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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

"Dirt won't work." Bruno frowned and turned around, looking for something they could use. "I got it!" She beamed and ran back inside. She carefully pulled the infected creature with her and out through the back, since it was to heavy. "How about we use a corps?" She asked and held the animal up by it's neck skin.
Asher peeked out from his closet, seeing Skye. His stomach was still churning at Chana being gone. All he wanted was to be back with his sister. But the new girl looked dazed. He wiped his nose.

"Hey, over here!" he called out in a whisper, forcing himself to talk. "I'm waiting for my sister over here."
As she rebuked him, Takai grinned, "What heart?"

If nothing else, she is almost as good at sarcasm as I am...

He quickly tore the cable from its wall restraints, dashing from the building and coming to a stop, the wire being just long enough to reach

He stood nearby as she soaked the "guests" down with water, while the electric cable crackled in his hand.

"It's almost time for dinner, whenever you're done basting them, drop the hose, step back, and I'll get to the roasting. Unless you want to be part of the meal?" He laughed as the hosed water pushed back all of the Compromised and the huge puddle spread across the asphalt.
Indie shrugged. "For now, but it will rot. That'll attract predators." she explained. She headed back round to the front, the scene ghostly quiet, and ran for the outhouse. Inside, she found an Axe, some TNT but most importantly, wood planks. She carried it all over, but the explosives, to the hole where she began hacking the wood in pieces that fitted the hole. "Make sure they fit tight." Once that was done she circled back to the shed, uncovering coal and animal traps. She shoved the coal, axe and tnt in her bag and took out the animal traps. She hooked the heavy mechanisms to her backpack and headed back with the remaining wood. Once all the holes were blocked they had a lot of wood, still, three animal traps, a fair amount of coal and some tnt. She kept the axe, slinging it over her shoulder. "Good job." Indie led the way back inside through the front gate. She hacked the chain on it with the axe, before pushing it open. "Time to clean up in here." she muttered.
Chana grinned back, nodded at him. This was one thing they could agree with...it was dinner time. She tossed the hose lightly, stepping on it with her foot to control the flow. She moved backwards, until her elbows hit the wall. She looked over at Takai as she attempted to taper off the bleeding in her arm.

"You're up, Terminator. Nuke 'em," she said. "And try not to burn those pretty little fingers of yours,"

She couldn't help but add the little sarcastic comment at the end.
The phenomenon was not quite an usual one. The sound, and the smell of the burning flesh made it quite disgusting. But at least it was over. Jaden turned the music off, and sat to the ground just next to the wall. He closed his eyes, and tried to calm his mind down. The plan was a success. After he could calm down, he opened his eyes, and turned towards Chana. "Are you alright?" He could only see her face, but the wound on her arm kept unrevealed for him.
(( Okay guys. I won't typically post OOC in the main thread, but I'm just logging off soon. I'm posting to tell you all that I'm going to start a log of notable events in each day. This day being meeting the first few survivors/Takai, Jaden, and Chana's adventure/Indie and Bruno patching the hole/Asher and Skye waiting in the house. This way with an RP this big, we can keep track of it all, and everyone can be up to speed when logging on after a break. The log will probably be kept in the very first post of the RP ^O^ okay, goodnight, all! Oh, and P.S. there's a description of all the rooms of the building in the RP overview :3 ))
Only in a matter of seconds, all the compromise electrocuted to death. They surely have a smart people, but now the street filled with roasted dead body and the smell is very disgusting. Everything is over now Daisuke feel stupid that he came to aid people which turned out to be smarter and stronger than him.

It's time to go now, Daisuke want to greet them but he don't think they will accept stranger like him easily. He sheete his revolver and get off from the roof, at the street he wave to those survivors.
Lily was felling worse than ever. She couldn't find food for three days, and felt like she was about to collapse. She could go to the "safe" parts of the city to search for something, but she has been there so many times and there was nothing there. Instead, she decided to try a new route, by the ocean. Something about it told her she'll find something.

There were fresh footprints- someone had walked there just now. Lily decided to follow them. They were small, but bigger than hers.

At the end of the trail was a grand, beautiful house.

"It's safe for sure," Lily thought. She heard people talking inside. They sounded young.

"Maybe they are my age!" She thought.

