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Futuristic Back Alley Life

Dexter stared at Eyulf and understood what he was doing. Dex kept himself calm by constantly carrying a suicide pill around and holding it in his teeth until he callers down. When he noticed the wolf man could see him he found no reason not to become a person again. A surge of pain ran through his body as is his blood had become fire, and then his body was standing there. Dex exhaled deeply. Then he looked at the wolf man. He didn't like talking, and he was already nervous. Sweat rolled down his forehead again, and his eyes were slightly burning. "P..please don't hurt me." Were the first words that slipped out of his mouth, even if he didn't want them to. He sat down almost in obedience so Eyulf shouldn't have any reason to fear or hurt him. "I..I'm Dexter, Dex for short or whatever you want to call me." @Memios Bonavich

Chester smiled to Aloe. "I'm gonna go check on someone quick." Chester jumped back into the TV and came out of the TV closest to Alex. He suck up behind him and put his arms around him. "Hello there pretty fox. Would you like to help me find someone." @ScytheMeister7 @alex the fox
Once Dexter took on a more visible form Eyulf could catch his scent finally and a rush of emotion filled him. He didn't know why or where it came from but once Dex sat down Eyulf practically pounced on him, licking his face in wild excitement, mind racing through so many thoughts and all he knew was that they were happy thoughts. Why did he feel so much affection toward this man? Whoever he was Eyulf instinctively liked him, which was hard for the nervous wolfman to do.

His tail was wagging furiously behind him as he did so until he managed to calm himself down, on the outside at least. He settled down and laid in front of Dexter, his massive head resting on his lap, looking up at him, hoping he hadn't frightened the new person. He rather liked him, even if his way of showing it was like an over excited dog who needed better training.

He didn't seem able to physically speak in this form, at least not currently. He was too energetic to think properly either. If Dexter were to try and speak to him telepathically the wolf' smiled would seem like a loud static with how quickly his thoughts ran through.

Luckily he still had his collar on so he could at least introduce himself. He turned his collar around so Dexter could read the tag. It had his name on it with his disorders and a secondary tag had a series of numbers on it, a circuit on the back. On the back of the first one it said in what looked like sharpie "LEVEL 2 RISK".
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A person in an alleyway rested inside the darkness. Their appearance unseen, voice unheard, just them, an untraceable phone, and an envelope. A single message through the phone was sent to a certain person who did jobs for money. Meet me in blackwood alley. If you're really the "bounty hunter" you claim to be, you'll know what that name really means. The person put their phone away, still in the darkness of the alleyway, which was the alleyway that lead to the burnt building of Tomoe's, which was the key part in 'blackwood alley', which meant to go to the alley with the burnt wooden house.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
His music stops playing in his right ear signiling he has a new message. He looks down taking the phone out of his pocket reading the message he looks back up at yuu. "Sorry i have to go." His social anxiety fading immediately. He flash steps to the edge of the city then climbs onto a roof top and starts traveling to the location. Then looks down into the alleyway from the roof top.
"chester you might need to leave, before i use my most powerful skill ( for now)" he said then everything went silent and sound blades appeared coming from his fists
A presence could be felt behind the person who was invited to the alley, but any turning around to look and the person would be gone, nothing but an envelope left in the place where they would have been standing if they were really there. The envelope held a hefty pay, as well as a letter explaining the requested job.

The founder of the re-population experiment, which gave birth to our powers, currently has a willing test subject. Your job is to kidnap that test subject, and bring them to the burnt building alive. If not taken care of now, they may stumble upon what they're experimenting for; the way to erase all of our powers, and in turn, wipe out the very life that we live in. Included is pay for the job, and I expect the job to be done as quickly and cleanly as possible. I hope you're prepared to face thousands of military professionals, an anti-energy field, and various other traps to prevent our kind from getting in or out.

@Saruwatari Tomohisa
Dex looked horrified when Eyulf pounced him, but then the wolf started licking and playing. It caused Dex to laugh slightly. When the wolf finally calmed down. Dex read his collar. "Eyulf huh." Dex then read level two risk. "I highly doubt that." Dex sighed and began to pet Eyulf. He would hate me if he knew I was responseible for making him this. Dex may not have physicaly made Eyulf this but he created the formula that did.

He began to stare of into the distance, just thinking. "It's getting dark out and cold. Mabey we should find youre other friend." With that Dex got up. His white hair became visible as well as his face, that were hidden by his hood. He looked back at Eyulf. "You coming friend." Eyulf had made quit the first impression on him. Dex wasn't much of one to make friends, he just picked one person who could keep him safe and bonded with him, and Eyulf managed to take the spot. @Memios Bonavich

[QUOTE="alex the fox]"chester you might need to leave, before i use my most powerful skill ( for now)" he said then everything went silent and sound blades appeared coming from his fists

@Marvelous Chester
He jumps down creating and read the letter looking around for who ever left it. He then nods and takes the cash and the paper signaling he will take on the request. He then flash steps to a hidden place he can observe the place he is supposed to go.

