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Futuristic BioGenesis Safe House: Surviving the Post-Apocalypse.

Light came into his eyes like a wave, as he snapped awake from a dream he had. Colton was sitting down inside the research center, just behind the loading dock's large metal doors. The room was large, and his electric lantern only illuminated the center of the room, leaving what is in the corners to remain hidden. He takes a drag of one of those e-cigarettes he found in a desk drawer here. The nicotine calmed him. He needed it before going out there with the beasts. Still, he had to. His last test subject died after being injected with the vaccine. Colton looks down to the dufflebag below him, and unzips it. He reaches in and pulls the gear out. He slowly begins to strap on the riot gear. There was a ton of it lying around the police station. It had some negatives to it still though. Visibility was lowered if you wore the helmet, your range of motion was restricted and slowed, and if looters saw you it'd only make them more likely to want to rob you. Luckily for Colton, he was more scared of becoming infected than being killed by bullets and blades. He stands up and takes one last drag before pulling the lift lever.

Normally a siren would go off, but after his first experience with it Colton quickly removed it. Just the rattling of metal on metal was left, but in the desolate town the sound could still carry. The sunlight felt good on his face as he stepped out.
Maybe civilization would find a way to persevere. His optimistic thoughts immediately changed to survival when he heard the growl of the one compromised. Colton looked up and saw one in the trap he had set up. It was practically a barrel with meat at the bottom, so when they walk up the ramp to get the meat they fall down and can't get out. The bottom had a small door for Colton to get them out. The angle of the door allowed him to control them with the animal control pole leashes as the walked or crawled out depending on what condition they were in. Colton got into position and opened the door. He heard rumbling then one shot out. He went to swipe at it with loop to get a hold on it. He missed.

It turned around after being out of range. The fleshy looked up at him and yelled through its half rotten vocal cords making a gargling, screeching sound that carried blocks.
Shit. Colton started to back away, but as he did another came out of the trap's open door. They both continued to descend upon him. Colton was soon backed against a wall. He heard clanking of metal from the entrance of the small alley. Oh great more of them. He tried to keep them at a distance by using the pole as dull spear. It had barely any effect, besides angering them. Colton dropped the rod when they were to close for it to be of use. He hung his head beginning to accept death. How could I mess up that badly? God help, I'm stupid. He shook his head scolding himself. The first fleshy tensed to attack, but just as it was going to it was tackled to the ground in a blur. The other went down with it. Colton ran to the opening of he allay just to get away. He looked over his shoulder as he saw an infected animal ripping apart the fleshies for a meal.

Colton stripped off the riot gear as fast as he could, then started in a dead sprint away from the small horde headed into alley. He kept running, and did not stop for a while. He had no clue where he was anymore. All of the landmarks he had used to navigate before the breakout are gone, or at least changed enough to be unrecognizable. Colton ran his hand through his hair, thinking how he could survive.
No Shelter, No Map, No Food, No Weapon. I guess just keep marching on. He began walking again, forward into the city of life and death.
Sitting up, she heard a far away voice call her name. "Ruka.." she whispered to herself, and tried to stand up, but ended up landing on her butt again. Looking over at Vladimir, she but on her best begging face, and asked, "Can you please go find her? I need to know she's alright. I owe her lots, and I shouldn't have left her." Cally sighed, hoping it would work. Her face loosened, resting back onto the wall, knowing he wouldn't dare go and help the one who had flung a blade at his neck. "Whatever." She said, looking out at the rising sun. She watched it climb higher and higher into the sky, plaiting her hair into a long braid that stretched around her head as the star brought light to the city. Closing her eyes, Cally thought about what had happened. Attacks, but survivors. Shelter, but streets. Provisions, but not enough to sustain us for the days, weeks, and maybe months to come, Cally thought, getting deeply lost in her thoughts.
Chana looked at Jaden as he left without giving either her or Mel a chance to say a word. She glanced at the girl. The shelter loomed up in the distance, ready for them.

