Chitchat Any sports fans?


The Clown Prince
Just wanted to know if we've got any basketball, baseball, hockey or football (both kinds) fans on the board.
I guess you could say I'm a sports fan. I'm not a diehard sports fan but you can hear my screams of joy throughout the neighbourhood when Germany won the World Cup. You could also hear my agonizing cries when the Spurs won the NBA. I don't watch football but I know the rules (kind of) and played rugby for a bit (so I kind of know rugby rules?). However...

Living in Canada has conditioned me to be a somewhat passionate hockey fan, still not die hard. I'm more of basketball or hockey when it comes to watching.
MIAMI HEAT. No doubt about it. However, I did enjoy Okalahoma City Thunder this past season, especially Durant's MVP speech.

"You're the real MVP." That made me cry. A little.

To be honest, I don't even cheer for my hometown team that much. I'm actually a Blackhawks fan. xD
Major football and basketball fan. I play both fantasy sports. I know everything about football.

Broncos and Nuggets fan.
I was in my work pool last year, but I mainly do traditional fantasy football where you have a team of players.
Ouch. The beginning of the year is tough. Hard to predict how good teams will be after the offseason.
I'm all about that hockey. Used to pull hard for the Rangers but I've switched to Tampa Bay because there's a chance I'll probably see a Tampa game more than once. Football eludes me, like golf or basketball.
[QUOTE="Koi Wa Zenkeishisei]Lately I've been craving to get into other kinds of sports. Any recommendations?

Do you enjoy faster paced sports, or slower ones?
I am. I am fortunate enough to live in the best state in the nation for college basketball, and I enjoy NBA hoops as well as football (Go Pats!)

Deflate-gate: Apparently the deflated balls were replaced at half time. So we could be fair and take away anything the Patriots scored in the first half. Oh, wait. They still would have beat the Colts :)
True. I personally think if it's Belicheck though, he needs to be kicked out for good. If it's just an accident, we can all move on.
I try to watch Soccer as much as I can, specially when I know Borussia Dortmund is playing. Other than that I might watch the occasional La Liga game whenever I can find one.
I am a sports addict. Whatever it is, I will watch it or try it. Darts, pool, ping pong, whatever. Obviously I have passions (baseball and soccer) but I will watch anything if it's on. Also a sports talk radio junky. It's a problem.
h1m said:
I am a sports addict. Whatever it is, I will watch it or try it. Darts, pool, ping pong, whatever. Obviously I have passions (baseball and soccer) but I will watch anything if it's on. Also a sports talk radio junky. It's a problem.
What are your teams?
[QUOTE="THE J0KER]What are your teams?

Terrible ones. ;) I'm a Philadelphia Eagles fan, New York Mets fan and follow the Portland Timbers & Indy Eleven (American soccer teams). None of those teams are particularly good. :/

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