Ariana Pierce [Fight or Flight]


Pounce Ninja

Ariana Pierce

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Eyes: Honey Brown,Hair: Sandy Brown Height: 5'6" Weight: 120lbs

Ari's Natural hair color is a sandy brown but she likes to dye odd highlights into it at random intervals. Her current Highlights are a teal color. She is usually wearing a dark blue jacket or hoodie over a dark tank top and jeans. Her overall look is a bit on the punk-ish side perfecting dark colors.


Ariana is known for being antisocial, not because she is shy but more so because she doesn't like others. She is usually on some kind of of device her nose is in a book usually related to science in someway. She tends to soak up information like a sponge and has an Eidetic memory which is both good and bad. She can remember anything shes studied but also cannot forget any horrors has seen either. Due to her memory Ari tends to get bored easily which leads her to causing trouble. When interacting with others she's blunt and straight to the point. She does have a mean streak with in her that tends to be on the sadistic side which is why she tends to stay away from people. Not because she's worried about hurting someone but rather she doesn't want to get in trouble. She's not above messing with anyone for the sake of fun or playing tricks. Ari likes to test her abilities on anyone unfortunate enough to confront her.


Lived a pretty normal life with both of her parents working full time jobs as doctors so Ariana had little contact with them. Instead she looked after by babysitters and sat in front of a TV most of the time. Due to her parents being doctors there were expectation for her to follow in their footsteps. Ari did not share their expectations but didn't really argue with them either about it, mostly because it wasn't worth the aggravation. While she might not want to go into medicine she does enjoy science and studies the medical books she was given. Ari slackes off in school and barely pays attention but due to her memory she will usually pass with a B. She has gained a reputation in school as some what of a bully though it only applied to anyone foolish enough to get on her bad side.

Ari found out she was infected not to long after she recovered from the strange plague that had been taking over the city. The first thing she notice was strange marking up and down her back. Ari did't find out what her power actually was until she shocked someone during a confrontation. She has seen many others shot and killed for showing any hint of power and has been trying to lay low while learning how to use her powers. Her main goal is to not get shot by military.



Ability to absorb, store and manipulate electricity.


  • In order to release lightning bolts or any kind of electricity she needs to have a source.

  • Her body can absorb and store a certain amount of electricity before it starts to effect her body negatively.

  • Due to the nature of her ability she doesn't have good accuracy with her attacks, her range for her ability only extends 20-25 meters.


  • When releasing massive amounts of electricity some does backfire a cause her muscles to cramp up.

  • Her body has a naturally higher charge to it so she tends to have a lot of static so she wears gloves so she won't shock people. When she is agitated the static around her grow stronger to the point where it can cause some crackling or small shocks.

  • If she absorbs too much electricity without out releasing it she can go into convolutions and/or die from too much electricity

  • If she were to completely discharge all of the electricity in her body her body will die because of the lack of neuro-impulses.


Strange blue markings appeared which bare a striking resemblance to a lightning. The markings start in the center of her back branching out in all directions up to her neck, sides and along her spine. Two branches reach out to her shoulders and down both of her arms to her wrists.

The more electricity she stores up the brighter her markings glow

Personal Theme Song




- Due to her markings she will always been seen with a jacket or hoodie of some sort and gloves. Pandora

- Ari has studied anatomy and physiology and various other medical subjects. She does knows what effect electricity has on the body and how to manipulate currents to have effects on the nervous system. She however is still learning how to control the amount and flow her powers.

- Ari will carry around batteries with her in case of emergency

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