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Realistic or Modern Atlantis: The Broken Continent


“Oh, you poor little thing,” she cooed with a sly smirk edging the corner of her lips, her eyes fleetingly brushing over him as she got swept up into all the beauty that enclosed them. After as much as she had been through, she didn’t really care about any stupid clue. Well, maybe she should have been more invested in the mission than that, but she needed that moment to just inhale sharply and… enjoy. Enjoy that she wasn’t in Pennsylvania, that she wasn’t in Hawaii, that she wasn’t in California—that she was impossibly far away doing something she was really damn proud of (even if she wasn’t helping all that much). Inhaling the musty smell of the library with an almost euphoric looking dashing across her face, she finally glanced back to Gideon.

“Too bad for you mouth to mouth isn’t considered a viable method of resuscitation anymore, didn’t you know that?” she slipped her arm across his shoulder, bridging up on to her tippy toes so she could pass a little brush of her lips against his. It was but a fleeting moment before she had drawn away again. Gideon was single-handedly probably the most attractive man she had ever seen in her life, but she was too giddy (ahah, get it?) about everything else around them to ignore it. “I’ll brush you on something that isn’t history a little later,” she darted a dangerous look back over her shoulder.

Thankfully, neither of them really needed to do all that much ‘mystery solving’ because the most gorgeous rendition of Scooby-Doo she had ever seen and her dark-skinned version of Shaggy in tow seemed to have already figured it out. Seriously, Enna almost felt a small twinge of blush hit her cheeks just looking at the woman—she was lovely and soft and proportionate in all the ways a woman ought to be, and she was clearly smart, looking as though she had deciphered the mystery in but a few moments. Enna could respect a beautiful, smart woman, and did, because clearly the woman was worth admiring.

“With you, Gid, I’d love to be a spy,” her hand slipped in to his with a soft chuckle, “Once, I met a couple who called each other by codenames. I’m definitely stealing the idea, so come on, Captain sexybutt. Over and out—or god, whatever they say. I’m really bad at this.”

@Elle Joyner @Poe (mentioned)
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There was a general sense of dust hanging out in his nose, and a part of him began to wonder if part of that dust was old, dead, decaying man body dust and he immediately wrinkled his nose, swiping his hand below his nostrils, trying to breathe it all out but it was actually feeling like it had formed a grime and crust all over his skin. He made a mental note to find a loofah and give himself a good scrub the next time he found himself in a hotel room. Or not, he supposed, there were plenty of public fountains in Europe.

With his hand slipping free from Fleur’s, Polaris hung back as a few people began to gather to inspect what it was she had found and to get her insight. His friend Nick trotted around, bringing with him another man (whose name Polaris was not familiar with, but remembered reading in the manifold—Nathaniel, maybe?), as well as Enna, who he had met at the dinner, and her… whatever he was… Gideon. There were two other women, too, neither of whom Polaris could remember the names of. Too many names, too few brain cells.

Dusting off his hands on the thighs of his trousers, Polaris almost grimaced with repulsion when he noticed thick smears of brown dust and soot had wiped clean from his hands. Dirt often went missed against his skin tone, but he could feel the grit from the crypt and he wanted it off—yet he hadn’t seen a single loo during his door-opening frenzy earlier. How many damn mop closests did the place have without hosting a single bathroom that he could recall seeing?

Absolutely absurd. Good thing he hadn’t drunken all that coffee earlier, or he’d really be hurting.

Wiping his hands off as best as possible on his jeans he shook his hands and did his best to ignore it, leveling his eyes with Fleur, bounced several paces ahead with her treasured find in her hands.



Fleur and Polaris made their way back towards the group and it was only when they were all in sight did she realize that she hadn’t really spent much time talking to any of them. She had been late the night before, all the introductions made and the conversations had – but she was out of the loop. A lovely little blonde woman was on the arm of a certainly much larger man, only in sheer size, however. All the rest scattered about and conversing, glancing about the room for whatever reason. Fleur tightened her hand on the relic, the next clue, for a moment and glanced back at Polaris before letting out a deep exhale.

Now was as good a time as ever to talk to them, right?

“So, it seems Polaris and I managed to acquire what we’re looking for,” Fleur piped up, drawing the attention of those around her, “Conrad Seriózní, honest and earnest…found this clutched to his chest, right above his heart.”

Fleur held out the artifact in her hand, “My expertise isn’t really in artifacts, though I’m sure one of you would be more than capable of figuring out its significance. I’m afraid I’m only really good with words.”

“Oh,” she near interrupted herself with a bright smile, “And I’m Fleur, by the way. I’m afraid I didn’t get the chance to meet any of you at the gathering – so, it’s a pleasure, really.”

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Maude Aria Puckett



"April? Great name!" Maude smiles easily, shaking April's hand almost too energetically. Privately she's thinking the girl is very pretty - but straight. Definitely straight. She's rocking the natural look, and there's something serene about her that's very appealing. Serenity is something Maude could never emulate, and she envies it.

Maude likes shiny things as much as the next girl, but she an't appreciate globes for their entirety the way April does. Being here just makes her twitchy, and as she bounces on her heels she glances around the room she huffs out a sigh of boredom. Her face brightens considerably when April mentions expanding their group. "Yeah, yeah! Four heads are better than two!" She doesn't wait to approach the pair, saying "Can April and I join you?" Giving the men a once over, she gasps. "Oh!" She points at the nerdy looking one. "You're the one I rode with!"

The nerdy one's eyes flick between her and April, bright smile fading to politely curved lips. "Yes," he says. "I am. I didn't get your name though. I'm Nick. And of course you can join us. As long as Nathan doesn't mind?" He glances at his companion, but Maude doesn't even notice. She bounces cheerfully, hopping closer. "Maude. Let's team up! Have you figured anything out?"

Nick just shifts his weight uneasily and waits for someone else to speak.