"Maybe he'll return with Jaden...and hopefully Jaden doesn't piss him off to a fatal point,"
Chana said, adjusting her pack.

The whole way back she had been quelling down thoughts of the past, to the day of her scar and every day leading up to it. No, it was not the scar that caused her to retreat into herself, to never tell anyone of her or Asher's past. It was the story. It was the days before it. After that was over...when she took Asher, when she left...she knew she might not ever be able to speak of it again.

She thought about the week after leaving. Their experience had left Chana feeling like a shell of what she once was, dried and not capable of happiness. But she had to try, for Asher's sake, she knew she had to try. He remembered his sister as a warm, friendly girl. And she tried to be that person for him, and him alone. But it didn't always pan out that way...her dryness and bluntness getting the better of her on more than one occasion.

Chana eyed the streets, halting when she heard a the heavy sound of footsteps near one of the buildings. They were loud, weighted. And getting closer. She snapped her head towards Mel and put a finger to her lips, indicating that she should be silent and get ready. She then pointed to Mel's knife, hoping that the girl realized that she was asking her to prepare herself. She looked in the direction of the sound, drawing out two of her own Fox Exagon knives from her hip, poising them in her fingers.

She crept in the direction of the noise. If it was a Compromised or an animal coming in their direction, she and Mel could take it on. But as the steps came closer, they seemed too steady to be that of a Compromised. She also realized with a start that she and Takai had already killed the Compromised in this sector of the city when they were out earlier. It would be too soon for one to be back, unless they missed one by some chance. She straightened slightly, and walked a bit closer to Mel.

"I think that might be another survivor," she whispered. "Either way, I'm gonna call out to it. Softly. If it's a Compromised or some sort of animal...we carve it up. I don't think it will be though. We can't just leave knowing another survivor was that close to us.

Chan adjusted her knives and called out in the haze, even and toned low.

"Hello? If you can understand what I'm saying, follow my voice. Help is this way,"
Chana beckoned, trying to keep her voice from echoing off the buildings.
A voice! Let alone comprehensible English that isn't his own! B-But looters... He immediately stopped running taking about three jab steps to slow himself on a dime, and then pressing himself against a wall of a building. He tried to control his breathing but running for quite a while it was difficult, and he most certainly did not want to get a cramp now. They said help, but isn't that what anyone would say? Maybe the looter will go away if they think I'm another compromised? But if it is help, I'll have given up one of the last hopes I've got. That animal saving me pretty much used all my luck for the day, huh. Well I'll just be careful. Colton didn't realize it, but like had done when he was alone, his thoughts were being formed into words and escaping his mouth albeit quietly, still nonetheless.

Colton looked around the street to see if he could find himself anything useful to defend himself. There was rubble from a collapsed building everywhere at the intersection - courtesy if the Third Great War. He looked back the way he came and saw a fleshy in the distance probably one of the few who managed to follow him. He went to take a step back away from the supposed "help" and nearly tripped. He looked down and saw a small stone. He picked it in his hand.
Probably the best weapon I've got. He went back pressed against the corner, but did not look around it, because he was afraid of being seen. How can I look around? He searched the rubble with his eyes until he located a car. The car was half under a huge concrete slab but still had what he wanted on it - a mirror. He could barely make out around three bodies, maybe one, maybe five. It was hard to judge from such a distance using only a mirror.

He reached to his side to grab a drag of the cigarette - nothing. He had left it back at the research center.
God, I could use that right now. Maybe it was best, I mean a doctor smoking is quite contradictory. He swallows deeply and steps out from behind the corner toward the voice stone still in hand, slightly cocked back ready strike or throw, even if it wouldn't be of much help in a gunfight. Now his fate was in whoever called out to him.
Waving his hand in dismissal, Takai scoffed at Jaden's persistence with trying to get him to drink. He'd decided long before the bombs fell that he didn't enjoy alcohol. He may have been a sociopathic murderer, but he liked to have his head about him when he DID kill. Having no control over body made him feel the same as when he was strapped to the hospital bed, unable to move of his own volition.

If this piece of sh*t asks me again... I might have to remove some fingers...

