[Astrum: Heavens] Feudal Palace


Code Monkey like you...

Destroyed countless times, and built countless times after. This spot is halt sacred to the Kzin for it was the throne and palace of the first Overlord, the one that united the Kzin under one banner for the first time. But since the first Overlord's death and the fallowing civil war it has been fought for as the right to be Ruler. Now that the Kzin have been united once again, and the long civil war is over

The Patriarch sits on the Feudal Throne.

It is a day of celebration, to all in the Kzinti Hegemony. As after many years of hardship, trial and error- The very first Kzinti Imperial Space-Fleet has been completed and it's each vessel outfitted with Faster-Than-Light drives, based on the old Jotoki Warp Drives. Finally, after such a long time of waiting and planning, the Kzinti Hegemony can once again rise to the stars and finally create the empire of their dreams!

It is now only the matter of choosing where to begin; There are four viable solar systems, that neighbor Kzinhome, designated K1502, K1503, K1504 and K1505.
And on this day so launches the a new-ship of the line and a new Flagship commissioned by the Patriarch him self. The Chalakt a Unique Ship of the Line has been specifically built to be the new eyes for the Empire.

"Let this for ever be known, as a new era for the Kzin Race!"

- The Patriarch at the Chalakt's Christening.

As the political and royal celebrations were happening on the Main Station watching and celebrating the launch of the Chalakt, inside the new Flagship was not the case. Its rugged exterior only mirrors the cold interior. The Captain sunk in to his own throne as he listened and watched the rest of the crew work in the red dim light of the ship's bridge. The glow filled the room as the two helmsmen spoke, telling him that the ship was clear. He straightened up as he gripped the edges of the Caption's chair feeling the cold metal under his skin, feeling the ship pulse and shack right under his finger tips. "Let's see what this thing is capable of."

"Set the coordinates for the nearest System(K1502), engage at full Warp."
Terraforming Projects is done and needs Statecraft

During the life time of the Jotoki Empire they were vastly interested in to nature, of their planet, Kzin Prime, and even Knaiah. The sister planet of Kzin Prime. The Jotoki started to look at and tamper with the Carbon Heavy Atmosphere of Knaiah and started a terraforming process. But the project was stopped short as the Kzin Rebellion began. So now Knaiah lays dormant half finished by the Jotoki Terraforming Project. But we see this as a valuable source of technology. We do not fully understand the system around us, we do not know if planets such as Jok and Kzin Prime are rare or common. But if we can change dead worlds such as Knaiah and even K-pic we can expand in to even uninhabitable systems and claim them for our own. Unfortunately we do not have the technology the Jotoki once had, or even know how they started on Knaiah. But what we do have is their information, so we will be looking back to the Jotoki's research and studying it further on to so how we can finish Terraforming Knaiah and other planets.
The terraforming equipment as well as a lot of the other equipment, left behind by the original Jotoki- Have along the years become more or less unusable. Either the Kzinti reverse-engineered them all to oblivion during their early days after the rebellion, or they simply didn't age well, without someone to properly handle maintenance on them. Nevertheless, the "head honcho scientists" of the Kzinti Tamed Cast hired by the government, pulled all the data and leftover trinkets they could find, and after weeks upon weeks and hours upon hours of research, they have come up with the following;

Kzinti Terraforming Dome Mk1, or simply, the Kzinti "Terradome" as some of the Tamed have come to call it. Since it was impossible to fully recreate any Jotoki Terraforming technology, the Tamed had to take the little knowledge and adapt it to known Kzinti technology. This lead them to create the plans for the Terradome, a dome-shaped structure that houses and protects the intricate machines required for the terraforming process. It's use, due to lack of technology, is limited; The Terradome can only "terraform" planets within the habitable range of any star, because while they are capable of heating a planet's atmosphere to habitable levels, they are not capable of sustaining the temperature. The Tamed were able to adapt one Jotoki method of creating oxygen however: The Jotoki used oxygen embedded in the rocks and surface dust of certain planets to pump it into the atmosphere, by refining it out of the soil and through a complicated process, made it able to be used to create a breathable atmosphere on planets which lacked one. This kind of dust, however, might not appear on all planets- Which would mean the Terradomes could not be used to create oxygen there. The Terradome also has one rather major flaw, it is completely incapable of generating a magnetic field strong enough to protect an entire planet (even with multiple Terradomes, such a feat would not be possible due to insane energy requirements)- The scientists tangled with this problem for days without rest, but simply lacked the knowledge to create such a system.

