Anime Highschool


was Acexcross
Note: You are free to start the RP once I 'like' your character sheet.





Sexual Orientation (optional):

Appearance (anime):





Classroom (All classes are A-2):

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):








Class teaching:

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Name: Riika kagome

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (optional): Straight

Appearance (anime):

Personality: Riika may not look like it, but she is quite the delinquent. She is social but selfish and values her alone time. Although she doesn't have friends in school, she has a lot outside school. She has a lot of confidence and this may be seen as something negative too, it makes her naive and careless. The only thing she really cares for is her cat Sid and her Game console.

Background: Riika lived a simple life, she was the kid everybody could get along with. She just let it happen and didn't really care. She has a bit matured now and her parents gave her Sid to learn to care for something. Her mother owns a Book store which she is going to take over after she is graduated. So she doesn't really study or something, because she knows she is going to be okay.

The one thing Riika likes next to herself, cat and gaming is fighting. Be it with words or fists, she loves the feeling a fight can give and is not afraid to start one. Although she wouldn't harm someone without reason. Riika is the kind of person who wants to live a carefree life, but doesn't mind some action here and there to keep life a game. She gets along with boys and girls, as she looks like a girl on the outside, she has the hobbies of a boy. Riika may not easily care for something, she is still social and likes to be with her friends.

The reason why Riika likes fight is because of her father who kept telling her: 'If someone hits you, hit that person back. Ten times harder.'' She just kinda grew along with it and developed a like to fighting. Giving her the feeling she makes her dad proud.

Likes: Scent of books, gaming, her cat, herself, fighting and action. (Food)

Dislikes: School, reading, dogs and chickens.

Classroom (check overview): A2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

She has a scar on her left cheek from some fight she got in.
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Name: Kaede Masayumi | Ryu Masayumi

Age: 16 | 17

Gender: Female | Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Straight | Bisexual

Appearance (anime):





Kaede is a mute, very reserved and hidden, making her brother worry even though she doesn't want him to. Sometimes, she can be a little too trusting of others and always ends up hurt in the end and other times when she get's really pissed or annoyed, she can turn into the devil's child. But that won't happen much. She has learnt to keep her cool in annoying situations. Even though she looks sweet and shy, she's totally the opposite of it once you get to know her weird, fun side. That is, if her clumsiness doesn't come out first.

Delinquent, as some may call him because of the scary face her always makes. The only person he has a soft spot for is Kaede, yet he's very protective of her. He's athletic and girls usually bombard around him, and most times he does things without knowing or intending to do so. It annoys Kaede, but she eventually got used to it. And like his sister, he loves to have fun and isn't afraid to do anything. Yolo right?


Kaede has been bullied since grade school because she was weak. One day, it was got worse and they took it to the next level.

She was just swinging her legs in the pool water when a rough hand pushed her in. At that moment, all thoughts of swimming vanished. Her uniform was soaked and it pulled her down as she struggled to stay afloat. Her vision blurred, but then, Ryu came. Saying he was angry would be an understatement when he heard about this. Ryu was pissed. That day, he landed all of her bullies in the hospital. Everyone feared him then and never bothered either of them again.

They're parents are as normal as they can be and very understanding of situations. Her mother would always comfort Kaede when she was feeling lonely. It was like she can sense the emotions in her. Kaede loved that part about her mom.

Ryu has his father's features, some even say his mind. Headstrong, and confident, those two got along well.

Kaede and Ryu were as close as they can be with their parents and nothing seem to tear any of them down. They were always there when the siblings needed them. Their family was anything any child could ask for.
















-Being bored








-Anything to do with school

Classroom (check overview):
A-2 | A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

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Name: Jean Jamesina Arekeasadaa

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Appearance (anime): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e98e8cf_JeanJamesinaCollin.png.85bdbcf23240a035915069b1b2da4167.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2e98e8cf_JeanJamesinaCollin.png.85bdbcf23240a035915069b1b2da4167.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jean may look like and is an outgoing Scottish girl, but in reality, she's quite a wreck. With both her parents always working, she's the one who had to take care of the house, her little blind sister Ellie, their German Shepard Kaito, and school. So because of these past responsibilities she is stressed out easily. Other than that, Jean is very outgoing and social, she loves meeting new people. She is also very talkative when it comes to a subject she likes or anything really. Jean is pretty daring and takes any dare given to her. Jean is also an insomniac so she sometimes will sleep during classes. Jean does miss her family much and in her dorm she has a picture of them under her pillow.

