tower covered in flesh, while the Flesh Puddings roam the perimeter. The mass of flesh and parts would drive many people out of their minds. But to those that follow Zoa, it is a normal sight. As are the Moving Parts, the leftovers from those either became a part of the whole, or from those who did not.

It was brought to the attention of The Leader that there was a Single Massive Golem trudging through the Scorched Valley.

  1. Fight the Golem​
  2. Talk to the Golem​
  3. Ignore the Golem​

The Aros Tribe

Kuro Aros had built this tribe up from nothing. He had loyal warriors and animals and this forest was his. There was no doubt that it was his intelligence, skill as a leader and powerful magics that had gotten them this far and it would take them even further.

He just knew it. He knew it in his young bones. Though a strange thought. Why would he feel it in his bones? The thought passed on from his mind.

His people’s skills as using the forest to their advantage had already netted them tents of the HIGHEST QUALITY and his people were often able to get good rest on piles of well kempt leaves.

Some Green Soldiers on patrol of their territory came across a large Treant that was moving through the area. It seemed a tad bit shift for them. So they came back to report to Aros to find out what they should do about it.

  1. Talk with the Treant​
  2. Kill or capture the Treant​
  3. Ignore the Treant and let it move through their territory.​

Mystics of The Calm

The Mystics of the calm consisted of intelligent capybaras and racoons. As such, they were far smaller than other clans out there. But what they made up for in size, they made up with in large numbers and technology.

Their control over irrigation allowed them in the warmer months to farm the land. They knew that they were lucky that they did not live further north or they would have to deal with the permafrost.

As it was, if they could control land further south, they could have a higher crop yield and allow their people to flourish even more. They are a patient people though. And could wait.

A more pressing issue was that the humans were spotted cutting down trees at the edge of the forest. They seem to have set up a rudimentary logging camp.

  1. Send a delegate to talk to the humans​
  2. Fight the humans (They shouldn’t steal your trees)​
  3. Ignore the Human Loggers​

Tendua Tribe

Vokar had made his deal. He and his heirs would have strength and speed beyond their wildest dreams. But his soul was to be lost to the demons and his bloodline forever tainted by the deal.

But now he and his kin have begun to rebuild their lives underneath the Great Skull Mound. It’s subterranean jungle giving a lush and plentiful bounty. With this, they could grow. With this, they could be protected from the dangers of the outside. With this, their people will flourish greater than they have ever before.

A pygmy fighter bowed to Vokar. “Great Chieftain. We have found an ancient temple covered in vines. What should we do?”

  1. Send an exploration team to explore the Temple​
  2. Bar any from entering the Temple and make it forbidden​
  3. Leave the temple for now. (There are other things of greater importance to deal with)​

The Nowhere Herd

The Nowhere Herd was always on the move, rarely staying in the same place for too long. The strange elongated people that made up the clan loved the cold and brought it with them, always.

The lands they traveled were harsh, not just because of their temperature, but also because of all the dangerous creatures that dwelled there. One had to be tough to survive. And the ones that lived there fought tooth, nail and claw to do so.

It was why The People were so tough. They used the land and even the mammoths against the other animals or even others who entered their lands with hostile intent.

Maya was using the Strange Glass Eye. It was a Relic of the Old World that was passed down and allowed strange information to fill her head when she looked at things.

As she was using it to look through the snowstorm, she spotted a Ruby Red Obelisk that had not been there before. The Glass showed DANGER!

  1. Investigate the Ruby Red Obelisk​
  2. Leave the Obelisk Alone​
  3. Build a Snow Wall to Block it From View​

The Brothers of Odin

The Brothers were a well kept group of warrior people. Almost all of their people fought or knew how to fight. Their leader, Bjorn Sigurdson was a reckless man. But one that was able to inspire his people to greatness.

They had carved out a life in The North, far away from all other major clans. But they would expand and grow. More warriors would become a part of their cause as they would populate the North and spread their way of life.

They would find other great warriors and they would fight them for honor and glory. To earn their path to greatness in that which lay beyond the here and now.

A scout named Thorhild reported that the Bridge to the South was guarded by a fierce Troll. It would most certainly try to block any egress to the rest of The North.

  1. Fight the Troll​
  2. Talk to the Troll​
  3. Ignore the Troll and focus on a fleet to avoid the bridge​
  1. Create Magma Moats by diverting any coming lava flows​
  2. Set up a Blacksmith near the volcanoes active lava flows​
  3. Use the remains of the Lava Flow to create Ash Golems​
The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks

Breakpoint Select: 2
The Goliaths could indeed make moats with the flows of lava, or craft forth ash golems, but the people of the Stormwrath Peaks feared no foe and needed no strength that was not their own. What beast was there that they feared might cross a moat of flame? What feats did they wish to perform, that they needed men of ash to do it in their stead? No, these things were accomplished by the strong and mighty arms of his people already. But what they did not have, what they did yet seek, was the secrets of flame and molten earthblood, For this, Alexandros sets his people to work, hewing forth black mountain-stone. They set it about near a bend in a river of lava, setting down a slab for a foundation, before raising up a Blacksmith, so that they might begin to experiment with the nature of the Earth's molten blood, and see what artifice they might be able to tease from it.

Alexandros anoints the new structure with the rumble of thunder, and names it Stoneblood Point. Then, he calls to his people that it was time to go forth into the world, and see what they might make of it. The world beyond the Skypiercer awaited, and it was time for the Goliaths to claim it!

Action 1: The World Below
Alexandros and his people will explore the lands around the Skypiercer for oddities, seeking to see if there were any other peoples in the stretch of the Devil's Hand near their mountainous home. Or if there were any hidden structures, resources, or treasures that they had never found, or if there was a threat that they had yet to learn of, that may yet strike at the Goliaths upon their mountain. Slabs of stone marked with pigments would note down what they had found in symbols, so that future generations would remember the shape of it.

Action 2: Challenging the Flame
After the immediate environs are explored, the Goliaths would set forth with towards the Tower of Flame, seeking to explore that strange remnant of a bygone age. Despite being so near, none of the Goliaths had yet investigated its chambers, but now with the dawning of a new age, Alexandros is resolved to seek out its mysteries and master them for his own people. This was a time of legends yet to be sung and stories unborn. This, he swore, would be the first of the great sagas of the Goliaths in these days!
Orpheus - Turn 1 - The Penitent

When the sun and the moon share the same sky, darkness will sweep the land and there will be no discrimination between man or beast. All will fight for their eternal salvation against that which lurks in the void.

