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Fandom Azurecoast Academy Characters



Standing by for Battle

Azurecoast Academy Character Sheet

Basic Information
Full Name:
Age (18-24):
Appearance (Anime-style faceclaim preferred; provide an accompanying description with face claim still):
- Height:
- Weight:
- Eye color:
- Hair color:
- Skin color:
- Build:
- Additional features:

- Positive traits:
- Negative traits:
- Description:

Minors/Electives (2):
Pokemon Team (4 Pokemon max, lvl. 25 cap):


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Basic Information

Full Name: Triana Barkley

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age (18-24): 20

Appearance (Faceclaim preferred; provide an accompanying description with face claim still):

- Height: 5’7’’

- Weight: 140 lbs.

- Eye color: Green

- Hair color: Brown

- Skin color: Fair

- Build: Athletic

- Additional features: N/A





- Positive traits: Spontaneous, Brave, Driven, Innovative, Adventure-orientated.

- Negative traits: Impatient, Impetuous, Foolhardy, Proud, Rash, Guarded, slow to trust others.

- Description: Triana has a strong sense of adventure, wanting to explore the world and discover all that it has to offer. At times she can be bullheaded and rushes into action without asking questions, but her heart is always in the right place. She can be a bit shy and guarded when she meets new people because she’s honestly used to having Pokémon as friends, not humans. But she keeps her mind open to the possibility of making her first human friend.

Backstory: Triana was born in the Kanto region in a cabin home owned by her parents within the Viridian Forest. Both of her parents were Paleontologists and held a strong sense of adventure, a trait Triana of course inherited. The two had taken their daughter on many digs throughout her childhood and adolescence, and she loved it so much she decided to get into the field herself. While she did attend school, she wasn’t able to make friends growing up, having a hard time being social with them – and it didn’t help that a group of bullies often pushed her around. The first friends she ever made were her Pokémon when she was a teenager – her Bayleaf, Leafeon and Grovyle. She trained with them every day after school and became very attached to them, considering them her truest and only friends.

When she turned 18, her parents suggested she apply to Seranova Academy in Seabreeze City in order to get her degree in Paleontology. At first, Triana was a bit nervous about the idea of being on her own in a city where she knew she’d have to mingle with other humans, and of course at this point she was hesitant to be around people given she tried to make human friends but couldn’t. Still, this was the promise of a grand adventure, and she couldn’t resist its call. With her Pokémon at her side for support, she set out to the Academy to get her degree.


Major: Paleontology

Minors/Electives (2): Botany and Culinary Arts

Pokemon Team (4 Pokemon max, lvl. 25 cap): Bayleaf, Leafeon and Grovyle

Other: Triana is also skilled in archery, having learned the sport at age seven.​
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Camilia Jean Chevalier

The Struggling Perfectionist

  • Basic Information1714838367937.png

    Full Name: Camilia Jean Chevalier

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Age (18-24): 18

    Appearance -

    - Height:

    - Weight: 135 lbs

    - Eye color: Blue

    - Hair color: Blonde

    - Skin color: Fair

    - Build: Semi-athletic

    - Additional features: Generally tends to wear fancy clothing.

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"The Most Honorable Sir Jack Douglas Harrington Wilson, of the Great and Fine City of Hammerlocke, descendant of the Most Honorable and Fearsome Sir Oliver Douglas Harrington Wilson the Second"

  • Basic Information

    Full Name: Jack Douglas Harrington Wilson

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Age (18-24): 19

    Appearance -

    - Height:

    - Weight: 204 lbs

    - Eye color: Platinum

    - Hair color: Brown

    - Skin color: Fair

    - Build: Athletic, muscular

    - Additional features: N/A

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Elsie Beaumont !
  • Basics
    • Full Name: Elsie Beaumont
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: Nineteen
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Appearance
    • Height: 5'3"
    • Weight: 110lbs
    • Hair color: Dark blue
    • Eye color: Light blue
    • Skin color: Fair
    • Body type: Mesomorph
    • Additional Features: She enjoys putting on make up and wearing dresses, skirts, generally very picky about what she looks like in public.

  • Basic Information

    Full Name: Quintin Blake.

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Age (18-24): 18

    Appearance -

    - Height: 5,6

    - Weight: 198 lbs

    - Eye color: Black

    - Hair color: Black

    - Skin color: Slight tan.

    - Build: Quick. Wirey.

    - Additional features: Bootleg Psyduck Hat.