According to their preliminary reports, depending on the size of a targeted planet, several Terradomes would likely have to be constructed and operated simultaneously- Otherwise the terraforming of a planet would not be completed. This means it would be a rather resource intensive and at the moment, the Kzinti Hegemony would not be able to run more than one terraforming project at a time.

This is what the scientists designing it, think a Terradome would look like.
The Terradom project it self will be put on hold. All technology and recherche of the Terradom project will be converted to Biodome construction, with the added ability of gradually changing and thickening the atmosphere. While the conversion and production of oxygen is a good thing it is not as what we needed. We need Carbon-Dioxide, Nitrogen Gag, and other Ozone gases to stimulate floral life.

Terraforming research needs more study. We need to figure out how to change a planet better other then by just adding Oxygen to the atmosphere will do nothing. We need to introduce water, then floral life, such as microscopic life that is able to produce photosynthesis at a high rate.

The Terraforming Check List:

Thicken Atmosphere with Carbon and Ozone (Not Oxygen unless its going to be a water world but it would come in handy if needed be)

Create a Ocean based environment as simmiular to KzinHome.

Introduce simple aquatic life that can produce a Gas Cycle that can sustain life

R&D methods to increasing a planet's core or Magnetic Spears though either natural or artificial means.

As to what is going to happen to the Terradome project is that they will be converted, while they will serve their main purpose, they will also support a Biodome, that will nurture and advance biological life harvested from KzinHome, to be latter introduced in to the changed environment.
The Terradome itself, cannot be turned into a "biodome", but by placing it inside such a structure, the Terradome could be used to create an habitable zone inside. Also, the Terradome is fully capable of converting an inhospitable atmosphere to a hospitable one, the Tamed simply placed emphasis on the oxygen-creation method, since it was the only Jotoki technology they could directly utilize and adapt in the Terradome-technology.
Start production of the Terradomes and set them out on a test run in out own system. Let us see if we cannot convert K-pic and Knaiah in to habitable planets. Those two planets are roughly the same size as KzinHome. K-pic would be a challenge for this planet is mostly full of high acids and strong winds. (Think Venus a worst case scenario planet) while Knaiah will be a chance to prove that this technology worked. Knaiah was used as a testing ground for the Jotoki Terraforming experiments. In their attempts they have created a habitable atmosphere but an unstable one, the Terradomes will be set to mop up the mistake of the Jotoki and bring Knaiah as a sister planet of KzinHome. (I know I can only do one, so i am just giving out orders and will let the scientists decide on the best course of action.)

Developmental Analysis and Assessment:

To expand and create a vast Empire, we must have a solid base to do so. If not the infrastructure will collapse on in it self. To lean from our mistakes, and to better develop the Empire to keep its people and the houses strong and under the power of the Patriarch. To keep this going we must mend the wounds of the past.
The Tamed have chosen Knaiah as the most viable testing ground for the Terradomes, as it is more hospitable than K-Pic and requires fewer Terradomes, making it also economically much more tolerable. The terraforming operation will last 30 Days (10 for setting up the Terradomes + 20 for the actual terraform process). It's results will be posted here.

- - - -

Developmental Analysis and Assessment Results:


Considering the origins and nature of the Kzinti as a people, the current political state of the Hegemony is surprisingly stable. It may be because of the Kzinti's strong, instinctive desire to follow and obey the greatest alpha male of them all; the Patriarch, but there is little in the way of dissent. While the four nobles do often bicker, argue and fail to agree on certain things, the Patriarch has so far been fully capable of keeping them in-line, and preventing any political fracturing, between the nobles' followers.


The Fanged God is accepted as the 'one and only' god by all Kzinti, but, it is not devoutly worshiped by all. For a while now, there have been rumors of a largely Tamed Cast -based society, of Kzinti that have abandoned all religion and only worship the "god" known as "science". However, as no concrete proof of their existence has come up, most just ignore them as nothing but unfounded rumors.

The Patriarch's aides, report that for a while now, they've been keeping an eye on an extremist group known as the, "Skullhead Pride", a ferocious group of Kzinti that believe Kzinti should be "as they were created" and take the old scriptures and books of the Fanged, very literally. The Skullhead Pride is lead by a mysterious Kzinti, known only as "Scar" - Nothing else is really known about the Skullheads, but so far they've not caused any problems.