Nathan Bower


A chuckle escaped Nathan at Nick's enthusiasm. It had been a while since he'd worked with someone vibrantly giddy over work. Excavating artifacts or researching better ways around fracking tended to be accompanied by the drone of monotone due to lack of sleep or general malaise. Atlantis itself was pretty exciting on its own, but here was a journalist of all people practically dancing about the library like a child waiting for Christmas. Nathan followed his ramblings, his head nodding as he contemplated the direction Nick was taking in his outward thoughts.

"Right, the crypts," he said as he looked over his shoulder to the door from which they first entered. He wasn't keen on disturbing the dead and found it disrespectful even with a body buried above ground in a tomb. If anything were buried with the actual body, it didn't feel right to move it. There had to be a reason for the objects to be encased with the dead, and it would only disturb the spirit upon removal. And yet it was a popular practice to do so among his peers, historically of which was often met with supernatural occurrences often dismissed as coincidence.

It was then he noticed a distinct lack of numbers that were once present in the library where they were all left to roam. April was off conversing with another woman and he saw her look over towards him. He smiled at her and gave a little wave before looking back at Nick in internal conflict. On one hand, pursuing Nick's intuition could prove fruitful in finding the next step towards Atlantis, but on the other hand they'd disturb someone's final resting place for their own personal gain. It didn't sit well, but he knew not many shared in his spiritual beliefs.

"If that's the case," Nathan continued, "then I'd advise extreme caution. I think... Well, it's not right to take from the dead. If that's our only option, then I'm at a loss as to how to proceed."

And then suddenly they were met with April and the woman she had been previously conversing with. Nathan adorned his usual friendly demeanor, his smile bright and wide as she requested to join in on their conversation.

"I don't mind at all," he said with a nod of his head and extended his hand to her in greeting. "I'm Nathan. It's a pleasure. Nick was just helping me out with the riddle. I'm not very keen on these sorts of things, but it seems he has a good mind for it. Something suggests to him we should look in the crypts for the answer."

@Elle Joyner @Anomaly


April Archwood ||

Timing... Not April's greatest asset, apparently. As soon as they had approached Nick and Nathan, and roughly two seconds after Nathan, at least, agreed to let them tag along, the door opened and their two missing companions returned, waltzing in with an air of victory. Looking over to them, April smirked and shook her head as they approached, something gold and ornate clutched in Fleur's grasp.

"Looks like maybe they beat us to it, hmm?" She murmured with a small gesture. She wasn't mad, though. Not just because the idea of crawling around in a crypt was about as unappealing as ideas came, but also because while in any other archeological environment, someone else making a discovery before you did could be unnerving and frustrating, in this particular instance, the faster they moved, the closer they'd get to the real prize.

This entire mission was a challenge - and there was no telling how many clues there were before they even found what they needed to get them to Atlantis (if, in fact, Atlantis was actually real). And whether it was something they were accustomed to or not, working together as a team was important to getting the job done the right way. She was ready to put aside her own selfish ambition, her own desire for fame and let someone else have the limelight, so long as they got the final goal in the end.

Fleur spoke up and April smiled, giving the pair a nod of approval, "Well done, then. Looks like a proper sort of clue to me. Anything on it? Any sort of inscription or anything? I'm April, by the way... nice to meet you."

Gideon Kerns ||

As the others bunched together around the dusty tomes and old wooden globes, Gideon watched with a small smirk, leaning over to Enna, "It's like they're in their natural habitat, or something." It was impressive, to say the least, the sort of pride and energy these people put into their work, but to say he was out of his element was like saying ice water was cold. He was a blind man, in a cave, and considering his job largely consisted of making sure nothing blew up and no one tried to rob them blind, there wasn't a whole lot for him to do in the monastery but stand around and wait for one of the more... intellectually inclined party members figure out the mumbo jumbo old Stuart had laid on them before he left.

And he would've been perfectly content doing that, except as Fleur and Polaris entered the room, carting with them something that looked like a movie prop from Indiana Jones, Gideon just happened to glance over his shoulder to see the man standing in the doorway. Swearing under his breath, he turned and moved, just a few inches over, until he was standing in front of Enna, his eyes narrowing on the stranger. The man was dressed in black from head to toe, a Teutonic look to him - shortly cropped hair and gas-light blue eyes.His jaw was set in a slight scowl, but otherwise he appeared just a passive observer, and might've continued to give off that impression, were it not for the small handgun clasped in a gloved grasp.

Frowning, Gideon help up a hand, "...Everything alright there... friend?"

"Quite well..." The man murmured, a subtle undercurrent of German inflection in his voice, "Sorry to interrupt. I mean you no harm, of course."

"Could've fooled me with that shiny piece you're huggin' there..."

"A precaution, merely. I'm aware of your background, Mr. Kerns. I thought it best I came prepared."

"Yeah? Prepared for what, exactly."

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to leave the monastery with that artifact."

"Well, then we might have a problem... cause that's kinda what we're gettin' paid for."

"Have you considered... have any of you considered just why these artifacts you're seeking were hidden so effectively in the first place? Have you stopped to think that perhaps this... fabled city isn't meant to be found?"

"Like you said. You're aware of my background. I ain't exactly known for deep thinkin'..."

"I'm going to need that artifact. And the journal."

"Then you're gonna need to come and take it."



Fleur smiled up at the pleasant looking woman in front of her. She was certainly lovely, her brown air was long and her features were gentle. April, her name was, and it was certainly befitting. She reminded Fleur of spring, which was perhaps a strange thought but Fleur merely brushed it off and glanced back to April. “”The pleasure is mine,” she laughed softly, “and I’m afraid there’s nothing I’ve been able to figure out about it, but perhaps you are more qualified to take a look—”

Gideon’s voice was booming in comparison to her light, melodic sound, and quickly interrupted her words. Fleur slowly turned to see a man in all black, a snake with blue eyes, but at his side was what unnerved her most. A small handgun. This was the closet Fleur had ever been to such a weapon, certainly she had watched movies before and had a bit of an obsession with Law and Order, but never did she think she would be so close to one. Her heart fluttered a bit painfully in her chest and she immediately clung the artifact closer to her body. It was clear form his words what he wanted and while Fleur never wanted any trouble, she had no intention of giving over the artifact.