The unassuming visage of Orpheus was far from the glorious beauty one would expect or a messenger from a deity, yet there was a draw to him that was unexplainable. People from the far reaches of the continent walked through scorching deserts and Greenskin infested lands just to join his flock. Orpheus himself did not truly understand how he held such sway with people, even those he had only met briefly. He saw himself as little more than a man of the people and a servant to The Divine, yet he was much more.

He was the vessel of The Divine's power, capable of great feats beyond a mortals own capability. He was the voice of The Divine's will, tasked with spreading its gospel to the world. He was The Divine's hope, the hope against the threat that lingered in darkness, corrupting and devouring with tendrils that stretched through reality and time. The threat that they dubbed, The Song.

A singular being or entity is a worthy foe or adversary, someone or something you can draw a weapon against to slay and claim victory over, yet The Song was something else. It was formless, inhabiting a void in in reality that allowed it to fester and grow, to reach out and touch untold world's and feed upon those that lived there. It was an idea more than something alive, able to creep into someone's subconscious and corrupt them to its way of thinking.

Its name may sound weak or unintimidating, yet those that are touched by it hear a song. At first just a few notes, taunting and teasing as if music is being played in the distance. Then it grows in depth and volume, turning into a vast orchestra of corruption that either twists the listener into something unhuman, or the individual is driven insane, as if peering into the very abyss.

That is what Orpheus stands against.

Actions Break Point: Attempt to pick the lock on the door.

Movement: Orpheus, 5 Holy Clerics and 10 Fanatics travel to Greenskin Pass territory.
1. Try to make contact/board Sky City.
2. Create a school at home to start educating children and assist in researching new technologies.

Leadership Gains Population: +9
Fanatics: +8
Zealot Champion: +1

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Followers of Izel

In the shadow of the mountain, beneath the jungle’s canopy, Tikal and her mighty Amazon women gathered to celebrate a wonderful hunt. The Jungles of Tikal teemed with life and through ceremony and rituals that life fed the Amazon women. The hearts, antlers, and brains of their kills were not wasted either. Those vital organs were offered to the Demi-goddess in sacrifice, regular worship and prayers given by her people.

The Demi-goddess sat in a stone platform that raised her above the warriors below, but three women approached her throne and all knelt with their heads lowered. “Preparations have been made, my lady. The warriors are ready to set out for the Star Tower.” One woman proclaimed.

“The Iron Keep expedition is also ready.” A second warrior declared.

Then the third woman, who was not meant to be present spoke up. “Lady Tikal. My sisters and I have begun to gather resources from the jungle, we are ready to start construction on a project of your choosing.”

While the other amazons feasted and partied below, Tikal pondered over what the best use of the resources would be. “Build be a temple where our people may worship and be under my gaze.”


Dispatch 20x Amazon Regulars to explore the Star Tower.

Construct Jungle Watchtower


Use Natural Stone resources to construct Holy Temple
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The Shifting Covenant
Turn 1

Breakpoint: 1. Help He'o check down the well.
Value could be anywhere, even at the bottom of a well. Ekco was partially agreeing out of curiosity being peaked, but she wouldn't be opposed to punishing the young elf if they were to be toying or wasting precious time.

Action 1: Search the Tower of Dreams with an expedition party.
There were two very noticeable towers on opposite sides of The Split, both of which seemed like homes to trouble but also held great potential. Forming a party from suitable members of the combat force the Shifting Covenant had at their disposal, Ekco would lead an expedition for the southern tower.

Action 2: Use  Wood and  Stone to start a mineshaft system.
The Shifting Covenant believes in the Uu'naened's powers of evolution to direct them to a more powerful future, but Ekco believes they need to do their own part to bolster their civilization and forces. Creating mine systems will help with discovering strong resources in their homeland, and provide practice for future excavation work when it comes to building. These systems would also help connect them to the Uu'naened.

Evolution of the Body: Dino Horde (1d10 = 6) (40 Units)
The evolutionary power from the Uu'naened had to be initially tested somewhere. Perhaps the beastmasters could provide some of their lesser dinosaurs as subjects.


Slime Alliance: +1 Slime Champion gained.

Ekco sat at the throne of High Crown. Or atleast what qualified as a throne wasn't anything much more than a really good sitting rock that was pretty high to give her a view of some things. There was a lot of work to be done, for their unified kind had set ambitious sights to lay claim to all on their land and to even then take things further if they felt like it. She sat watching a small group of Slime Drinkers get boosted on a hit of summoned slime by a Dark Mage before duelling against eachother for no reason more than sport and ego, people gathering and chanting not caring for who even won. She had took her own hit of direct Uu'naened sludge before coming up to her little throne in order to try and develop her own clarity and understanding on where to lead the people.

She was trying to grasp on possibilities on construction projects and how to handle their growth, knowing that their kind had a wide audience of interests that she felt was rightful to appease when they had the capabilities to do so. The Dark Mages had requested great chambers of their own to practice magical experimentation and slime creation. The Beastmasters had requested land and buildings to help tame and breed the mightiest of beasts. Everyone had badgered for duelling pits, training grounds and the like to amass champions and warlords, but only so much could be done. Perhaps evolution could help reach those out of reach desires. Mineshafts weren't suggested by anyone, but it was reason that she was in charge that she could think logically for those who didn't. Then, she'd get around to what they desired.

Thinking about the matter of out of reach desires, the pterosaur riders of the beastmasters had given her a little insight to the local area. There lied a particularly interesting tower to the south of High Crown of which they dubbed the Tower of Dreams. Some time briefly before they had told her of the Tower of Nightmares to the west, and claiming power over both opposites sounded like a dream come true. Since dreams sounded more prosperous, it would be where they lead their travels first of all.​
The Quiet Grove

General_Deth_Glitch_Redwall_Squirrel_Taking_an_Oath_drinking_tr_996947b9-47c6-40a4-b715-3a0bcb...pngOswald stepped up to the tree. The Elders of the grove had informed him and Kwerkus had chosen him to take up the Old Oak Oath. Oswald wasn't entirely convinced that the Elders could talk to the tree but he knew that it was no ordinary tree. The Oath takers that had existed before he was born were more then mere legends and he knew it well. As he approached tree and the old gnarled natural font that, it is said, Kwerkus provided for the ceremony ages past, he considered the trade he was making. He truly cared for the Grove, his family and friends. He cared for it more then anything, surely that was enough? But the price was to live three lifetimes, serving the grove, serving Kwerkus, and watching three generations wither and die before his time would come. Could he really survive that and still be himself? Perhaps that was the price of taking the Oath, learning from the loss and sharing the knowledge of generations? Regardless of whether it was Kwerkus or the Elders that chose him, he was chosen and he had made his way here, to the font, to take the oath. To drink the Sap of Kwerkus and receive the power and blessing of three lives. So, as the elders chanted, he did exactly that. To be the first of a new generation of Oath takers. Oswald of the Old Oaken Oath.