@Kiyoko Tomoe
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Eyulf grinned and stood up, trotting after him happily. He acted like a puppy despite his awkward height compared to Dexter. In this form he stood at a towering 7'3". His tail swayed behind him as he walked, occasionally sniffing at the air for anything he could take for a snack for later. It wasn't long before he spotted a rabbit up ahead and quickly ran after it and grabbed it up but instead of killing it he held it in his arms, trying to cuddle the squirming creature to calm it down. He returned to Dexter's side and showed him the clearly terrified creature, proud of his catch. His ears perked up as he sniffed the air again. He gave a soft bark to Dexter and pointed off to the south west. Yuu would be there still hopefully. His ears folded back for a moment as his excited thoughts lapsed into depression for a split second before returning to normal. It was clear he suffered from athazagoraphobia, possibly monophobia.
The isolated environment was in the very center of a military base, one that was huge enough to support an extremely large laboratory with an isolated environment in the center of the lab that was the size of an entire house. Military personnel everywhere, traps that were extremely effective against all kinds of bio-terrorists, and even an impassable set of doors that required a key, pass code, identification card, and fingerprint. Definitely the most secure place there ever was, especially so with the fact that it was also protected by Akara when she wasn't off doing her job of eliminating Tomoe.

Speaking of which, Akara was returning just now with Tomoe being held in the air, carried by her throat as her body was almost lifeless and dead, severe wounds all over the murderous bio-terrorist's bloody body. Akara had a good bit of blood on herself, though she'd already healed all of her wounds. With the extra 'limbs' being impossible to see, touch, or sense, it seemed like she was able to just plain make Tomoe float, and for somebody to have taken down Tomoe, they'd have to have been extremely strong, since Tomoe was one of the most impossible to beat bio-terrorists out there.

(This was really just to give them something to do. Since Jastri and Sai'tioula's player didn't seem to be responding, I decided that I'd skip the whole fight part of it and move on with my plans for the characters. We'll say that Akara fully healed the two of them's physical injuries though.)

Akara was taking Tomoe to a different building than the one than the kidnap target was in, but it was quite close to it. Akara went inside of the somewhat smaller building, taking Tomoe with her all the way in, closing the door behind her. Clearly, if not done quickly enough, Akara would become a major problem in the job of kidnapping Sayuri, with it even more worrisome of an obstacle to see she managed to capture Tomoe. There was definitely a lot standing in the way of the job getting completed, but it was definitely worth the pay given.
He bites his lip then decides to go and find a stray guard. Flash stepping his way towards the main entrance. He had been payed by the government before maybe he could slide in with an excuse then take a guard down....

@Kiyoko Tomoe
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Dex looked at the bunny and smiled slightly. "Good catch, but you should let it go before it dies of fear." Once Eyulf pointed in a detection Dex followed behind. They eventually came up to Yuu and the strange man. Dex his being Eyulf, clearly not use to having so many people around. People scared him especially the strange man. Dex was pathetic compared to Eyulfs size and bulk, well hiding behind him he was completely unseen. He pulled out his ord and began to spin it in his hands. It glowed slightly and went to work on calming Dex's mind and helping him control his psy power. "A..are they nice Eyulf. I think the girl is, but that man scares me." @Memios Bonavich
John had long since returned to the military base, upset that he couldn't find her. He had returned to the basel, and found out that... she was captured. Serves her right. But... He was uneasy with her there. Might cause an explosion. Or worse. John started to walk there, sighing. It was right to imprison people like that... but they could change. Then again, the military was separating from him. Just because of his kind ways. He could maybe... No. He wouldn't betray his own kind. But didn't his kind already betray him? He started to walk the the enclosure, frowning,
(Actually, Tomoe's on a top-secret military research base, so shouldn't be the same at all. He could be informed of her capture though.)
(Oh, by the way, nobody's yet learned about Tomoe's control of metal, and only Akara knows about Tomoe's extra 'arms', meaning that there's going to be quite an easy breakout once Tomoe gets back enough strength, given she'll destroy any metal binding her and steal anything like keys, etc. that are required to get out, as well as can easily destroy a stone wall xD )
Chester looked at Alex and sighed. "Ugh I guess you don't want me around then." Chester pulled out his phone and used video travel once again. He jumped out of the Tv in the room Aloe was in. "I'm back" Chester said with a slight smirk before kissing Aloe lightly on the lips. "Now let's go find you're sis." @ScytheMeister7
Aloe nodded and jumped up from the bed, ready to find Luther and Vera. "The last place I saw them was the hospital... Maybe we should go there first?" He asked hesitantly.

@Marvelous Chester

((I know I've missed a lot. Where's Luther currently? @The Master ))
Chester smiled. "Sounds like a plan dove." He grabbed Aloes hands and tugged him into the tv. They came out of the hospital waiting lounge tv. Chester kept them cloaked using video energy so they could remain unseen. "So we're do you think they may be dove." @ScytheMeister7

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