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Fandom Black Bullet; The Battle Continues


The Guardian and Protector

1. No Godmodding

2.No perfect characters, everyone has flaws and your characters ought to have some as well.

3. You will not kill another's Promoter or Initiator without the Individual's permission.

4. PG-13 Only

5. Two character Limit

6. No one liners

7. At least a Paragraph long posts are much appreciated




Sexual Orientation:

Promoter or Initiator [Remember that Initiators can only be girls]:

Outer Personality:

Inner Personality:


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Name: Rae Colburn

Age: 20


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Outer personality: She is cool, calm and collected. She knows her place and she knows when others need to be put in theirs. She likes order. She rarely led some anything get under her skin. She is loyal and devoted to her job.

Inner personality: She hides her fiery temper well. She is known to be a brutal fighter. What is unknown, is that she uses those fights to release stress. Yet she hides a caring heart. Only those closest to her have seen her let that side of her out.

Weapon: She has two specially made swords that are designed to be able to cut through the toughest material. Which include the monstrous parasites. She is also a excellent shot so she carries around two firearms in her thigh holster.

Backstory: Both of her parents were military. They almost raised her as a sort of soldier. They gave her enough love so that she wasn't a complete robot but they were the ones who taught her to keep her emotions in. She became skilled with all sorts of weapons along with various forms of interrogation and torture. They greatly approved of her becoming a Promoter. It's the reason she joined the cause.
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Name:Jack Rite



Sexual Orientation:heterosexual


Outer personality:Jack is usally cool,friendly,and really calm.Jack is nice to the people he doesnt see as threats and never run away from a fight.He usally thinks of everybody first before him and always help somebody when they need it.He never lets anything get under his skin and when people try he just ignores them.

Inner personality:Jack is a completely different in the inside.Haunted by his past Jack has a lot of rage and hate inside him and doesnt like to be reminded.He loves to have a fight to keep his mind occupied from his past.If you do anything to remind Jack of his childhood on purpose Jack will most likely try to kill you.Jack likes when people try to talk about his childhood and will forgive somebody if they do.

Weapons:One giant metal arm with some gastrea blood in it to power it up with abilities that is able to shake the ground in one good hit.A sword that is able to slice through Gastrea in one swing.Jack might sometimes get trigger happy so he carries his special desert eagle.

Backstory:Jack father was in the military and his mother was a martial artist.Living with his mother most of the time he copied her when she fought and then was being taught martial arts.Not really being around his father taught Jack how to use a gun whenever he had the chance to.Now 13 Jack mother was kidnapped and murdered and everybody was devastated though Jack didnt go to the funeral cause he was forced to go to school.When Jack was 15 years old his father trusted him with his first gun and Jack named it Archangel.When Jack was 17 his father died by sacrificing his life for his whole team.Jack now living with his grandma is when the bombing happened and Jack barely survived.18 years old now Jack finds out about Civil Sercurity and decides to become a Promoter knowing he would find some answers he needs.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c150664_images(7).jpg.630d75e984eee9a215db927a6d8aa977.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c150664_images(7).jpg.630d75e984eee9a215db927a6d8aa977.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Note:This is what Archangel looks like.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c152c39_images(8).jpg.c72b4463284a53c21b6c851d49bda76c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3c152c39_images(8).jpg.c72b4463284a53c21b6c851d49bda76c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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