Takai stood up when he was told there was no water, wrapping his coat around him and looking around the run-down bar. A notable layer of dust clung to the tables, chairs and just about everything else in the former establishment, an obvious testament to the lack of customers. He notices a stage in the corner with a microphone that had fallen to the ground, and a jukebox in the other corner. It was then that Takai noticed a small duffel propped against the wall near the stage. It looked to be full.

Was someone here recently?

He could plainly see there was dust on the bag as well, but it was a very fine layer, which told him that whoever had left it had probably been gone about a week. Takai approached the bag slowly, in case it was a present left behind for any Compromised. He retrieved the blood-stained machete from his belt and held it at the ready, occasionally waving it in front of him to check for trip wires. When he was sure the surrounding area was secure, the man moved next to the bag and examined it without touching it. Instead of opening the secured flap at the top, he prodded the side of the satchel carefully, hoping to get a feel for the contents. Reaching into his coat, he took out a roll of fishing line, while holding his machete under his arm. He tied the end of the line through a loop on the exterior of the duffel, then moved away slowly, till he was a good twenty feet away.

"I'm not sure what's going to happen," he called to Jaden, "so unless you want some cheap plastic surgery, I'd get down."

Takai hoped it was supplies, but he had to be sure it wasn't a trap set by looters.

Positioning himself behind the end of the bar, and waiting until the kid was hidden from view, he pulled the wire roughly, jerking the bag onto its side.

Nothing happened.

"Keep still," he said.

He waited ten seconds.

Still nothing.

Suddenly, just as he was about to approach the bag once more, he heard a series of clicks.

"F**K!" He hissed, ducking back behind the bar.

There was a ting of a bell, followed by a massive blast. His ears ringing from the loud noise, Takai grasped his machete, in case any looters decided to reveal themselves. Even if there were no looters, however, Infected for miles would have heard the explosion.
(( Guys, please check OOC for an important announcement! Please and thank you. :3 ))

Chana waited with Mel, the two poised to fight. The footsteps began slow, halt, and then start again. She thought she heard muffled whispering, but put it off. Eventually, a tall man rounded the corner a little ways away, with shaggy brown hair. He was in a defensive stance, a large piece of rubble in his hand ready to throw. She didn't blame him. Looters were a big problem, and everyone with their right minds had learn to be skeptical.

Chana slowly tucked her knives back in their sheaths, and pulled her hair over one shoulder. She raised her hands in a show of peace, trying to be as nonthreatening as possible. She called out gently. The best thing to do now was explain. In her own experience, not understanding something had always irritated her.

"Really, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Chana. This is Mel. We're part of a group of survivors. There's an old fallout shelter here. Used to be a university or something. We're trying to convert it. Convert it to a safe house,"
Chana paused.

An explosion sounded off in the distance, near where they were earlier. Jaden... She thought about the kid, wandering around alone in the city, searching for Takai, and instantly began to worry. What if they had caused the explosion? Compromised everywhere would have heard it. Of course...she ran the risk of it not being either of them, the risk of walking right into danger.

She instantly crouched a bit lower, wondering whether or not to go and see the source. She threw a weak smile at the newcomer. She would speak to him first, and then go investigate what had happened. Maybe the stranger would join them.
Colton was relieved to see the two women there tucking their knives away. His stance relaxed and the stone dropped from his hand behind him. "Hello?" He said to them. What would two people be doing out here with the looters? Especially calling our to people they didn't even know were people. Let alone to women. He took a step closer and showed his hands to reveal them weaponless. He would put them back down to his side as he walked towards them, hopefully non-violently, but no one could control how others reacted even to the best of intentions.

I'm Colton. Dr. Colton Davis, but I'm not sure titles matter in this world anymore."

Colton had thought about this dystopia often. What it would mean for everything, animals, children, man, woman. How would their roles develop and change? Would men and woman finally be more equal, but groups of them will not be equal to others and is that even better than it was before? Lots of things are worse than they were before, but now you work for yourself so does that qualify as necessarily better? He could go on like this for hours on end, and often did between research sessions in the laboratory. And like always he often uttered the things aloud.