Background: Jean was born in Scotland, her father left her and her mother right when she was born. Her mother was a Caterer and was a pretty popular one. One day, Jean's mother had a catering job and decided to take Jean (age 8) along with her. Her mother was catering for a rich family from Japan who moved to Scotland recently. At that party Jean saw her mom look at the middle son of the rich family in a weird way. Jean realize it was the same look most of the fairy tale characters in the stories she read when they were in love. What really surprised Jean was that he looked at her mother the same way! Jean felt it was her goal to bring the two together. First Jean was able to convince her mom to get the man's number and from there it was easy as pie. The two hit it off very well and when Jean was eleven the two were married. Things went on smoothly until Jean's father's family wanted to move back to Japan. Things were crazy then. Jean had to learn an entire different language, her parents were trying to figure out a way to get her and her mother over to Japan, and her mother ended up pregnant as well. Finally, everything was resolved and the family moved to Japan when Jean was fifteen and Ellie her newly born sister was one. Jean picked up the language really well and was speaking it fluently. Jean and her parents ended up living with most of her father's side of the family in a giant mansion. When Jean turned sixteen her parents started being away more. Jean's dad who was already traveling for work was out in the world. Her mother was trying to build up her catering business again with the help of Jean's new family. So Jean was left by herself and her two year old sister. Jean learned from her Grandmother all the chores a woman of the Japanese culture should do. Jean did these chores, took care of her sister, and their dog Kaito for a year until her parents told her some good news. She was going back to school! Jean hadn't really thought much about school for the year she's been living in Japan. She of course continued her studying and her aunt would quiz her from time to time, but still school never crossed her brain. Her parent told her about the school Kyoto High School and she'll be moving away for a while but it will be worth it. Jean was not hesitant at all and agreed to the offer, but then asked who will take over her work at home? Her mother said that she has quit catering for it was a hard job to keep in Japan and decided to become a home mom. Jean was content knowing that her mother was going to continue the work and she packed her bags and said good bye to her crazy family and was off for some education!

Likes: Photography, blogging, anything electronic (movies, games, etc.), Vocaloid, school (especially Sports Day)

Dislikes: Pessimistic people, kimonos, bullies (especially a bully who bullies a disabled person), boredom

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):


- Her little sister Ellie was born blind and so the family was very protective of her. She is now three and can walk around really well, with the occasional bumping into things.

- Jean has two nicknames: JJ and Jamie

- Her feather and necklace are gifts from her father and his travelings

- Jean does not like the color pink, alas her glasses are pink only because she let her mom pick them out

- Jean's favorite color is lime green

- If you didn't read her personality section, Jean is an insomniac

- Her dog is named Kaito because of her love for Vocaloid


Omi Gur?n

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Personality: Gur?n-san is a calm and patient teacher. He doesn't get upset as long as you follow his rules of the class room. Omi loves listening to gossip from his students or his fellow workmates. He has a habit of chewing things whether it's his glasses (they're fake glasses), pockey, etc. His favorite past time place is outside were he converses with students, teachers, and enjoy the nature. Also, he has a thing for glasses. Don't know why, he just loves glasses.

Class teaching (check overview): A-2



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Name: Len kegamine

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation (optional):


Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.e6bd2a42251551fd4e97fda47d774b89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.e6bd2a42251551fd4e97fda47d774b89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Yep he's a crossdresser)

Personality: Len is a pretty shy person, but when you get to know him he's pretty sweet, fun and caring. Len can be a little to shy to the point to where he has to hide in a box to calm himself down. But whe he's around close friends or family he's the sweetest boy you'll ever meet.


When Len was born he took on his mothers look then his fathers, do to this he was always the weakest in his family and couldn't win when ever he played fight with his brothers or his sisters, so so to this he was always picked on during school whenever his brothers and sisters weren't around making him dress like a girl and his his clothes and he would have to wear those clothes all day. But well soon in 3rd grade Len found out he liked cross dressing. His father first denied it but then accepted it when lens mother threatened to beat him up if he didn't accept it. So soon after Len went back to school under the fake name Rin while his older siblings were overprotective of him.