“Well, it seems to me the real problem is that they weren’t hidden effectively enough,” Fleur shrugged, quite unsure where the words were coming from.

Immediately, she took a step backward, just an inch behind Polaris and she glanced over at him apologetically. She was more afraid of the gun in his hand than the man in front of her, and that gun made her heart leap slightly in her chest every few seconds. She did not believe that he would use it, but she had no idea how quickly the trigger could end a life and she had certainly never heard a gunshot in real life.

Luckily, she had the artifact to occupy her hands and only those close to her could see her shaking ever so slightly.

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Nicholas Columbus

Maude Aria Puckett

A girlish scream echoes through the library - and it comes from Nick. Maude punches him, bringing his mind back under control a bit though with a dull ache in his arm. He goes bright red, mentally comparing himself to Gideon's macho demeanor. The armed man doesn't seem violent, and Nick doesn't think the gun will go off after the initial shock of seeing it, but he finds himself gravitating towards April, situating himself between her and the mysterious man.

Of course, he can believe that on some level, but his head runs with a million thoughts. I really didn't sign up for this I mean I'm just the writer and sure the contract mentioned something about fatal danger but I thought it was just covering bases, you know, legal stuff, and couldn't he have told us about this brotherhood ahead of time goddamnit is he out of his mind I really, REALLY don't want to die and god this is exciting-

Well, that thought stops him for a minute. Here he is, pretending to be macho while his knees knock with fear - but it's mingled with excitement.

Maude, for her part, finds that the man's surfacing comes at an inopportune time. Already annoyed by her perception that Fleur is stealing April's companionship away from her, she hears Nick's squeal before she sees the gun, and once her mind has processed both she punches him, some part of her worried the threatening man is trigger happy.

After that, she finds herself paralyzed, mind blank. The panic has a strange effect on her, seemingly shutting her down, and when the neurons finally start firing again she kicks into overdrive, compensating for lost time by abandoning all previous caution or, indeed, all reason and launching every inch of her five-foot-and-change tall frame towards the enigma with a roar.

Watching as Gideon stepped out in front of her, putting himself between her and something she could not yet make out caused her some surprise. Her life had been one wild ride after the next: through college, through the foster system, through helping fake a girl's death, through offering medical services to a couple being chased down by a huge organization... it was exciting, if not a little terrifying, but it had always been just Enna. That wasn't to say there weren't people out there who didn't love her, but no one had to valiantly and fearlessly tried to protect her before, either.

Her hand rested on a spot on Gideon's back, peaking out from around his massive frame towards the seedy little man. He had a valid point-- Enna had been so swept up in the excitement of their journey that she hadn't stopped to think why the artifacts had been so cleverly hidden, why Atlantis didn't seem to want to be found. The frown burrowed into her cheeks for a moment as she took a moment to really think about what he was saying. Unfortunately, Gideon didn't seem the type to 'stop and consider' before he was challenging the man with, you know, the gun to
come and take it.

Internally, she was rolling her eyes so hard that her retinas probably would have detached had she physically rolled them with the same vigor. She could swear to god--

The sound of a scream cracking through the atmosphere stirred her from her thoughts, snapping her eyes up and watching as, much to her dismay, the young artsy woman (who was no longer wearing a spot of mayonnaise on her dress) charged like an absolute bull to a red flag. It was on instinct alone that Enna cursed, way louder than was common for the doctor, and looped her arms around Maude's waist, pulling her to her chest and keeping a firm grip.

What the hell was wrong with these people?

“No,” Enna snorted quietly, the young woman nearly taking Enna off her equally petite feet, but she somehow managed to stumble herself back to balance, “I don't have enough medical supplies to deal with someone getting shot right now. Chill your tuckus,” she whispered fiercely near Maude's ear.


Polaris was a quiet man and that afternoon held no exception. Back in the mingling crowd, away from the interlude of just him and one other, he fell quiet and began to admire the rooms around them once more. His job was rather ineffective here, so he left the further discussing to the more intellectual minds. Never one to claim he was any smarter than he was, Polaris knew exactly where he stood in the room filled with brilliant minds.

Brilliant minds that were currently busy shouting and screaming. His dark eyes leveled for a moment, inspecting their new guest with raised eyebrows. Like Gideon, the group's badass ring leader, as it were, his trained military-eyes immediately settled upon the glossy piece hanging at the man's hip. Guns were commonplace for a man like Polaris, especially after being discharged from the buraeu, so they didn't excite him in the same way it did others of the group-- like that little twiggy white boy currently yelping his head off, or the ever-pleasant Fleur who had ever so politely side-stepped behind him.

Immediately, he caught her gaze from the corner of his eyes and returned the hesitant smile, letting her settle behind him if she felt more comfortable there. Nudging backwards another step until he was close enough to Fleur to twist himself far enough he could whisper to her.

“Does that guy look kinda like a super villain from Scooby Doo to you?”
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Nathan Bower


Nathan’s fingers curled around the spine of the journal he held, his grasp tightening as he brought it to his chest. This was an unexpected turn of events. Never in his life had he encountered a situation where someone wanted to rob artifacts in front of everyone. It was usually after dark when he was far and away from where the objects rested in waiting. He had never even seen a gun in his life before, the metal piece gripped within his hand with just enough hold to show he posed a threat but not enough to be eminent.

That is, unless provoked.

In the process it took for Nathan to slowly position himself between the man with a gun and his friends, someone had already leaped into action without thought. The rather vibrant woman he recalled as Maude rushed towards the man at ramming speeds. He felt his breath catch, his hand reach out in an attempt to grab at her shirt to prevent her from making a mistake. “Maude, wait!” he heard himself speak, but his fingers only grasped the air that rushed past in her wake.

And then another woman hooked her arm around Maude like his mother used to do to his brother when he would run around the house. It was the claw hold, as they had coined it. It was effective apparently with an adult woman, and Nathan exhaled the breath he had held in a huff. His eyes flecked back to April and Nick.

“He’s not aiming at us,” he whispered ever so quietly. His voice was so soft there was hardly any air flowing past his vocal chords. “Maybe we can negotiate?”