He liked the idea of a safe house, but how long would it take to complete? It would surely require multiple people to contribute to get a university sized building to operate safely. But people. Alive, and Healthy people in the city. It seemed too good to be true. He was succumbing to the concept of it. It had to work. If it didn't society might fall. But if it succeeded then it would be the head of a bright new civilization leading the world from this second dark age.
"I'm Colton. Dr. Colton Davis, but I'm not sure titles matter in this world anymore."

Chana let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in. He also seemed peaceful, if a little bit skeptical. She thought back on her little brother waiting for her at the safe house, in the care of the others survivors. So far, nearly everyone she had run into had been ready for the change, with the exception of a few people. Chana extended a hand in greeting.

"Dr. Colton Davis, huh? I worked in a hospital as well, before the virus,"
she said, giving away the only personal detail about her past that she felt comfortable sharing with anyone. "Anyway. I was just about to go check out the source of that explosion. I'm thinking I might know the kid who started the blast. Would you be interested in joining? We'll be heading back to the shelter afterwards. I know we could definitely use the skills of a doctor there,"

Shifting from foot to foot, Chana tried to calculate outcomes in her mind. If he did decide to come, he didn't appear to be armed. As she waited on his response, she thought to the extra revolver strapped to her belt, wondering idly if he knew how to use a gun.
"I would like if I could accompany you back to the safe house, it seems like a safe bet."

Colton extended his hand, and shook hand firmly, but in mind he was decently strong. He was never sure how hard to grip on a hand shake, too loose and you are afraid or weak, and to firm and you are trying too hard to be dominant and strong.

You think who caused that explosion? It sounded like a looters trap. I've heard a lot go off while living here. It'll be dangerous to check it out, fleshies will be everywhere. And I'm unarmed - I don't think my chances of getting back to the safe house are high."

He said glancing between her and where the explosion came from. He remembers the scene of one of his partners body after a trap like that. Are they even worth it? You just destroy so much. It seems contradictory for someone after material objects to blow them up. No looters are really in their right minds anyway, that's the best explanation he could come up with.
" The damsel has awoken. The curtain has risen once more. The audience pouring into the seat ready for the new act. The villain had saved the lassie, it was truly Odious. The Audience had a hand at their mouth when the the princess dared to ask the villain's help, help in saving her little rabbit ". Vladimir just glared around and gave it a thought. He had agreed to join the girl in her adventure just for entertainment. Going on a search even at day was very dangerous, he remembered the girl entering the uncharted house which might be brimming with those vicious beasts who may even have a lair inside. The estate was big and it was a difficult task but it seemed none were more qualified then Vladimir himself. He soon had a smile on his face. He just responded with a " Help I Shall, but what might the price be this time? " he asked curiously. As once a great man said, ' If you are good at something never do it for free '. He gently tapped his hand on the floor waiting for a reply. He could see the sun rise slowly, it was neither beautiful nor ugly it just seemed like a bad painting. Vladimir could just sigh at the misery of being cursed to a life without the beauty of the always appealing and pleasing nature.
Colton shook Chana's head with a firm grasp, then inquired on her plan to check out the explosion, and talked about how he was unarmed. She had two guns on her, and her knives. She pulled out her .357 magnum from it's holster on her hip, loading it quickly.

"Unarmed? Well, we can take care of that. Do you know how to aim a revolver?" she asked as she finished loading the gun. ".357 magnum. It's pretty standard. I also have knives, if that's more your style,"

Chana would never part with her Fox throwing knives, those were her favorites. But she had a couple extra basic blades hidden in her boot. Her backup blades, for situations like this. She looked over at the horizon, from where the noise had echoed.

