Artificial Souls: Heart of the Unknown (Info/Sign-ups)

Name: Doctor Oswald Henry Malkavich AKA Doctor Ohm

Age: 37

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Nationality: Alcain, the Crimson Empire

Weight: 179 lbs. without armor. Near 200-215 with all armor and weaponry attached.

Height: 6'1"


Oswald is tall for a human and, despite his slender looking appearance, is quite well built due to his combat training. A lot of this is enhanced by the metal 'whips' he uses that feed from his gauntlets into his awaiting hands. These 'whips' are made up of crafted metal woven together tight and strong by alchemy and covered with alchemical symbols that seem to be seared onto them. When attacking with them, they snap and crackle with an electrical charge at his command, sparking and snapping alight as he swings them. He has also been known to use them with no charge, tripping up and even restraining foes.

Ohm is almost always seen dressed in medium weight armor from head to toe, covered in a dull and tattered cloak of some kind. Under the hood of said cloak is a black mask, decorated with white lines that look very much like circuitry. These lines push out just slightly, hiding some wires underneath. The eyes of the mask glow a faint blue color and do not show his actual eyes, hidden behind some type of lenses. The mask itself can also come apart into many pieces, allowing the good doctor to uncover his mouth and be able to eat while still allowing him sight.

When not in his mask an armor, the male's look becomes much less menacing, despite his muscular form. He pale face is void of all hair including eyebrows and eyelashes and his clouded eyes make his blindness apparent. The scarring around his eyes and on the top of his head make it easy to see that the man's blindness was due to an accident and that, somehow, he's using the well-fitting mask to gain some sort of sight. There is also much scarring around his neck, arms and even some across his chest and back. Asking him about this causes a bit of an embarrassed reply, mentioning something of 'tinkering and experiments' with his armor and weaponry.

Personality: The man is generally jovial, or seems that way, and is quite well spoken, giving off an air of intellect. Not quick to anger, the doctor prefers to talk his way out of a situation. This said, Ohm is no stranger to combat and, when necessary will defend himself with great gusto with his 'whips'.

Biography: Once a well known tinkerer and scientist, the good doctor was much less erratic than he is currently. He not only crafted usable parts and tools for various trades, but also worked building custom machinery for profit. Eventually, he settled down a little with a woman he'd grown up with and they were wed. The marriage lasted only 7 years, shattered by a terrifying accident that took Annabell Malkavich's life, destroyed their home and violently wounded Oswald.

The male, though alive, fell into a cripplingly deep depression and eventually attempted to take his own life. He was rescued by an older human named Geralt, who pulled him from his depressed state by teaching him alchemy. Again, the doctor's life had meaning; he was able to create! With Geralt's alchemical teachings and Ohm's knack for machinery, the two created (after many failed attempts) artificial sight. Just after testing of the first prototype, however, Geralt fell dead. Murdered.

As years passed, not only did Oswald hone his art of the machine, but he wove it into his alchemy, twisting together various forms of 'sight' and armor and teaching himself to fight as the streets around him became more and more violent and dark. Through his experimentation, his memory has become marred, but he still recalls much of what has happened if he takes a moment to think. Recently, he's remembered more and more about Geralt's death and is seeking out his killer after all these years.

Alchemy: Mechanical

Alchemical Field: Electricity

Extra Information: Seems embarrassed and apologetic when others see his appearance. Despite his seemingly jolly attitude, it can be assumed that much of this is a front to cover the shame of being both blind and scarred. Those who have known him best have come to find that he also holds a crippling regret for the death of his wife and his own self-induced blindness, even if he does not show it outwardly.
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Oswald Henry Malkavich, I grant you the right of transcendence to the Daestrayan reality! Also...good luck with the search for your teacher's killer. 


Due to the large amount of OCs and players Artificial Souls has accumulated, I have decided to recruit a team of RP moderators who will insure the continued activity of the RP, as well as to assist me and any who need help in establishing their character sheets, character placements, story arcs, etc.

So please welcome our new AS Moderators!