After an extensive survey, a rather shocking revelation about the cultural status of the lower classes, has been made; It seems that in the past few years, many of the old feudal "houses" have been reduced into bickering and fighting gangs. While those houses, directly involved with the Pentarchy have maintained their status as the "upper class", the rest have been plummeted to chaos. Poor and unemployed Kzinti are hired by the larger houses as cheap workforce or mercenaries. Houses with more men, take over smaller ones, extort businesses and maintain their own little "taxes" in their respective areas.

Currently, the largest 'lower class' houses appear to be;

The House of Nurik, lead by an 'alpha' female of all things; Shenzi Nurik, a devious, intelligent and ferocious female.

The House of Zikzak, lead by Banzai Zikzak, a powerful Kzinti and a business mastermind, that has several smaller houses under his control.

The House of Fhragi, lead by someone just called "Ed". According to descriptions, 'Ed' isn't as bright as his two rivals, but is at least three times more ferocious and dangerous. Ed appears to have the most muscle among the three dominating houses.

It seems, that the three aforementioned houses live in balance with each other and all currently share some form of a, mutual agreement.


While the Hegemony's economical status is "good enough" and it matches the current needs of the Kzinti, the future- according to your specialists conducting this assessment -looks grim. The problem isn't resources, it's the infrastructure. The Jotoki created the technological basis for the Kzinti infrastructure, after the Kzinti Rebellions, instead of learning how to build Jotoki machinery- The Kzinti adapted and reverse-engineered. This may have seemed like a good idea in the past, but now it's leading to ever-worsening shoddy equipment, system malfunctions and with the lack of Jotoki technology to adapt, the Kzinti are quite frankly running out of materials to create new machines, tools and so on.
We will take in consideration of the report and reforms will come in due prompt.

Theoretical Anti-Matter Reactor research has been completed.

After evaluation of the current Infrastructure of the Kzin Homewrold it has been decided that the current infrastructure is obsolete. Are current infrastructure is based off of old Jotoki technology and at this point needs to be replaced rather than be built up. Phase 1: To bring in new life in to our infrastructure we must know what is dead. Once our Critical Analyst of our infrastructure is completed we will go on to Phase 2. In the next step is to fix the holes and problems from within. Based off of the analyst we will focus on to critical areas first as we work our way around to replacing all of KzinHome's Infrastructure.

As to what the problem is we have relied on to Jotoki technology for far to long. We have taken what we can and we have built up from it. But there are now holes in to this system on to which we don't know how to fix properly. As for it seems the holes in our infrastructure are not individual units, but it seems the design it self. We need to find the critical areas that could lead to our 'future' collapse.
It would seem, that the Anti-Matter Reactor project has been a failure. The scientists working on the project, built a prototype reactor in an isolated corner of Kzin Prime (just a skeleton-model, for them to test their research) which started working just fine, but then experienced an enormous energy spike and after three close-call overloads, the scientists have shut the project down. According to the project's leading scientist, "the technology should work, but for some reason doesn't". The prototype successfully created an anti-matter field and began drawing energy, but after a few minutes, the energy spiked to critical levels and the reactor began overloading.

- - - -

The problem isn't at a critical level yet, but the best of the best specialists in the Hegemony, predict the Kzinti infrastructure will become irreparable in a decade or two. According to one of them, there is no single critically failing area to focus on, because what's failing is the basic technology that runs the Hegemony's infrastructure; "The reverse engineered-reverse engineered-reverse engineered Jotoki technology as it were". In the past when something broke or became out of date, the Hegemony would reach into the stockpile of abandoned Jotoki technology and replace the broken system with a new one, or repair it. However, there is no more Jotoki technology to use for reverse-engineering or adapting into repairs.
Based off of the tests we have, find and study the data that we have recorded. Find out the reason for the massive spike in energy and try to stabilize the reaction. We have future planes in development to use Plasma as a electrical transfer system. Maybe the problem is not it going critical due to a energy spike, but maybe a problem with the energy transfer is not fast enough. Try any thing and everything that is possible to find out the problem and a solution to this.

The New Religious Order has been completed.

As well The Patriarch would like a review of System to the K1502 System.

As well as the results of the Terradom project from Knaiah
  • Despite the efforts of Kzin scientists, and the countless hours they spent studying and researching all known theories, thoughts and maybes, they have discovered little about what is known as subspace, or 'hyperspace'. As is already known, the FTL/Warp/Hyper -drives utilized by the (old) Jotoki and the Kzinti, are capable of opening a small "window" through subspace, which allows a ship to travel several light years, almost instantaneously - This technology, however, is extremely limited, as it only allows short-distance travel and to reach "point C" one has to first go through, point A and B.