"And yeah. Another survivor I met today went out searching for someone who had left our group. I'm thinking one of them might've triggered the explosion. You're probably right about it being a looter's trap. In which case, they'll need our help even more. Not to mention the Compromised who have probably all heard the explosion. I'm just hoping I'm right about who set off the blast in the first place," Chana reached for her blades, holding them in one hand as she offered the gun to Colton. She continued to talk, her eyes trained on the buildings near the blast. "So, Dr. Davis. Are you in? Because we can't waste time now. The sooner we investigate the explosion, the sooner we get back to working on the safe house."
He grabs the revolver, and opens the cylinder to check the rounds, seeing them to his standards, not that he has much of a choice. Colton draws back in his memory all the days at his family's range. Shot after Shot after Shot. He recalls cleaning the weapon, like he had to do so vigorously as a child. B-But his family. Visions of his father being ripped apart by his mother, all imagined but just making worse. He breathing quickens, and his eyes zone out. Her voice comes through to him - "Dr. Davis". He snaps out of it, his eyes focusing back on her. Colton hated it when those happened. They aren't always this tame. He was lucky it was short. Maybe might be the people he finally met. Hopefully they might slowly fade away. Don't get your hopes up, Colton. He looks down the sites to see them lined up to the range he preferred. He finds the safety and clicks it off. He looks back up from the weapon, and says,

"I'm in. Let's go."
Chana gave a tense nod as she glanced at Colton inspecting the revolver and adjusting it to suit him. He seemed to handle the gun smoothly and naturally. Hmm. He must be used to using guns. she thought absently. She trained her attention back to the source of the explosion, readying herself to see what would wait there. With the revolver out of her hand, she re-sheathed her knives for amount. Taking the old elastic from her wrist, she tied her hair up into a high ponytail once again. She had often pondered shearing off most of her heavy locks with a sharp knife...but that thought never lasted long. She liked her tresses far too much, her one feature that resembled her mother. It kept her memory alive, so Chana would deal with the annoyance of it. The sudden memory of her mother made her think of Asher. Bruno, she hoped, was close by to her little brother.

Quickly taking up her knives again, she held them between her fingers, poised and read to strike. She looked over at Mel, glancing at the fresh bandages on the girl's arm.

"Mel, you're not gonna like this...but your stitches are just too fresh to fight with. Just wait here, we'll be back before you know it. And with any luck, we'll be back with Jaden and maybe Takai."

She turned her attention back to Colton. "Alright, doc. Game time."

And with that, she began steadily running in the direction of the explosion, her steps light and body concealed in the shadows. A million things were in her thoughts right now, but she pushed them away, instead just focusing on the quiet thud of her boots against the broken concrete.
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Dust from the blast clung to the air like a fog. Takai coughed, trying to get his thoughts together. Either the Compromised or Looters would be there any moment, and he knew that once they were, they wouldn't have an easy time surviving. He leapt over to the other side of the counter, and cursed. One end of it had been blown to splinters, and laying on the ground, unconscious and layered in wood shards and shavings, was Jaden.

I told this idiot to stay down!

Takai attempted to wake him to no avail, before retrieving the revolver from the boy's pocket.

"I warned you... you should have listened Jaden." He said, coldness dominating his voice.

In the distance, a series of familiar shrieks erupted. The former gangster looked up to see a good portion of the wall missing, in addition to the jukebox. Dust and smoke swirled through the air as Takai walked around to the center of the bar room, his fists tightened around his machete and magnum. If he could get to the ocean-side, which was not to far away, he'd be able to avoid the monsters. As he prepared to climb out through the wall, he took one look back, seeing a small group of Compromised entering the building. He ducked quickly behind a piece of the wall that had stayed standing, peeking quietly around the corner. He assumed Jaden was well enough hidden that the infected humans wouldn't see him and lose interest. He was wrong.

The boy let out a slight groan, but didn't awaken, causing several rotten heads to snap towards the sound. The sickening gurgles that emanated from their throats echoed together in horrifying harmony, as the group slowly coalesced on Jaden's location. Takai turned his head, knowing what was about to happen. At that moment an image of the rotten child from earlier crossed his mind. The scream of agony that it loosed as he smashed its chest with his boot. Takai touched the wound on his side, frowning at his stupidity.