- Bard

- EliCarter

- Rafi

- Ineffectivd

If you have any questions concerning the RP or OC development, please feel free to contact me or one of the new Moderators. Thank you for your time~

YES FLEE, FLEE BEFORE ME HAHAHAH... Err I mean thanks and don't be shy to ask me for help with anything!
Name: Sir. Lockval Belvarius Cromwell III (the third)

Nickname or goes by: Lock

Age: 24

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Nationality: Silara

Weight: 168

Height: 6'2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/meru.jpg.9981732aa5220a6232e5c57fb36b609b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4515" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/meru.jpg.9981732aa5220a6232e5c57fb36b609b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Not only is Lock regal he is proper and everything that must be of a knight. Chivalrous to a great extent he will not harm those of what he feels as the inferior gender. Has a hard time around women some would say he is fearful of their touch as he becomes feint or weaker if they touch him. He believes all things should be perfect and hates those who do not speak in a prim and proper manner. He loves fine art and all things old. He is allergic to most herbal shampoos as the chemicals mixed with the borax causes him to sneeze. He is neurotic and never strays to anything sporadic or doing things that are uncontrolled

Biography: Lock is the prime example of a being raised with a silver spoon in the mouth growing up in the aristocracy of Silara his parents being high in the order of the church gave him an edge on the competition to join the inner cloister of the powers that be. Now one of the Divine of the 4 Heavenly knights of Silara he is both feared by those outside his country and respected by those in his own. The 4 heavenly knights are known by the names such as Justice, Faith, Honor, and Penance. Each of these top class combatants are known by these names not by their face or body. The knight of Honor recently met an untimely death, due to that Lock was recommended and given a push from his parents and their supporters to have Lock become one of the knights. Lock may be skilled but some thought it was to soon for the young alchemist who still had green behind his ears. Now the new "Honor" Lock has been given a mission by the church to seek out those who defile the honor and sanctity of the church and purge them by any means necessary.

Alchemy: Universal Alchemist



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(This character has been accepted by Val-love)

( @Grin Here is the character that is going to run into yours)


Peya is very petite. She has the white hair and the bright blue eyes in the photo. She has the blue jewel on her headband but its green. Her clothing is a white dress, corset at the top and a flowing skirt. Her corset has gold trimmings. Her arms are covered with white arm warmers that do not cover her fingers. She carry's her staff around where ever she goes.

Name: Peya Freesia

Age: 26

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Nationality: Alcain

Weight: 135

Height: 5'7''

Personality: Peya comes off as a lighthearted woman. Even though she does not speak, she is very kind and loving. Violence is not her cup of tea. She will attack if someone trys and hurt her or the ones she loves but she will never kill. She likes everyone. There is only a select few who have made her dislike them. Her heart breaks when she sees violence and will use her alchemy to try and stop the violence.

Biography: She grew up with a wealthy family. Her mother kept Peya by her side at all times and the girl begin to grow dependent for her mother. Her father passed away when Peya was small. He was a soldier and died for Alcain. His death did not phase her too bad. She cried for him but everything was fine after the mourning.

In her teenage years, still by her mother's side for everything, Peya's mother asked her to head to the market and pick up a few things for dinner that night. Peya, being a perfect child, did as her mother said and left for the market. When Peya arived home there were guards flooding in and out of her home. She dropped everything and ran for her mother.

Her mother was dead, killed by a pack of bandits, they looted Peya's home, taking almost everything. This is when Peya stopped talking. She would only speak to those who gained her trust. Peya was moved into the poorer part of her town and begin to practice alchemy. She learned how to manipulate plants with the staff she created, that has the alchemy symbol etched into it.

Alchemy: Biological Alchemy

Alchemical Field: Flora

Extra Information:


Her staff: When used the tops of the mushrooms at the top glow green.

Name: Mallark

Age: 32

Race: Human, Homunculi

Gender: male

Nationality: N/A

Weight: 165 lbs.

Height: 6'1"


In uniform

Out of uniform:

Mallark is very built, not at all lean or subtly muscled. His hair is rarely cut or combed leaving it a wild mess. As he is blind, much like the other hunters he relies on his sense of hearing. So he normally leaves his eyes closed when he is not in armor (Yes, like Brock from Pokemon). When they are open they're a pale, sightless, gray. Scars cover his torso, and he was left with abnormally large teeth and nails (claws) from using his Fauna Alchemy on himself. His tongue is shaped and functions the same way a lizard's does, allowing him to perceive and locate smells better.

Personality: Mallark is the "pup" of the group, he overestimates himself and underestimates others, he's rowdy, arrogant and cocky. Unless he's around the ____ (no spoilers~) then he's perfectly calm and docile, at least outwardly, he does have a slight tendency to be too eager, and too trigger happy. Which leads him to believe his comrade is liked more than he is, making him all more inclined to what he's told and do it. His infused DNA also makes him a little more animalistic when hunting, he's more inclined to hiss or growl, crouch down, pounce, or attack with his pets in the same manner they do. He has a subtler calm side but it's unlikely that anyone will get that out of him.