- crossdressing

- singing

- sweets

- being with close friends


- being bullied

- being with people he does not know well

- veggies

- being forced to do something

Classroom (check overview): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other: is great at singing.



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"It's nice to meet you!"| "Hey."

Emiko Lanette | Kazue Suoh


16 | 17


"I've been told I'm a female." | "I'm pretty sure I'm a guy."

Female |Male

Sexual Orientation:

"I happen to like everyone~" | "I only like girls."

Pansexual | Heterosexual


"Aren't I adorable?" | "Yep, that's me."





"This is what I'm like!" |"And this is what I'm like."

Emiko is a sweet, caring girl who puts everyone before herself and is always as helpful as she can be. She acts immature and innocent but is not against standing up for what she believes in. She is passionate and puts everything she has into whatever she does.

Kazue is an all around kind of guy. He is funny, nice, and the type of person to be fooled easily. He is an open book. Often at times, too open which causes him to get hurt. He's a hopeless romantic and always bounces back after a girl hurts him. He believes in love at first sight and tells people what they want to hear. He tries to always see the brighter side of things. He is very possessive, often keeping a close eye on the girl he has his eye on. He may seem sweet but if you threaten his friends or his girlfriend, it's all over.



It's a secret, but Emiko's father is a celebrity animal trainer so she's fairly wealthy but doesn't want others to know it. She doesn't want others to know this because she doesn't want to be treated differently from everyone else. She's not like other rich kids though. She's nice and sweet. Not stuck up and a brat. Emiko loves to sing. She often hums without realizing it. She also acts like a child despite her age. She hates seeing people being picked on and will stand up for them no matter who it is. She loves all things that are shiny and glittery. She is your average, run of the mill girly girl. She is 5ft 3 and plays softball. When she is on the field, her attitude completely changes. Even though she lived with her father, she did her best to avoid from going home since he is not there most of the time. Even though Emiko is nothing but sweet and girly, get her mad and you'll wish you never did. She takes MMA classes so she can know how to protect herself.

"I'm an open book."

Kazue was raised in a two family home. He was also very loved. He had a normal childhood, growing up in the same neighborhood and with the same friends. Both of his parents worked often, leaving Kazue to take care of himself. That being said, he's a great cook and can even do his own laundry! He respects women greatly but his nice and funny side makes it seems that he is flirting but this is not the case. Due to this, Kazue has been beaten up a good number of times. Learning about his son being beaten up, Mr. Suoh enrolled him in Martial Arts class. Kazue has a goal in life. To find his one. To find his leading lady, his other half, his partner in crime. What a romantic.


"I absolutely love these things!"

Sparkly Things



Being Outside


Making Friends





Getting Dirty




The Thought of Having a Boyfriend/Someone Special

"I hope we have something in common."


Fresh Ingredients

Cute Girls



Goofing Around



Late 90's/Early 2000's Teen Movies



Martial Arts


"I don't like these things very much."

Being Used For Her Money

Mean/Rude People

Stuck Ups

People Treating Her Like She Doesn't Matter

Being Told She "Can't Do" Something

Negative People

"Yeah, these things, not so much."

Negative People

Rude People

People Who Disrespect Women

Animal Abuse

Being Alone

Being Trapped


A-2 | A-2

Dorm Partner:

"I hope she likes me!" |Matsuo Miharu @BabyDoll

"This should be fun." | Conner Gray @drummerboi


  • Emiko brought her pet ferret with her to the school.
  • She has a maid named Fae-sama that checks in on her.
  • She came to the school on behalf of a Softball Scholarship.
  • Emiko can speak German.
  • She'd rather be called Emi

  • Kazue plays baseball.

  • He is very likable, females often trying to hook up with him because they know that he would do anything for them (i.e. buy them clothes, jewelry).

