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Futuristic Back Alley Life

(Have no idea what Yuu was doing xD )

Yuu shifted her gaze as the man left. He hadn't brought much entertainment, which was good for her emotions. Nodding her head, Yuu began to walk in the opposite direction of which Eyulf had went. It was better for both him and herself, to where she wouldn't hurt anyone.
Luther had been working non-stop. That Tomoe girl was dangerous, even for Luther. So far he had created hybrid creatures and plants of such power and complexity, it made even him a little uneasy to be around them. Luther was under so much stress, from losing his memory to getting it back then losing Vera, then meeting Tomoe and barely escaping. He had completely forgotten that Vera was bound to come home. Luther had kept everything in the kitchen though, not even taking a moment to rest.
Aloe was hit by a haze of dizziness for a second from their choice of travel but he quickly cleared his head. He looked around the disarray of the hospital and was shocked. "W-what happened here? I don't know where they went." Aloe began to tear up. His blue eyes turned glowy and his gaze distant.

@Marvelous Chester

Vera walked slowly back to the house. Her eyes were red from crying and her throat raw from screaming after Luther. She walked through the doors and heard breathing. Becoming alert instantly, her cop instincts caused her to pull out her gun and go quiet, bracing up against the wall and walking slowly.

@The Master
sorry we have loss conectiong to subject number fourhundredfourtytwopointwentythr--- .

* evil laughing in background followed by alot of booms*
The animals were all in big pods, growing. Luther had both of his hands on the table, keeping himself up. When he heard the door open he turned around and made spikes come out of the ground ready to strike. Luther was on edge, thinking it might be Tomoe. He had grown and released enough spores to cover the house and one mile of land around it. If it were Tomoe, she would die the moment she showed herself. Luther continued to breathe heavily, waiting for the person to show themselves.

(I think Tomoe could do a little blowin' up to get rid of those annoying spores, perhaps layer her skin with metal xD )
(She wouldn't really know since you can't see spores. She wouldn't expect to keep herself protected for a full mile.)
(Well, she'd probably expect it after the sudden stinging of something she couldn't see earlier that dropped her abilities with explosions metal and blood last time they fought, so she'd probably still go with the metal coating since she assumed it to be something poking against her skin. Either way, we probably won't see those two fighting ever again with the course I'm taking things down with Akara and Tomoe.)
(You can't feel spores touching you. Luther makes them dormant until he himself does something to them. And Luther hunts metas so they will fight again unless Tomoe dies before that.)
"Who the hell is in my house!" Vera yelled, incredibly pissed off. She was tired of all the crap she'd been through today and she wasn't going to stand for it anymore. "I'm not messing around! Get the hell out before I shoot you. I'm not in the fucking mood to play cops and robbers right now." She stepped into the open and stopped cold when she saw Luther in the kitchen. Her face was blank as was her mind though one thought did repeatedly run through it, almost like a mantra repeating "He'sherehe'sherehe'sherehe'shere..." over and over again. After what felt like a year of silence, she finally flung the gun at his head, knowing she's miss by a big amount. Luther was a Meta after all. "You stupid, stupid idiot! Why the hell did you run off for?" She yelled at him, picking up the closest thing to her that wasn't situated to the floor and flinging it at his head. "You made me think you left for good, you asshole!" Vera didn't let up, picking up object after object and throwing it in a rage. They all missed but she didn't notice, she only stalked closer until they were about a foot apart. "So what now...? Gonna kill me too? Or do you not care?" She asked suddenly tired. "Because I don't know what you want. Why don't you tell me."

@The Master
Luther just watched her in silence. His hair was a sweaty mess and his eyes looked like the epitome of misery. "You know what I want.... already..." He spoke, almost in a whisper. Luther just stood there and looked at her. He had lost it at this point, not beyond the point of return but pretty close. Luther just couldn't handle all of the stress, so while he was setting up base in Vera's kitchen he had also lost himself. Luther raised his hand to touch Vera's face slowly, he stopped himself though. He simply lowered his hand and remained standing there looking down at her.
Vera's smile was almost half-crazed. The laugh she let out was completely hysterical. "Tell me again, why don't you." She said with a grin. "Aww, don't look so down, baby. I'm willing to bet there a ton of other people out there who are feeling much worse than you are." Vera through her hands up in the air and laughed again. "Yep. Tons. There were a lot of people that you killed in that hospital. I wonder how many have families that miss them..." She backed up from Luther almost in fear and tripped backwards, landing on her ass. Instead of shouting out in pain, she only grinned again. "You know... I think I really do love you. See, I'm even going insane like you are." Vera looked up at him. "What do you think?"