    However, the Tamed that worked on this research project, have found out something intriguing and they believe, that it could be possible to create a.. "Tunnel" of sorts, through subspace, allowing a ship to travel longer distances (which, currently is impossible, as the present FTL Drives can only sustain a "jump" through subspace for so long, and going beyond their limit would most likely result in the ship being ripped apart mid-jump), but, this is only a theory and would require a lot more study and research, before a longer range FTL Drive, capable of sustaining a stable subspace window, could be developed.
With the Chalakt restocked and the crew switched around, the ship voyage continues to System k1504
After careful study, of both the information received from the virtual intelligence, "Rupos", and the infected soldier Muri- The Tec'Hi Cast, have discovered something remarkable: The "Nektar's Cure/Disease", is not caused by any ordinary bacteria - The cause of the disease, appears to be some form of, semi-organic nanotechnology, that once injected into the body, causes boils, increase in adrenaline levels, swelling of certain muscles and parts of the brain. It also seems to cause violent and unpredictable behavior, as only the most animal senses of an infected individual, are left unaffected, leading to a form of blood rage, but much worse than anything encountered on Kzin Prime.

Regarding the vaccination, the Tec'Hi have both good and bad news; The good news is, that while this technology is decades, if not centuries beyond them, the Tec'Hi believe, a right form of antibacterial medicine, should be able to "kill" the nanotech entities as they are only partially synthetic and rely on some form of unknown organic bacteria, to function. The bad news is, that to formulate any kind of cure, they require living infected tissue - Which they could have gotten from Muri, had he not died only a day after being put in quarantine, the nanotech entities, dying with him and becoming completely inactive.

In other words, they require a live specimen, infected with the Nektar's Disease. Preferably Kzin, as based on the KHS Chalakt's report, the local fauna of K1503D appeared to be unaffected by the disease, which might be the case with animals of Kzin Prime as well, making them useless as test subjects.
If that is a necessary element, then it will be done. But I want an estimate of how many we need, we have to keep the number of 'test subjects' to a minimum. To avoid suspicions of abductions, we will only target a minority of our Populous. Mostly the 'No-Names' the ones of poverty, without titles, no land, no shelter. A few dozen homeless missing in the Lower Houses will not be missed. But any leaked secretes of this mission, will not be tolerated.

All 'Test-Subjects' will be transported off world, in to the new Hot Labs on Traat. This is for high security, and the quarantine nature of the situation. A science ship will be given to the Tec'Hi in their effort to travel from Traat in Kzin-Home to Kzinhjelm. The science ship will be modified to have several quarantine labs and rooms to store the 'test-subjects.'


Also Subspace Communications Research, Theoretical Plasma Weapons Research, and Theoretical Laser Weapons Research has been completed.
Ideally, the Tamed only require one subject- They've already created a theoretical formula which- if all goes well -will neutralize the virus and render the nanotechnology, innert. However, if it fails, they might require an indefinite amount of test subjects. They've now also requested, that some of the local fauna be captured and transported to the hot labs, as the animals might possess some kind of, natural antibody, that managed to completely reject, the Nektar's disease.

- - - -

  • This research, hasn't been completely fruitless. After countless hours of theorizing and arguing, one Tamed in particular, came up with an idea of a subspace window network, which, the other Tamed have agreed could be possible.

    This Tamed suggested, that several large communications satellites be outfitted with FTL Drives and thrusters, and put into the empty space between solar systems - If it worked, a ship could (in theory) send a transmission to the closest satellite, which would then activate it's FTL Drive, open a subspace window and, using it's thrusters, veer away from the window at the last second, only broadcasting the message or data package through. The transmission would then "jump", from one satellite to another and another and another, until it reached it's destination.

    There are, of course, a few problems with his theory. For one, the transmissions wouldn't be instantaneous and there would be a delay, depending on the distance the message had to travel. Also, if there was even the slightest of hiccup, even for a millisecond, in the function of a satellite's thrusters- The satellite itself, would make a FTL jump and break the network. It would also be impossible to completely hide the network, and anyone could possibly trace, or at least intercept, any transmissions between satellites. The biggest problem, however, would be the enormous monetary and resource costs, of creating and maintaining, a vast communications network like this.

    It might not be the most convenient solution possible, but it is the only viable theory- The Tamed could come up with, that didn't require some form of, nonexistent, theoretical technology.

