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Fandom Ao No Exorcist

Rin sighed, "Well, hey, you did okay for being by yourself." He said, "But that doesn't mean you won!"
Hajime blinked in surprise at the half-demon's words, before offering him her best smile. "I wouldn't have been able to do anything if you didn't have my back, Rin-Senpai." ((Yup, she's calling him this now. It's happening. xD He is technically her senior when it comes to exorcism so, it ))

Upon seeing the playful fight between the pair, the white-blonde couldn't help but sweat-drop lightly.
"A-Ah, Izuni-chan, you did really good..!" She felt bad that the girl had to work on her own, but that just proved how skillful she was to get second place without a partner.
"what are you saying Rinth" she squinted and looked at Hajime," I don't need pity"

Opal shuffled over behind Kazuki

((you still working on the email?))
((Oh my god the shipping xD ))

Sen moved closer to Hajime, "l have 20 bucks on Rin but don't tell him, his head is big enough as it is" Sen typed and showed to the cyan-eyed girl
Denjiro glanced over at his partner, "good job." He offered seeing how they didn't rank first but they weren't last either.
The spectacle wearing girl was taken aback by the silent boy's typed words. "A-Ah? That's not..." She stopped herself with a sigh, placing bills on the table as well, pushing her glasses up as if nothing had happened. "Me, too..."
"I'm saying I can take you down in a heart beat. You're too weak for someone like me!" The demon spoke, clearly letting his ego get the better off him.
Sen cracked a smile at his partner, maybe his not all bad after all he thought. Sen typed "you too" and showed it to Denjiro. Sen looked at girl's and Hamjime's bet and grinned. "Hi I'm Sen Chishia and you are.." Sen typed and showed to the new girl.
"Okay then~" Izuni sighed,"Your so Navvy.... I would think the son of Satan would know what hes up against"

Opal waved at sen,"Hi sen"
"Of course I know, I'm up against some punk who doesn't understand who she's up against!" Rin answered.

"Now, now. This is no place for a fight." Mephisto said, glaring at the two.
"Darn. I needed that extra cash..." Hajime's glasses glinted to cover her eyes at the headmaster's intervention, her expression blank behind the flaring spectacles.
"As long as it isn't during class I don't mind~ Besides my money's on Izuni." The principal spoke.

"Oh shut it! You're the one who's going to be a pulp!" Rin exclaimed.
Hajime perked up at his typed words, but soon sighed in defeat upon realizing Izuni's words. "Oh, I almost forgot..." She turned to Sen with a frown. "I won't be able to make the fight. I've got...somewhere to be after school." She adjusted her glasses, giving the money another glance. "Will you tally in my bet for me since I can't be there?" She asked the boy. She had almost forgotten about her meeting with Aya.
Sen looked at the sad girl with understanding "yea sure, everything ok" Sen typed to the girl, and then took Mephy's money and added it to the pile.
Hajime was surprised by the boy's concern, but quickly shook her head at his words. "Oh, yeah. Nothing's wrong. It's just...family stuff."

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