[Astrum: Heavens] Apax Station


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Apax Station is a Jotoki built Station that has last and served as a reminder of the Kzin Rebellions. Before the Kzinti took in to Space, Apax station has been used to control and monitor the Jotoki on to the planet below. To get to the hunting reserves and other Space ports on the small artificial islands of Jok one must go though Apax Station. As the Kzin has traversed space, several races have been met, and as such we must join the Galactic Community.
Three ships have just jumped into the Kzinti home system- Two of them are recognized as Human, though of an unknown class and the third ship, has been recognized as an Asgard vessel. Very shortly after their arrival, the following hail- directed at the Kzin government -was broadcast;

"This is Richard Woolsey, an official and appointed representative, of the Sol Systems Alliance government. Please do not be alarmed by our intrusion, for our intent is not hostile- We are here in response to a call made by the Kzinti government, requesting a diplomatic conference, between the Sol Systems Alliance, the Asgard and your people."
The diplomatic response was answered back by a direct signal from KzinPrime. The large jungle world circling the large blue sub-giant. "Your arrival was expected, as honored guested there is no need for your worries. Set course to Apax Station and dock there, the conference will be held there. Hegemony Command out."

The Diplomatic ships made course for the KzinHome's Moon as the Diplomatic station Apax, a once old space fort refitted for luxury use for the Grater Houses as well as all Space Operations are directed from the station. The Ambassadors were escorted to the central observatory on top of the station. Its large dome gave a beautiful view of the sky and stars, while KzinPrime lay in the distance with the light of the Blue sun shinning over the curve of the planet. Shortly after as the Human and Asgard Ambassadors entered the large extravagant room, on the other side personal Guards escorted and introduced the Kzin Ambassador and the The Patriarch. The imposing presence stood tall and kept quiet as the Tammed Ambassador stepped forward and introduced himself.

"I am Delta sa Rah Ambassador to the Kzin Hegemony" He bowed as he gestured to the Patriarch "And this is our Alpha of the Kzinti, the Patriarch." The Patriarch stood quiet as he only nodded his head when addressed. "Please excuse him, the events that lead to this conference and the lost of his own has deeply troubled him."
Before Delta and the Patriarch, stood eight figures- Five were Human and three were Asgard. Three of the Humans were in combat gear and stood in a strict pose, with their hands behind their backs and legs slightly spread, while they didn't have rifles or such, each of the Human soldiers had a sidearm, holstered at their side. One of the humans, was a bald male of average height, whom wore a suit of some sort and eyeglasses. He stepped forth, smiling, "We understand. I am Ambassador Woolsey and this," he motioned to the Human female standing next to him, in a dark blue military uniform, "As you might know, is Colonel Samantha Carter." "Hello." She said, nodding. One of the Asgard now took a step forward- Though they were all identical in appearance, this one wore a pendant, with a smooth, oval black stone on it. "I am Thor." He said- At least these beings were distinguishable by their voices, even if they were monotone. "Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet and one of our peoples' High Chancellors." 'Thor' slightly stepped to the side and turned to the Asgard standing left of him, "He, as you may recognize, is Commander Ysmir."
The Tammed Ambassador Delta standing more so slouching keeping a consent eye level with the human and even trying to keep civility with the Asgard. Even though the presence of Commander Ysmir disgruntled the Patriarch standing at more then the average height of most Kzin and looking down on to both the Humans and the Asgard as they have done to his kind in turn.

"The Admiral" The Patriarch spoke up "Has informed me of the Commander Ysmir and his actions in aiding the Rough ship. I do not care of the details, all I know if my blood is missing, The Admiral discarded his honor and pleaded for assistance." The Patriarch let out a low level growl "And this Commander Ysmir accuses us to the destruction of the Ol'io and refuses us passage to a System in our own home." His eyes darted to Thor and then to the Humans as he looked back and forth between the two.

"Yes about the incident" Delta spoke up as he pushed his way in to the conversation. Cutting the Patriarch off at the right time to keep up a good image. "The Admiral was greatly offended by Ysmir's words. Thor as honorable as your races was the actions, or should I say lack of actions almost sparked a war between our two people. I have called this conference to resolve that. And any other issues that might arise up due to Kzin nature not fitting well with the current level of politics that encompass this area of space."
"Still you accuse me of piracy, when I was-" Thor interrupted Ysmir and looked at him, saying something in their native language, which was completely incomprehensible to the others. Ysmir mumbled something and nodded, after which Thor completely bypassed Delta and instead looked directly at the Patriarch, with his large black eyes.