General_Deth_Glitch_Woodland_creatures_telling_stories_around_a_f53fadbe-3f68-4bb8-a6a5-c6577e...png'A Monster' cry the whispers of many. The stories of those the wander farther from Kwerkus mention it more oft' then not. When pressed on the matter the Elders preach on the matter with words like tolerance, understanding and kindness. Asking people to not assume the worst. Yes, people talk of this 'monster' and yet so little is know how can we know it to be a monster. The Tree, they say referring to Kwerkus, tells us in fables of the dangers of misunderstanding. They say that such actions can lead to dire consequences and repeated ask that those of the Grove do not assume to know or understand that intentions of this unknown monster. The knew ordained Sir Oswald, they say, will lead a party to parlay with the creature and learn whatever there is to learn.

General_Deth_Glitch_Woodland_creatures_having_a_village_fete_re_83c6f4e1-b839-4001-b1f6-1adb0a...pngDispite the fear the Elders have invited local musicians and performers to come visit the grove and put on a festival in honour of Sir Oswald taking the Oath and decreed that celebrations should be held throughout the grove and that feasting and celebrating should be undertaken by all. It is known that a festival was planned to occur regardless to thank Kwerkus for the continued healthy growth of the grove and its inhabitants, though the emergence of a new Oath keeper gave all the more reason to be merry and joyful.

Break Point: Take Option 2 - Talk with the Monster
Action 1: Gather nuts, berries and insects as a gift for the supposed 'Monster'
Action 2: Host a grand festival

Population: 18
Sir Oswald
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The Valora Pod
Natalie awakes to Eric, one of the sharkmen, pounding on the door of her little cabin, calling out about a shipwreck and injured humans. She gets up quickly, draping her skin around her, and runs out to him to get more information. Why were they here? Humans rarely come here, there is no great trade civilization or commodified resource that she knows of. Do they mean harm? But why would they? She and her pod are peaceful, surely no one would come all the way out here just to pick a fight.

She gathers a group of other Selkie, telling all of them to keep their skins close. As much as she doesn't want to believe the stories... she's also not ready to risk her people becoming enslaved and trapped.

The others will continue working on another project of hers, a boat that can be pulled by several swimming units, to carry children and those otherwise unable to swim should the need arise.

A final team will search the water around their coasts to see what valuable resource someone might come here for.

  1. Try talking with the Shipwrecked Humans​

Attempt to build a simple boat to carry those who can't swim

Search the coast for resources.​
The Mystics of the Calm
Colekas Sargo
Study Beginning.png
The Awakened
[Mystic Theme] - [Turn 1]​

  • 3 - Astral sea void ambient. 4k HD..png
    One of the visages of the Astral Sea.
    The Mystics of the Calm. They stayed to themselves for the longest time. Musing, uttering strange words and sounds. Those of sightless sight, soundless sound, and of unexperienced experience. Encounters have been few and far between. But, an astral wind has been blowing, and it seems that the calm of yester age has subsided. And for the mystics, the time of thought is over. It is time to act. And that subconscious urge to act will not be silenced, but it can be channeled. How shall Colekas channel his people remains to be seen. How the rest of the clans will react is questionable as well. Time will tell, thoughts will tell. But, the Astral sea will always flow and ebb. That, Colekas could count on.

    Since the beginning of the Mystics, there lived the Awakened. Ones with an abnormal connection to the Astral Sea. This story begins with Comrade Ivan Jokosvich, the name he remembered and spoke to his clan the first moment he could speak. Since then, they simply call him Comrade Ivan.
    Death Is Not the End

    Death is not the end. What comes after, I do not know. It begins again, and the rest matters not. What body I have changes. I remember having no fur, no snout. A nose, palms, beard; features of a human. I once was human. Now, I am Disaaran. Yet, I am different. What they will be in the future, but I don't know why or how. I simply am. My name is Ivan, and I will have no other name. For that is who I am. No matter the body I have, the memories I have, the brothers and sisters I have; I am one in many forms. And my clanmates celebrate me. For I embody everything they wish to be. Transcendent and deathless. One identity. The fur, the teeth, the paws; I am different, but despite these changes in flesh, I feel attuned. I love it. And this world; the flowers under my feet, the gentle rain, the breeze amongst the pines, remind me of places that I can't remember. Places that do not exist here. The memories want to bubble up into my mind, but they can't. Why? But, joy and ease fill me. Worlds apart. I am always at home. And those that loved me before, those I cannot remember are always with me.

    And I hear their voices now, words of love, of remembrance as a stalk through the forest pines. Awaiting to reap the cycle anew for the fuana of the woods. For a deer, it would meander into my sight. Pull of the arm, stretch of the string, release; a thud and the deer would crash down. Fear and anxiety, still trying to run. Foot after another, I approached. It calmed. It resisted no longer. For it understood, Death is not the end. My hand glided over its fur, blood smearing my paws... My mind echoed, and a human hand replaced my own. A hand that was once mine. Blood, my blood. Anxiety, fear, tears; a metal stick through my chest. My body fading. I looked up and I saw him. It was a shadowy face, but it felt familiar. An extreme amount of love. Holding me... on my back now. Cold, so cold. I could barely lift my arms. His tears falling over me. Who was he? All I knew; it was the first time. My first death. How many? I don't know. But, he's still here. He's like myself. And maybe, I will see him again.

    The deer, dead, but at peace. I returned to my home. Saigon awaited me, a brother in this life. The deer next to the fire, Saigon climbed on top of my back (Ivan is 6'4", most Disaaran's are somewhat bigger than a raccoon). He licked my ears and snuggled against my neck.

    "You had a vision?" Saigon whispered.

    "How do you know?"

    Saigon chuckled, "You walked into the village wreathed in fire. Astral fire."

    I laughed, "Then yes, it was my first death. Someone was there, he was there. Someone important to me. I know he is alive. And here with us. Somewhere in our world."

    "You going to go find him?"

    "No, not yet. I will find him. I can wait. We've waited long enough."