For whatever reason, Nathan decided that question was going to be rhetorical, and he turned back around to face the man attempting to rob them. He kept the journal in one hand as he raised them both into the air in a gesture of peace. “If you want us to stop pursuing Atlantis,” Nathan began, “I feel we deserve an explanation. You are robbing us not only of these excellent findings, but of unveiling one of the greatest mysteries of our time. I know enough already that I won't want to stop trying to find this place unless I'm given a good reason not to. Don't be cryptic. Don't dance around it.”

His eyes glanced from the gun to the man’s unsettling eyes. Despite the weapon being at his side, it still made Nathan uneasy. Why did the man feel he had to bring a gun just for one man? He took in another breath slowly and exhaled through his nose.

“I'm not giving up this journal until an explanation is given,” Nathan stated, and cradled the bound book back to his body.

April Archwood ||

It wasn't, oddly enough, the first time that April had been help at gunpoint, and in a career rife with competitive people who would stop at nothing to get their name out there, it probably wouldn't be the last time. She could be hot headed, impulsive, inconsiderate... sometimes she was too stubborn for her own good. But one thing that April excelled at was keeping calm under pressure, and watching the scene unfold, she was almost too cool, too composed. The only flicker of expression, really, that crossed her face was when Nick stepped, pointedly, in front of her - and none too soon, either, graciously obliterating the mortifying memory of his girlish shriek a few seconds prior.

Maude moved and April's heart skipped a beat, but it was exactly the sort of distraction she'd needed, and without a word, she took a few subtle steps to the left... inch by inch. Nathan spoke, and the man in the doorway looked in their direction, a brow quirked at the question as a frown crossed over his deeply carved features. For a second or two, he seemed to consider something, then he spoke, that slight Germanic accent carrying across the room.

"...Sometimes things are hidden because they need to be protected. Sometimes, they are hidden because others need to be protected from them. This quest you're on... for the lost city? It isn't what you think it is. And you'll find out soon enough, neither is your benefactor." A frown crossed his lips, the gun tapping casually against his thigh as he looked around the room, "I don't want to hurt anyone here. That's not desire. But if that journal and artifact are not turned over in the next two minutes, I will be forced to act."

Gideon Kerns ||

"So you want us to just... hand it over, just like that... and trust you ain't lyin' through your teeth to get a little head start? Brother, I might not be terribly smart, but I ain't stupid. The man asked for proof... Where's yours?"

Eyes narrowing, the German shook his head, "This isn't a negotiation. You can take my word for it, or I can start shooting. It's really that simple,

"Well, then I guess we have ourselves a prob--"


The sound resonated through the room like the crack of a gunshot and for a split second, that's exactly what Gideon though, to his horror, it was. But with a quick, frantic look around, he spotted the true source. Next to the brunette, April, one of the antique globes lay on the marble floor, shattered somewhere around the continent of Europe. It seemed like an accident, perhaps drawn from nerves, except that the expression on April's face was one of damn near defiance...

And in seconds, Gideon was able to grasp exactly why.

"Co je to ?" The harried words came from the hallway, before a man, tall and thin, wearing a dark rust brown robe came flying into the room, narrowly colliding with the German, who was forced to step clear. His voice echoed, his eyes on the globe as he gestured around with a long, crooked finger.

"Ah! Dostat se pryč. Musíš odejít!!" Waving his arms wildly he gestured to the door, eyes wide... angry, "Všichni z vás! Ven!

It was a brilliant move, and reaching behind him, Gideon's hand snaked through Enna's, tugging her without a word towards the door.

Maude Aria Puckett





Maude feels her inertia suddenly halted, and with an oof she deflates, heart thudding at her own recklessness. "R-right," she pants nervously. "I wasn't... I didn't mean..." she mumbles, but she quickly shuts herself up. Explanations can come later, when there isn't a scary guy with a gun threatening them. His words make her head hurt. They're cryptic, layered, and wholly too cerebral for Maude's thought process, which consists largely of instinct and cravings. Though she seems to have broken out of her panicked, aggressive state of mind, she stays close to Enna, finding the nearness to someone comforting.

She observes the verbal sparring anxiously. She feels herself growing antsier by the moment, and when she hears a crash she almost thinks that the man's pulled his trigger, except the noise comes from behind her. She whirls around, ready to swing wildly at whatever the threat is, but it turns out her would-be opponent is only a fancy-looking globe, shattered on the floor at April's feet. Not very menacing. The man that comes around the corner to investigate doesn't speak any language she understands, but she is distinctly reminded of Belinda Borris, the librarian at her elementary school, rail-thin and shrewd and always harshly shush-ing students. Still, it takes her a moment to process what's happening.

"What...?" she mumbles, dazed, before seeing the others head out. "Oh!" Quickly, she joins them in retreat.
Can we lose this guy...?





Nick crosses his arms. He can't pretend to be the hero, hulking and imposing, but he can at least pretend to be a shark - pointed, observant, and constantly critical. He can't be aggressive and resolve the conflict, but he can build a line of defense and save face. His work until now involved a lot of that, amidst the fighting for stories and throwing each other under the bus. It was exhausting, but he learned just how much a narrowing of eyes could accomplish. So he puts on a mask of calm cynicism.

If he looks in control, he'll be more in control, if only by a little bit.

So it's with a stab of self-directed irritation that he leaps nearly a foot in the air at the
crash, amplified when he realizes April has moved without him even realizing it. But she looks so pleased with herself, and he figures out why just seconds before the robed man enters the scene. He smiles softly in her direction, something in his heart flooding him and he feels like he can't breath.

Smart as ever.

Nick rushes out of the building, eyes scanning the street for Stuart's cars.
Oh god, please let them be there. We're in such a mess otherwise.

Enna’s arms didn’t fall away from Maude for quite some time. Probably a bit longer than would have been socially appropriate, but given the situation, she didn’t think such a thing as wrapping up another lovely lady in a platonic embrace (half to keep her from flailing wildly towards an armed man and half because the comfort was soothing) was unsuitable. The tension in the air was palpable and she could practically taste in solid form sliding down her throat and settling in her belly like a brick would have done. In her chest, her heart pounded—her gaze unwavering from the man presented before them, though she never once saw his face.

