Applegate House

Well, that's fine, but anyone who's been here longer than this year needs some kind of relationship with the other characters.

@dragonair Please make a character sheet before you actually post.
You should prob tag everyone that we are starting cause not everyone is going to know

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Alix Jade Winslow


Alix is the only name.









{Anything is allowed}

Straight, but never afraid

to try new things.

Scholarship Student or Not?:


Mode of Transportation: {How do they get to the main building? Skateboard? Bicycle? Walking? Cars are not allowed on campus}


Schedule: {Seven Classes}

Ap Chemistry

U.S History


American Literature & Advanced Comp.

Business Math


Advanced Journalism

Dorm Number: {Don't worry about this, I'll assign it to you}

Apparel: {What you wear on the weekends or similar to how you personalize your uniform}

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-15_19-35-1.jpeg.4e2fa60e8a815a14f08043e9da9b5c9e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-15_19-35-1.jpeg.4e2fa60e8a815a14f08043e9da9b5c9e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Basically hoodies and jeans unless she is

going out.


Competition Dance


No, she's new and will develope one

sooner or later.


There's not much to say about her. She not shy most of the time

and usually she's good at dealing with people. She's been

through 2 jobs which makes her outgoing. Mostly

she's nice, but she can stick up for herself.

Bio: {One paragraph}

She's moved here from her old New Orleans hometown figuring her mind

would be taken off of her parent's recent divorce. Most of all, she's heading towards journalism and

wanted to come to this school for more education. She's not exactly looking for any relationships, but

once feelings develope you can't stop them. Ofcourse the last boyfriend she had left her for her sister. Yeah,

maybe that's another reason why she had moved down here. This place should get her back to normal.

Other: {Anything else? No animals allowed in the dorms.}

Make sure your read the rules in the Overview.

She's French.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-15_19-47-10.jpeg.0daed0d45f856c213c87efab873208ba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/upload_2014-11-15_19-47-10.jpeg.0daed0d45f856c213c87efab873208ba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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The pacing for this RP seems to be suitable for me so i shall join as it should be interesting, interaction wise.


Name: Summer Falls


Age: 18

Grade: 11th Grade-Junior

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Scholarship Student or Not?: Not

Mode of Transportation: Bicycle


  1. Business Math
  2. English III
  3. Chemistry
  4. Dance
  5. Pre calcus
  6. Physical Education
  7. Horseback riding

Dorm Number: {Don't worry about this, I'll assign it to you}

Apparel: Summer has yet to personalise her uniform. She usually wears:

Clubs/Sports: Summer was enrolled in the gay-straight alliance, chess club and the school play by her parents during the application process.

Crush: None

Summer flirts with almost everyone she meets and tries to be funny. She usually fails at being funny and believes that her jokes are good. She has a tendecy to insult people if she doesn't get her own way and views everyone as someone that will try to bully her at first. She doesn't know what it is like to have a real friend and deep down, she is lonely. She often tries to avoid dealing with her accidents by denying it and is a trouble maker. However, she does have the capacity to be nice and social but often, there is a hidden agenda. She is very petty and is not above breaking the law to get revenge.

Bio: Summer Falls, that dumb girl that no-one likes or that dumb girl who just soiled herself again. If only people knew her background.

Summer was born into the weathly Falls family and was the 8th child. She spent 5 years being educated by a private tutor from the age of 4 and her family decided to let her go to a high school to form some social relationships. But little did they know, this is where her issues began. The other kids viewed her as a freak or a stuck up snob and either shunned her or bullied her for it. She was hurt at first but eventually got used to it untill she got expelled at the age of 14 for setting fire to a student's locker. The next school, she was expelled a few months later for indecent exposure. The list continued to grow in the next 4 years and unfortunately, she developed a medical condition that resulted in her becoming an outcast. Her bowels became weaker over time and she often had accidents in front of everyone. Unknownst to her parents, she started to sleep around from the age of 17 and became addicted to it. The addiction was discovered by the entire family on her 18th birthday when she got arrested for taking part in her addiction with a classmate at the cinema and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. So off they sent her to Merrian Boarding School in a last attempt to fix her behaviour, her addiction and to give her some form of life. Hence ends the tale of the dumb girl that no-one likes or miss poopypants the 8th.

Other: Applegate is truth. She has a medical pass for her condition and has been assigned a therapist to try to break her addiction.

Hope this is ok. hopefully, i'll be able to keep up with the RP. :) I'll add the clothes she wears as the RP progresses as it would feel more natural that she had more then one outfit.
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TheRoleplayingDovah said:
I understand and i hope everyone is enjoying it. :)
Well, I doubt it's too late to join with a male character! ^^

I'll post sometime soon. I really don't feel like doing anything right now other than sleep because I'm sick and it's bleh.

Willow Frost

Nickname(s): Willy


Grade: Junior

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Scholarship Student or Not?: Yes

Mode of Transportation: Skateboard

Schedule: Ap Chemistry

U.S History


American Literature & Advanced Comp.

Business Math


Advanced Journalism

Dorm Number: {Don't worry about this, I'll assign it to you}

She uses the boots with her uniform...

Clubs/Sports: Rock music club

Crush: I'll leave that to fate, *winks*

Personality: She can be sarcastic sometimes, which makes people angry sometimes and she usually keeps to herself until she meets you, tough.

Bio: When she was around 11 her mother and father died in a terrible car crash, involving a drunk driver, she would always pretend they were home and talk to them, during school she was bullied, making her want to keep to herself. Then she moved from Britain to America at age 16, passing herself off as 18. Now, she goes to the Applegate House.

Other: She speaks with a slight British accent. She is a bit of a tomboy, she hates the school uniforms. Her side of the dorm is decked out with Panic! At The Disco, Say Anything and Paramore posters, along with a black comforter that reads "I don't wanna get lost in the ocean," in bright yellow letters.

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