• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Auraelion: Crossing Horizons

Prizzy Kriyze

Multiple Stab Wounds

Companion CS



Preferrably non-anime drawn pictures



Describe your race here, unless it is one that's already described in the overview


You always start at 3

Primary Mana type

Kalá or Magic

In case it's Magic, write a description of the School of Magic which they use. You also recieve a free advancemet which you can either redeem for an immediate level of Kalá or save for more magic down the line.

In case it's Kalá, write down that you're on the second level of Kalá. (Example: Kalá Level: 3)





Minimum of 3 paragraphs


Minimum of 3 paragraphs


Child of Destiny CS



Preferrably non-anime drawn pictures



Describe your race here, unless it is one that's already described in the overview


You always start at 3

Mana Type

Children of Destiny are always instructed in both Magic and Kalá. Add here their primary combat function. Add also a description of the School of Magic they're instructed in.

(Either one level in Kalá with a full School of Magic, or two levels in Kalá with minor Magical abilities)




Ascension Form Description

Ascension Form changes the way the Child looks drastically, they may grow things like wings, halos may appear over their heads, their body might boil with molten lava or perhaps they grow massive blades from their bodies. Go wild.



Minimum 3 paragraphs


Minimum 3 paragraphs


  • Child of Destiny: Soléy Dal'avin The Wardancer

    Child of Destiny: Lyra Duscellis The Beast

    Child of Destiny: Amitola Enfys The Master of Elements

    Servant/Bodyguard: Laindessiel The Free Woman

    Servant/Bodyguard: Zyraxes The Master Hunter

    Servant/Bodyguard: Inanis Vox The Ateromancer


    Servant/Bodyguard: Open

    Servant/Bodyguard: Open

    This is the initial limit of players, but if you're interested in the roleplay shoot me a message. If it ends up getting a lot of interest, then I will increase the list anyway.

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Laindessiel 'Free Woman'

  • Appearance


    Age: Unknown.

    Gender: Female.

    Hair Colour: Bistre.

    Eye Colour: Glaucous.

    Species: Elf.

    Mana Type: Magic - Healing.

    Magic - Level 3

    Her magic is the manifestation of macrocosm—elven magic.

    She is a healer, a living remedy capable of restoring eminence whole again, just as they were before. Her magic is malleable and warm, like mother earth caressing a newborn, and emits a soft glow capable of washing away even the ugliest of wounds. But, she cannot heal a battlefield; her magic is only strong enough to heal one person at a time.

    She is conservative of how she chooses to use her magic and often elects to use bandages and salve made to heal instead since her magic is taxing, both physically and emotionally.

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Prysilla LeVane




Prysilla LeVane



Mana Type

Primary combat tool:

Magic Type: Prysilla's magic allows her to control and manipulate the flora around her, able to utilize her environment to various degrees. Vines and roots become deadly weapons under her control, enhanced by her magic and given incredible strength and the ability to repair any damage done to itself. Not only that, but using the foliage Prysilla can create and animate a golem of nature. This can range from a tree given life to an amalgamation of moss and vines forming a dangerous beast.

However, combat isn't all that her magic is good for. The many spores that plants contain are also at her disposal, and by enhancing their potency Prysilla can use these toxins and release them into the air. Also, by sapping the life energy from nearby plants, the girl can swiftly heal herself and allies. Of course, this requires energy equivalent to the severity of the injury, and as such life-threatening wounds require lots of life to be sucked from the environment.

Despite its various positives, there is one obvious and very serious downside that renders her magic nigh useless: she can only control what she has around her. This means that deserts are her worst nightmare, cities are just as dangerous, and the potency of her magic solely relies on how plentiful and full of life the plants are. While she can unearth buried roots and vines from the ground, her options are much limited when she isn't surrounded by a lush and lively forest.





Ascension Form Description

Ascension Form changes the way the Child looks drastically, they may grow things like wings, halos may appear over their heads, their body might boil with molten lava or perhaps they grow massive blades from their bodies. Go wild.