Biography: {Place holder}

Alchemy: Biological

Alchemical Field: Fauna

Extra Information: {Placeholder}

Will finish later~<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf96376d_Mallarkmasked.jpg.243b28e71011b8e245df13a188841e03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf96376d_Mallarkmasked.jpg.243b28e71011b8e245df13a188841e03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf96a3b3_Mallarkunmasked.jpg.4cbfab713603777d2214985560d5c233.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf96a3b3_Mallarkunmasked.jpg.4cbfab713603777d2214985560d5c233.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lady Liandra von Melacanth

Name: Merc/ Verdant General

Age: 26

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Nationality: Alcainian

Weight: 139 lbs

Height: 5’5


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Konpaku.Youmu.full.1322440.jpg.6b7bd8b5da7777c69733504c41700edc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Konpaku.Youmu.full.1322440.jpg.6b7bd8b5da7777c69733504c41700edc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/n50242e21802c3.jpg.1e013b9c1c2ad62f1135bf0272aa6f54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/n50242e21802c3.jpg.1e013b9c1c2ad62f1135bf0272aa6f54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Many have seen Merc as the Verdant General, before she took off on the steep slope of no return after a certain expedition. She was described as strict, but sure in her actions and words, and was a generally good-hearted person, by Alcainian standards. However, now, Merc stands for an entire reason completely, and that is to sate her own impulse for ‘fun’. What she views as ‘fun’, however, is completely varying according to….not according to anything at all, really. She just does whatever seems to be the closest thing at hand and gets her quite a bunch of cash. Though, there have been a certain pattern of her actions, lately, with her choosing to side with the weaker side just to have the ‘fun’ of cutting through more flesh, or taking the stronger side just to have ‘fun’ completely annihilating a race or something. Either way, if it doesn’t affect her as a person, you can bet your fingernails she’s going to do it, as long as it includes killing someone and getting money.

She hates everything and everyone, has no sort of compassion towards anyone else, has very shallow affect due to her lack of empathy towards anyone at all. She doesn’t show any of the above openly, however, always donning a mask of indifference, charismatic charm and kind words, all filled to the brim with lies. Which is another interesting point. She is such a consummate liar that her lies are almost impossible to tell apart from her truth. The rule of thumb of the Alcainian military is to not trust the ex-Verdant General.


-Adapted from Alcainian Military Archives-

Promotion Testimony, written by General Narathzul

This is a writ to acclaim for the promotion of Lady Liandra of the Melacanth family to a status of higher standing within the military. The esteemed noble family, said to be a distant relation to the Emperor’s own kin, had their youngest daughter, Lady Liandra herself, enlist when she was of 18 years of age and she was placed within my troops. Early in her military days, she showed what the rest of the recruits always showed: weak knees, inability to fight, inability to kill, unable to do the smallest of menial labour. An obvious conclusion was that she came from a noble family that had servants to perform their duties for them. I was not mistaken. However, what Lady Liandra possessed that set her aside from her fellow recruits was her doggedness in her duties. While incompetent in most matters, she pursued her duties, even if it meant ending in failure, and occasionally injury on her part. Many a time has she been put in the ward for general clumsiness.

It would take almost two years of this incompetence before her perseverance began to truly shine, even brighter than those who had managed to get over their recruit phase before her. Her sword strokes are faster and more balanced, her footwork swifter and she possessed an overall increment to her skills in combat. Her lance work, however, needed assistance. Regretfully, it still needs work, rendering her unable to be part of the Red Drakes. In combat training out in the field, she has the aptitude for a leader, due to her swift choices and judgment upon her enemy. There seems to be a certain streak for shrewd cunning on her part as well. While not so obvious, she comes up with the most surprising tactics, the most outlandish even, that even I am amazed at. What surprised me most was her willingness to continue serving the military, even after most of her peers left for other jobs in the industrial sector. Her reply when asked about this choice was “There is naught to do at home, except to be married off in exchange for some property. I’d rather die for Alcain.”, prompting quite a lot of queries from Major Conrad on the lady’s family practices, to which I decided to silence him before it got out of hand.

Now at 24 years of age, the Lady is one of the most revered swordsman in the military. With her skill in both weaponry and tactics, she would serve to be one amazing leader within the military.

