Literature Any Other Brandon Sanderson Fans Out There?

Zariah Turner

Bestest dragon
What the title says! Had anyone else here read any books by Brandon Sanderson? He's one of my favorite authors, but I can't seem to find anyone else who's read his books.
I've read 2, I believe, unless I'm missing some. I've read Warbreaker and The Rithmatist, but I own the first Mistborn book that I will be starting soon! On another note, my father doesn't use this website but he's a HUGE Sanderson fan-- there's not a book of his he hasn't read. He's the reason I've even heard of the man, and I do agree with my dad; Sanderson is a really good author.
Hi!! I've read a lot of Brandon Sanderson. In no particular order:

Skyward, Starsight & cytonic (I didn't care that much for Cytonic, but the other two were spectacular)

Mistborn the final empire & the well of Ascension (I plan on reading the third one soon, since I own it)

The way of kings (undoubtedly his best series, can't wait for the fall sales at my local bookstore to buy the other ones, apparently the second one is the best book of Sanderson's whole career)

I also subscribed to the Kickstarter for his secret project and read Tress of the Emerald Sea (loved it! So cute!) And The frugal wizard handbook to surviving medieval england (It was super fun and gave me Andy Weir vibes, which I also adore). The third project is sitting prettily on my shelf waiting for me.

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