Minimum 3 paragraphs


Minimum 3 paragraphs



Inanis Vox

The human blood mage

"To prejudge other men's notions before we have looked into them is not to show their darkness but to put out our own eyes."- John Locke



  • age

    : 21


    : 67kg (~148 pounds)


    : 1m 76 (~5"8')

    hair colour

    : black

    eye colour

    : Blue normally when not using his magic, but this changes to red once he starts casting

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Soléy Dal'Avin |
Native: ðvبiðاكل









Mana Type

● Kalá (Level 1)

● Magic (Arcane Eislicht)[

Arcane Eislicht: An ice-based school of magic. Allows manipulation and conjuring of frozen liquids and is one of the two traditional wardancer magics, the other being Arcane Feuerlicht. While conjuring hailstorms of icicles, freezes and such things is possible, it's often used to aid their physical combat. Aiding their already blade-like feet and dance-like combat motions with sharp blades and other piercings or cutting extension, made out of extremely sturdy ice.
The Wardancers (Race notes)

The wardancers are a very rare, generally withdrawn species of physically frail, vaguely angel-esque creatures. They are infamous for their graceful movements, which is the reason the entire population refers to them as dancers. Wardancers are ferocious fighters when it is required, which is usually to protect their domain or loved ones. They are known to have an inherent sense of empathy. This, crossed with their strong bond to nature itself, has gained them the reputation of a very motherly, protective species.

Physical characteristics that set them apart are their skin, which consists of seemingly varying textures that often include looks such as normal skin, silk and even molten metal, their feet, which have an ice-skate blade like appearance and their generally slender bodies. It is said that, within their tribes, leaders tend to be of intimidating physical presence, towering over most creatures that walk the earth, sporting imposing bulk and menacing stares. Those hulking leaders are said to lose all their elegance, instead becoming sheer force manifestations.

Ascension Form

Soléy's ascension is a distinct expansion of her already present features. She sprouts "wings" from her back that seem to encase her body for protection when needed. Her eyes glow in a bright blue, her blade-ish feet grow in size, allowing for devastating effects, and - possibly the most noticably feature, her chest bursts open, revealing a fiery glow from within her core. In this state, she radiates a warm glow and hovers over the earth. Additionally her hair grows much longer, reaching almost as far as her feet.

(For reference, her everyday appearance is the picture above, minus the explained effects of her ascended form.)


Soléy is what many would consider playfully somber. It is also fair to describe her as emotional, as both, positive as well as negative feelings seem to be very developed, and she does not shy away from expressing them. She often carries a cheeky smile on her face, and gives off a positive attitude. This usually makes other people - specifically those of other species, who aren't used to this inherently emphatic and calm behavior - perceive her as trustworthy, approachable and caring. This estimation isn't exactly far off either. Soléy tries to have an open ear to everyone's problems and, at the very least, provides a shoulder to lean on, a chest to find support in and a hand to pat your back.

A MUCH less desirable facette of her personality is an innate sense of superiority to those who are not part of her species. While many would be disgusted with this sort of mindset, it's an infamous attribute wardancers have passed on for countless generations, and as such, none of the living examples of their species - and especially not the younger ones - can be blamed for believing in what was preached and forcefed to them since their birth. Another reason as to why their belief every other race is inferior to them does not get much backlash from the rest of the population is that wardancers do not seek out war or rulership over others, nor does it interfer with their caring, motherly attitude. As such, it remains a simple and harmless train of thought inside of their minds, which does not affect their behavior and interactions.

Soléy is a very responsible student and person in general. Whenever she's being taught to control her magical abilities or other techniques, she pays extreme attention and never drifts off, mentally. She's also very diligent in ensuring that she has understood and performed everything correctly, not out of some sort of fear to be seen as stupid, rather than a natural eagerness to do well and become stronger and wiser. Nevertheless, Soléy's more intruiged by exploration and journeying than studying. The aspect of seeing distant lands is extremely exciting to her, though she's probably less psyched to meet interesting people on her way compared to most people, as she considers them inferior. In that regard, she strays away from the archetypical wardancer, who often have a scholar-like aspiration instead of an adventerous one.


Soléy Dal'Avin (or ðvبiðاكل in her native language) was born 18 years ago, somewhere in the heart of a reclusive community of wardancers. Her infant body carrying the glowing symbol of her status quickly announced her future to her parents.

Her family was one of the leading forces within their city, and as such, a lot was expected of the youngest member of the bloodline. In reality, the leader of their tribe, an imposing man with long sabre like teeth and wild eyes, was often rumored to be her great grandfather, further adding to the pressure on her shoulders. Leaders, however, must abandon all societal ties to ascend into the highest of ranks of wardancers, and are generally shadowy figures. Because of that, Soléy never got confirmation on her apparent relationship to the powerful Smalaugh.