@The Master
John finally arrived at Tomoe's enclosure receiving strange stares by... everyone and knocked. "Hey. I know you can get out. That explosion... I know it was you. Should've made it fast. Anyways, I'm here to get you out. People still look down on me, as if I'm inferior. I want to make them pay. Anyways... you can't get out by yourself. Sure, you can get out of the enclosure, but the soldiers will just shoot you. Ever heard of snipers?" John waits, sighing. "But you have to play along. If I do something to you... it's just for act. Just trust me."
Saruwatari Tomohisa]He bites his lip then decides to go and find a stray guard. Flash stepping his way towards the main entrance. He had been payed by the government before maybe he could slide in with an excuse then take a guard down.... [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7507-kiyoko-tomoe/ said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe[/URL]
(Sorry, kinda juggling a lot a stuff. Here's your post.)

The entire base was on high alert, guards positioned at every entrance and exit, especially high concentrations of soldiers at the place Tomoe and Akara went in, as well as the huge laboratory with Sayuri inside, clearly something huge going on inside of both buildings. It was extremely difficult to get inside either building, and to make it worse, Akara had stepped outside of the building she took Tomoe in, walking inside of the large laboratory building that Sayuri was currently inside of.


BiohazardZERO said:
ohn finally arrived at Tomoe's enclosure receiving strange stares by... everyone and knocked. "Hey. I know you can get out. That explosion... I know it was you. Should've made it fast. Anyways, I'm here to get you out. People still look down on me, as if I'm inferior. I want to make them pay. Anyways... you can't get out by yourself. Sure, you can get out of the enclosure, but the soldiers will just shoot you. Ever heard of snipers?" John waits, sighing. "But you have to play along. If I do something to you... it's just for act. Just trust me."
(I'm sorry, but how exactly are you there...? It's kind of "top-secret" of a place. That, and Tomoe's kinda... let's just say she's in a private meeting one-on-one with the director of the top-secret base.)
Luther looked down at Vera. "I'm not insane... I am hurt you think I am." He walked over and continued to stare at her. Luther had just about enough of Vera's taunts and insults. "If you love something, you try to understand it... Not hurt it..." He gestured to the pods growing. "I don't expect you to understand. You don't seem to want to either..." Luther wasn't going to harm Vera, no matter how angry he got.
Fifth was getting twitchy. Everyone was gone as far as he knew.

Fifth had to do a job anyways. With or without them.

Fifth went out the door, and went to walking the streets. He didn't know what th chances where of seeing Luther there but he had a destination.

Vera's house. Luther was there, and if Fifth had somewhere to go he would go back to a place he could call home.

So to Vera's house it was..
(Sorry pe am back)he trys to find a guard that he can take down and take the uniform and anything else of value off of.
Over in Tomoe's building, there was what sounded like an explosion, grabbing the attention of all the guards. Every single one rushed to the building, a team going inside to check things out while the rest slowly followed in afterwards, though a lot stayed outside and ready to shot if Tomoe came out, or something worse occurred than the explosion. The building wasn't on fire or destroyed, though it certainly was worrisome for the guards, one having actually left the door to the laboratory open in their rushing over as they were leaving the large building where Sayuri was at.
Eeing his chance saruwatari flash steps into the biylding dashing straight to the place he is meant to be going looking at all the reality bends as he flash steps.
Vera stopped laughing and sat up suddenly, still on the ground but all signs of being hysterical gone. "Sane people don't plot to kill Metas and Humans alike once their wife dies. No, they do other things. They may track down that killer and perhaps try to get revenge. Or they got lost in the bottom of a whiskey bottle. Hey! Some even get awesome cool jobs to try and get their life back on track. But no, they don't go on murderous rampages that cause them to lose their memories." She stood up slowly and brushed off her clothes. "Do you still love me? Or...not anyone. Rather, not at all. I want to know." She said, voice hesitant. She rubbed her eyes slightly as if getting rid of the morning blur and looked at him with blue eyes reflected her pain and fear. "It's hard to understand the one you love, sometimes. They're complex people and you have no idea how to read them. But other times, it's so easy. Right now, you're like a page with invisible ink and I don't have the proper light to see the letters." Vera looked like a mess. Her pale cheeks were blotchy and her eyes red. Her lips were swollen from her continuously biting them and her hair was frizzy and messy, completely unlike its usual pin-straight state. "I do want to understand. You just make it hard." Her voice was a near whisper but still loud enough to cause some dramatic effect.

@The Master

((I give up on bolding dialogue. Too much work))
(Actuallu, only the isolated environment itself, which is everything inside of the large mansion-sized glass box, is bent reality. Everything else is just normal for a giant laboratory.)

All around the place were scientists, though they were all working inside of different rooms doing different things, though there were one or two that were actually in the hallways. One of them approached Saruwatari. "Oh hey, you must be that new guy they sent to come help out with Sayuri. Right this way please." He said, grabbing Saruwatari's hand and immediately dragging him down the halls to the giant box that was the size of an entire mansion, with the reality inside bent to the point a person would question if they were sane or not for the first million times of seeing it.
He looks around not really knowing what to think of any of it. Was this the power of the person he is going let out....

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