Dammit all...

Whipping around the corning Takai raised the revolver and aimed straight at the head of the nearest Compromised.

"HEY A**HOLES!" He shouted loudly, drawing as much of their attention as he could, "EAT S**T!"

After a loud gunshot, the infected collapsed in a heap, the back of its skull blasted open and dribbling black blood on the debris strewn floor. Takai yelled loudly, loosing a few more bullets before scrambling out the freshly made opening. Once outside, the man glanced backward to see if the remaining three monsters were on his tail. Cries broke out as they tore out of the backside of the bar after him, one of them tripping and sprawling wildly on the dead grass.

Sorry Jaden, the drinks are going to have to wait....
Sighing, she looked at him. "Anything. Anything at all." Lazily she rolled her eyes, focusing back out on view outside. Groaning, she scooted farther away from the dwindling fire, as she was getting hotter and hotter, her skin starting to boil. Now near the center of the Atrium, she added, "Just say it quickly, so I can say yes, you can get it, and then you go find Ruka. And would you stop with all the mumbling? It's highly frustrating. You're like a book written in a language I'm not yet fluent in." Getting rather irritated, she played with the dramatic braid around her head. "Hey, did you know where Timmy went? I haven't seen him. I hope he's not hurt," she said, looking out to the streets, wondering who else would soon join the House, and it's attempt to survive.
Chana heard gunshots ring through the air as she picked up her speed, the cries of Compromised mingling with the noise.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

She ran harder, glancing at the doctor. Hopefully they would make it in time.


Asher wandered around the house by himself. He had fallen asleep in the supplies closet, and awoke with a start. Rubbing his eyes, he held the teddy bear that Cally had given him close to his body. He blinked, realizing that his sister still hadn't come back. Worry broiled through his stomach in heavy tendrils, his lower lip quivering. It was getting dark outside. But he wouldn't cry. Chana would be back, he told himself. She would be back soon, and maybe she would bring him back a present. Chocolate or something.

Sniffling to keep from crying, the seven-year-old dawdled out the door, searching to see who had come to the safe house and trying to pick out a familiar face.
Colton sprinted with Chana through the streets. They were moving fast enough that the fleshies wouldn't pick up and chase. Maybe recognize but not pick up on anything unless, there are more mutants. Well let's just be optimistic about this. Colton kept running until he sees a hole in the hole and smoke in the air. Definitely a recent explosion. He lifts up his gun and looks around for any threats. He scans from the inside, then into the distance turning around to cover everything. He was watching for any threats, looters, mutants, fleshies. He hears the gunshots from inside a building and immediately turns to face it walking towards it.

"So what does your friend look like, Chana?"
Chana opened her mouth to answer, but her words were cut off by Takai bursting outside of the alleyway behind an old abandoned bar. Of course, Compromised are massing behind him. Chana would have rolled her eyes if she wasn't so surprised. She realized with a start that Takai still seemed normal in appearance, none of the tell-tale yellow patches on his skin. She snapped her head towards Colton as she lifted her knives and began to move. There's Takai...but where's Jaden?

"Well. One has blue hair. He's young, looks around 17 or 18. The other one looks just like that," Chana said as she went in the direction of the Compromised. "And despite the fact that we're trying to help him...well, let's just say he's independent man that doesn't really take kindly to assistance,"

She concluded with a dry voice as she moved forward. "Either way, we're going to help anyway."

A couple Compromised came in her direction, and she sent knives into both their throats. Pulling out the blades, she hopped over the bodies and called to Takai.

"Leave you alone for one minute and you start the party without us,"
she called with a sarcastic laugh as she cut into Compromised, fighting her way to that arrogant bastard of a man. "And look, not even dead yet. Where's Jaden?"

She asked a little bit nervously. The boy had gone out in search of Takai...had he ever found him?
Colton followed her towards the man called Takai. His steps were even and every two stes his feet were back in perfect position to fire. The mechanics he had learned as a child were coming back, not so much the aim as he had a pretty wide bullet spray in the chest area, and only aimed at the head when he was close enough. He was covering Chana's back as they worked into the alleyway. The horde that had come from a different direction. Colton lines up a head shot, exhales, pulls the trigger, and... click. No shot, it's empty.

