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Fandom Bleach: Undying: Lore/Worldbuilding

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Alarmed and Strangerous
This thread is a repository for information on our setting, including locations, groups, important characters and so on. This thread will only cover information relating to original content of the rp, partly because the bleach wiki will cover that kind of thing in more detail than I can manage and partly because it will leave more room to fill in the thread with creations of your own!

  • Iminaza town
    A sleepy mountain town deep in the mountainous region of Hokkaido. The town's traditional business was forestry, extracting high quality timber from teh surrounding forests, but it experienced a boom during the late nineteenth century when iron ore was discovered in the mountains. The Iminaza iron rush was sadly shortlived however, yields were mostly depleted by the beginning of WW1 and the mine closed permanently in the 1930's beginning a period of slow decline that continued more or less to the present day.

    Nowadays Iminaza is hindered by its remote location and elderly population, even relative to Japan's high national age averages, with many residents wondering if their will even be a next generation to carry on the few remaining businesses that are lift. One surprising glimmer of hope is that the town is becoming a bit of tourist destination for fans of the paranormal. The mountain mist and dense forest around Iminaza give it a naturally spooky air and a few surviving historical sites from the iron rush days, such as the Kumizawa manor ruins, have a violent history that seems perfect for haunting.
    • Rest for the Wicked
      A mysterious cafe that opened up recently on the outskirts of town. Not many businesses open up in Iminaza these days so the cafe attracted some attention at first but it seems to mostly be closed during the day and no one can say that they've been inside so gradually its become forgotten about.
    • Kumizawa Manor ruins
      The burned down ruins of what was once Imizawa's crown jewel. Noburo Kamizawa was the primary winner of the town's iron rush, investing money he earned during his time in America into purchasing and developing the iron rich land. At the height of his success Noburo commisioned the construction of an enormous, western style manor but only a few years after it was finished it was burned down with he and his family inside it. Popular mythology has it that Kamizawa discovered not just iron but gold within the mountains and tried to smuggle it out of the country to avoid it being seized by the Imperial government. the manor fire is believed to have been part of Kamizawa's betrayal and murder by his conspirators in this endeavor and the ruins are sometimes believed to play host to the vengeful ghosts of the Kamizawa family
    • Kumizawa Mines
      The now derelict iron mines that once put Iminaza on the map. The mines have been closed off since the 1930's when they ran dry and are extremely dangerous. The support beams that hold the tunnels up are rotted through in many places and any maps of the tunnel network have long since been lost to history so it would be perilously easy to get lost down there. THe mines do hold some alure for the occasional fool hardy adventurer though, a popular version of the Kamizawa gold legend holds that Noburo hid his gold deep within the mines before his death and that it was never recovered by his murderers.
    • Kumizawa High
      Iminaza's only high school, it was founded long after the death of the man himself. The school doesn't really excel in terms of athletics or academics and enrollment has been steadily declining over the years. it largely survives because students travel to attend there from surrounding settlements which are even smaller and more remote than Iminaza itself. Nevertheless the population is quite supportive of the school, seeing it as a sign of hope for the future and they always turn up in droves to support school events or fundraisers. the school's baseball team, the Kumizawa crows, are especially beloved despite their perennial underdog status.
    • The Zenten Arcade
      The closest thing Imizawa has to a teen hangout is the Zenten Arcade, a time machine of a building converted from an old pachinko parlor in 1984 which was also when it was last renovated. All of the arcade machines are deeply outdated and most appear to be bizarre bootlegs of more popular titles so its the place to be if you prefer "Backalley Brawlers" to street fighter, "Cosmos Assaulters" instead of Space Invaders and "The Cousins Karamasovs' soviet plumbing odyssy" to Mario. Still the town's dwindling teenage population don't really have anywhere else to hangout and the attached diner style restuarant does pretty good milkshakes and fries so it remains a popular spot to socialize.
    • Beppu Izakaya
      An eccentric bar and grill opened up by a local history buff who yearns for the days of samurai. The food is tasty and beer is good quality but the decor leans heavily on the use of katanas and suits of armor and the owner is easily provoked towards long and loud rants about "Meiji dogs" and the sad decline in Seppuku numbers so a certain forbearance is needed to drink there.

  • The Human Shinigami Liasion Office
    A hastily constructed taskforce of soul society dedicated to enlisting humans to work as substitue shinigami to help with the sudden rise in hollow activity. THe organization is broadly considered unorthodox, untrustworthy and not likely to succeed in its mission and has perennial manpower issues, often only able to recruit those who are not wanted elsewhere or are outright being punished by being assigned there. Still this ragtag outfit might just have few tricks up its sleeves yet.
    • Acting Lieutenant Yuuichi Sanazaki
      A former rising star within squad 9, Sanazaki's career was suddenly derailed by an unknown scandal and his seat was stripped of him under uncertain circumstances. Sanazaki's "promotion" to acting lieutenant and his commision to head up the HSLO are widely considered to either be a punishment or a way to quietly get rid of him. Nevertheless Sanazaki's ambition remains uninhibited and he seems determined to make something of his situation.
  • The Kamizawa Crows
    Go Crows!

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