But as soon as she stepped inside, she collapsed
Bruno rushed into the kitchen and pulled Asher out of a cupboard. All her energy was drained for some reason and she yawn. "Your sister will be back soon, okay?" She smiled at the young boy. She took a seat against the wall and sighed. "I wonder where the others are." She mumbled before she heard a weird sound. "Stay there." She stood up with the metal bar in her hand and started to look around, hoping it wasn't a infected. "Another one?!" She whined when she saw a girl lying on the floor. "Oi Indie! I could use a hand!" She called out to the other girl.
Indie headed out, axe in her hands. She glanced about, before realising there was someone on the ground. She picked her legs up, "Grab her top half." she explained. Between them, they finally managed to get the newcomer inside. Indie poured some water onto the girl's fore head to wake her up.

(wb, apologies. Go to go, anyway!)
Michael ran his hands along the sides of his cheeks as a bitter wind brushed along his face , threatening to chap his lips and dry his skin. It carried along a putrid scent that smelled like burnt hair or something similar. His memories couldn't match it up. He shook his head as he crossed the road from an old coffee shop, resisting the urge to gag. The backpack he lugged contained many of his vital sources such as food and water, as well as a sleeping bag. The gear caused him to slouch, but he persisted, head held low and cautious.

If just I could find something to eat... anything but a rat again..

He thought to himself. Although it tasted surprisingly good... he couldn't stop thinking it was a disgusting rat that scuttled across sewage pipes at once.

He soon came across a concrete building that was a distance away. Is.... is that where the explosion came from...???

He paused, a flash of what a "safe" building gave him last time... raider ambushes left and right... he thrusted the thought away, making way to the brick building with slight hesitation.

Eventually he arrived at the front door, gulping before reaching forth and gripping the handle, opening it and peering in, "H-Hello..? Is.. is anybody in here...?"
Bruno groaned when she heard another voice. "Jesus Christ, why are there all of the sudden so many people?! Don't move." She said to the others and stomped towards the front door. "Hello." She smiled, she didn't want to scare the guy off. She could do that later!

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She thought that she had seen it all, but not this. Everyone was working together, trying to survive. Suddenly, she saw a group of people coming in, holding a girl. She shot up, and to the door, and helped with the situation.

Quickly, Cally noticed she wasn't hurt or unconscious, just asleep. She felt her forehead, nothing. "Where did you find her? I hope she wasn't outside." Cally explained, looking down at the girl on the floor.

Suddenly, another person walked in. Cally rested a hand on the sleeping girl's chest, and stood up to greet him, next to Bruno. "Hello." we both said, simultaneously. He was tall, and looked anxious and nervous about something. She smiled and welcomed him in, and introduced herself. "I," she began, with a large smile, "am Callassandra. But you can call me Cally. There's been a lotta people movin in, so you can put your pack down right there and I'll check ya up." I lead him over to the corner, where I had found some medical supplies, and took his temperature, tested his skin, looked into his eyes, and questioned him. "Where'd ya come from?" I inquire, smiling.
Indie sighed lightly. She took a sip of her water, standing beside Asher. She ruffled his hair. "Once they are back we can start a clean up." she explained, handing his the rest of the chocolate bar. "Keep this." she winked, before strolling over to the new guy. "Um, hey guys. I am guessing you know Bruno, but I am Indie. I just wanted to say hi. You guys are...?" she prompted Cally and Michael. She turned back to Cally. "If he is all clear, you guys could come help me out with this door. I want to get this place cleaned up." she explained.
A girl approaches us, and I nod. "He's good. Just asking him some follow-up, but I guess we can skip that." I stand up, looking at the wound in her leg."I'm Cally, nice ta meet ya Indie. I'll help with the door, what's the matta with it?" I sheepishly ask, I hadn't been paying attention to the situation before this. I look out the window next to the door, seeing the situation going on outside wasn't to be interfered with, and smile at Indie. "Ya from around here?" I ask.
Indie nodded. "Cool, yeah well it is jammed." she explained, motioning towards the rusted lock. "I don't know why but it smells like chlorine, if you get me. Hey?! Maybe they had a pool, I dunno." she chuckled. "So we have found this atrium, the pantry and a possible pool. We haven't even checked upstairs yet. I think we should get organising." She muttered, half to herself. Turning back to the hall, she spoke up. "Anyone who wants to help me with this clean up, can you just come here, or something?" she explained above the crowd.
Cally ran after her, smiling, "One thing at a time, darlin." She walked back over to the door, eyeing the lock. "Can ya look around for some oil, Ind?"

Cally winked at Asher, who was anxiously eating chocolate. She came up to him, bending down to reach his height. "Hey, hon, don't be afraid. Your sister is brave, and she can defend herself. She'll come back all right, mkay?"