Growing up, Soléy was taught behavior, wisdom and technique just like every other wardancer before her, strengthening her ability as well as her unison with the world around her. However, the young girl was a little quicker to pick up on things, a little more powerful, a little more serene than most of the descendants of other families. To others, this may be because her family carried the blood of such exceptional individuals as Smalaugh, or maybe she was just a gifted young wardancer. Nobody but Soléy herself and her family knew of her fateful status and the might it carried. In any case, she gracefully fullfilled most expectations placed into her, and without growing overly confident or complacent at that.

Throughout her entire childhood, Soléy's family afforded her the privilege to develop freely, yet provided careful guidance. For example, she was allowed to stray away from the tribe on her own, as wardancers see it as essential to be one with the world. As a result of that, staying shut off in their home communities was an unredeemable mistake. It was ensured that the daughter of such mighty warriors and scholars, the first child of destiny of the wardancer race, would not be victim of such mistakes. After she was nurtured and prepared for a journey she knew was approaching rapidly, Soléy began to travel, now even on her own, leaving her community behind for the first time in her life. She had spend the majority of her existence by learning from her powerful family, a branch of tribespeople who were well respected for both, their might as well as their wisdom, sure, but being on her own was a whole different beast to mount. On her travels, she studied animals, whom she bonded with just like she would with any other species, and met a variety of travelers deeply interested in her, as wardancers were a rare occurence outside their areas.

After about a year of rather peaceful travelling, Soléy had seen a good portion of the world, feeling rather happy with her experiences. As was custom, she would once again return to her home, where her parents welcomed her back with great joy, happy to see their daughter alive and well. After Soléy had the opportunity to rest and report her adventures, she was now considered a mature, ready wardancer, fully empowered to make her own decisions. However, the weight of her fate was explained to her as well, and the fear of losing her to the dangerous 'mission'. Soléy, however, was determined to make it, and to prove that wardancers are a powerful species. Her decision was accepted - with great sadness, and so the young girl went on her way to fullfill her fate.

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Child of Destiny



Race: Half-Elf

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Height: 5ft 7in - 170cm

Weight: 127lbs - 58kg

Hair: Ash blonde, cropped short

Eyes: Hazel

Skin: Olive; Occasional scars; Destiny Mark spread across the back of her neck







Kalá – Level 2

Magic – Projection


Far less ascension rather than reversion to a simpler state. In keeping with her brutish nature, Lyria's

ascension form takes that of a wretched beast of savagery. Although she retains broad aspects of her mind as well as enhanced magical abilities, she is guided much more so by instinct and brute rage than anything else. Her arms take the form of small razor-sharp wings akin to a dragon's, though they are used for speed and balance rather than pure flight.
Should some describe Lyria's personality in terms of an everyday object, a kettlebell may be among the answers. Brutish, dense and to the point, Lyria holds next to no complexity in her manners. Perhaps the most variation one may see in her is the occasional sarcastic jab. Couple that with impulsive arrogance and there stands this mighty Child of Destiny in full glory.

With hardly more than two decades of life behind her, Lyria is exceptionally young among her immortal kind. The consequences of her ignorance are made clear and absolute every day, but she couldn't care less. Her human heritage shines in her simple-mindedness and blunt words as she prefers the actions of swordplay over the tutelage of society’s ways. She knows well her role as a Child of Destiny, though she treats the legend as though it were nothing more than a great game full of fun and adventure.

If anything can tie her down to the serious nature of the matter at hand, it would no doubt be the memory of her human mother, Nelis. Lyria tends to force away any negative thoughts that may hinder her flighty way of being, but the mere mention of Nelis sends a frown to her lips and a hunch to back. Only then will Lyria settle down with grim intent. This change in demeanor only lasts as long as situation that called for it and after that, she’s off again to indulge her own whims.

In order to avoid events that may call for her mother’s invocation, Lyria has taken to avoiding her superiors and any else who wish to impress the severity of world on her mind.

A glorious morning saw the birth of Lyria Druscellis, heir to the elven House Druscellis. As a member of a high-ranking clan and successor to said clan’s seat in government, the enormous burden of responsibility placed on little Lyria’s shoulders grew only heavier at the discovery of her destiny mark. No later than her fifth year did her family seek training in every subject imaginable; self-defense, history, politics, meditation, arithmetic, reading and writing, art—she learned it all. Or rather, tutors sought to teach her all. The girl herself had other plans.