Or if she had, she couldn’t remember what it looked like.

All she could picture when she closed her eyes was his angular build and the gleam of the gun at the man’s hip. She had been put in worse situations. Hell, she had
done worse, but this was real and personal, not just some fleeting example of danger. Naturally, if her arms weren’t tied up with Maude, she would have been yanking Gideon away by the ear. This wasn’t going to…


The sound of porcelain shattering all across the ground caused the blonde doctor to leap so far out of her skin, both of her feet came off the floor as a surprised yelp escaped her. Her grip fell away from Maude, replaced instead with the firm anchor of Gideon’s hand locking in her own. Shaking his fingers free, she instead opted to wrap both of her arms firmly around his one, bursting into a brisk pace towards the door. There was certainly no need to ask her twice to leave, screaming Monk or no. Bless that little brunette woman, but god, Enna’s heart wouldn’t stop.

What was the fastest heart rate ever recorded? She felt close to the refractory period—her heart was actually beginning to hurt.

“I am not cut out for this,” she mumbled, but never missed a stride to the exit.



“He probably would have gotten away with this too, if it weren’t for us meddling kids,” Fleur offered a smile to Polaris, a soft laugh deep in her throat but certainly inappropriate in the moment. It made her feel better, made her a little less frightened of the fact that there was a gun, the large blonde man was egging him on, and she was stuck between a rock and Polaris. If some sort of altercation flared up, Fleur was not one to know how to protect herself. Who needed to know about guns while studying language? Her entire livelihood had centered around knowing the right words, not the right actions, and for how brilliant she was, all it took was a little danger to see how useless she still was.

So she stayed back, kept her mouth shut, and let the other more intimidating guests do the talking.

It was only when she heard a piercing crack did she literally jump out of her skin and clutch onto Polaris’ arm tightly. Her heart was going a million miles a second, her hands shaking ever so slightly, but when she realized what it was that made the noise, Fleur knew. April had managed a diversion – all they needed was for the Monks to know they were there and see them out and she had done just that. A brilliant woman, really, and though perhaps a thought for an inappropriate time, Fleur actually got excited for the prospect of learning from these people. Everyone had their role to play and they did it brilliantly, so maybe, just maybe, Fleur wouldn’t end up slipped in the background when things like this happened.

Finding Atlantis meant a lot of things to her – adventure, accomplishment – but it she also knew that no expedition in the world would change her like this one could.

“Come on,” Fleur whispered and slipped her hand down to take Polaris’. She tugged him towards the exit after the others, “We have to get out of here.”

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This was an argument that Polaris had the rational to stay out of. That didn't mean he wasn't the fighting type, because he had plenty of fight in him, but considering he didn't have an artefact or know how in his possession, it was probably best for him to keep his mouth shut, which is exactly what he did. Never mind that he was shamefully admiring the gorgeous vintage Luger currently tied to the unwelcomed guest's hip, but that was neither here nor there. Do you know how hard vintage Lugers were to find these days?

Way too hard.

In the midst of contemplating if he should try and buy one when he returned home from this whole trip. After all, he wasn't particularly worried about the man. Sure, his words were dripping with threats, but he got the sense the man wasn't in possession of an itching trigger finger and shooting a whole bunch of people in a public place wasn't exactly the easiest way to get a hold of some objects without going to prison in the process. And hey, his buddy Gideon seemed to have a control (or not so much) on negotiations.

He didn't jump at the sound of ceramic shattering on the floor because loud noises just came with his job's territory. Instead, he just sort of fluttered his eyes in the general direction, but only for a second before feeling a heavy weight wrap itself around his arm. Glancing back, he took note of Fleur, seizing his hand and giving him an encouraging nudge.

Right. Time to leave. Good job, April.

Following in stride with Fleur, he broke out the front doors and seized a breath. "Somethin' tells me this isn't the last time we'll see our new friend."

Nathan Bower


Nathan paused a moment as the crash of an old globe cut through the tension only exacerbating the fine line they already tread with the gun wielding opposition. His head quickly turned to fall upon April knowing she was the culprit. It was in her nature. In any other situation he would find her act endearing. Good ol’ April at it again! But right now their very lives were in danger, and she was only bringing attention to herself she did not deserve.

April didn't pay Nathan any mind. Her defiant stare fixated on their aggressor in a stare almost taunting the man to act. He looked over to Nick in hopes he at least could help defuse the heat she had caused. But before the gunman could fully react, the monks that resides within the monastery intervened in a fervor. They had disrupted and defiled their sacred dwelling thus removing their welcomed stay. Nathan rushed out of the monastery with the others and breathed a sigh of relief as they walked out to the yard.

He kept the journal tightly tucked to his chest unwilling to relinquish the artifact. Turning about, he looked to see if the others had made it out and away from the gunman, including April. While her ballsy move gave them a chance to run without a fight, it was still dangerous had the monks not reacted in the time they did.

“April?” he said as he approached his friend. It was difficult for him to hide his displeasure, but he did his best to stay calm. Seeing her alive and well washed most of his negativity away, and he heaved out a sigh through his nose to expel the residual frustration and instead wrapped his arms around her in a brief embrace.

“Clever girl,” he said as he stepped back from April. “But maybe next time try not to attract so much attention to yourself when there's a gun involved, okay?”


April Archwood ||

The danger, of course, with her plan was either that it wouldn't work at all and she would essentially draw attention (and a shiny lead bullet) to herself... or, conversely, it would work, but their dear Teutonic friend would not be inclined to let them go, even outside of the monastery. Graciously, everyone moved with haste - sensing the urgency and putting enough distance between them and the German that by the time they made it outside and to the cars, he was no where to be seen. Though reflecting back on it, April wasn't entirely sure she remembered seeing him once the monk had shown himself.