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Full Name: Annika Kazanari
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Aeroace
Age (18-24): 18
Appearance (Anime-style faceclaim preferred; provide an accompanying description with face claim still):
- Height: 5'8"
- Weight: 141lbs
- Eye color: Grey
- Hair color: Black with Blue Highlights
- Skin color: Tan
- Build: Slender
- Additional features: Dyes their hair tips Blue Alot and wears a Alolan Raichu Hairpin

Personality: Annika is an Introverted person that keeps to herself a lot and often is around usually to draw or reading in her spare time. She possesses a keen intellect, showing a natural aptitude for learning and problem-solving. Her intelligence allows her to grasp complex concepts quickly and excel in academic pursuits, Despite her intelligence, Annika often grapples with fears and worries. She tends to anticipate negative outcomes, and her mind can become a labyrinth of anxieties, making her cautious in various situations and very much worried on other's opinions a lot. Buuuuuuut, Annika is a supportive person and supports others on their skills as a Pokemon Trainer, and their pokemon often giving advice to others on sometimes helping pokemon who needs comfort or to care for em.
- Positive traits:
  • Analytical
  • Imaginative
  • Creative
  • Supportive
- Negative traits:
  • Indecisive
  • Insecure
  • Nervous
  • Worrywart
- Description:
Backstory: Born from a Former Coordinator from the Sinnoh Region and a Former Island Kahuna in Alola on Melemele Island, She grew up as the youngest child out of five within the family with her Shinx given to her as a gift by her mother for her birthday. She stuck by the pokemon's side. Aside from her parents, She knew her siblings had already aspired to become something from a young age, Each all following their own dreams of becoming Pokemon Trainers, Professors, Nurses, Or even a Coordinator. But young Annika didn't know what to do as the younger Alolan child would be confused on what she wanted to learn on what to do.

Her siblings overshadowed her and she was jealous, but she wanted to figure out on what to do as of often during her time in Melemele Island, She would help out others around the island and visit others on other Islands around alola to get their advice on what to do as she grew up, while during that time her own Pokemon team grew, and her Shinx finally managing to evolve into a Luxio for which she was glad for, since it was her first time of one of her Pokemon Evolving including her Ruckruff Stone, Evolving into his Midnight form later on. During those events, She would be amazed by the Island Guardians and their battles, and was often Enthralled by her mother's stories of Pokemon Coordination, as well was often jealous of her siblings own jobs.

She hoped if she can find with what she wants to do, and she thinks that Azurecoast is the best Academy if she wants to learn something.

Major: Undecided
Minors/Electives (2): Painting/Drawing, Botany
Pokemon Team (4 Pokemon max, lvl. 25 cap): Luxio(Blizt), Eevee(Sunny), Mawhile(Venus), Lycanroc (Midnight) (Stone)
Other: She would often Space out sometimes, Annika often would draw other people's Pokemon that Catches her eyes.
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Marissa "Pear" Peridot Delbern

The Little Wisp Burns Bright

  • Basic Information:Screenshot 2024-05-12 211823.png

    Full Name: Marissa "Pear" Peridot Delbern

    Gender: Non-binary

    Pronouns: they/them

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Age (18-24): 19

    Appearance -

    - Height: 4'8"

    - Weight: 64 lbs

    - Eye color: Golden

    - Hair color: Sandy brown

    - Skin color: Very fair

    - Build: Average

    - Additional features: Large circular wire-frame glasses, casual style, often wears shoes with high platforms to try to appear taller

    Image Reference by: https://www.pinterest.com/MusicStar35/

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Basic Information
Full Name:
Laurie Auclair
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
  • Height: 5’4”
  • Eye color: Yellow
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Skin color: Fair
  • Build: Slender

The type of person to get permanently stressed out about deadlines, exams, class ranking, and really anything to do with school--as well as anything that doesn’t do with school, come to think of it. Her constant neurotic worrying certainly carries over to other aspects of life, and she’s in a constant state of anxious overthinking-about-everything. Of course, there are upsides; such a nature translates to great meticulousness, making her a fantastic student and highly reliable in general. Most of the time, she’s sharp as a whip, but when it comes to people, there’s no doubt that she’s a bit of a mess. At best, she comes off as awkward, and at worst, haughty or standoffish.
The night Laurie was born in her family’s little home in Dendemille Town, Kalos, her father proclaimed that she would grow up to become a great Pokemon battler. This proclamation, unfortunately, turned out to be completely and utterly false. Oh, it was a reasonable assumption. Her father was a highly respected tournament battler in his heyday, and now her brother--fourteen years her senior, and a prodigy by many accounts--seemed in every way poised to become one of the hottest rising stars in the region. Surely, the latest and greatest model would do the same, maybe even better.

