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Futuristic Back Alley Life

Chester popped out of the TV in the room Aloe was in. He immediately used his video power to turn invisible, then slipped into bed with Aloe still undetected. He wishpered in his ear. "Did you miss me" in a jokish manner before becoming visable again. @ScytheMeister7
"Let's go. Remember the targets." John had arrived on the ground, with his squad, looking for those meta-humans in the area. "Remember the drill-Only those targets. No one else. Capture them, and bring them back."
((I have Sai'tioula wondering around, since she's more or less a night owl.))

Sai'tioula rubbed her eyes when she kicked up some dust and it got into her eyes. There's no better time for her to be out than night time, and almost no people about. She probably looked weird walking with a staff that was hand carved and has this strange blood red crystal that looks like wooden vines are wrapped around it.
Saruwatari walks around the city he doesn't have any request so he just strolls around town trying not to be noticed by anyone. Blending in with the crowed.

(Hello all :D )
((Well, hello.))

Sai'tioula smirked when she used some tendrils of shadow to scare a group a girls whispering when the passed her. They shrieked and ran away from her. "That's what they get...People could take it the wrong way, and try to do something about it."
As he walks he notices a big group of people and moves to avoid it. He keeps walking down the alleyways and streets.
(Wondering if anybody took notice of Akara earlier when she killed a guy...? Haven't had much time to check here for various reasons, so don't really know if any of my chars have been approached or anything like that.)
(Well, Akara just killed another bio-human right in the middle of a street in the middle of a crowd of normal humans who dispersed when she initially went in. Now she's goin' through alleyways to get to a burnt building that Tomoe's in. Feel free to either discover the burnt building, or try to follow Akara. Be warned though, both'll try t' kill ya, though Akara won't if you're a normal human, since she's on that side.)
(Oh well my charecter would probably try to avoid you so :P ) saruwatari walks through the streets waiting for a job request.
following the girl who just killed a B.T. he walks silently behind her without her knowing of it.

(( my character isn't known as a b.t. so you can't say she knows he is
((Hmmmm...since Sai'tioula is just roaming around with Jastri's staff, I think I could have her find the burnt building.))

Sai'tioula whistled a small tune, and found a burnt building. It was strange that she didn't notice it before, must have happened recently. She tilted her head to one side before she decided to do something stupid and go inside.
(Well, there's plenty of ways to find that out. Also, @Saruwatari Tomohisa, clearly just about anyone would avoid girls with horns that can literally make bullets stop mid air without moving a muscle, especially if they'd seen Akara slam that bio-terrorist on the ground without moving a muscle there either xD Also, probably my only response for right now, and excuse the length. Just hard for me to do anything smaller for my beginning actions of the PR. Eventually, I'll get through and start doing smaller posts when my chars are fully implemented in as who they are.)

Tomoe Kiyoko

Tomoe heard the door open, and the moment somebody walked in the building, being behind where the door was currently at while open, had the advantage, regardless of whoever it was that was there; even them. Luckily though, it wasn't them, but she still had an immediate reaction to the entrance of her place of hiding. Three of her 'limbs' that were impossible of knowledge to any but her and Akara, went to the three walls that were without the door, guns being created through her metal control and creation, aiming right at the intruder while seemingly floating.

With the state of the building, Tomoe's voice could echo through the building without worry of her position being found. The door wasn't the only thing hiding her though. In fact, the door actually was pressed against a thin metal wall column made to look like part of the burnt building, as well as the open front covered by a burnt cabinet, making the only side open to see her from the opposite side of the small hiding spot as the door, which was just a small passage. "State your reason for coming, your name, and then leave. Otherwise, I will kill you." Her voice echoed through the entire room.