It was a nevermind issue, however, because they'd gotten out... all of them, sans holes and with the artifact and journal well in hand. They were lucky - she knew as much. It wasn't skill or talent. It was sheer dumb luck, and it wouldn't be - she was positive - the last time they saw the man. Whatever they wanted, and she could imagine it had everything to do with finding Atlantis, he wasn't going to give up because she'd been clever (or stupid) enough to knock over an old globe and cause a little havoc with some poor, antique monks.

Looking around, she paused at the sight of Nathan and smiled sheepishly at his exasperated expression. She expected the hug, and accepted it with an embrace of her own, tucking up onto her toes to wrap her arms around his shoulders. And when he released her, she raked her fingers through her hair with a small, dry chuckled, her shoulders scrunched in a shrug.

"I know, sorry, I know... But hey! It worked, right?" This time... but she felt no need to make a point out of being a hero, "C'mon. Let's get out of here before Hans Gruber decides to give it another shot." And gesturing to the car they'd come in, she made for the doors.

Gideon Kerns ||

"Hell..." Gideon breathed, giving Enna's hand a squeeze as he propelled them from the monastery, out into the warmth of the afternoon sun, "I am build for this sort of thing, and I ain't much a fan of it, myself." Releasing her, he pulled the keys from his pocket, looking around to make sure they had all gotten out. With everyone accounted for, he nodded to the others, "We should head back to the hotel. But keep tight, and follow my lead. If our German friend tries to follow us, I'm not risking sending us into a public space."

His concerns, however, were unnecessary. The German... nor anyone else... followed them, and pulling into the parking structure beneath the hotel, he killed the engine with a sense that for now, at least, the danger had passed. It was an uncomfortable feeling, however - because danger very rarely stayed away for long, and not knowing when it might surface again was all manner of unnerving. It put Gideon on edge in a way he was all too accustomed to, and hardly enjoyed. That evening, however, brought with it no signs of their menacing new shadow, and after a night of quiet celebration on their first victory, the team was sent by Isaac Stuart to their rooms for a good night's sleep.

The following morning, they left for the Velhartice Castle, located in the Bohemian Forest foothills... the next location detailed in Stuart's journal. The castle was found high in the hills, a beast of a ruin, deep reds and whites standing out amongst the greenery in an ancient glory that could only have been extraordinary in it's prime. Here, climbing out of the car, Gideon unlocked the small safebox in the back hatch and pulled out the journal, holding it out to Enna with a small smile.

"Care to read the next clue, darlin'?"


It had been a long night, to say the least. Enna began to contemplate the depth of her life, wondering how she managed to get so caught up in so many unusual situations. What in her past life must she had done to warrant all the craziness in her current life? The thought was mind-boggling, but not in an unhappy way. There were people around her who loved her, supported her, and cherished her goodness, so she was in no room to complain… just wonder.

Skipping out on most of the celebrations to rest, she awoke the follow morning refreshed and rejuvenated. The shower did amazing things to pull to stress off of her skin and send it swirling down the drain, and when she dressed and prepared for the next stop on their journey, she was feeling like someone had just breathed a new life into her. Nevermind that in the dewy morning sun, the Velhartice Castle was everything she could ever imagine a Medieval castle could, and should, be. The ancient beige walls of the castle were juxtaposed with the smooth, aerodynamic appearance of a perfectly manicured garden lawn. The building was pitted and scarred with eons of wear, but they stood mute all the same, piercing the sky unapologetically.

It was a fine castle, built with a panorama of the surrounding land and, had they been given any more time, Enna could have seeped in the history for hours, like tea leaves in hot water. Unfortunately, the pleasantness of Gideon’s voice stirred her from her thoughts and, realizing she was already lost in her own mind, she blinked and looked to him.

“Eh?” she shot back, glancing down at the journal, “Oh,” the words registering in her mind with a sheepish smile, “Sure, yea.” From him, she took the book and skimmed with delicate fingers through the pages until she landed on the correct one, “Alright, here we are: Won’t strike as deep as a word, nor as deep as a sword. You must cross the warrior who guards your reward.”

Her eyebrows raised a moment as she pondered the words.






When the group returns from the monastery, Nick's first actions are to seek out Stuart. It doesn't take long; the man is there to greet them.

"Welcome! I've arranged our lodgings for the night - only the best! I assume you found the relic?"

"Yes," Nick says, voice snappier than usual. "But not without one of those Brotherhood brothers pulling a gun on us. That... wasn't in the job description, Mr. Stuart."

The man tilts his head.
"How interesting that they would go so far..."

"I'm not sure interesting is the word I'd use, sir. He told us you aren't what you say you are. Said Atlantis isn't what we think it is."

There's a pause while Stuart considers his words.
"Nicholas Columbus, I selected you for your sense of wonder and imagination, so I cannot say I am surprised that the zealot's words had such influence over you. Still, I had hoped you felt more strongly about our mission!"

Nick furrows his brow, a sense of unease creeping in. In his frustration he had been quite forward, but he's starting to wonder if that was a mistake. He doesn't want to lose this job, doesn't want to give up on Atlantis, doesn't want to look like a fool.
"N-no, sir, I do feel strongly about this expedition. I've believed in Atlantis since I was young; this is the best thing that could have happened to me-"

"Then do not let the lies of a cultist poison you! The man wanted what you had. He was only saying whatever he thought would make you give it to him!"

Nick hangs his head in shame, conceding, and spends the rest of the night rather subdued.


Nick is still subdued come morning, but not quite so thoroughly. He listens to the clue with interest, but hardly notices the beautiful scenery.

Well, he does notice April. That's some beautiful scenery that can't be ignored.

Tearing his eyes from her, he looks toward Enna, who is holding the journal. "Well, it makes me thinks of that old phrase... "The pen is mightier than the sword." Just with the whole... words and swords... thing. But I'm not really sure about the rest. Maybe we'll figure out more inside? Some kind of... environment-based clue?"