Nelis, head of the Druscellis family, respected legislator and doting mother, spoiled her daughter without end. Skilled was she also in the way of swords, knowledge that Lyria yearned to make her own. When the girl grew bored of her placid studies, she made her escape towards her mother’s quarters to train her blade. Her elven father Avolin was less than pleased of course, and argued often with his wife over the raising of their daughter. A Child of Destiny was not to be squandered on constant silly swordplay, he insisted, but trained in and informed on her role in the world.

The arguments continued on until just before her sixteenth year. Clouds hung amidst a picturesque sky filled with the colors of royalty on the evening Nelis’ body was found. The physicians said that she ingested poison and rumors spread like wildfire; the servants whispered of occupational jealousy, the cooks howled on of Avolin’s frustration, but the official story called out an unknown allergy. Regardless of the cause, Lyria was left in the care of her strict father and the tutors he hired.

Lyria is well-versed in the use of melee weaponry, specifically longswords and daggers, as well as hand-to-hand combat. What she lacks in agility, she makes up in projection magic—that is, the conjuration of sensory illusions. Though she much prefers physical fighting, she certainly enjoys toying with others’ minds. This magic can range from simple single-sense projections such as a wafting smell or the brush of a breeze, to full manipulation of all six senses at once.

Never without her blades, Lyria keeps an

arming sword at her waist whenever possible, a dagger at her thigh at all times, and a claymore on her back when travelling. Her general style consists of a loose white tunic, trousers, and a thick leather belt to hold her sword and purse while her feet go bare. When out and about, she dons a navy cloak and leather gloves and boots, as well as a smaller belt adorned with pouches—an attire far from the pole of her heavy fighting style.
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"They were the bravest and most righteous of their kind..."


Race: Orc

Level: 3

Primary Mana Type: Kalá

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Before he softened, the Master Hunter used to be prideful, vengeful and persistent. He'd take great pride in his kills and boast to others. Everyone had to know of Zyraxes' latest trophies. He was an exceptional hunter and people had to appreciate.

As he aged, he grew wiser. He became protective of his step-sister. As he accepted her, she softened him. He was her big brother and he had to play the part. He became more calculated, more in touch with the others around him. When he hunts, Zyraxes is methodical, quiet and very careful, almost as if his senses sharpen. Even then, he knows that he is smarter than any beast. He's confident in his abilities and will often take advantage of his intimidating self if it is bound to solve a problem easily.

He is open to the idea of cooperation and doesn't hold any prejudice towards other races. In social interactions, he will be reserved and won't engage in conversation unless the situation requires him to or if he planned it first.
Zyraxes was born into the clan of Agathyrsi. The people in this clan decorate their bodies with tattoos and paint to distinguish themselves in their society. Each orc gets their unique tattoos as they progress in life. Zyraxes showed great strength and courage early in his life securing his place as a revered hunter by the time he reached his teens.

As a trial to attain the title of Master Hunter, Zyraxes was faced with having to slay a great bear deep into the woods. He was allowed to pick two of his most trusted companions and take a limited amount of supplies before leaving their tribe for a three-month long journey. Upon returning Zyraxes' party was missing an orc, but oddly enough it had a new member. A young female elf named Amria. She was 10 at the time, and Zyraxes 15.

He had given the fur to the girl and instead made a necklace out of the bear's claws to hang around his neck. The other orc in his party carved symbols in the beast's bones and kept the skull.

Zyraxes' parents adopted the elf and raised her as one of their own, admittedly not truly the same as they'd raise an orc. Over the years, Zyraxes began to look at Amria as a true family member and accepted her completely as his sister. In recent times, after being persuaded by his beloved sibling, the orc accepted to accompany Amria in her journeys across the world in hopes of finding ties to her genuine family.

Race Notes

"Relentless as the wolf..."