Akara Kiyoko

Bullets started flying from a passage off to Akara's left on the side of the alley. At least four hundred bullets flew at her, but every single one that had flown at her was stopped mid air to prevent hitting her. The bullets all dropped to the ground, the exception being eight of them. Those eight bullets slowly turned around in the air, and then flew back where they came from, screams of pain being heard. Seven bio-terrorists were dead in that separate passage, and one still alive, but without their left shoulder safe. The remaining female bio-terrorist rushed at Akara, lightning surrounding the blue-haired bio's arms. "It isn't like you to send guards on the path to your base, Tomoe. You're usually a loner, aren't you?" Akara said to herself, but clear enough for all nearby to hear.

The blue-haired girl leaped at Akara, suddenly getting stopped in the air as she came within three feet, seeming to be held by something at her neck, choking her as she hung perfectly in place. "I see... You're all trying to kill me so I'm not able to kill you later on when you go after Tomoe's head. I have news for all of you that are teaming up on me; I can't be killed that easily." The blue-haired bio-terrorist was thrown straight over at the person following Akara, though Akara didn't really pay mind to the person who was following her that she now knew about from having turned to look at her eight attackers.

The girl Akara had just thrown without even touching or moving an inch was dead, as well as looking down the alley would show seven more bio-terrorists dead, all with some small indicator that proved them being bio-terrorists. Akara turned back to her right and began walking on her original path, all eight bodies floating up and being carried with her, at about ten feet away and in the air, seemingly nothing there holding them up, no way to see, touch, or even tell that those eight extra 'limbs' were there. Akara found another disposal point down in the alleys, placing the bodies there for the military team to collect later on, but kept walking while the bodies seemingly disappeared to her follower when she moved them down a branching path and then put them in the secret disposal point.
John and several of his soldiers, in full body armor barged in the door seeing... something strange... "Everyone! Point your guns and aim! Do not shoot unless they attack first!" He sees Tomoe, and glares through his visor, aiming his pistol. Let's see... 5 good men here...
Saruwatari turns down this alley way from the street completly exposed he was listening to music on bis phone so he couldn't hear anything. Some light goes over his face and if you are caught up on current events you would know he is a skilled bounty hunter. But by the looks of things he has no idea what is going on. He simply turns the corner and sees floating bodies being thrown into an alleyway. He tilts his head curiously.


@Kiyoko Tomoe
the fox boy remained silent even as she killed, this girl was pretty interesting. well for a girl. he maintained a watch on her vectors using his fox fire . to see their spiritual out print
(Didn't I say it's impossible to sense them in any way? Seriously, when something's made impossible, you can't go and break that. The whole point behind the power is for the impossibility of knowing about them, so follow that. I feel like this is a repeat of an issue I had with somebody a while back. They aren't even a form of spiritual energy anyway.)

Tomoe Kiyoko

"All of you, leave..." She said, the guns still floating in the air, but her 'limbs' invisibly around her like a force-field that can't be seen, touched, detected, disrupted, or destroyed, except touched by what Tomoe has them touch. This would prevent any type of attack on her, and with them each being able to extend up to fifty feet, they cover her entirely, making for a perfect defensive position, her knees up to her chest, head buried in her knees. She was extremely beaten up, like she'd been living without food, water, or protection from harm for her entire life or something.

Akara Kiyoko

Akara kept walking, horns clear as day on her head. Akara had two pistols in her hands still, but wasn't planning on using them any time soon. Soon, Akara found herself just three alley paths away from the location of the burnt building. Another bullet flies at her, but this one doesn't stop, as it's a sniper shot with a .50 caliber bullet from a good distance away, straight at her stomach as all eight of her 'limbs' were occupied. The bullet hits, landing straight in her stomach like it were intended. Akara falls back, though something felt off, like she didn't care about being hit by a fatal .50 caliber bullet.

She was completely fine and conscious, her body healing itself while she kept her eight 'limbs' around her in a most defensive manner, just laying there without a single care. She was laying on a large puddle of blood, which would make anybody assume she was dead. In fact, her heart even stopped for a good period, though she kept healing and protecting herself during that time. Soon, the wound under the bloody shirt was closed and the bullet removed, but the bloody clothing made it impossible to really tell the wound was healed.
so they a spacial glitch made by a tweaked timeline. cool. i thought by the way you described them . vectors like from elfen lied))

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