"The details do matter, Patriarch." Thor said, "You have accused Commander Ysmir, of committing crimes of the utmost severity. What you may have failed to consider, however, was the situation from Ysmir's perspective. As a Commander in the Asgard Fleet, he is one of our highest ranking officers and as such, trusted with the duty of defending underdeveloped civilizations. The Ol'io, are one of these civilizations and when the rogue Satorii, Osi, informed Ysmir that it would destroy the solar system's star, if not allowed to leave- Ysmir had no choice, but to act in the best interest of the Ol'io." Thor paused, glancing at Delta, then looking back at the Patriarch, "Had the Satorii captured one of our kind, in your solar system.. Commander Ysmir would have made the same decision.. Just as any other Asgard would."
The Patriarch scuffed at the smaller creature in front of him "What makes you think I believe in that bluff." He asked in deference "You out numbered them with four vessels. Instead you accuse a damaged vessel responsible for trespassing and the destruction of the not so primitive Ol'io. Then you must look at it from my position Chancellor. Our blood was down there, the Crew and Admiral of the Chalakt could do nothing. You out numbered a single ship, but you believed a bluff. Of which I do not even believe. If the situation fell on us, we would do it in all our power to save your own. For it is the only honorable thing to do. That is why the Humans are here." The Patriarch directed too the two Humans standing besides Ysmir. "They aided us in a Occuli attack in our own system. The Prometheus and her crew sacrificed them selves for us. In which I am indebted to." He bowed his head slightly as he looked back to Thor "I understand what Ysmir did, but I have no proof that a single ship can pull of a threat as they claimed. So understand that of his actions consequences will still arise."

"Yes and hopefully some agreements can be reached in which we can both corporate more against such blatant threats." Delta did nodded to that "As a scholar, I am confused." He brought up a datapadd as he scrolled though several bits of info. "In regards to the Ol'io they had better engines then we have. The shuttles they left aboard the Flagship Chalakt as well as the two bodies or husks as they were described by the Ol. From the data we got from the Chalakt's report form Science Officer Data I have reason to believe the Asgard weapons meant for defense might have lead to the disappearance of the Ol'io. Which we still know nothing about. I was hoping for enlightenment on them, but from what they have told us, and from what data I could piece together. The Chalakt's main record a Occuli Ship attacking the Ol'io's homeworld, a bright energy light originating from the planet and destroyed the ship in a instant. At that time all life signs and the Ambassadors aboard the Chalakt ceased to respond. The Ol'io were a energy basd lifeform that lived off a more organic plant based host. I believe the monuments they regarded as holy structures 'Thor's Hammer' and 'Might' were defensive weapons left by the Asgard. How the function we do not know, but we believe that in defense of the Ol'io homeword the energy based lifeforms, sacrificed it self. But in that the Ol'io are two separate beings one conscious energy, and the other a physical body. With out one there is not other. Which brings us to the reason for their disappearance and two ambassadorial husks on our ship."

Delta paused as he stared at the data padd for a moment longer then normal for him. Almost causing him to stutter a bit back from his almost perfect nature. But then again that is why he is an Ambassador. "Ahhh abb... About Kzinhjelm." "The Lost tribe of Kzin." The Patriarch spoke up as Delta simply nodded "Ahh yes about them. I only bring this up to further my point. Do... The Asgard realize what your interface in primitive society has done?"

"The Asgard's interference brought off this lost Clan of Kzinti off the path of the Fanged God. In the end the died seeking out a cure to our instinctual rage. They failed and killed them selves in the process." The Patriarch closed his hand in to a tight fist as he looked down at the Asgard "We have become masters of our aggression. Just as of our own future."

"Yes, and the Jotoki breed it out of my kind. But if not for that we would not be here right now." Delta interrupted as he already saw a bit of tension in his Brother's eyes. "But Thor please intrigue me. Do you know of the results the Asgard are having? From what we could tell the Ol'io were not primitive, but just completely isolated them selves."
"I already explained to you, that we did not interfere in the development of Kzinhjelm! They took themselves down the path, that inevitably lead to their unfortunate demise. You cannot accuse us of-" Thor said something in the Asgard language again, which caused Ysmir to quiet down. He then sighed, "Unfortunately, I agree with Commander Ysmir." He looked at Delta and the Patriarch, "The only reason we are here, is because you wished for a diplomatic meeting between our people. We did not come here, to listen to you falsely accuse us of doing things, we have not done, regarding matters you could never understand."