    Saigon nodded, "Colekas wants to see you. Humans have begun logging on the forest's edge. He felt you should talk to them."

    "Wise indeed."
The Moonsworn
Turn 01
Phase: New Moon

New Moon.jpg

Izgil sat upon a great stone throne made for him as he regards his people. The Dawi Izgil were a devoted and dedicated people who had made him to be their eternal guide and ruler. He was not sure if he should be trusted with such authority. These people did need guidance. He could feel the moon. The sky stone thrummed above in the Great Ring as he watched it. At times he felt he could see things in the movement or when watching mighty Geminos continue his journey across the tapestry of the night sky. It would be a betrayal to not help those who had made him and he was not one to do that. He was carved of Sky Stone, his heart and mind filled with countless souls of fallen dwarves.

"Mmmm, we must build. Yes. The Great Plain is our land, for we need the clear skies to watch the Great Ring for Stone Fall. And behold the Moon for its many blessings. Geminos calls to me and we must build a home for the faithful. We shall build farm land to feed hungry mouths with our knowledge. Show them the way of the Moon," Izgil declares as he strokes his stone beard some while looking on at those listening to him with rapt attention.

"We also shall do a great working. We shall build the first of many Bastion Walls around Moonhold and even the farmland. We shall stand as the stone in river, diverting the course of many into the teachings of the Moon. I have spoken," Izgil declared as he casts his hands wide. He pulls upon the powers of the New Moon. They needed more workers for the copper, but the Dawi Izgil needed to be freed up for the great workings. He would have them make STONE SERVITORS, but beyond that he would have them carved in his likeness to unleash powerful Illusion and Enchantments to make the Simulacrums to better serve his people.​

Population: 10
Copper: 20

Using existing Stone, carve out a simple group of STONE SERVITORS to aid in Copper retrieval.
Izgil uses his magic empower the STONE SERVITORS as Simulacrums of himself to have working and useful minds for the tasks given to them.

-Develop farmland with their knowledge of irrigation
-Build the Bastion Wall around the Moonhold and its developing farmland.​
The Nowhere Herd
Turn 1


A call for the herd to halt cuts through the howling winds of the blizzard. The cry is copied and echoed down the arctic caravan, mixed in with the snorts of the great mammoths as their handlers slow them to a stop. Alarmed, the Snow Master set to point guard rushes back to Maya, who gave the first call. “Path Finder, what’s wrong? Have the worms doubled back once more?”

“No. Summon the Bone Carver, I require their counsel. For the moment the people may rest, but shall go no further than here,” Maya pulls her cloak tighter about her and places her thin fingers for just a moment upon the Snow Master’s arm, before he turns with a nod to retrieve the old Bone Carver from his protected position at the center of the herd. The glass eye upon Maya’s face remains focused on the barely visible glow of the red pillar in the distance. A single word conveyed through the magical connection, “DANGER.” The wait felt unbearably long until there was the clamorous sound of the Bone Carver approaching. Even in the blizzard’s winds the sound of the bones decorating their body clashing together still rang out their arrival.

The stooped figure of the Bone Carver stops before Maya and stretches their arms until their fingers brush the snow on the ground. Beside him, a youngling, no more than three migrations old, copies the gesture. Maya has heard that the Bone Carver’s apprentice has been a quick learner of the language off the bones, so she does not mind that he listens in on this otherwise private conversation. “Path Finder, you seek my wisdom?” When they speak it is the sound of ice grinding together, difficult to bear on the ears, but important to endure all the same.

“Tell me, do the bones hold tales of the eye calling out a pillar of red as ‘danger,’ to the bearer?” With a smooth gesture her arm unfolds to its full length and points dead ahead to the silhouette that remained in the center of the herd’s path.

They seem to contemplate this for a moment as their apprentice squints into the snowstorm, coughing for a moment, until then, “I cannot say that our ancestors have found such a pillar before. The herds are not often known to stray. It takes dozens of migrations to close the northern loop, but it has been walked hundreds of times. Not once have our ancestors spoken of a structure such as this.”

Nodding, Maya quickly responds, “I thank you for your counsel, I shall investigate at once for the safety of the herd.”

As she turns to fully face the pillar in the distance, the Bone Carver’s arm flicks out in the blink of an eye as they firmly grab the edge of Maya’s cloak, “Path Finder, I was not finished. There are no stories of this pillar, but there is a story of the eye of the Path Finder speaking of danger.” They wait until Maya turns back to face them before continuing, “The Path Finder was seeking to transport the herd across a great ravine. It seems sickness had caused them to lag behind the ice worms and they were desperate to gain ground for the sturdier shelters their passage provides. The eye told them that the bridge carried danger, but they crossed it themselves and thought it safe. It collapsed with the center of the herd atop it. Many lives were lost to the fall. This is what the bones say to me.”

With another gesture like a spider unfurling its legs, the Bone Carver and their apprentice take their leave back into the protection of the herd. A moment later the Snow Master returns to Maya’s side. She remains in silence for many minutes, considering the story that the Bone Carver shared, and reasoning with her own innate curiosity. At last, she turns to the Snow Master and gives the command, “Tell the herd we will remain here for the day, there is a small structure ahead that we must hide from sight. Gather the mammoths and the people, and we will build a wall of snow and ice to encompass it.”

As the Snow Master turns behind and starts to shout the orders, Maya stares ahead into the wind and snow, and the red glow that cut through it all. DANGER. To herself, she says, “We must be careful, lest a Path Finder walk this path without a Bone Carver to guide her.”

The Herd travels to THE NORTH.

Maya, 1 Snow Master, 10 People, and 4 Mammoths trudge to the Longboat Inn to speak with the locals and trade their wares. She casts a spell of Tounges upon herself to communicate with the locals.
2) The Herd celebrates their arrival to new hunting grounds and perform the ritual of the deep ice, training new Ancients to aid in the hunt.

While following the hunting herds, Maya takes her previous entourage to meet THE BROTHERS OF ODIN, to speak and trade their wares. She once again casts a spell of Tounges upon herself to speak with these new people.

Option 3:
Build a Snow Wall to Block it from View.
The Eternals
"In the presence of my esteemed kin, I address you, my children, with a vision of a future where the elven race reclaims its former glory. Today, in this hallowed place, within the embrace of this tower, we embark on the journey to restore what was lost. The threads of destiny weave themselves, guiding us towards this construct. Remember, our actions resonate through eternity, paving the path to transcendence. Let us delve into our investigations, fueled by this purpose."