As it turned out, Laurie did end up getting the same smarts and excitement when dealing with Pokemon that characterized her family. Her temperament was different, though--less sure and steady--and her wit wasn’t the light-footed kind that made a great battler. That was okay, though, since it was discovered early on that Laurie had an aptitude for academia. She seemed to have a strong grasp for the sciences in particular, an observation made by an old neighbor who happened to be a seasoned Pokemon researcher. At some point in Laurie’s childhood, the old man began allowing her to wander about in his home--which was outfitted with all sorts of lab equipment and specimens--and observe his work. Why he did this, he never explained. One could surmise that the old man, having had no children of his own, may have been appreciative of the opportunity to pass his knowledge down to a young mind, something he’d never been able to do in the past.

Whatever the case, Laurie was able to excel academically as she grew older. Her parents were certainly proud of her, though certainly in a different way than her older brother. He’d become one of the most formidable tournament trainers in the region, as destined, and Laurie always harbored the feeling that she was…less. It wasn’t a feeling of envy or hate--no, she loved her brother very much--so much as plain old inadequacy. Because what was being top of her class compared to being renowned and idolized by millions? Whatever her own destiny was, she hoped she would realize it as she entered her next academic arena in the Seranova region.
Major: Biology
Minors/Electives: Visual Arts (Drawing), Photography
Pokemon Team:

Ability: Gooey
- Dragon Breath
- Protect
- Counter
- Chilling Water
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Basic Information
Full Name:
Roxanne Stone
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age (18-24): 20
Appearance: Roxanne Stone  screenshot.png
- Height:
- Weight: 110 lbs?
- Eye color: Green
- Hair color: Red
- Skin color: Tan
- Build: Athletic
- Additional features: Roxanne ties her hair back in a ponytail to keep her vision clear and likes to wear more earthy colors. The material is water-resistant yet breathable and not likely to catch fire or melt.

- Positive traits:
Always prepared, vigilant
- Negative traits: Can be quite stubborn and uncooperative at times
- Description: Roxanne is something of a daredevil, often preferring to take the more difficult yet rewarding path to reach her goals. Otherwise, she's very calm, caring and quiet, though sometimes blunt.
Backstory: Roxanne Stone was born and raised in Fallarbor Town in the Hoenn region, alongside her twin sister Kelly. Her family owns a ranch that specializes in raising Numel and Camerupt. Despite this, she found herself more interested in Prehistoric Pokemon, both ancient and modern. Regardless, she still helped her family with moving the herd of Camerupt and Numel from one pasture to the next with her Aron, Panzer. All of this while attending a local school at her parents' insistence. Every summer, Roxanne was able to leave the ranch and explore the region with her Pokemon, leading to her finding and catching a Relicanth and resurrecting a Lileep. Her last summer before leaving for Azure Coast Academy at her parent's recommendation, she would not only get her Aron to evolve to Lairon but also discover and adopt a lone mystery egg.

Minors/Electives (2): Botany and Physical Education
Pokemon Team (4 Pokemon max, lvl. 25 cap):
1) Aron: Panzer
- Gender: Female
- Ability: Heavy Metal
- Attacks: Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Headbutt, Rockslide
2) Relicanth: Bruce
- Gender: Male
- Ability: Rock Head
- Attacks: Water Gun, Ancient Power, Yawn, Takedown
3) Lileep: Lily
- Gender: Female
- Ability: Storm Drain
- Attacks: Ingrain, Ancient Power, Mega Drain, Brine
4) Aerodactyl: Drake (Egg)
- Gender: Male
- Ability: Rock Head
- Attacks: Bite, Supersonic, Ancient Power, Dragon Breath
Other: Bruce had gotten lost and somehow wound up in a lake near Fallarbor Town, Lily was resurrected from a Root fossil found in the desert, and the egg was dropped by a loose Aerodactyl that was returned to its trainer before they realized she laid an egg.
Roxanne is an avid camper, explorer, free climber and swimmer.
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Basic Information

Full Name: Aurora Durand

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19



Height: 5’2”

Weight: 115 lbs

Eye color: Light Red

Hair color: Black

Skin color: Fair

Build: Petite

Additional Features: n/a


Personality: A girl who greatly values her independence and believes she can forge her own path all by herself, Aurora isn’t someone that’s familiar with cooperation. Driven by a desire to be the best performer she can be, anyone else around her is an enemy that she has to surpass. She doesn’t typically allow herself to get close to others, only really keeping her pokemon as company. Deep down however, she harbors growing feelings of loneliness and self-hatred, something that Aurora believes only performing can fix. Her sharp tongue has often kept people away and at times she’s had a tendency to lash out, especially in moments when things haven’t gone as expected.