While not entirely violent as a race, the orcs do know how to protect their territories and themselves. More a people of craftsmen and hunters rather than bloodthirsty berserkers the orcs relish in hunts and blacksmithing along other forms of creating. They honor their dead and their kills, showing compassion for their passings. In their culture, not crafting a trinket of sorts out of a creature is considered a dishonorable act towards the being that passed away, so the orcs ornate themselves and their armors with "trophies" that they make themselves. Old orc legends mention gods and demigods who were able to undergo metamorphosis and become wolves. This particular beast has left a mark on their culture, as their banners often have a wolf's head with a scaly snake body against an earthy color. Most orc clans are passive and can be negotiated with without much issue. Most orcs who do not remain in their native clans are hired as mercenaries, blacksmiths, carpenters or guards.


-A Falx sword, for penetrating through the shield *Two-Handed

-A Sica blade for when one needs a quick response *Dagger

-A fine, engraved iron shield *Protection

-Scalemail, balanced *Armor

-A trusty hatchet, for one should always be prepared *Ax

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Virgil Argyris

  • 74978.jpg


    Artificial Human

    Attempts at creating artificial life is a major taboo throughout the entire world of Thylia. Orders and guilds dedicated to persecuting evil and keeping monsters at bay regard experimentation on non-natural life one of the worst crimes one can commit, and scientist found guilty of the practice are often executed through painful methods. Historically, no attempts at creating artificial life have been successful, and at best have created chimera-monstrosities that ended up massacring entire villages before someone finally managed to stop them. However, even these savage beasts were not completely artificial life. They were composed of different animal parts, stitched together and then resurrected through necromantic arts. No, the kind of Artificial being that Virgil is is entirely different.

    Virgil is a true artificial creature. One of the first successful subjects, created by the Gods to fulfill some purpose. His artificial existence is so perfected that he only looks like an unusual human being on the outside. However, on a mental level it's obvious to everyone involved that Virgil is not like any other human. He almost seems like he has some sort of mental disability, and his emotional range can be likened to that of a potato.


    Level 6

    Primary Mana type

    Kalá Level 6

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Ciel Krauss




Ciel Krauss



Primary Mana Type: Kala

Level: 3


Age: Looks 20 though actually 90

He created the 'Dynamo', to aid him in battle. The Dynamos are not only able deal physical damage to targets, but are also able to fire rays of electricity as a way of dealing magical damage. As a ranged alternative, his dynamos can also be configured to form a powerful electricity cannon by the same way. Luciel is able to manipulate the electricity the Dynamos fire by either using his hands or kicking to fire powerful electrical blasts. This allows his attack style to freely transition between long range and melee attacks.

Bio: Luciel is a descendant of a family that researched artificial humans. His entire family was exterminated after being caught researching the forbidden secrets of the AH. He was sold into slavery and while escaping, fell into an Ancient Library and became trapped alone, causing him to become mentally unstable. Fortunately, there was a steady supply of food to sustain himself as well as a large number of books about AH.

Luciel spent his time reading them and waited for the day he could escape. With his vast knowledge, Luciel eventually invented the Dynamo using the parts from broken down machines that were found inside the library. Using the weapon's power, he escaped from the collapsing library. However, the isolation of being trapped alone for so long left him insane The library where Luciel had lived in distorted time inside, and sent him to a timeline far into the future. Thus, Add originally sought to find a way to get back into the past.

Luciel continues to travel Auraelion looking for some supposed child of destiny to help him return to the time he came from. Though


Minimum 3 paragraphs


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★ Child of Destiny ★

Amitola Enfys



NYMPHS are thought to be the weakest of all races, since their respective elements limit their potential. Furthermore, the four types of nymphs (water, earth, air and fire) contradict each other, leaving them of no use when together. Nymphs reside in different habitats depending on the element they belong to, but recently there have been sightings of mixed nymphs, which mean two nymphs of un-opposing elements (water and wind, earth and fire) had given birth to a nymph of both traits. These nymphs tend to be more powerful than normal nymphs, but are seen as mutants or outcasts.



Mana Type

-Kalá (Level 1)

-School of Magic: Elemental Weaving

The basics of element conjuring, an ability to summon elements at will.





Ascension Form

Amitola's Destiny Mark is spread on her lower back, and her Ascension Form appears as a fight between the four elements within her, creating a new element-Aether. With the power of the fifth element she can control quintessence, which includes light, space and gravity. Her appearance does not vary much in this form but you can recognize it but her eyes that turn multi-coloured. She will also hover a few inches above ground as a sign of her control over gravity itself.​


Amitola is the first of nymphs to be four elements at once. Her father was a EarthFire nymph, while her mother was a WaterWind nymph, allowing her to be a quarter of all four. Even so, this does not make her more powerful because her powers are divided. She is weaker than most in every single element.