-Adapted from Alcainian Military Archives-

Colonel Liandra’s Logbook

-Day 9-

We had a sordid encounter with the monsters that roam this cavern. They were human-like, spoke with our tongue, yet…they were dead. Rags of clothing, rusted armor, sometimes completely bare, these monsters roamed the cavern with reckless abandon. Were they made to defend this place? Who were they in their past lives? Had there been a civilization here? Alcainians who lost their way? And then who was it that placed this curse on them? To make them rise from their eternal slumber so, to come back to a world where their only instinct is to serve this dark master of theirs? Nevertheless, our party, now short of two good men, pushed on deeper into this cavern that most likely led to hell. May Kiltner and Gerne’s souls be given a place in the Dragon’s Roost. There was a certain miasma that got thicker as we progressed. Some of our soldiers began experiencing hallucinations, mostly of their dead loved ones, had they any, and voices of the live speaking to them from the walls. Ilia lost her mind at about two hours in, and had to be escorted out by Astoth. I, however, do not see nor hear anything. Was it because I had no dead loved ones, and that I disdained my family? Perhaps. Bronn and Harkon weren’t suffering from the ailments as well, which said a lot about them. Our numbers thinning slowly as more and more soldiers left the cavern in fear of their minds, it was only down to five of us by the time we found an iron door, its rusted grates no match for Bronn’s muscular build. We came upon an odd contraption, made of pulleys and ropes and some sort of mechanical build comprised of gears. Whoever made this place must have a lot of time on their hands. And a lot of people as well. I shudder now to think about the creatures we felled in the entrance of this cavern. A platform took us further down into the earth on the pull of a lever. The thickening miasma was now almost as damned as a fog, obscuring our path ahead. Leandra and Hunter had to retreat back to the surface once we found out that their ailments had gotten worse. They were trying their best to speak and respond to our cues, but we, I, Bronn and Harkon, could see within their eyes and the way they shiver every few minutes that this place was haunting their every five senses. They were strong, I give them that, but I feared for their safety. On their departure, the remaining three of us continued forth. A band of twenty now reduced to merely three. What an affair it would be if we were attacked now.

My fears did not come true. We braved the passage with no problem, finally coming across a locked iron door. A paper was tacked onto the door, its writing faded and indecipherable. Whatever the paper said, however, was made clear by the words “DO NOT OPEN” scrawled in dried blood upon the wall beside it. A skeleton, still with pieces of flesh upon it and in the dilapidated rags of a sorceror’s habit, lay slumped under the words, it’s skull upon the floor and its jaw open in a cry that seemed to echo the same words that was writ upon the wall. There was nothing to it, then. The Emperor’s orders were absolute. We can’t afford to stop here. Unsheathing our swords, and Bronn bearing his tower shield, Harkon’s boot knocked the door off the hinges, sending it flying a bit away, clanging dully upon the ground. We awaited for an attack, maybe a fearsome beast to come from within.

There was nothing. Harkon figured, with a shrug, that whatever probably guarded this place, died of starvation anyway, seeing the condition of the skeleton outside. I offered a prayer to the Dragons for the poor soul that tried to warn us, before entering the room. Alchemy had kept a light in the dark room, shining onto a pedestal with something red sitting upon it. Was this….was this the philosopher’s stone? With nothing else of interest in the room, we retreated back to the surface, a tedious climb, that was true.

I now sit here, looking upon the red rock that lies upon my desk. I swear upon the heart of Arachmaninon, something squirmed from within the gem. Something…dark. It might have been the miasma finally getting into my system, but I’m not exactly sure. I’ll keep an eye on this ‘stone’, for ‘morrow, we set off back to the capital, a good three days trek from here. Hopefully, the General will be pleased.

-End of Day 9-

-Adapted from Alcainian Military Archives-

From multiple sources

A year after discovering the rock, Lady Liandra took a turn for the worse in her health, and disappeared within her quarters to rest. A week after that, she returned to duty, but as a changed person. She now bore a certain wicked quality within her eyes and she often had lapses of what some soldiers reportedly claim as ‘a cunning and evil look within her expression’ whenever she was alone. While she kept up with her job pretty well, she began outwardly declaring that all this military thing was getting boring. This stunned the Crimson General, who had seen her as a loyal part of the military. It wasn’t long before the Verdant ‘General’ decided to up and leave her station, without a word, not even a letter addressed to her superiors. She just….left. What left with her, was the Philosopher’s Stone fragment itself.

She later appeared, fighting against Alcainian troops as a mercenary, going by the simple name of Merc, an act that enraged the Crimson General, who believed in loyalty to his nation. It would seem she has no remorse for this action however.

Alchemy: None

Alchemical Element: -NIL-

Alchemical Field: -NIL-

Extra Information: She has a rare nervous tic where she bites her lip and or or clench her left arm, the former being a normal nervous tic, and the left completely on reflex due to….events.

She wields three single-edged swords with strange hilts and build that seem to have been derived from an Eastern country. She wields only up to two in combat, however, usually rendering the third sword as a replacement if she loses one of them in combat.

Trivia: Despite being called ‘General’, her rank, before departure, is only Colonel. The ‘Verdant General’ is only a nickname given to her due to some troops referring to her commanding abilities, which surpasses some of the other Generals, i.e. the notorious Ashen General.



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