Blackened Wings


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"You, celestial being, have been created to be an angel of the Lord."

—The inner "programming" of an angel


"Perfect... Like a marble statue. Cold... no choice... only obedience."

Even Angels Fall

As warriors of God, Angels are extremely powerful beings in the supernatural world. Their true spiritual forms or visages prove overwhelming to most mortals, however, some special people can view their true visages without suffering lasting effects; demons also can't look at them in their true form without damaging their host. Although not physically seen, an angel's true form has been seen as a brilliant white light; respectively, angels do have swan-like wings. It was once thought out that they held no emotions whatsoever. Yet, to be more accurate, angels are very much capable of human emotions, rather the majority of them choose not to show emotion as emotions are considered doorways to doubt as well as a weakness, and they are not permitted to display emotions for the same reasons.

The Seraphim are a whole other type of Angelic being, who ranks higher than angels and Cupids. The Seraphim report to the Archangels. They can be killed by regular Angel blades, but for some reason, they don't tend to carry their own blades. Like the Archangels, their powers are imbued within them and if they Fall or become cut off from Heaven, they don't lose any of their powers.The three Seraphs, as close to each other as brothers have been ordered to watch over earth for centuries, and all was well...

Until they themselves, fell...

Tired of being denied the privilege of protecting those on the surface (because of "interference"), of the constant and unending war in Heaven, and out of the desire to experience life as a human, or close to it, the Three left Heaven, forsaking their home, brethren, Grace, and God Himself to protect the surface world. The one thing that has turned both Heaven and Hell upside down, fighting over it basically. Being Seraphs, their powers remained intact, and after manifesting within their respective human vessels, for ten years they have lived amongst humans, not only observing them, but also protecting them from their unseen dangers, nameless & alone.

Even Angels Kill

Wandering through the world with no home, no brethren but their own, they, now known as the Fallen Seraphs, hunt evil in all shapes & forms. Retaining their original powers, and abilities they slay their enemies, the sinful, the damned, those who choose to stride away from good, any who are corrupted beyond repair, decimating them, sending them to their rightful places. Still choosing to play their Heavenly Knight roles, having not lost their "moral" codes, and choosing still to protect the innocents. For soon, what has been prophesied will certainly come to be.

Even Angels Love

Having left Heaven of their own accord, the Fallen Seraphim live out their days alone, getting used to how humans behave and interact with one another, whilst also developing a sense of belonging, adapting to a normal life, whilst protecting their human comrades in secrecy. They never gave love a second thought. Until now. Forsaken and outcast by their own families, three human girls (all which have revealed with their auras alone to be more than normal beings) are being hunted relentlessly by demons, wanting their souls and their powers for themselves. After being saved and sheltered by the Fallen, all six of them begin a journey they do not understand, and never thought possible.


The Fallen

Fallen Angels are angels who either were banished from Heaven, or who voluntarily left. They look no different than normal angels (as they're not another race of angel), but sometimes affects their abilities, depending on the rank of angel. For example, a fallen Seraph, retains all of his powers, whereas when a lower rank angel is fallen, they lose a great deal of his power. However, a Fallen Angel's blood can potentially be used in the Anti-Leviathan killing weapon. Known banished angels are the Three Seraphs.

Powers and Abilities

Seraphs innately possess all the standard powers and abilities of normal, low-tier Angels, only at a higher level. And, unlike other Angels, their powers operate independently of Heaven.

Angelic possession - The Seraphim of Heaven require vessels to manifest physically on Earth, and, like all Angels, they must bear their consent.

Immortality - Seraphs, like all Angels, by nature, can't die by any natural means of death. They are impervious to bullets, knives, bombs, and any other conventional human ways of killing.

Superhuman Stamina - Seraphs never tire or get fatigued. As such, they do not require food, sleep, or oxygen.

Teleportation - Seraphs can teleport to one place to another instantly.

Super Strength - They're extremely strong. They can lift at least 2,000 pounds. They can overpower and destroy any level of Black-Eyed demons and Crossroad demons. Any monster, as well as Alphas. They can also overpower other, low-tier angels, but are completely inferior against Archangels. Seraphs are also strong enough to fight two Leviathans for at least a short time when other angels are easily overpowered by them.

Biokinesis - Seraphs manipulate or influence a mortal's body, like can inflict pain down to the molecular level, like causing internal bleeding, removal of lungs, and hemorrhages.

Telepathy - They can easily read the minds of humans, and lower Angels, such as cupids.

Advanced Pyrokinesis - Seraphs can generate and manipulate fire.

Advanced Healing - They can heal others from severe wounds and diseases and even monster infections with ease. However, some things are beyond their power to heal if a person is injured in a subatomic level from his trials, it is beyond their power to fix.

