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Futuristic Back Alley Life

Akara Kiyoko

Akara keeps walking, basically ignoring him. Since he hasn't attacked her yet, she doesn't have to worry about him at the moment. She still had the two pistols in her hand, though her arms were hanging straight down instead of holding them at the ready. So far, she's only fired a single bullet from her gun, yet she's killed nine people with bullets to the heart or head. Only two people had actually been touched by her extra limbs while they were still alive. Akara was still quite tired out, but until she reaches Tomoe, she won't be even thinking of stopping.
He sighs and takes his right hand out of his pocket and points at her firing a shard at her it moves at the same speed a bullet would.
"Hey... relax... wait-what the..." John started to back away, but came up with an idea. "Relax... okay? You don't look too strong. We don't want anyone to be hurt today, okay? What is your name?" John motioned for his squad to leave, and sat down, sighing. "I know what your kind have to go through." His mind raced on what would happen. But those bodies... those dead people... He might call for help. He might not. He'd just have to wait.
Tomoe Kiyoko

"I'll give you one more chance... Leave, and I'll forget that you called me weak..." Tomoe said, a strong murderous feeling in her voice now. The guns were all aimed at John, and she clearly hated being told she wasn't strong. She hated it because she is strong, but possibly, she hated it because the reality was that she simply acted strong, and was weak on the inside. She wasn't friendly at all, and she even kept silent about her name. She just wanted them to leave her alone or die so she could be alone again.

Akara Kiyoko

The shard simply stops when it gets within three feet of her, just floating there as she now stands still. She'd caught the shard with her extra 'limbs' that are a part of her Telekinetic Aura, the shard dropping to the ground. A normal person would assume that it was the use of some kind of energy, but somebody who could see energy would be at an absolute loss, since there was no energy to see stop that object. Akara stood there motionless, with the exception of her left hand simply lifting and aiming a gun at him without her really looking.
the boy watched as the girl didn't get hit be almost everything, so he wondered what caused it. looking at what see looked at he noticed that even her eyes didn't move. so it couldn't be sight activivated. so there was no guessign where she striked.
When shard turns into a ice dome around her getting thicker by the secound enclosing and getting bigger on the outside aswell.
Akara Kiyoko

All eight of her limbs simply shot outward, completely shattering the dome of ice. Akara returned to walking, her left arm still aimed directly at her attacker. The burnt building was just ten minutes away if she kept walking at such a slow and almost limp-like pace. The limbs were already back around her in their protective state, her gun actually at the ready to shoot down anything that flies at her, not shoot the person who attacked her. Akara was still drenched in blood from having been shot in the stomach, but she was clearly quite fine as she was.
Saruwatari sighs he hoped she would be sealed in their for a bit longer. He shots 5 more out of his right arm still not taking his left out of his pocket.
Akara Kiyoko

Akara simply pulled the trigger and moved the gun to pull the trigger again. The bullets flying out shot down all five of them as she kept walking, not using any more bullets than there were shards to shoot down. This was the product of a Bio-Terrorist trained by the military to be a weapon. Akara stopped in place, suddenly the roof of the building below her collapsing in a small circle the size of a person, which was actually her doing with her extra limbs. She landed right on her feet in front of a door, opening the door without touching it herself thanks to her extra arms, closing it behind her and making her way down the stairs to the second floor.
"You remind me of my old self..." John chuckled a little bit. "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I was your type. Strong on the inside. Weak on the inside. You know, when people look down on you. When people fear you, they don't despise you, they fear you. I know they did." John sighed, remembering many things. "People fear me because I am weak, but mentally, I am prepared for anything. Because in this damn society, people are like locusts, or insects. Because they are weak, they band together, and try to destroy everything you love. Sometimes I feel like I should just... kill those people... and I have." John gets up, and starts to stretch. "Don't become what they think you are. Be better. Show who you really are. In the end, you all are human. Although I'm terrified of... meta-humans, you guys exist. And you deserve to exist." John stops of a bit. "I'm 17. 17, and many people fear me. Just because I do good. Because I am better than most. You can't be that much older can you?" John starts to walk away. "I'm letting you go. Please. Just don't do this again."
Tomoe Kiyoko

Tomoe slowly stood up, having gone from a small curled ball, to now standing a bit taller than John, and her entire body basically covered by blood. "Me... weak...? Me... a human...? You're exactly the kind of person I've been looking for..." Tomoe said, in a half-dead, half-murderous voice, that still somehow managed to sound calm. Tomoe walked out from her hiding place, getting up to where she was about four feet away from him. "I'll give you a chance... A chance for something special... All you have to do, is tell me you accept this special chance..."
Sai'tioula breathed a sigh of relief when she managed to get out of the building with a girl that is determined to have them killed if they didn't leave. At lease she was the smart one that valued their life and manged to get at lease out.
John disabled a communicator, and, stared at her. "What... chance..." He stared at her, a little frightened. Just stay calm... Just stay calm...
Saruwatari flash steps the distance and drops down he puts his right arm in his pocket and brings his left out he kicks the door down and puts his left arm in the gap and simply sends alot of fire randomly going all the way down hitting the ground at the bottom ogniting the place in fire.
using his sound manip he walks by unnoticed and stands behind the bio-terrorists and says " oyu might wanna duck" he says holding out his palm like he has a gun in it that is about to shoot
Akara was already outside the building by the time it set fire. She was now down on another alley path, which made following her a little difficult, since there were three paths she could have gone on. She eventually reached the burnt building that Tomoe was inside of, taking no care about those that were exiting the building. She simply started preparing herself to go inside of the building, but that would soon be cut off by something that happened just as she started walking towards the door.

Tomoe had a dead stare aimed at John. "The special opportunity... is to be the first one to ever know what happened to this building back eight years ago." Tomoe started walking a little closer to John, stopping when two feet away. "This... is what happened to it." She said as her extra limbs firmly grabbed John, an explosion starting from nothing, right between them and in the air, slowly expanding like it was slow motion. "This building was blown up." Tomoe says, the explosion suddenly enveloping the entire building.

When the explosion cleared out, the building was mostly on fire, but there was a clear path for John to walk to the door and outside of the building with, and the explosion didn't harm John at all because of Tomoe's limbs. Tomoe was now gone from all sight, having probably left the building at some point. Specifically, she was now in the unreachable second floor, which was even more unreachable now that it was entirely on fire, with Tomoe sitting in the corner of the second floor, protected by her limbs so she doesn't really burn.
Jastri yawned just to sit up suddenly and walked to the refrigerator to grab the half bottle of whiskey and a half frozen bottle of water. Her face looked confused with some panic when she saw Fifth was in the living room after she took a big drink of straight whiskey. After a few moments, her mind cleared up some and she remembered that she let him and Aloe stay here for the night. 'I need to quit eating jerky before I fall asleep if I'm going to forget what happened moments before.'

Sai'tioula stumbled some ways when the building started on fire, and she stared at the flames like it was something strange.
He jumps out of the burning building and freezes the ground showing her foot steps and starts following it seeing her he shoots six ice shards at her.
John suddenly couldn't... even move! He watched the ball of fire head towards him, destroying everything, and he closed his eyes. As the building exploded, he almost laughed. "Looks like she won't listen." He turned on the communicator, and sighed. "Listen everyone. We have a sort of... terrorist. Arsonist really. Wait. What? I wasn't... harmed? Still. Everyone! After her!"
((Okay. That's why I wanted to be sure who that was going towards. Sometimes my mind doesn't put two and two together somethings.))

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