Mythanar Fensandoral beamed at the resounding cheers of his fellow elves, their enthusiasm fueling his determination. Gazing upon the tower before him, anticipation shimmered in his eyes.

"In due time, the High Elves shall rise once more, reclaiming their rightful place as masters of the arcane," he mused, a fleeting golden glimmer igniting within his gaze. Retrieving an object from his pocket, he unfolded it, revealing the magic glass—a treasured artifact that held great significance to Mythanar. Once a technologically advanced instrument he utilized during his research in the previous age, the true nature of the device remained concealed from his kin.

With a touch of concern, Mythanar frowned as he cradled the magic glass. Though he had bestowed upon his people the name of Eternals, he understood the impermanence of all things, acknowledging that nothing lasts forever. It was this realization that fueled his unwavering commitment to achieving eternity. The relics he had brought with him had survived the apocalypse thus far, but he was well aware of their eventual decay. He pledged to make the most of their power before they succumbed to the inexorable march of time.

Breakpoints: Mixture of 1 & 3 (Study it with Relic and Open with Magic) [SOLVED]
Relevant Descriptor: [Seeker]
Relevant Relic: [Magic Glass]

Order 1: Further Develop the Magic Tower into a Place of Magical Learning and Rituals. The ancient runes and seals from the ages past are studied as well to see if it can boost Elven magic. The Tower itself has the descriptor of [Magic]
Relevant Descriptor: [Seeker]
Relevant Relic: [Magic Glass]

Order 2: Investigate the Tattered Parchment Relic. It was vaguely related to the conquered tower.
Relevant Descriptor: [Seeker]
Relevant Relic: [Magic Glass]​
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Race: Old World Obelisk
Age: Immortal
Keywords: Inspiring, Ominous, Unbreakable
Martial/ Magic: 3 Martial
Character Strength: The Black Rock has stood for countless lifetimes, and will remain for countless more. (Starts with a regenerating save.)
Character Weakness: Watching and waiting for those who seek its wisdom, the Black Rock remains constant in its vigil. (Cannot move or attack)

5 Monkey Warriors
Monkey Warriors that wield Heavy Stone Axes and wear Heavy Stone Armor. Capable of Pack Tactics
20 Monkey Battalions
Monkey Battalions wearing Light Stone Armor and wielding a stone tipped Spear and Heavy Wooden Shield. Capable of Pack Tactics.





Turn 1

Countless centuries i have stood here. I have seen life vanish. For the earth to wither and die. To watch the unforgiving rays of the Sun scorch these Great Wastes and turn it into glass.

But i have remained constant in my vigil. Unrelenting in my watch. Forever ready to impart the wisdom only I possess.

It has been lifetimes since the last. But now, I have fulfilled my duty once again. From me, savage beasts ascend to intelligent beings.

The BlackRock scanned his surroundings, watching his 'people', once mindless apes, hard at work, painting their stone weapons in his ebony image and splitting wood atop glass and mineral. Visions of what could be flashed before the monolith, images of carts and chariots, of rolling columns and barrels, warpaint and camouflage.

So much untapped knowledge waiting to be unlocked, the BlackRock thought, casting its gaze on Jo, the monkey on his knees, his head thrown backwards and his eyes glazed over as the monolith shared with him it's thoughts. With a voice that bordered on the divine, the BlackRock silently spoke.

My gift to you, Jo, has given you your wants and needs. It is a sign of your greater intelligence. But you are mistaken as to whom these truly belong to Jo. These ambitions are my own.

Already your kind toil around us for the same destiny. A destiny you could share in young Jo.

Become my vassal. An extension of my will. A mighty champion for my cause.

Become my Mighty Jo Young.

Jo's nose began to bleed, as the monolith's sightless stare bore into him, his brothers and sisters hollaing and screaming all around him as they worked.

And all in service to the BlackRock.​

1. Train New Unit with Technology (Wheel) constructed with Wood/ Stone(Inspiring Keyword used) (10 population used)
2. Train 10 Monkey Battalions with Technology (Pigmentation) (Inspiring Keyword used)

  1. Talk some sense into Jo
  2. Have Jo challenged to Single Combat by a chosen champion
  3. Ignore the Situation at Present (Perhaps it will go away)
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  1. Fight the Troll​
  2. Talk to the Troll​
  3. Ignore the Troll and focus on a fleet to avoid the bridge​
The Brothers of Odin
Turn 1

Breakpoint Select: 1
Bjorn Sigurdson, as is his norm, chosen to attack first and talk later. He assembles a group of 20 of his finest holy soldiers and leads them towards the bridge.
Shortly before reaching the bridge he assembles his men and gives them a speech intending to put them into a state of rage and pride before the fight.
"Warriors of the North!

Today, we stand on the precipice of greatness, with the taste of victory lingering in the air. We gather here, not as mere men, but as the embodiment of valor and honor. The time has come to face a formidable foe, a menacing troll who guards the bridge that leads to our destiny. It is our duty, as Vikings, to overcome this challenge and claim what is rightfully ours!

Look around you, my brethren, at the fierce and unyielding spirits assembled here. We are not intimidated by the grotesque monstrosity that stands in our way. For we are the descendants of Odin, the chosen few who walk the path of legends. Our ancestors' blood pumps through our veins, empowering us with unmatched strength, courage, and the audacity to defy fate.

Today, we march forward to seize that bridge. Its significance cannot be understated, for it is more than just a stone structure spanning a river. It symbolizes our connection to the realms beyond, the gateway to untold treasures and glory. It is a gateway to the future our forefathers dreamed of, and we will not let a troll snatch it away from us!

We have faced trials and tribulations before, triumphing over countless enemies that dared to challenge us. Today shall be no different! Draw your swords, clutch your shields, and prepare your hearts for battle. Let the thunderous clash of steel resonate through the air as we charge forward, unwavering in our purpose.

Remember, my comrades, victory favors the bold. Fear not the troll's grotesque visage or its bellowing roar. Instead, embrace the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Let it fuel your determination, your resilience, and your unwavering belief in our cause. We are warriors, bound by a code of brotherhood, forged in the fires of the harshest winters and most treacherous seas.

Today, we embark on a journey that shall echo through the ages. Our children will sing songs of our bravery, and our enemies will shudder at the mere mention of our names. So, raise your voices, Vikings! Let the gods themselves hear our battle cry and bear witness to our indomitable will.