"Please- Thor, mister Delta and mister Patriarch-" Woolsey spoke up, looking at the Kzinti, "You said you were.. indebted, to us, for the untimely sacrifice of the Prometheus. Would you listen to me then, when I say that the Sol Systems Alliance, can and will most definitely vouch for the Asgard. We have been allies with them for decades now and in that time, we have only witnessed the Asgard doing good things and aiding the weaker races and civilizations of this Galaxy. Now," He looked at both the Asgard and the Kzin, "I'm sure, both of your cases have truth to them- However, continuing down this path of accusations and.. and demands for vengeance, will only lead to further conflict." He turned to Delta, "Did you not invite us here, to resolve problems? Not to create more."
"You are right and we did." The Patriarch spoke up "System K1504 is in our sector I demand access. What cost will it take to reenter that system."

"Blunt, but theres more to it." Delta started to rub his fur as bit few of his nervous twitches started to show them selves out. "I did not mean to offend in anyway, but in a lot of places the word Thor has been thrown around a lot. And something about Serpent people. I don't know these are not accusations far from it. There all questions, as even the smartest of the Tammed are confused by all of this. We just want answers for a start. Its confusing enough that all of this happened. I am still trying to fit everything together when it comes to the Commander's kidnapping. As to why him of all people, I mean he is nothing but a degenerate. But Data keep on talking about him like hes the star it self. Ever since that investigation about a nuked Jotoki planet, and something called the Watchtower."

"But I digress, in fact thats why we have such hostility to the Satorii, it seems when we remeet the Jotoki, this New Ascendancy as we have found out they were at War. They nuked all of the Jotoki colonies in K1502. The are hostile, as we see them. But when we asked the Alliance about them, they knew nothing of them but of the Jotoki and only as simple trading partners. Which we wish to establish soon enough. But I figured clearing the fog, and getting a few question settled first would help resolve these problems."
"That is correct and, quite frankly, we still do not know who these.. Satorii, are." Woolsey looked at Thor, "Perhaps you could enlighten us all, Thor?" The Asgard glanced at Woolsey, then blinked his eyes and looked at the rest of them. "The Satorii are complicated. We once held close relations with their government, but that was a long time ago. Since then, the Satorii have become too advanced for their own good. Simply put, they do not care about any other being in this Galaxy, so long as they are not in the way of something, the Satorii desire." "And if they get in the way, the Satorii will not think twice about completely destroying them." Ysmir glanced at the Patriarch, "The Satorii have been known to destroy entire solar systems, for the most trivial of reasons." "Indeed. They are ruthless and untrustworthy."

"But why would they attack the Jotoki? The Prometheus also witnessed the nuclear wastelands, that were once the Jotoki's frontier colonies." "We do not know. Contact with the Jotoki, has been increasingly sporadic, ever since the.." Thor looked at the Patriarch, "Ever since your rebellion and the ensuing civil war of the Jotoki." Thor paused and said something to his colleagues in the Asgard language again. They exchanged a few, short pieces of dialogue and then Thor turned back to the Patriarch. "As we have confirmed, that the Ol'io were indeed, attacked by the Oculi.. I see no reason to prohibit your access to their system. As long as you agree, not to make any efforts of colonizing or occupying the solar system."
"Then they are a threat." The Patriarch spoke up as he commented on both Thor's and Ysmir's comments about the Satorii.