Maude Aria Puckett



Velhartice Castle


"Ever wonder why we take all these cars instead of one big van?" Maude asks her companion in the vehicle she's riding in. However, a glimpse of their surroundings as they enter Velhartice distracts her from their answer. The castle and its surrounding village are beautiful, and Maude can't help but push her face against the window of the car. Old, textured, and brown-ish white buildings made from who-knows-what (probably Nathan knows, but hush) pass by more quickly than the girl would like. The rolling green ground, the surrounding trees, the high and thick arches, all make Maude squirm with anticipation.

"I have to pee," she unnecessarily announces.

When they finally pull over and others start unloading themselves from the car, Maude bursts out through the door, sending herself sprawling onto the ground. She lays there for a moment, blinking, then jumps up, brushing herself off as she half listens to The Couple say something about swords.

"Hey, hey, can we go to the castle now? It's so cool looking, I didn't expect it to be so... white. Hey, can we go? Guys? I wonder if they have a bathroom. I
really have to go to the bathroom... Guys! Let's go!"

She looks around; people seem absorbed in something else, which brings a pout to her face.

There was a good reason Polaris hadn’t bought a Sudoku book for the long flight to European.

The chief reason being he was no good at puzzles. He had been hired for demolitions and if they had a riddle about building structure, he might have been able to help. Glancing up at the castle, it wasn’t hard to see it was sinking in on its Western end. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he listened to the doctor share her little riddle, but it made no damn sense to him. Thankfully, another gentleman seemed quick on the uptake and his eyes wandered over to him, Nick. “So, we’re tryin’ to find something that is nicer than words
and a sword? Isn’t that like everything else?” he snorted with a small laugh.

“Pizza—pizza is definitely nicer than a sword and words, so, everyone go home. Atlantis is pizza,” a silly grin leapt across his face as a useless shrug tugged his shoulders. “Maybe goin’ inside would be a good idea. I don’t know anything about no warrior, but this castle was intended to house the Czech crown jewels. The big tower there was used to house ‘em. Was a grand, strong structure back in its day. Very advanced.” It was all useless information, but Polaris didn’t know anything if he didn’t know buildings and their history. Architecture fascinated him—as did blowing up architecture, but hey, you couldn’t take one without the other.

Polaris knew he wasn’t probably going to be of much help in this situation so he fell quiet and glanced between the more intelligent and learned members of the group, like Enna, Fleur, and Nick. With the three of their smart brains melded together, he was sure they could come up with something. Now, if they needed something exploded? Well, they knew who to call... and it wasn't the pizza man.

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Fleur had slept like a baby.

After all of the excitement the day prior with the crypt, the spiders, the German man, and their narrow escape thanks to a quick thinking April, Fleur had no time to sit and contemplate her life choices. No, she was too exhausted by the time she got back to the hotel room that she sunk into the duvet and curled herself up with a warm breeze billowing in from her cracked balcony doors. The next morning came quickly, a beautiful day to be sure, and it took Fleur only a moment to grab something quick to eat and slip on pair of jeans and a blush pink chiffon top. Her light chestnut hair was left long, waved and wild, as she left for their destination.

Velhartice Castle.

“It’s so beautiful,” Fleur said softly, more or less to herself as they gathered that morning outside of the breathtaking castle. The stark white against the stone was mesmerizing and while Fleur had seen plenty of castles in her day, it never ceased to amaze her. There would always be a part of Fleur that loved medieval architecture and, of course, Disney princess movies. There was still a four-year-old girl somewhere in there that refused to take off her pink princess gown her mother had sewn for her.

Moving up alongside the group, she listened carefully to the clue but her eyes never left the castle. It was nestled into the countryside, undisturbed. “Won’t strike as deep as a word, nor as deep as a sword. You must cross the warrior who guards your reward,” Fleur repeated and turned to listen to some of their responses her eyes finding Nick’s for a moment, “I think you’re right. Context will probably help here.”

“Well,” Fleur smiled and shrugged, “Guess there’s only one way to find out.”

Her eyes met Polaris’ for a moment, a bit of embarrassment pooling in her chest remembering how scared she had been yesterday when the man had pulled a gun on them. She was smart, she knew that, but she would try to be brave, too. Without hesitation, Fleur made her way towards the entryway, eyes wide and heart ready for whatever adventure was in store for today.


Nathan Bower


It was a relief to find everyone was back in safety without serious injury. It was only then he felt he could role quiz his hold on the journal. The stress of the whole ordeal took a while to fade before he could manage to sleep. This mission was far more risky than he had ever imagined. The most he anticipated was having to scale a rock or jump across a ravine or walk along a narrow path. Guns were not something he thought he would ever have to see in his life.

Before he went to bed, he called his sister and then his parents. He told them of the job and how Atlantis was real and shared his excitement. All the while he left out the parts concerning the man with the gun. In his mind, he wanted his family to know but not get worried. It didn't seem too much like the man wanted to kill, but what would happen once they continue to pursue Atlantis? How far was this man willing to go to keep it under wraps?

The next morning, Nathan rose early to go out for a run. He still felt jittery both in excitement and in his unknowing. There was a part of him that wanted everyone to wait and do more research into Atlantis before pursuing the physical search. But he got into the caravan of cars just like everyone else and marveled at the beautiful scenery as they drove to their next destination. The glamor of finding Atlantis once again clouded his worry from the forefront of his mind.

The red and white stone immediately caught his attention. As soon as he exited the cab, Nathan was drawn to the ruins of this once grand castle. Red stone was a common material as red clay was easy to come by all around the world. And yet here was a castle, albeit in ruin, that had used a common item to build a structure designated for wealth. His fingers brushed up against the course surface as he listened to the thoughtful banter. Enna read the cryptic riddle out loud. Admittedly, word play was not his forte, and he would have rather the answers been more straight forward just so he could get there. For once, impatience began to scratch at his mind. Nathan couldn't tell if it was his excitement or if it was due to the events of the previous day.

At Nick’s guess, Nathan turned back towards the group feeling somewhat helpless to push their journey forward. His hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket as he shrugged and sighed at the playful riddle. His own mind was being far too literal to push past into the metaphorical.