To the bridge we go, my brethren! The troll may stand tall, but we shall strike it down with the fury of a thousand storms. With every step, we shall forge our legacy, etching our names into the annals of Viking lore. No obstacle, be it troll or any force of darkness, shall hinder our march towards glory.

Now, my warriors, raise your weapons high and let your battle cries shake the very foundations of this land. Today, we conquer the bridge, vanquish the troll, and claim our rightful place among the gods!

Onward, brothers! Onward to victory!"

Action 1:
The beginnings of a navy.

Before he left, Bjorn heard from the other scouts that he sent out, that he is on a peninsula, surrounded by water. Hearing this he decided to send a small force of his men lead by his trusted second in command and brother, Harald Siguardson, to lead a section of 15 rabble rousers to the east to find a suitable area to build a small area where they will be able to start building ships and finding out which design suits their needs the best.

Action 2:
The expansion of farmland.

Knowing of his people's needs, Bjorn (also before he left) has ordered the expansion of the farmland surrounding their capital of Shockhaglo in order to sustain his population and, potentially, have more to trade.
The Goliaths of The Stormwrath Peaks
  1. Set up a Blacksmith near the volcanoes active lava flows

Through Hard Work and effort, the Goliaths manage to set up a fine forge near the active lava flows. Jorge, a skilled blacksmith in the given tools of the trade that the Goliath's had available, was able to make great use out of this brand new shop.

He would soon be able to churn out great works of strength in the forms of high quality Weapons and Armor. FROM NOW ON, ALL GOLIATH STONE ARMOR AND STONE WEAPONS COUNTS AS HIGH QUALITY AND GAIN A +1

Action 1: The World Below
The search was not as fruitful as it could have been. The fuming ash had hampered the main exploration of the region. However, they did manage to find a few things of note:

A roving Kobald clan was traveling in search of a MIGHTY DRAGON to serve. They had yet to find one in many generations, but would continue to search.

An odd cave that was boarded up with Flame Resistant Wood that had the symbol of a skull and crossbones(?) over it.

A deposit of GOLD was found.

Action 2: Challenging the Flame
(Resolved on Discord)

Gain Warlord Champion- H'Thor
Martial 2 Magic 1
Skills: Violent Rage- Able to shake off a single deadly blow due to being too enraged to DIE
Pure Offense- Gains a +1 to attack and a -1 to Defense
Weapon: Heavy Stone Greatsword
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The Penitent
Attempt to pick the lock on the door.

(Resolved on Discord)

Movement: Orpheus, 5 Holy Clerics and 10 Fanatics travel to Greenskin Pass territory.
1. Try to make contact/board Sky City.

If there was anyone in the flying GIANT CITY, it was unknown. They did not respond to hails of any kind, magical or non magical. Just silence. And they had no way to get up to the City. It just hung there in the air, slowly flying off in one direction as it did not seem to stay in any one place for too long.

Perhaps one day they would be able to board that Flying GIANT CITY, but unfortunately, today is not that day.

However, while they were attempting to do so, they stumbled upon a LARGE SUPPLY OF SALT. (If you set up an outpost or a settlement in the region, you can gain a near unlimited supply of SALT. Otherwise, you are able to take back 5 units of SALT.

2. Create a school at home to start educating children and assist in researching new technologies.

A school was just what they needed to have their children learn and grow. Constructing a good sized structure out of wood on a stone base, they make what they need for a school. They take to their education well and soon enough are able to help improve the technology level of the clan. TECH LEVEL 1: PIGMENTS UNLOCKED

Zealot Champion- Zerrod
Martial 2 Magic 1
Skills: Devout- When Fighting against a different religion, count as Martial 3 instead
Moral Boost- When leading a troop of soldiers, removes any -1 penalties on the army
The Aros Tribe

"An excellent job young one, you have a fine gift within you," Kuro smiled at the child in front of him, the little girl having presented a woven basket to him. Thinking for but a moment he plucked an unflowered bulb from the ground and presented it to her, watching as it grew within his hand. As the child was distracted by the small bit of magic, he was quick to discreetly mend a small hole in her basket with another spell, making sure that she wouldn't learn of the minor mistake. "Now run along Emily, I need to talk to your father."

Watching the girl run off, Kuro's smile grew. His village was growing, it was becoming a safe place for families to be made and for the next generation to have an easier life than the one that their parents had to face in this forest. His idea was growing to fruition and it was a beautiful thing to witness. For now it was simple tents and beds of leaves, but soon? It could be so much more.

"Corvo! It is good to see your safe return, you sent word ahead about a treant of some kind?" Kuro stepped forward and locked forearms with one of the green warriors, this one in particular wearing a wooden mask across his face.

"Aye Kuro, we witnessed one traveling across the territory, not something that we are used to," Corvo reached up and pulled the mask from his face, his tired eyes being revealed. "Many of the others have asked that you go out and speak to it so that we can see what it wants."

"Then that's what I'll do, while I'm gone have some of the men and women prepare for the idea we discussed. I think it's about time that we make this our real home rather than a temporary camp after all."

"Yes sir, stay safe Kuro."

"I will my friend, I will," Kuro smiled once more, his eyes alighting a bit with some of the magic hidden within.​

1. Begin attempting to sing homes from the trees of the forests
2. Explore the surrounding area for anything important

  1. Talk with the Treant
  2. Kill or capture the Treant
  3. Ignore the Treant and let it move through their territory

Kuro Aros
Race: Human (Mutated)
Age: 24 (Aging Immortal)
Keywords: Intelligent, Archmage, Leader
Traits:We Know These Woods- When fighting in the woods, force a reroll of an enemies successful Action. (Once per Game Turn)
I know Magic- Choose one level 1 Close Range Spell and cast it at Long Range
Magic: 3 Martial: 0
Army: 1 Technology: 1 Leadership: 1 Relics: 2
Character Strength - Highly competent command of magic at all levels
Character Weakness - Immortality prevents death in any form, but does not prevent Kuro from ageing, eventually leading to him being little more than skin and bones that can't move as he ages

Light Sword- A strange blade that forms out of Light from a small handle
Boots of Air- Boots capable of allowing limited flight

Forest Barbarians- 5 Forest Barbarians who wear Light Wooden Armor and wield Stone Hatchets. They strike hard and fast, giving in to blood rages that make them harder to take down
Green Soldiers- 20 Green Soldiers, called such because they wear Green Foliage draped over their Heavy Stone Armor. They wield wooden Spears
Wolfpack- 30 Wolves that are loyal to you directly. They obey without question and are capable of PACK TACTICS


Followers of Izel
Dispatch 20x Amazon Regulars to explore the Star Tower. (Being Resolved in Discord)

Construct Jungle Watchtower--- The Jungle Watchtower is carefully constructed from stone and wood, blended intp the jungle itself so that outside observers would see it more like an extension of the actual surroundings instead of sticking out like a sore thumb. It helps give their troops the home field advantage and will alert them if anyone tried to enter the lands surrounding their capital. (All troops fighting in or near the capital gain first round attack before the invading player or NPC clan.