Hey! Do you have any more ammo?!" He calls out as he flips the gun around and smashes the hilt into the fleshy's skull. He continued using it this way for a while until he might be able to get the extra ammo, or maybe even a knife.
As Takai whirled around to face the small group of Compromised, he witnessed Chana and another, older man approaching him.

"Leave you alone for one minute and you start the party without us," she addressed him, "And look, not even dead yet. Where's Jaden?"

Takai grimaced as his machete caught the remaining infected at the base of the neck sending it's body flopping to the ground. As usual, her attitude fired him up. He turned to her while cleaning the bloody blade on the shirt of the now headless corpse.

"You missed me that much pumpkin?" A smirk etched his scarred face. "I didn't know I was so popular. Who's this pr**k?" He questioned, motioning to Colton, who wielded a .357 revolver. He seemed skilled in using one.

"The little punk's inside, taking a snooze." His grin faded as he looked back into the building. "I have a feeling we're going to run into more company soon. That explosion? A looter's trap."

Takai kicked the corpse he'd decapitated a few moments earlier.

"The a**holes don't mess around." he growled, as a new group of compromised rounded the corner of the building, "That bomb was designed to take out a group, any remaining meant to be picked off by compromised."

His anger was bubbling on the surface, he didn't want to deal with Chana or anyone else, but he knew on his own he'd be screwed.

"One person wouldn't have the need to take out a large group of survivors. I think we're dealing with a group of bandits here, maybe five or six working together."

Jumping into the air, Takai thrust his boot into the neck of one of the infected swarming him, its neck cracking loudly.
Chana reached into her satchel and tossed Colton a special cartridge for the revolver. It was one of her last ones. Reaching into her boot, she pulled out a long basic machete. She threw it to Colton, as she sank her own knives into the chests of two Compromised.

"Here's ammo! Some of the last. You might be better off using the knife," she called out to him as she sank the heel of her boot into the stomach of a screaming infected.

Chana then turned her attention to Takai, his smirk mirrored on her own face as she slammed her elbow into a Compromised cheek, causing his head to snap sideways. "What can I say? You just complete me, darling," she said sarcastically. "This is Dr. Colton Davis. Colton, this bringer of sunshine's named Takai,"

Chana introduced the two as she ducked and weaved around the onslaught, using her knives when the opportunity presented itself. She thought about Jaden for a moment. Takai had led all the Compromised into the street, so the kid should be safe for now. Her mind wandered to what Takai said about the looters.

"Looters, huh? You were about to have all that fun without me? I'm just getting warmed up," she said with a dry laugh.


Out of nowhere, a Compromised sailed into Chana's back, his overgrown fingernails tearing into her and slamming her into the brick wall. Her face hit the bricks, stars flying across her vision. Wakeup call. I'm not invincible. Chana sank to the ground for a moment, sight blurring. The Compromised barreled into her, knocking the wind out of her. She shook her head, sinking her knife into the belly of the infected. Gasping, she lifted the hem of her shirt she saw blood leaking from her side, near her old wound. Of all the places I could get hurt. Chana thought with a sigh. She staggered to her feet, and trying again to focus.

Regaining her footing, she moved again, clutching her side and using her knives to tear into the belly of another Compromised that was running towards her.

"Yeah. Just getting warmed up."
Colton opens the cylinder and spins it, emptying out the left over cartridges as he catches the last bullets and presses them into the chambers. "Thank you, and yeah isn't he just little ball fun." He said in almost a mocking way for over hearing Takai calling him a prick. "Oh shi-" He jumps out of the way of the machete, as it clanks and slides across the concrete.

Why would you through a knife?!"

He tucks his shoulder and rams into a fleshy to send it back into the others. He barely manages to grab the machete in the small opening he made. Colton was quick to slice one off of his back. He was not going to die today. The guts spill onto his shoes, luckily he had water proofed them. He continued to slice them open but more just kept coming, and he had to continually back up.