Resurrection - They can lift the deceased from death, as one of them brought Adam back to life, and another brought Bobby Singer back.

Invisibility - Seraphs can become invisible to humans.

Advanced Killing Touch - By placing a palm on an opponents head (demon or whatever) the entity within is destroyed.

Regeneration - If their vessel is in some way injured, they can regenerate very quickly, though wounds caused by angel weapons take longer. They are immune to Earthly diseases.

Advanced Chronokinesis - Seraphs can travel through time, with greater ease than lower angels, and they are also able to send others either forward or backwards through time, with the same ease. They can send others through time without having to travel with them as well.

Reality Warping - Seraphs possess low level reality warping abilities.

Mental Manipulation - Seraphs can manipulate, erase or restore a person's perceptions and memories of events. They can even enter a person's mind and bring others inside that mental world, but require physical contact with both people to do so.

Soul Reading/Channeling - One seraph has shown the ability to read a person's soul to check the marker another angel had left there, see if there is a soul there and check the state of the soul. He has also displayed the ability to channel power from a human soul, though this had to be done very gingerly and could result in the death of the human if done wrong.

Power Removal - Seraphs are capable of removing powers from empowered humans, however, it can leave them mentally damaged to do so and is very painful to the individual losing the power.


Angel blade - Instant kill

Angel-Banishing Sigil - When activated, such a mark can temporarily banish Seraphim.

Archangels - As angelic beings found on the highest echelon of the heavenly host, archangels can easily overpower Seraphs.

Leviathan - Being older than angels in general, Leviathans are able to overpower Seraphim, though they are capable of better holding their own against the Old Ones.

Common Angelic Weaknesses - They are vulnerable to Holy Oil, Heaven's weapons, etc.


"Most precious and best of all His creations."

The human females in this story all have a distinct ability. They are able to detect, and perceive, the presence of demons, and see through their vessels, whereas most humans are completely oblivious to them. They possess high levels of "spiritual energies" thus making them instant demon-magnets. Because of this, most of society shuns them for being lunatics, seeing hallucinations, that type of thing. Still only teenagers, these girls live on their own, either in one place, or on the move. They have no type of supernatural powers besides their gift of Premonitions. The Fallen Angels, Angels, and Demons alike call them Watchers. Also they can be used as vessels depending on which creature attempts to possess them, however they aren't like normal people and as such have the strengths to "fight" against whoever tries to manipulate them. These girls are beyond what they seem and each one plays an important role yet to be discovered as time moves on.


"You're just spirits. Twisted, perverted, evil spirits. But, end of the day, you're nothing but ghosts with an ego."

Demons are the result of human souls going to Hell and being tortured until no humanity is left in them, thus turning into demons - dark, malicious spirits that revel in pain, chaos, and death. Most demons forget what it means to be human. Some have even forgotten that they were once human. In general, demons engage in torture and destruction because it is fun or to avoid being tortured themselves. Some demons, however, are true believers in Lucifer's agenda to "cleanse" Earth, and actually consider themselves morally superior to humans.


"They don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake."

Once a soul becomes a demon, it gains the basic demonic powers (possessing, superhuman strength, etc.) and from there, it can work its way up the ladder to positions of greater authority and power within Hell (possibly by torturing other souls). Some demons are sent back to Earth to accomplish certain tasks, such as causing disasters, spreading diseases, assassinating Hunters, or manipulating people into committing crimes that will get them sent to Hell. To do this, they have to take a host or "meat suit" in order to physically exist.

There are many ways of becoming a demon, from making a deal with a Crossroad Demon, to being a witch, and making a deal with another demon. They manifest on Earth in the form of a long, slender cloud of black smoke. They may also "possess" any human to their choosing, unlike angels that require permission before entering a human and using it as a vessel, demons have the upper advantage to that they have no need to ask. They enter at will. They, just like angels or any other celestial being cannot be "killed" by any mortal means.

When they possess humans, they usually enter through their mouths. On one occasion, a demon entered a human via the eyes. Possessed humans often look exactly the same as they did before possession, the only noticeable change being that their eyes will sometimes change color (black, red, white, grey, or yellow depending on the demon possessing them). Demon possession also causes a chemical change in the circulatory system of the host; demon blood is known to be a unique serum and has certain attributes when ingested. Whenever they use their powers, they leave a trace of sulfur in the form of yellow dust. Angels and other supernatural beings can see the true faces of demons underneath their vessels.