Rumgard Station: Location K1503 5th Flotilla of the 2nd Fleet Stationed

Rumgard Station is at the use of the Tammed for them to conduct experiments on to Kzinhjelm. As with the full completion of Rumgard Station we will begin a complete survey of the planet. As such we will establish a new base on to Kzinhjelm, creating a full Quarantine Zone around the original Rumgard Bastion on Kzinhjelm. We understand that there is infarct a dangerous infestation of insects in the lower Bastion. So soldiers will clear the area first of all possible threats then the Tammed researchers will then fallow to study the technology and history of Kzinhjelm.


Our Homeworld is not one of secrete, the Jotoki, the Humans and most likely even the Asgard know of the Kzin from our past as well know were Jok and KzinHome lay. While the cost will be to high, we need to increase the ability of long range communications. A network is no in the realm of possibility, but what about giving ships this technology? A general but what about a more smaller one. Used for encrypted military communications signals, used by our larger ships. To account for shortcomings and general security. Give the satellites internal memory, so in eventually of a hiccup in signal, the satellite can store the data already received. Redundancies need to be made, as such a creation of a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) type of protocol is needed, one were we can send a datapacket to one destination and then receive a confirmation of that datapacket reaching its destination.

As for the whole satellite making a FTL jump, why make a full FTL jump? Why waste the energy, fuel, and resources needed for a satellite to open a subspace window. All in an effort to simply send data back and forth. The idea in it self is ingenious, just needs more practicality. A micro 'Rip' in to subspace one large enough to send data though, but small enough were the ship it self cannot go though it self.
((Create a system thread for K1503, then send me the details of the 5th Flotilla))

The Tamed being sent to Rumgard are, needless to say, excited - Especially about getting to meet, study and converse with this "Rupos". They should have preliminary results within a couple of days (16.12.)

- - - - -

It might not be the most convenient solution possible, but it is the only viable theory- The Tamed could come up with, that didn't require some form of, nonexistent, theoretical technology.
The Tamed understanding of FTL-technology, is very limited and basic. Despite having access to the remains of the Jotoki's archives on Jok and Kzin Prime, the Tamed actually know very little about subspace or how to manipulate it (as indicated by their previous studies).

That being said, the suggested "micro window" would be impossible, without further understanding of FTL technology. When the (current generation) Kzin FTL-drives send a ship through a subspace window, they envelop the ship in a protective field, that prevents the ship and anything inside it, from getting ripped into a thousand pieces, by the immense pressure and gravitational shifts of travelling at speeds beyond that of light. The subspace window opened, is also relative in size to the protective field - In other words, with technology currently available, the Kzin would need a microscopic FTL-drive, in order to open a microscopic subspace window.

"So why not bypass the protective field, and open a smaller window?" - The Tamed already thought of that, and, in all likelihood even a small subspace window, would rip anything close by to bits and pieces. Plus, bypassing the safety protocols of Kzin FTL-drives, could have other unforeseeable consequences.

As for implementing this idea on ships: The Kzin spacecraft can already do this, as they have FTL-drives - However, they cannot open a subspace window from, say, K1503 all the way to Kzin Home, the whole point of this network, would be to make long-range communication like that, possible.

The Kzin Imperial Observatory, has spotted two unidentified objects that appeared on the outer edge of Kzin Home, no doubt jumping in from elsewhere. They are currently on a course towards Kzin Prime, the Patriarch's military advisers are recommending a heightened alert status and the immediate mobilization, of all Kzin forces, just in case these intruders turn out to be hostile!
Send alert to Admiral Ste'ilk and Admiral Chuft. The Chalakt might not be able to respond in time. But the Jun'Ti can arrive at a faster pass since being only stationed at Rumgard Station.

At this time the Fleet is at priority Red Alpha One. We have prepared for this event from any Jotoki retaliation, we will treat this as such. All Ships in the KzinHome System are to group up at Traat

1st Flotilla of the 1st Fleet

1 Battleship

5 Frigates

5 Cruisers

3 Destroyers

1 Carrier

2nd Flotilla of the 1st Fleet

1 Battleship

2 Frigates

2 Cruisers

2 Destroyers

3rd Flotilla of the 1st Fleet

3 Frigates

3 Cruisers

1 Destroyers

1 Carrier

4th Flotilla of the 2nd Fleet

1 Battleship

1 Carrier

7 Frigates

3 Destroyers

3 Cruisers

Send a Science Ship and the Battleship K.H.S Munificent to escort a Science Ship. A Tammed Ambassador will act as representative for the Empire. The Science Ship will scan, and identify this object in Kzin Space.

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