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Fandom Bakugou x Male Character ((heavy angst))


Hit Me!
Art is not mine.
I am looking for some to rp this as either Kirishima, Deku or Todoroki.

Bakugou had been dealing with a lot of emotions throughout his life. And he hid all of those emotions with the only emotion that didn't make him feel like the world was ending. Anger. Anger helped him to feel alive and in control.

But everyone had a breaking point. Bakugou reached his every night as his head hit the pillow. When the facade of anger finally fell from his form and the tears fell from his eyes. In the dead of night whilst everyone else slept peacefully Katsuki cried.

He had no real reason to cry. For the most part this was something he began to understand. But understanding that life wasn't as bad as he thought, that no one really thought he was a waste of flesh and space, wasn't as easy as one would think.

Katsuki remembered happy times as a kid. He really did. He remembered the joy of finally receiving his quirk. But he also remembers the sorrow of his friend not recieving his. And he remembers joining in on the terror. Bullying him to the point he had told the boy to kill himself.

And he remembers a time when the bullying turned around on him. When he had foolishly said that he thought a boy in another class was cute. And life was never the same after that. And the bullying continued until he finally snapped. Hurting a bully to the point of hospitalization. And Katsuki found that being angry and aggressive kept people away from him.

And so he put a shield around his heart and kept anyone from getting too close. But he still heard the harsh words. He still heard the rumors. He still heard the muffled laughter. And at night he still heard his own cries muffled by his pillow.571629

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