Amitola has learnt but not yet fully mastered her elemental powers, especially since she did not have any formal training in the first few years of her life. She lived in hiding with her parents, both outcasts from their own elements, until they discovered her Destiny Mark. But even then they kept her under protection, afraid of the responsibility it meant she had to take on. In their eyes, she was not ready, and never would be.

There isn't much to know about her life, except the slow but steady progress of her elemental powers. But of course, her magic has yet to improve and their true extent is beyond her imagination. She spent the first eighteen years of her life sheltered from the world in a small wooden house, located in the forest, with her mother and father. Until one day her curiosity got the better of her and she wandered away from the protection of her parents into the City of Eisenheim...


Ami is as unpredictable as the weather, much like the elements she wields. Despite being shunned her race, she will defend the nymphs against anyone who thinks they are weak. In her happier moods she takes on the form of a Wind Nymph, airy and breezy, light as a spring breeze. When she's troubled or sad, her Water Nymph side shows clearly, reflecting her emotions. She solidifies into an Earth Nymph when she is deep in thought or serious, and her Fire Nymph flames blaze when anger consumes her.

Because of her unique connection to each of the natural elements, feels a special bond to every living thing, especially small plants and animals. She is observant and quick to spot changes in emotions and is sensitive to people's feelings, although sometimes she has problems expressing herself. She is the kind of girl you'll find blending into the backgrounds, never talking much, only watching silently and speaking up when necessary.

She is not good with people, since the only ones she's ever been with were her overly-protective parents, spoiling her in every way possible. She can come off as shy, rude or just plain weird sometimes, but inside she is a normal girl who just wants acceptance and love.
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Amria Starvale

"Wander Lust"


Race: Elf

Level: 3

Primary Mana Type: Magic Level 1

Kalá Level 1

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Perhaps, the death of her parents did take a toll on Amria. She was closed and upset. It even took time to start trusting the one who saved her, Zyraxes. She wouldn't eat much and wouldn't talk to anyone outside of the few occasions where she told Zyraxes to leave her alone. Eventually, she had overcome her sorrow, gradually becoming more open and approachable.

It was a lengthy process, but eventually, Amria learned how to be cheerful again, how to show affection and how to receive it. Once more she had regained some traits of her older self. She was curious; her thirst for knowledge unquenchable once more. Amria, however, retains a childish personality that can, under certain circumstances, come off as mean or even silly.

She heavily relies on Zyraxes for emotional support when the need arises. He along with their parents are the only ones Amria has ever become close to after the incident. She often struggles to build a stable relationship with anyone else, but it's not for lack of trying. Amria tries to leave her past behind, but she can't help but wonder occasionally how life would have been if that dreadful day never happened.


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? ? ?


Xardus : Name

Half-Demon :Race

Unknown : Age

Level 3 : Level

Kala - Level 3:Magic Type

Male :Gender


-A wide assortment of knives, for whatever they may be needed for if it be: Throwing, digging, dueling, distracting.

-A hand-and-a-half sword that is his pride and joy, it is also more than it appears.

-Three magic scrolls, that may be used with their each individual incantations.​

1)The largest scroll (center) when activated causes a high-pitch ringing to those around him, able to cause vertigo and serious hearing damage. Though it is does not affect to himself. Allowing him to disorient his foes so they may be cut down in a wondrous dance of blades.

2) The medium scroll (top) when activated causes the wind to begin dancing around him so he gains a large boost in defence and mobility, it also causes him to fade in and out of side, much like a phantasm. The more defensive part however, is how the dancing winds slow the strikes of opponents while increasing his range of spatial awareness allowing him a slightly greater time to respond.

3) The smallest scroll (bottom) when activated cloaks Xardus in lightning greatly increasing his speed and giving him another means of ranged assault. With each slash of any of his blades it will send out an echo of the blade in the form of lightning.

Final note: Each scroll has its own 'cooldown' time. After use the scroll shall seal itself for its cooldown time. (Scroll 1 cd is one post after use, Scroll 2 is 2 and 3 is 3 kind of easy way to do it.)

-Two shortswords for those more stealthy of needs.


Minimum of 3 paragraphs


Minimum of 3 paragraphs



? ? ?
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