"Yes and so are the Oculi thats what we have brought you all here. So that we can deal with all possible threats in the appropriate." Delta spoke up once again. "About threats, we have no idea of the Oculi either, from what we could see our whole fleet struggled in fighting two of the Oculi Baseships. From there fighters to the main ships they ripped though out vessels like nothing. Despite our own advances in hull defenses such our polarized hull technology. But even as far as we come it is still far from what your two Governments have created and as it seems much father then the Satorii. I am sure you can understand the need for trade between our people. Our fledgling Empire is small, and at this point scavenging can only get us so far." Delta looked back to the Patriarch as he looked back to the Humans and the Asgard with a bit of a disturbed look. "Don't be intimidated by the Warrior Cast they are a bit aggressive at times. But they are vary honorable in their traditions. Technology and talk are not their expertise, the Tammed my cast are much more flexible in those subjects. The Tammed want to trade, and only further our understanding in modern day technology. If permitting we can learn much from corporation with your two races ranging from Faster then Light mechanics, to weapons and defense technology to help us against future threats like the Oculi. As I have said we scavenging technology goes only so far." Delta paused for a minute as he took a breath. "For a while we didn't fully understand the technology we had inherited. Even simple technology such as a data tablet." He waved the datapadd in front of him to the Asgard and the Humans making his point. "But we have came far from our Rebellion Ear."
Woolsey and Col. Carter looked at one another, the woman then hemmed and turned to Delta, "Technology is something.. the Alliance does not share or trade, too willingly. We've gone down that path before, and it came with catastrophic consequences, both to the Alliance and a less advanced race, we were helping to develop." "In other words," Woolsey looked at both of the Kzin, "In order for us to even consider, sharing our technology with you. You would have to offer something.. extremely, valuable in return. And even then, it wouldn't be guaranteed."

"Remember the conditions of our treaty, mister Woolsey." Thor said, looking at the bald Human. "Oh, of course." He looked at Delta, "I'm sure you've witnessed our shield technology, when the Prometheus aided you in your battle against the Oculi." "As well as our transporters." "Yes.. Those and a few other, advancements, were given to us as gifts by the Asgard and as such- We cannot offer to trade them, without their consent." Woolsey nodded at Thor, who blinked and looked at the Kzinti, "We only trade and share technology, with those that we can trust." "And that trust, must be earned." "Indeed. The Humans, have proven themselves trustworthy. The Kzinti, have not."
The Patriarch growled a bit under his breath at the insult the Asgard gave. "Trust? What of tribute? Dispute the intentions of the Commander here. Is there no compensation for my own loss? But what of another Oculi attack? While I am grateful for the sacrifice of the Humans gave, I doubt they are willing to do it again. As such I want to have confidence that I can defend my people. The last attack has brought me doubt that I can. As such I will do whatever I can in my power to keep my people safe. As advance as you are, we will become stronger. With our without your assistance."

"Yes so you can see why we need for weapons. We have already developed in to advance technology of our own. We have seen that the Human ships use laser based weapons. We are focusing in laser technology in many ways. We have even developed Plasma based weapons. It is vary effective against bare metal but we don't know how it will fare against shielded targets. I understand a trade for a trade, but that is far from this point. As a Leader of the Tec'Hi Clan, our equivalent of the scientific elite in our society. Since the clan's formation we have done heavy research in space technology on various subjects. Perhaps corporation between our scientific minds, expanding our knowledge in subspace would help, we have studied but we don't know much about it. And it is difficult to work with in regards of communications. And then there was the dead ends we reached when it comes to Anti-Matter energy and a reactor to make it. That math was there but..." Delta paused for a second as he scratched his head. "Ittt just didn't want to work, it seemed that we were missing something. I am sure that between the best minds of the Tec'Hi working with the scientific elites of the Human's and Asgard we can further all of our technology. We are willing to share some of our research if it helps bridge that trust. I mean the Tec'Hi will continue on in its scientific pursuit with our with out assistance. But in any pursuit there are several failures. We are just asking for some guidance in our endeavors. I do not honestly be responsible for ripping apart the fabric of space and time. Like some of my lower brothers wish to do, just to find out what will happen."
"Well, we do use beam weapons for our ships, although they're not laser-based. I can't tell you any specifications, but in our own research, we've found laser-based weapons to be rather.. ineffective, when it comes to larger scale applications. As for this.. joint-research endeavor, you're suggesting, well.. I'm not sure that would be possible. The Alliance military is strongly against sharing our weapons technology and research, and since that's all you're interested in, I can safely say, that the Admiralty Board would decline the proposal immediately." Carter turned to Woolsey, "Though I can't speak for the civilian branch of our government.." "Well.." Woolsey said, hemming, "It would be hard for me to say right here and now. I would have to run it through the Interstellar Oversight Advisory and if they approved, it could be taken to the President and our top officials, who would have the final say."