"So are we going to get Jaden and leave or..."

He didn't want to finish the sentence, he could but didn't. He swung the machete hard, and a head hit the ground. Holy Crap. He took a step backward, and a fleshy tripped over the head whose jaw was still moving. He shook his head and shoved the blade through the sternum of the closest fleshy then continued on.
After a short conversation, Timmy left, his feet walking him back towards the city. Timmy wasn't far from the iron gate as he walked, his mind repeatedly landing on his pet, Lucky. Timmy was seven when he stumbled upon a dieing wolf pup, his eyes teared with a uncontrollable sadness, leading to him to take the wolf and bring it home. The wolf survived with the help of Timmy, and severed to be a great ally. The wolf grew as Timmy did, its intelligence even becoming similar to Timmy's, eventually Timmy gave it a name. Lucky was growing larger and larger each passing day it survived, its aggression always being taken out on The Compromised. Timmy loved the companionship, the wolf becoming his only friend.

"Lucky! Oh gods, Lucky! are you out there?" Timmy was screaming, his slightly deep voice bouncing into the silent air. A distance howl roared through the silence, it wasn't until Timmy saw lucky s large body that he understood. Two Compromised followed Lucky, there pace quick and hurried.

"Oh no, oh fucking no."

Timmy ran, his feet carrying him, closer, and closer Timmy got, his non broken hand preparing for a strike. Lucky lunged as he neared Timmy, the wolfs ran turning into a quick turn, and his jump landing its kill. Lucky's razor sharp teeth tore into The Compromised flesh, the wolf quickly ending the life of The Compromised by tearing its windpipe from its neck. With long slender arms, the remaining Compromised swung, attempting to knock Timmy from his feet. Timmy manged to dodge the attack, his feet back stepping as the creature moved forwards. Lucky was quick, his teeth digging into the compromised leg, and bringing it down to one knee, releasing the leg lucky lunged once again, his teeth tearing into the creatures neck, crashing its windpipe. With heavy breathing, Timmy smiled, his hand patting lucky s head as they walked back to the building.

"Everything's going to be fine boy, I found other survivors."
Jaden got conscious. His ears were ringing, and he felt something flowing on his body. He opened his eyes, but because of the explosion, his sight was messy. As he sat up, he felt something warm on several spots on his body. He touched his forehead, and saw that his head is bleeding. What's this? Blood? What happened? Asked from himself. He tried to stand up, but as he tried so, he felt great pain in all over his body, he just couldn't do i. As Jaden's sight got clearer, he could saw that small wooden fragments injured him.

He felt very dull, but he knew he had to do something. He leaned to the rest of the counter as he was sitting, put his headphones on, and took out his music player. As he put it on, there was no more noise. No sound except his breathing. He felt completely separated as if there were nothing going on. He turned the music player on, and selected the folder, called: Screw it all up! He opened the folder, and started playing the first track, the following were readable on its screen; Overpowered

The music started, and Jaden closed his eyes. He could feel as his body filled with energy, and as his mind got all wind-up. His breath got back to normal. Slow, deep breaths. And slowly his state not just got back to normal, but his breath, and heart beating got faster and faster. He stood up. His wounds started bleeding more than before, and his pain were more intense. He leaned on the counter, grabbed a bottle of alcohol, and drank the rest of it for one go. He gathered every bottles, opened them all, and put something into them but only halfway. He had six bottles, and after grabbing them, he walked to the others. The infected started to push them back, as for the shootings only more came to the scene. "Get back behind the counter, NOW!!!" He shouted as he walked up to them. He grabbed the lighter, he just got from Takai, and lit the cloths in the mouths of the bottles. He, then, grabbed them by their necks, and throwed them up. As they started spinning in the air, he started rushing back, and helped the others get into a safe place.

As the bottles landed on the infecteds, the whole scene turned into flames. Except a few infected who was able to get inside soon enough, every of them got burned to death. Now they only had to finish the rest.

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