Use Natural Stone resources to construct Holy Temple.

It takes time, but before they knew it, they had managed to use the plentiful natural stone to build a magnificent Holy temple. It brings about much worship and drives others to worship there. Gain new unit type- Priestess: Light Robes woven from vines, wielding Heavy Wooden Staves. Can cast level 1 Magic and specialize in HOLY MAGIC. Gain 1d4 Priestess units a turn

Priestess Champion- Tula
Magic 3 Melee 0
Skills: Holy Healing- Gives all units in the same battle a save against death
Wrath of the Goddess- Can Boost a Single magical attack to do double damage. (Usuable only once a battle)
The Shifting Covenant
Breakpoint: 1. Help He'o check down the well.

He'o comes back up from the well with a shiny silver coin. Upon closer inspection down the well, it seemed that there was a cavern. Inside the cavern was a LARGE SUPPLY OF SILVER COINS from a bygone age. They must have been hidden there for who knows how long, carefully preserved from most of the elements.


Action 1: Search the Tower of Dreams with an expedition party. (Being Resolved on Discord)

Action 2: Use  Wood and  Stone to start a mineshaft system.

It is hard work, but they managed to use their simple tools to dig out a mine shaft. They managed to discover a small vein of Copper

Evolution of the Body: Dino Horde (1d10 = 6) (40 Units)
The Power of Evolution worked! The dinosaur horde each developed either horns or additional horns which would help them in fighting or charging. Their horns allow them a +1 to their attack, making them a powerful, large group.

Slime Champion- OG
Martial 1 Magic 2
Skills- Slime Blast- +1 Damage when using ranged magical attacks
Diplomat_ Gain a +1 to all diplomacy rolls (Can also reroll a singular Crit fail, once per encounter)
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The Quiet Grove
Break Point: Take Option 2 - Talk with the Monster (Resolved on Discord)
Action 1: Gather nuts, berries and insects as a gift for the supposed 'Monster' (Resolved on Discord. Assisted Break Point)

Action 2: Host a grand festival- The Grand Festival was a success. Now that the "threat" of a dangerous monster has been dealt with, the Grovelings were ecstatic and eager and quite willing to throw a huge extravaganza. Each and every one of them joined in, eager to forget the possible dangers of tomorrow and focus on the here and now. Population Growth will be doubled next turn and for the next turn, all troops at home will gain a +1 Defense

Champion: Sir Oswald
Martial 2 Magic 1
Skills: Diplomacy- Can reroll any number of failed dice in an encounter (This can only occur once an encounter)
Leadership- When leading troops into battle, they gain a +1 to attack and defense.
The Valora Pod
  1. Try talking with the Shipwrecked Humans (Resolved on Discord)

Attempt to build a simple boat to carry those who can't swim- A simple boat has been constructed to be able to help carry anyone who can't swim. In fact, they were able to use enough resources that they were able to even make two of them. But to say it was a boat is a bot of a stretch. It is more of a LARGE RAFT which can hold up to about 4 people each. Two people could paddle using the large oars while the other two if they had ranged weapons, would be able to shoot at others. It was relatively stable to provide that.

Search the coast for resources.
Searching the coast was an easy task, especially for such well swimmers as those among the Valora Pod. They soon managed to discover a near unlimited amount of SEA KALE. It wasn't necessarily super valuable. But could be used as a good trading resource or food source.

The Glimmerhill Giants​

Wroggi was tired. The sun beat down. The boar he was ranging with had eaten their fill, but were misbehaving. Beating the drum used to bring them all in, but now several stragglers still ran about.

A bad sign.

With a sigh, Wroggi blocked the cave entrance partway with large stone he kept nearby and began plucking the boar from their paths, their confused squeals cutting the air. The boar nearly drowned out the approaching duo.

Kamut and Kessel were Kimmer's lads, two Grunks of elvish blood. Known for going farther than the rest of the tribe, they often came with news. Wroggi liked news. Most giants gave him old grumblings, or brought fights to his door. As the leader, they did what he said, but sometimes Wroggi does not care to decide who ate who's sheep. Sheep weren't that good anyways.

"Wroooggi," Kamut began, barging into the clearing, and kicking up clods of earth the hogs had freshly turned. "There are wild men in the woods. Smelly-faced weewards with flints and spears. They did not like us," he added after a pause, as Kessel was catching his breath. By the stench, they maybe ran most of the way back.

Wroggi's brow knotted, his facing becoming an exaggerated mask of worry. "Any hurt?" Wroggi did not care for weewards, though most were glad to see a talking giant. Better than a stomping giant.

"No, though one threw a stick. Flimsy thing," Kessel said, hefting a short - at least for him - stake of wood, a knapped stone jammed and bound to the end.

"Give," Wroggi commanded, and the stick was handed over.

Studying the stick for a bit, Wroggi's thoughts turned over. "Work of fine fingers. Fine fingers may go crunch if they throw again."

Kamut looked excited, and began to get his energy back, scaling a low stone cliff nearby. "What will we do? Talk? Fight?! I get my club and skintack!"

Wroggi's face unfolded to one of bemusement, an elder's beard forming on his face. Though he was quite young himself, clearly the half bloods had too much fire to make good choices.

"We talk. Then, maybe, we fight," he said, in his deep-set eyes a glimmer of amusement.


"How could these bandits have arrived there without their knowledge on their home lands. And without paying any tribute?

It seemed that someone needed a lesson to be taught, right? Can that be let stand, or perhaps something else could be reached?

  1. Fight the Bandits
  2. Parlay with the Bandits
  3. Leave the Bandits Alone (For now)"

The giants will move (en masse) to parlay with the bandits, bringing a small group of boar but fully prepared to start stomping should things get ugly.


1. Kessel, Kamut, and a ranging party will scout for interesting things in the southeastern crags. (Bringing 2 Tuskfire Marauders, 2 Mammoths, 20 Grungle Grunks, and 10 Living Rocks).
2. The Giants will use the Slop and Living Rocks to help carve out a rugged amphitheater/forum near the peak of Onan's rock.