"The Asgard's participation in such an endeavor, is unlikely. Our scientists are currently preoccupied with something of.. higher importance."
"Well weapons research is not the only thing we are looking for. It is prominent yes in the fact that we are looking for anything and everything that we can possibly find, or even trade for, to help defend ourselves for such threats of another Oculi attack. Like I said we have looked at other areas of technology such as utilizing subspace for communications, and even theories on how to create a Anti-matter-matter reactor. The math is all there, but for it is nothing but a road block as we can't seem to find the missing piece. I am sure you can assist in those areas.But speaking of Oculi and Subspace communications. Since the Battle and the destruction of the two Oculi baseships there is nothing left but a mass graveyard of scrap floating around our outer most planets.We haven't really messed with it, since the destruction but we don't know how to clean it up or have to prevent any other Oculi from coming back."
"Antimatter? Interesting." Colonel Carter hemmed, "Because of it's scarcity, we haven't conducted a lot of research in that field. With your permission, I would love to take a look at your research." Woolsey smiled, "Colonel Carter is not only one of our leading military officers, but also an excellent astrophysicist and perhaps among the leading elite, of the Alliance's scientific community." The Colonel chuckled humbly at Woolsey's praise, "Well, I wouldn't go that far, mister Woolsey. It's not like I actively publish papers or anything." She then looked at the Kzinti, "Now back onto the topic of the Oculi. Whatever remains of the two Basestars that attacked you, should be destroyed. The main reason we haven't been able to study the Oculi properly, are their strangely elaborate recall systems.. Even the tiniest fragment of their hull, could broadcast it's location to every Oculi Basestar within a thousand Light Years, if tampered with."

"And these systems cannot be disabled." Thor said, and Carter nodded, "That's right.. And we have tried everything from an Electromagnetic Pulse, to trying to hack into an Oculi fighter's systems."
"Well fabrication is not a problem. In our experiments we managed to create artificial Anti-matter. Stock and supply is not a problem, any small proton can have a negative charge. We looked to it, as the Jotoki has had references to it, but as you said nothing ever was done about it. We tried to change that but we ran in to several rode blocks. As such we are willing to trade anything to help better us. A functioning anti-matter rector can power ships indefinably. Or even help kick start new colonies."

The Patriarch raised an eye brow about the Oculi tech. "Figured as much, then it is possible to send a subspace message with out having the need to rip open subspace holes. But space is to vast even for me to fully understand. I leave it to my brother for that. But it dose bring up a question. If there is no way to stop the communication then, then what if there was no way to transmit it? Is there any part of space, that is devoid of Subspace?"

"Ahh yes, that brings back to a colleague of mine. A Hy'lin, who thought of the idea of disrupting Subspace from with in. But I haven't heard from him in a while. We have a lot of interesting ideas, that we can only come up with since we lack the needed resources and even the expertise in some fields. Such as Anti-Matter were we just end up road blocks. That is why I am hoping that some simple corporation can help us get past some of the more fundamental road blocks we been having everywhere in advancement. With that, I am sure enough trust can be built. But for us to be able to trust one another we can't have problems. So please vocalize your opinion."
"An area void of subspace?" The Colonel seemed a little surprised by the Patriarch's question. "As far as we know, subspace is.. uh, everywhere, in the sense that it's a parallel dimension to normal space. At least the Alliance hasn't encountered such a region of space.." She looked at Thor, "What about you, Thor? The Asgard have explored way more of the Milky Way than we have." Thor was quiet for a moment, before replying, "We have not. Although, if an area not enveloped by subspace, did exist. It would be theoretically impossible for us to go there, as Faster Than Light travel, is dependent on travelling through subspace.. As the Humans say, it would not be 'convenient'."

"Right.. As for cooperation, I can't promise any breakthroughs. As a scientist, I'd just be interested in going through your antimatter research. However, as Mister Woolsey said, we can't decisively accept any treaties or trade agreements, here and now- Without approval from the Alliance government.. Although, I think we could offer you our own kinetic shield system, for trade. It's a little old fashioned, but should at least give you a defensive edge, if and when you next encounter the Oculi." "A-Assuming, you can offer something of value, in return."
The Patriarch grunted a little but took the appreciation of it, though as primitive as it is, it could provide use for it. At least a testing bead for advancement. Other then strengthening the hull, shield technology is a bit beyond them. "A gift well received human. Though it makes me wish the Oculi threw rocks more so than what they have done."