Positive traits: Resilient, diligent, ambitious, anticipative

Negative traits: Withdrawn, insecure, resentful, uncooperative

Backstory: Aurora was born in Lumiose City in the Kalos region. Both her parents were researchers who worked at a pokemon research lab in the southern half of the city, which unfortunately usually meant they were quite busy. There were a couple times where Aurora got to visit the lab and watch her parents work, but it didn’t happen often.

For much of her childhood, she was in the care of her uncle, who also lived in Lumiose. She got along well enough with him for the most part, but the same couldn’t be said for other kids her age. Aurora never seemed to be able to keep friends and as such she often played by herself. Her uncle must have noticed this, as one day he surprised her with a gift – an Eevee. It’s a gift her parents had also agreed to beforehand, perhaps as an apology of sorts for being away often. Aurora wasn’t sure what to make of the new companion at first, but slowly warmed up to it after about a week. After that, the two were inseparable.

As she grew older, Aurora found herself at a crossroads. She was never really interested in things like battling, unlike some of the other kids. She also didn’t care much for researching pokemon, like what her parents did. She was at a loss. There had to be something out there for her, right?

It was around that time when she stumbled across a pokemon performance that was being shown on tv. She immediately fell in love with it the moment she saw it, being completely in awe of the performer on screen. Aurora knew that this was it – she wanted to perform too. She wanted to be seen. To be acknowledged.

After bringing it up to her uncle and parents, and properly discussing it, Aurora was given the okay to take part in an upcoming performance. She practiced a lot with her Eevee and studied other past performances she could find. She put a lot of work into it, and yet, she still lost. Her performance itself was okay, but it couldn’t compare to everyone else. It just wasn’t good enough.

Aurora was devastated. But she was also angry. She wanted to scream and cry at the same time. She wanted to yell at the girl who beat her. Instead though, she hid away at home for a while. If she tried so hard, why didn’t it pay off? Why wasn’t it enough?

Time passed. Eventually, Aurora returned back to her daily life. But even after months passed by, the disappointment still lingered. She still wasn’t satisfied. Picking up on this, it was her uncle who brought up Azurecoast Academy. He said that if she really wanted to pursue a career in performing, and improve, perhaps she could figure it out there.

At first, she rejected the idea. She didn’t want to leave Kalos for some region she didn’t know to go to some unfamiliar academy. But after considering it for a bit, she ended up deciding to go for it. This could be her chance at a do-over. She really did want to perform, in a way that would truly outshine everyone for sure.

If the academy could give her that opportunity, she simply had to go.


Major: Coordinating/Performing

Minors/Electives: Literature, Psychology

Pokemon: Plusle (Ophélie, female), Meowstic (Cherie, female), Umbreon (Étoile, female)

Other: She has a preference for the color black. No matter what she wears, it has to be black.
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Basic Information
Full Name: Nathaniel "Newt" Hotch
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 19
- Height: 5'8"
- Weight: 150 lbs
- Eye color: Brown
- Hair color: Black
- Skin color: Warm Beige
- Build: Nondescript, on the leaner side.
- Additional features: Favors casual clothing, often has his Drifblim out.

A thoughtful individual, often considering before taking action, though he's especially blunt when with those he trusts. Can be rather insensitive at times. Independent, preferring to rely on himself for deeply personal issues, though he's eager to explore the world around him and meet new individuals. Outgoing as a result, while often seeming a little clumsy with his words.
- grew up in a rural town that kept its natural culture alive despite prospering technology. born blind yet a medium. basically, can channel
- spent much of his time detached from other children, preparing rites, often for funerals or ceremonies. wishes he was born normal so that he wasn't so damn alone.
- has a younger sister who tried to help him connect to his childhood despite his position, wishes he could do more for her.
- finds a way to 'see' through getting possessed by his drifblim.
- rebels against his society and goes off to azurecoast. intends to move away with his sister and settle down somewhere in a city after graduation, maybe help with the restaurant she wants to open.

Major: Biology
Minors/Electives: Literature and Photography
Pokémon Team: Meowth, Numel, Drifblim
Other: Is hiding both his blindness and his medium abilities from the students and the school.

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