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Fantasy Astral Synthetica: Evernight Conflict - Volume 1

Astral Synthetica: Evernight Conflict
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In an effort to reverse the apocalypse that ended civilizations across the world, six soldiers with special talent and abilities are sent 4,000 years into the past to learn about the fall of the previous civilization and prevent the advent doom of Terra. Wielding the power of three Syntheticas and three anomalies born from the phenomena of the world, failure to avert the course of history will lead to the eventual destruction of the world.
Volume 1-1: Prologue
    「 End of the Prejudicial War 」⠀Mount Herula, Terra
    The colossal outburst of unnatural energy devastated the Aegean Islands into the pure void, forever marking the beginning of mankind's impending annihilation. With cinder occupying the choking air and the ashes of the searing flesh corrupting the seas and land across the area, the United Nations of Terra held their first emergency meeting in history to discuss the countermeasure against the foreign threat, globally coming to accept their priorities by combing the national powers for the purpose of eliminating the threat that had rendered the archipelago of Greece nonexistent.

    The unnatural explosion left no residue on both land and air, adding layers of difficulty into the studies conducted by the combined military forces of Terra. For days onward progress seemed to have not been made, as only time moved forward without reward, further aggravating the investigating officials for a significant amount of time. However, as doom approached silently from the depths of the center volcano of the Aegean Islands, on August 6th, 1032 of the Kalaris Calander, a single entity of complicated facial features liberated itself into the skies, proudly flaunting its demonic flaming wings in the air, remaining idle for a mere moment, until all accessible communication to the investigation unit was lost. On the same day when a report was filed regarding an otherworldly figure rising from the volcano, the world panicked as news began to spread like a wildfire across the many civilizations, injecting eternal unrest on the societies as the UNT refused to collaborate with the general public.

    Scorching rivers soon engulfed southeastern Europe in mere hours, further worsening the consternation of the people. The central government of UNT refused to elaborate until the western societies were at severe risk of danger, as the Euclidians manically crossed the seas with ample bloodlust for more terror, providing no warning to its debris of navy that was decimated quicker than the United Nations had perceived. With their plans to mitigate the damages and retrieve the corpses of the perpetrators for private research being completely thrown out the window, the United Nations commenced their first global emergency since its establishment, as each country retreated their soldiers from foreign soil to defend their home from the threat.

    Chaos ensued without much difference. The destruction caused by these entities of pure malice had only just begun as they transformed into the beasts of terror, learning to play with their trinkets by eradicating the human race through brutal mutilations. In between these times, humanity did not remain idle but instead focused on weapons technology that would aid against the foreign invasion, later developing Anti-Euclidian technologies and deploying their trained Synthetica wielders on their first operation: to eliminate the Euclidian threat and save humanity once and for all.

    Alas, the insurmountable efforts and costs put into nurturing these supersoldiers would mean nothing, as humanity's numbers dwindled faster than the amount of bloodied dog tags being retrieved from the battlefield, further insinuating that mankind no longer could rely on hope, but instead pray to their theoretical maker for salvation and forgiveness. And in mere years of the harrowing cataclysm and families being split apart in disarray, Mount Herula prevailed until the last of its day, harboring the remnants of mankind's survivors and the three remaining wielders of the five Syntheticas.


    Adversity was no stranger to the Synthetica warriors as they were once again gasping in immense pain below the grandstanding Euclidian, whose wings had gifted them the capabilities of gravity nullification and essentially, flight. Their wings spread wide in the atmosphere to assert their absolute dominance over the three warriors, the fighting had only lasted for several minutes, but the battle between the two sides had long been conclusive before their arrival. Not a single injury or even a scratch could be seen on the Euclidian lieutenant, her cackle being the only characteristic that could be noticed, though such was expected from the Euclidians that was capable of speech.

    Death was imminent with their injured bodies. Astrid's armor was near its destruction and Fredrich's endurance could no longer tolerate the severe energetic pressure of the Euclidian floating above them. Amaryllis had already exhausted their vitality and their stamina could no longer provide them the strength to at least escape from the inevitable. The sound of the dooming slaughter of the common soldiers could be heard from miles away, as the monstrosities ripped them to shreds like mere insects, once again causing a gruesome scene over the pale snow of Mount Herula.

    The snow beneath their feet was dyed red, a clear indication that the last warriors had finally decided to take their last breath.

    As the giant skull of the deceased serpent resting next to the Euclidian made its move to deliver the final blow, humanity's remaining forces took arms and launched their artilleries against the ginormous skeletal serpent and temporarily blinded its vision for the others to arrive, rescuing the warriors and preventing their final moments from occurring. Though moderately heavier than the average person due to the implanted Synthetica that had increased their muscle weight, the three soldiers entrusted with the rescue operation made haste towards the gated entrance of the snowy mountain, caring not for their already drained stamina until they miraculously disembarked from the battlefield without receiving critical injuries other than light wounds from shrapnels.

    The struggle continued, fate indifferent to even a second of a breather. With great haste, Sieghardt undid his helmet and mask to recline against the cave walls, unbothered by the flickering emergency lights and the inconsistent shaking from above, caused by the destruction and inhumane warfare. "We need to return to the operations room, now! We don't have any more strength to buy time for them to prepare the device!" Sieghardt shouted and helped Astrid back on her feet, having tossed her arms around his shoulders for extra support. "This is our last chance at redemption. Find courage and push forward when it matters the most—all of you!"