She smiled and brushed some hair out of his eyes, and kissed his forehead, turning back to Indie. "Nevermind, found some." In another corner of the room, she found a rusted old can, with an oily substance on the surface. She rubbed the dust off the label, reading WD-40 in large print.

She smiled, and made her way back to the door, a dirty cloth in hand. She dipped the rag in the WD, and rubbed it over the hinges, the handle, and all throughout the lock. After a few test runs, she got the door opening and closing, smooth as a summer breeze. "Ay, Indie, I got the door a'workin." She said, gesturing towards the wooden surface.
Noctis was laying in an alley way sketching again in his book like he always did. He was keeping track of the infection stages and drew them all down so he could remember. He was eating a slice of bread and was sharing it with some alley cat until he heard some voices in the distance. He quickly closed his sketch book and put it in his back pack. "What the hell was that?" He said as he looked toward the direction curiously. He picked up a small cat and carried it as he went to search for where ever the voices were coming from. He was running very quickly and tried to stay low so nobody could spot him.
Indie nodded, backing up from the door. "I've got this." she grinned slightly, before stepping forwards into a high kick that sent the door flying back. "Talk about anger management." she let out a sigh, wiping her brow before entering. She tied back her hair into a scruffy pony and tied her jacket round her waist. It seemed she'd been right, this was a pool. Looking down into the depths, she grinned. "Hey, Cal, can you get down there? If you pass some up then we can see what we really have." She suggested. The pool itself was filled almost to the brim with guns, knives, body armour and various other weapons. "Actually, let's just take what we can reach, first. There might be traps that have been set and you could get your leg caught." she leaned forwards, dragging some stuff out.
Cally let out a low whistle, eyeing everything in the pool. She help up a finger as a silent gesture to stay back, and picked up a rock about the size of a marble. Carefully, she rolled it across the surface towards the pool. Suddenly, a shaft opened up in the ground, and the rock dropped into the hole. "Okay, we shouldn't go too far. It looks like it's rigged. But grab what's at arms distance, kay? We'll alert Chana and the others once they get back and see if someone is handy enough to disable the systems," she responded, setting the supplies she had used for the door down on the ground. Leaning in, she took out a chestplate, a 3-inch long blade, a small revolver, and a bottle of medicine. Right before she could grab her last piece of loot, her hand was burning. "Oh.. ohh.." she moaned, pulling her palm out. A small but deep cut was oozing blood everywhere. "Shit." She clamped her teeth together to stop from screaming in pain.
Skye looked over at Asher, her heart melted. He was adorable, and she had a soft spot for children, she always wanted one, but it seemed unlikely. Approaching him slowly, she smiled and kneeled down, "Your sister? Well she'll be back soon.. W..wanna see if I can fit in beside you? I'll keep you safe 'till she comes back, Asher..was it?"

(( Really sorry for my short and terrible replies, I was in school and had to reply during class when there was little to no reception.))

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Indie pulled out some leg and chest armour. The fitted well over her vest and leggings and she was able to tuck knives into her leg pocket. She added one more knife to her armoury, a machete and slung it over her back with her axe. She slipped a small handgun and ammo into her utility belt when Cally swore. Indigo jogged over. "Wait there, I'll grab a bandage." before consulting the other girl, she poured the remaining spirits over her palm. She knew it hurt, but it was best to not know about it. She went back to where her pack was, next to Asher and pulled out a bandage. "You to, Asher and (sorry, I don't know your name), come in here." she told them, heading back to the pool. She quickly and swiftly bandaged up Cally's palm. "You ok?" she asked. She could see they were gonna be possible friends.
Skye looked round, then back to Asher, "Come on then, seems like we're needed." She stood and walked through, waiting for Asher to follow. Still in a daze she wished she could snap out of, she knew she would have to wake up soon.

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Cally nodded, letting Indie clean and wrap up the cut. "I'll be alright. Just have to use my left hand now." She gave her a weak smile, and continued to pull things out. A mound of supplies was starting to form at her ankles, and then she stopped. "That's all I can do, but I think I found what cut me," she said to Indie, and pulled out a small, metallic beetle, with a blade extended out, dripping with blood. "Watch out for these suckers. They hurt." She smiles, placing it back down on the floor. "Hello Asher, and Skye. How are y'alll?" She says, turning to face them.

(( sorry for the unfinished post before. i lagged out and it posted ))

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