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Fandom AVATAR: The Exiled Chronicles

. D O V E

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Welcome to the character depot of Avatar: The Exiled Chronicles where you can get to know all about our lovely cast.​
Xiurong Beifong

  • Name:
    Xiurong BeiFong​
    Xiu, Ughvatar​
    Avatar, Earth Imperial Princess​

    Standing at a height of 5'8", Xiurong possesses an athletic frame befitting a bender who has been extensively training from a very young age. She has a pair of emerald eyes, a strong set of eyebrows, and brown locks that reaches her waist albeit always styled into a high ponytail. She has bronze skin marred with numerous scars all over her body and a notable mole on the skin beneath her left eye.​
BG credit: Hue Teo
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Jia Xiaodan
Basic Information
Full Name
Jia Xiaodan
Dai Li Prodigy
Barnaby [ Catowl ]
Earth Empire
Hair Color
Dark Brown
Eye Color
5'3" (xxcm)

There are many distinct features that make Jia stand out amongst her peers. Jia may be on the shorter side of the spectrum but she was known to have a piercing gaze alongside an indifferent expression that she always wore. She wears a special gauntlet on her left arm that is made out of platinum and acts as a small to accompany her Wodao, a sword that she uses with her right hand.

Her Dai Li uniform is altered to the point that she has no sleeves on her right arm, exposing her large burn scar that reaches up to her neck, and allowing her more movement due to her old wound and accessory. Jia's hair is often tied in a braid or a simple low tail, her hair curls slightly at the ends and reaches up to the middle of her thighs. While it may not be evident due to her choice of clothing, Jia has fairly toned muscles that come from her rigorous and continuous days of training since she was young.
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Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
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(Artwork was commissioned and drawn by TessieDreamDrawer over on Etsy.)​

  • Name: Kallik (She like most people in the avatar universe wasn't worthy of a last name)~

    Nickname: Kali,

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Sexuality: Asexual Lesbian

    Nationality: Northern Water Tribe.

    Nonbender or bender?: Waterbender/knows some healing.



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Maizen Tosuda New
Click Tab
M. Tosuda
Code By:
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  • Name: Xu Beifong

    Gender: Male

    Age: 19

    Sexuality: Asexual

    Nationality: Earth

    Bender? Or Nonbender?: Nonbender


    Xu stands at a height of 5'10, he sports a slightly muscular and athletic frame due to the years of physical training he has undergone alongside his physical labor from his engineering feats. Much like his parents and twin, he has a pair of emerald green eyes and dark brown hair. Though his hair reaches around his shoulders, he often wears it in a tight bun. While he is technically the crown prince, he rarely wears his crown when not on official business, preferring to keep himself as low profile as possible. His skin errs on the darker side, bronze in color with scars and burn marks from accidents all across his body.


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