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Fantasy Arcane Advisor


Positive Mental Attitude
Melanthra was one of those people that did what she was told to the best of her ability. And of her abilities, there were many; divination, communing with the dead, lightning magic–and many more. Communing with the dead was an interesting one–she didn’t exactly get to pick when or where she talked with them. In fact, her ability was chronic–never ceasing or stopping no matter what. Even if it meant she was in the middle of a heated debate between entities nobody else could see.

"But what if he IS bad news?" The female voice asked, seemingly agitated. "What are we supposed to do about it? He could kill us without a second thought!”

"We tell Lady Caledor." The male voice countered. "I know she may seem scary, that perhaps she'll scold us because we weren't so careful. But if he's so good at rmagic that the lady of the kingdom wants Mel to talk to him, then I doubt he's the type to anger easily." He claimed. "Secondly, Melanthra is a sweet girl! I’m sure she’ll win him over.”

"I don’t think this person is one so easily swayed,” Melanthra said, even if it seemed like she was speaking to herself. “I’ve not heard much about him, but that should be a good thing, right?” She asked the spirits beside her. “I mean, if he were an asshole or if he wished to be a villainous type, then I’m sure we would’ve heard about it. And even if he were the villainous type, I’m sure I’d be able to make him see the light, as it were.”

"You can't help everyone, Melanthra. There are some people who are just not worth it. You don't have to help everybody who crosses your path." The male said, and Melanthra could tell that, he was frowning. The voice knew Mel enough, knew her past well enough, to know that helping people was one of the only things she felt truly good at. Therefore, it was also one of her greatest weaknesses, as she often wished to help everyone she could.

"Perhaps not, but I wish to." Melanthra said, huffing. "How do I know if a person is worth helping if I don't try?”

‘Fine.’ The male voice responded, his tone annoyed. ‘But such a thing will be your own downfall. You need to learn when to let go, and when to say no. You can’t keep doing things for others just because it pleases them.

“Oh just shut up and go away!” Melanthra said, and the two voices vanished. She sighed, shaking her head. Right, she could see people staring at her now. So, she began to walk along, head held high. She was on official business from the ruler of Druth! There was no time for prattling about! She had a man to find, and find him she would! With or without the spirits help.

With a sigh, she ran her hand down her braided auburn hair, thinking. The man that the Ruler of Druth had sent for should’ve been here by now. Meaning, he was either hiding from the summons, or he was lost in this bustling, busy city of hers. Somehow, Melanthra had a feeling it was the latter. With a small sigh, she straightened herself out and held her head high, before trudging forward.

One way or another, she’d find who she was looking for.

Juneberry Juneberry
The city streets were complicated for Micah. He couldn’t recognize anything in this place, a place he’d never been before. The scent of spices stuffed his nostrils, making him dizzy as he wandered down a market street. A deep sigh escaped his pursed lips. This was sure to be a problem.

Sure, he was a mage- but so were half the people in this city, as far as he knew. Using magic to find his way wasn’t going to work right now, he figured. Plus, it was pointless if he didn’t learn the city streets on his own. He had somewhere to be, and not all the time in the world- but it wasn’t like the person waiting for him didn’t know this was a new place for the elven man.

Calmly, Micah continued to wander. He continued to gaze upon the city around him- this place, filled with mana, was heartwarming to him. It was a place he’d longed for, so even troubled, he’d enjoy the journey. He was there for a job, a job most would be startled to hear he’d been offered. He was, after all, going to be advising the city’s very own lord… If he could find them.

Finally, he decided it was time to really start trying. He walked up to strangers, asking for directions- but the reactions he got varied, it seemed. Some were concerned why he’d want to find the Ruler themself- others simply laughed at the thought he felt he could meet them at all. No one seemed to have an actual answer for him, though…

At least not yet- but he wouldn’t give up. Surely, if he asked around enough, there were options of what would happen: someone would have an answer, or they’d talk enough about his questioning enough that someone who actually knew would find him first.

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