  • Name: Wroggi Tuskfire

    Race: Giant (Stone)
    Age: Generational (Young)
    Keywords: Huge, Strong, Cursed

    Stat points:
    Martial: 3
    Army: 3
    Technology: 0
    Leadership: 1
    Relics: 1

    Character Strength: Herder (bountiful food)
    Character Weakness: Small Minded (does not think outside the box)
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The Mystics of the Calm
  1. Breakpoint: Option 1: Send a delegation to the human loggers lead by 'Comrade Ivan'. 5 Holy Tribesman and 15 Trash Pandas will accompany him. (Resolved on Discord)
  2. Action 1: Construct Granary: With the mystics abilities to produce food, it seemed only natural to construct somewhere to store their food.
The granary has been constructed which will allow them to better store the food supplies, leading to an excess of food stores. GAIN FRUITS AND BERRIES as a commodity. You people are WELL FED and gain a +1 to non combat skill rolls in your HOME TERRITORY
  1. Action 2: Construct Fletcher's Workshop: Peaceful and calm, the Mystics understand that storms come. And they, like the mountain, must not bow to it. Thus, they must continue to develop means to defend themselves. Archery has proven useful, and the arrows can always be thrown telekinetically.
The Fletcher's workshop allows them to construct bows and arrows made out of wood and at an improved skill. All bow weapons now have a +1 attack bonus
The Moonsworn
Using existing Stone, carve out a simple group of STONE SERVITORS to aid in Copper retrieval.
Izgil uses his magic empower the STONE SERVITORS as Simulacrums of himself to have working and useful minds for the tasks given to them.

20 Stone Servitors are carved out of the Stone which are then doubled by the magic of Izgil to a total of 40 STONE SERVITORS. They are strong and capable for the task at hand. It isn't long before they start managing to ramp up the amount of copper stores in the mines. GAIN AN ADDITIONAL 20 UNITS OF COPPER. They also managed to discover a small vein of SILVER in the mine.

Stone Servitors, while not constructed for the purpose of fighting, can still be used to defend your home.

-Develop farmland with their knowledge of irrigation

The farmland is carved out and with the added benefit of irrigation, it isn't long before they managed to cash in on large and bountiful crops of fruits and vegetables. GAIN NEW COMMODITY: CORN, WHEAT, STRAWBERRIES, CUCUMBERS, POTATOES.

-Build the Bastion Wall around the Moonhold and its developing farmland.

The Bastion Wall takes up large stores of stone from the mountains, but due to the large mountains, it is more than enough to construct such a great structure. Now their home would be safe. ANYONE WISHING TO ASSAULT THE MOONHOLD MUST BREAK THROUGH THE BASTIAN WALL TO DO SO.

Many dwarves wished to join up in the defense of such a wall. It had become their sworn duty to do so. GAIN NEW UNIT TYPE:

Dwarven Crossbowmen- Wields Heavy Wooden Crossbow with Copper Tipped Arrowheads and wears Light Copper Armor.

Gain 5 Dwarven Crossbowmen. Generate 1d4 Dwarven Crossbowmen every turn as long as the Bastian Wall Stands.
The Nowhere Herd
The Herd travels to THE NORTH.

Maya, 1 Snow Master, 10 People, and 4 Mammoths trudge to the Longboat Inn to speak with the locals and trade their wares. She casts a spell of Tounges upon herself to communicate with the locals. (Resolved on Discord)
2) The Herd celebrates their arrival to new hunting grounds and perform the ritual of the deep ice, training new Ancients to aid in the hunt.

The Ritual of the Deep Ice was a Grand Success. They gained 8 New Ancients to their cause. In fact, it was such a success that there was another Ancient that seemed to Grow Larger, Stronger and Smarter than the Rest. Gain Ancient Hero-

Martial 3 Magic 0
Skills: One with the Snow- When in an active Blizzard, becomes Martial 4
Snowdrift- Gives off an aura of cold that allows others in its pack to survive a powerful flame. (Usable Once an encounter)

While following the hunting herds, Maya takes her previous entourage to meet THE BROTHERS OF ODIN, to speak and trade their wares. She once again casts a spell of Tounges upon herself to speak with these new people. (Resolved in Discord)

Option 3:
Build a Snow Wall to Block it from View.

The Red Pillar, while tempting was not to be trifled with, they decided. They built a snow wall to block it from view and later when they had checked, it was gone. Just as mysteriously as it had arrived. But in its place, they discovered a large Animal Skeleton with two ruby eyes and Ruby Teeth. Before they could fully investigate, it raised itself up from the ground, puffing out white smoke as it spoke, "I will follow you for the rest of your days."

Gained Ruby Mammoth.

Ruby Mammoth
Martial 2 Magic 1
Skills (Immortal)
Charge!- Adds an additional attack to the army when they charge
The Eternals
Breakpoints: Mixture of 1 & 3 (Study it with Relic and Open with Magic) [SOLVED]
Relevant Descriptor: [Seeker]
Relevant Relic: [Magic Glass]

Order 1: Further Develop the Magic Tower into a Place of Magical Learning and Rituals. The ancient runes and seals from the ages past are studied as well to see if it can boost Elven magic. The Tower itself has the descriptor of [Magic]
Relevant Descriptor: [Seeker]
Relevant Relic: [Magic Glass]

It takes some doing, but they managed to convert the Magic Tower into a Place of Magical Learning and Rituals. Using the surrounding islands, they were able to gather more regents for the tower itself, greatly enhancing the training potential. It wasn't long before they managed to attract others with the potential of magic. Unlocked Stone Elf Mages.

Stone Elf Mages- Gain 5 Stone Elf Mages who wear Light Stone Armor and wield Heavy Stone Staves. Specialize in Earth Magic.

Decision- There is power in these walls. Using that in conjunction with the magical tutoring, It can be used to boost up the following:
Improve either Hearty Sea Elves, Fire Elf Mages or Stone Elf Mages to casting Level 2 Magic or Mythanar is boosted to Level 4 Magic

Order 2: Investigate the Tattered Parchment Relic. It was vaguely related to the conquered tower.
Relevant Descriptor: [Seeker]
Relevant Relic: [Magic Glass]

It is difficult to fully understand, but it seems to talk about Demons, a sealing or control process and listing THE FORGE located in the PLAINS OF PLENTY. It also seems to list some sort of PASSWORD to gain access through a secret side entrance.

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