“Maybe it's like you can't hurt whatever guards the way, or blocks it, you have to cross it, as in like crossing paths?” Literal. A hearty chuckle escaped him at his own poor suggestion. “Let's just go inside and see what's in there!”
Maude Aria Puckett



Gotta Pee


Maude skips to the forefront of the group, setting a brisk pace. "Well then, inside we go!" As she marches cheerfully (if uncomfortably), she says, "I dunno much about riddles, either. There are lots of riddles, huh? I was hoping there'd be more food than anything, but I guess that wouldn't really make sense. But hey, wait until we get to roughing it! I'll work my magic. You'll be eating the best meals of your life. I promise! ...We are gonna rough it at some point, right? I mean, it's fine if I'm just here just in case and also to do the planning, because Atlantis, right?! But I do want to show off."

"You," she continues, indicating Polaris, "are my kind of guy, sir. Pizza is great. Have you ever had a real pizza? I'm gonna make you a real pizza. Don't let me forget." She's a bit nervous, internally; she knows she's not the most professional, and she can't bring herself to be any less
spontaneous and fun loud and annoying. Most of the people around her seems serious and so very qualified, and it makes her doubt herself. She's not smart. She's never been smart. She's definitely not as smart as her published works make her sound.

A worm of guilt and anxiety eats through her, covered in a layer of happy babbling which is promptly cut off as they make their way inside and she rushes into the nearest bathroom (found after an awkward exchange involving language barriers) to relieve herself.





The general consensus seems to be to enter the building, and Nick follows the two women showing initiative in, stealing glances at April as he goes.

It isn't quite how he imagined a castle would be, but then he is used to the massive stone structure in which the princess is usually kept captive in video games. The interior of Velhartice Castle reminds him of a very nice house moreso than a dwelling for nobility, but he supposes some of that is just from updates in recent years. The room looks to be some sort of reception area, with chairs set out and sculptures blocked off by velvet ropes up and down the hallway. It's no library, but it is beautiful, and he's itching to get a closer look at many of the works.

As he battles down stress and confusion over last night's events, it's difficult to muster much enthusiasm since his mind is so preoccupied elsewhere. Still, he has a job to do, and a notebook rests in a bag slung across his shoulders for note-taking and his phone is making its way into his hand for documentation. He pulls up the camera and starts recording video, then turns it onto his... coworkers? Companions? Co-expedition...ers? Really, he'd need a good word for them in the novel.

"Smile for the camera," he says cheerily, smiling himself even though the lens isn't turned on him. "I like to take videos so I remember details when I sit down to write. So, do any of you see anything that sticks out? The clue was... well, you all remember it."

He really, really hopes the touring staff members don't make him put the phone away.

April Archwood ||

She wanted to think she was alright. That after the trouble they had run into the day before, she was still strong and composed and ready for anything. But the night prior, she'd gotten very little in terms of sleep and she'd woken with the heart pounding realization of how close they all had come to their own mortality. If one thing had gone wrong, if the German had opened fire... Many times in her life, now, she'd come up against opposition, but never quite so literal as a gun pointed at her... at the people she cared about.

What she wasn't, was alright. What she was, was one hell of an actress. It helped, of course, that Velhartice was a masterpiece of a ruin, the red and white splashed across a canvas of greenery, brilliant in the mid morning sunlight overhead. The others seemed to have recovered well enough, but she supposed there was a chance they could've been putting on a show. There was probably more of a chance they were falling apart inside like she was, but there was no sense in dwelling on it. They had a job to do and imminent melt-down or not, she was going to do her darndest.

So, instead of focusing on her skittish heartbeat or the fear that at any moment there could be another appearance by the man with the gun, she tuned her attention to the clue, the riddle that, as far as she was concerned, could've been in another language for all the sense it made. They started inside and she contemplated the words, but her eyes were soon traveling over the ruins and she was lost in the ancient...

It was only when she'd heard Nick that she glanced up and rolling her eyes, smiled faintly at the sight of him with his phone in hand, filming away. How many films and pictures had he taken of her over their time together? It had to be hundreds... thousands, maybe.

Moving along the pathway through the ruins, April's mind wandered in time to the steady drip-dripping sound around her, back to those days in the University - back to their tangled, complicated relationship. How quickly things went totally wrong, when they had seemed so perfect. They had let something good fall to the wayside because of pride, and it still plagued her, so much.

Won’t strike as deep as a word, nor as deep as a sword. You must cross the warrior who guards your reward.

"Does anyone else hear water?" She paused suddenly, realizing that the tapping sound she'd been hearing had no actual point of origin, "What if it's an underground stream? Water's fairly strong, right? And you have to cross it..."


Polaris had never been much for sightseeing, thankfully their trip wasn’t about admiring medieval architecture through a lens of a camera and following up with ‘oohs’ and ‘aaahs.’ As the group began to move towards the entrance, Polaris reached back and gently took Fleur’s elbow, giving it a small shake sealed with a friendly smile. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to—his entire expression lit up in a way that just seemed to scream the question ‘hey! You comin’?’

Following a step behind the rest, Polaris slipped his hands into his pockets and strolled along. The grass along the garden grew in tussocks and flattened in waves with each gust of wind only to spring up as fresh as a bunch of roses on Valentine’s Day right after. The gardens were perfectly uniform except for the boldness of one dandelion, which had bravery Polaris couldn’t account for. It was too tall, to yellow, and in the wrong damn place amid the otherwise perfectly clipped grass. Stepping over the dandelion, the young man glanced up in time to hear Maude speaking to him.

“Do I look like the type of man who has never had real pizza?” he said with a chuckle, glancing down at himself. He supposed so. There wasn’t much body weight to be speaking for, and he certainly didn’t look like the guy who went home every other night to a pizza delivery pizza… but he was.

The girl was gone as quickly as she had bounced through the doors. Another was taking a photo, documenting the expedition (if it could even be called that up to this point), but Polaris just pushed on. “There could be a stream,” Polaris added with a lame shrug, “Castle had a brewery in back, n’ what do you need for booze? Water. But a water warrior? Sounds more like a type of Super Soaker to me.”


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