"Kenetic shields... Hmmm could have a problem defending our ships from Oculi beam technology. Even we are slowly moving away from Kinetic weaponry. Our whole fleet is scheduled to be refitted as they we plan in recent events to replace the larger rail cannons with more sophisticated plasma cannons designed for such a recurrence with the Oculi. But the Jotoki focused more on stronger hulls in ships then they did with shield technology. Your kinetic shields could be a good start for advancement at least in the defensive field. And it seems you already understand that while we are looking for help in away possible. As much as I would love for the Humans to read my scientific reports and papers about Anti-mater reaction theory, or even my designs for a Matter-AntiMatter reactor. My Lord would want something in return as well. If our work in Anti-matter technology is not enough, we do have our own forum of electronic propulsion. Our Impulse drives gives our ship a efficient boost in speed and in maneuverability. I am sure that can intrigue you a bit."
"I do not believe, the Alliance Parliament would deem scientific theories, as something equal in value, to our kinetic shield technology." "Yes.. And to put it bluntly, the Prometheus scanned your vessel.. the uh, Chalakt? - Based on their scans, the propulsion systems we use for our ships, are either equal or superior, to your.. impulse drives."
Delta just chuckled at the Human Officer "You tactical reports are severally outdated from out last encounter in system K1502. You scanned the ship before the Impulse refit." Delta pointed out "Since our last encounter, all of our vessels have gone under series of modifications to improve them." Delta shifted though his personal datapadd as he handed it to Colonel Carter. Show data and specifications of a few declassified vessels "We have made considerable advancement in our propulsion and nacelle technology. A advancement we gotten from the Jotoki, but never developed by them. From what the data records told of the original nacelle technology was basically just schematically data. The data spoke of this technology as longer distances then our current type of technology. We have dug in to this type of technology a bit more and found that the distance is more advance then our current rate of our FTL cores. As it would allow prolonged time in at FTL speeds then the shrot jumps we have to make. Unfortunately there is a problem of power consumption that we cannot meet." Delta just shrugged as he took back the padd from her. "But the technology has proven to be vary adaptable as we have integrated our advance sub-light engines in to them." Delta took a bit of a breath as he tapped his fingers on the data padd "But I am sure there are alternatives for a fair trade in regards for your shield technology."
"Well, based on what was displayed on that datapad, I'd say you haven't made too much headway." "What alternatives might you have to offer?"
Delta twitched a bit as his he was insulted by insulting his own work. "Well since your not willing to trade weapon technology. Our Plasma research and development is out of the question. Unless you are willing to offer more for such heavy weaopns tech." He tapped on his datapadd as he handed it to the male Human Ambassador. "There is a list of our advancements, I am sure some will spark your interest a bit, tell me what you find that would be suitable."
Woolsey just smiled and handed the datapad forward to Colonel Carter, who started browsing through it, right away. Woolsey then cleared his throat and turned to the Kzinti, "While the Colonel goes through the list.. I would like to inquire about the.. Kzinti Hegemony, was it? As it stands, we really don't know anything about one another and if we are to engage in trade, I believe it would be prudent, for us to learn a little about each other and what kind of people we are."
Delta scratched his chin. "Hmm were to start were to start..."

"You already know of how we came. The Kzinti were once a slave race, to the Jotoki. Our claws, and blood made their first empire."

"Yes and their scientific contributions started ours. From looking at it, the Jotoki have gotten the punishment they have deserved. But it seems they are flourishing in a new Empire with out us. But during our enslavement we were not only just a breed soldier. They...." Delta paused for a moment as he hesitated. "They were interested into genetic tampering. The result was the OverLord who lead the rebellion and lead the First Empire for more then 500 years. We never found out any data on how they created the OverLord, but he was rumored to be genetic perfection. But after the Rebellion, the OverLord vanished. And the Tammed Cast were all of his legacy, and the Jotoki's attempt for a perfect solider."

"Which they never got" The Patriarch spoke up. "Instead what the Jotoki built of us, collapsed and though fire and bloodshed of countless wars Hegemony is now ruled by the strongest clans. The Common Houses are organized but do not have the resources or will that the Pentarchy Council dose, as such we organized the Commons and the Casts to better the Empire. My clan has ruled and built this Empire from the start of the Age of Conquest."

"Our history is a bit extensive, is there anything specific you would like to know? I am vary curious of both the Asgard's and the Human's Histories. Maybe a cultural exchange can help. I mean from both of our long extensive histories, I am sure our race isn't the only one that has stories and written tales of war, dreams, aspirations. I am sure we can translate, your own cultural tales as we can do so for our own."

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