Often under possession the human begins speaking and acting like the demon would. Upon exorcism the human - if they survived - retains no memory of their time during possession (Unless they have been "awake" during possession, in which case the time of possession is a nightmare for them). The possessed humans also gain the powers of whichever demon is possessing them. Unlike angels, whose possession of a human vessel has to be with the vessel's consent, demons forcibly possess humans without any deal at all. People suffering from stress, fear or panic can be vulnerable to demonic possession. Demons abhor the name of God (which in Latin is Dio or Deus).

Demons have no quarrel with killing or torturing their own kind to achieve their goals. High ranking demons will casually sacrifice their underlings without hesitation. At the same time, though, some demons forge bonds with their siblings


Harming or trapping Demons

Devil's Trap - A Devil's Trap will hold a demon in place and prevent its escape. The Trap will also prevent low-level demons from using their powers. It also locks a demon inside its host unless it is exorcised. For some reason, a demon inside a trap is usually unable to do anything to damage the integrity of the circle, which would allow its escape.

Salt - Demons are unable to cross a line of salt and can do very little to damage the line at all. They can't even open doors lined with salt if opening it would break the line. Salt can also be used to torture demons by making them ingest it or by injecting them with salt-water. It can also be put into shotgun rounds to hurt and knock back demons. However higher-tiered demons are unaffected by rock-salt.

Holy Water - Holy Water burns demons that come into contact with it, like acid. It proved ineffective against high-tier demons.

Iron - A demon can't touch iron without its skin burning or cross it if it is used to erect a barrier, much like salt. Except higher-ranked demons.

Palo Santo - Basically a wooden, hybridized version of salt and holy water. When a demon is stabbed with it, it causes the wound to smoke and painfully pins the demon to a single spot, immobilizing them long enough to perform an exorcism. Palo Santo isn't commonly used by many hunters due to the fact that it damages the hosts the demons are possessing.

Flesh Sigil - By carving a particular sigil into a demon's possessed flesh, it is possible to lock the demon within its host and disable its powers, the most important one being teleportation. However, demons with these sigils are not bound to a single place and can roam around freely if not restrained by some other means.

Holy Fire - Though not fatal to demons as it is to Angels, Holy Fire can cause demons extreme pain.



Full Name: (Your Angel given name, for example Castiel, Uriel, Michael, Zachariah, etc -made up is optional)

Nickname: Called name, if different.

Gender: Male or female

Age: How old is your character? (human years in vessel, angel years is probably more -optional)

Sexual Orientation: Boys, Girls, Both or Neither, feel free to omit this.

Race: Angel, Human, or Demon?

Appearance: Image reference is optional, or description. Your Pick.

[[Notice I don't require a bio? That's because this information is already revealed within the story plot as it goes along, thus making this data on them here redundant.]]


Open Classes

Angel 1 - Modesty

Angel 2 ~ Open

Angel 3 ~ Open

Human 1 ~ Modesty

Human 2 ~ DamiClo

Human 3 ~ MusicQueen 2016

Demon 1 ~ Reserved

Demon 2 ~ Open

Demon 3 ~ Open

Full Name

Veronica Bluesmith







Sexual Orientation

Ronnie is actually an open minded person so even though she might be considered straight she can always be biased towards girls from time to time





(Hi! Well I just read your Rp and must say I absolutely and utterly liked it! <3 It's so.. Supernatural TV series like ^^ So I wanted to try and fill out a character sheet :) I'm not really sure if I had to ask for your permission beforehand to get the role or so.. If I had to I'm so sorry! >< Anyway if I did and well.. didn't I'll just erase it then >:( Though I would ask for your permission to get it! If not.. Please feel free to tell me if it's okay like that or I have to edit something or anything like that :3)
Full Name:



"I've been called Ace, though I find it demeaning, I have a full name."


"It neither matter what gender I am, however my visage is male."


"Older than you could ever imagine."

Sexual Orientation:

"I'm utterly indifferent to sexual orientation."






Fallen, Cut off from Heaven, Alive



--{{Accepted. And WOW you noticed! Great, I was actually vying toward SPN-verse angels yay I've met a fan! Here's my first angel too lol.}}


Full Name:

Anabelle Sellas







Sexual Orientation:





Awesome! I didn't think I'd actually meet an SPN fan here, I'm excited too! Spread the word please! Thanks for your interest in joining! ^^
It's really good after all xD Sure! Will try to do so and thanks for letting me join! Uh! You know what? Maybe you can try and post something over at Roleplay Recruitment so that more people know about this Rp, it's just a suggestion though =3
((This seems so awesome! I've never seen such a detailed thread before))

Full Name: Deliah Smith

Nickname: none

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human


Accepted & adding you to the list! Now all we need are a few angels and demons to finally start! xD Thanks for joining!



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