  • Kazue and Emiko grew up together so he is the only one who knows about her being rich. He promised to keep it a secret for her.
  • Kazue and Emiko tend to hold hands, hug, things that may give off that they are a couple, but Emiko does not feel that way. She sees Kazue as a Big Brother.
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Jethro Sato

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Heterosexual

Appearance (anime): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-18_19-1-40.png.343f6bcbb6de4e3b0dcd9bf18bcebea9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57609" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-18_19-1-40.png.343f6bcbb6de4e3b0dcd9bf18bcebea9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-18_19-6-25.png.584253e14892e6041c35b405ba88dc87.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-18_19-6-25.png.584253e14892e6041c35b405ba88dc87.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Jethro is an easygoing guy. He really doesn’t mind just going with the flow. The teen is also daring, adventurous, curious, hardheaded, and courageous which usually causes him to get into trouble. Despite the image you may have created in your mind of him by now, Jethro has a thoughtful and overprotective side that comes out quite often. He tends to hide his smart and geeky side so that his parents won’t persuade him to become some boring scientist or something.

Background: As the son of a police officer and a lawyer, Jethro was enrolled in several diverse programs in order to enhance his skills in fields that his parents thought were useful. Jet was raised in a proper household and taught how to act like a gentleman. The tame upbringing couldn’t satisfy his curiosities though. Since his parents were usually away, Jethro explored the outside world on his own. He got into some fights here and there, and became pretty slick with authoritative figures after deciphering his parents’ procedures. Unfortunately, his father was caught having an affair with another woman. As a result, Jet was forced to tone down his behavior for the sake of making life a bit easier for his mom.


Sports, coding, racing, parkour, martial arts, extreme sports, reading, skateboarding, relaxing, fixing things, surprising people


Boredom, disrespectful people, negativity, smoke, illnesses


Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner: Yumi Narusaki

Jet has an older brother and a younger sister.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-18_19-1-56.png.9d30d4308790ccf43b8fe9208d65271a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-18_19-1-56.png.9d30d4308790ccf43b8fe9208d65271a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Zackary Alexander James Bolt



Sexual Orientation (optional):
Semi-Bi-Sexual [it really depends *w*]

Appearance (anime): Literal Black skin (like the color of this font (long story)) and his Blood is Blue (two real medical conditions :P ) he has shaggy black hair with splotches of green in it , blue eyes ,a green shirt with a skull pattern on it ,and a Zip up Black Jacket , Black Cargo Pants with Green Convers with Black detailing and Rubber , he wears Finger-less Black Leather Gloves , the left one has a skull shape engraved into it and stained green , and last , he constantly has black headphones with the same green skull paterns on them around his neck or on and a black leather necklace that has a silver turtle on it

To be established...I guess...Its same as mine...sooo...

Him and a Twin Brother were born into an excessively abusive family , he ran away at the age of 7


The Cold


Technology in general


Birds...Probably bit to much




Cursing [has a cursing problem]

Sour Candy


The Internet *w*

Sharp Things (he collects swords and throwing stars)








The Heat

Classroom (All classes are A-2):

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

People Tend to Call Him Bolt or Missing (and a few people call him MissingBolt) , Very few people actually call him Zack
Name:Haru Sodie



Sexual Orientation (optional):Straight

Appearance (anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Ryohei_02.jpeg.e8d3313eeb006c2fd697f74a77ff465c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57689" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Ryohei_02.jpeg.e8d3313eeb006c2fd697f74a77ff465c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Haru is tough but can be kind when he wants to he tries not to be a jerk but sometimes can screw up then he'll quickly try and fix his mistakes. He's quick to get into a fight which ends up causing a lot of problems. He's not the type to just back down either even when he's clearly out matched. He likes training and fighting and being on edge the more dangerous the better. He hates people who think they are better then everyone. He also can't stand people who don't know how good they got it.

Background:Haru has always been a bad kid always starting fights and not listening to anyone. The only one he is afraid of was his sister Naomi who is a professional boxer. She would use him as her personal punching bag. But she did teach him some moves this led to him getting a rep as the bloody knuckles. But his rep wasn't enough to be able to beat her. But his fear didn't start until while sparring he asked why bother trying to beat her he should give up and she hit him with her signature attack a downward right hook or a Chopping Right she called it. Giving him a scar on his temple she warned him if he ever talks about giving up she kill him were he stands after that he had a fear of girls. It was small at first but quickly grew into a full blown phobia when girls began to notice this and used him as a pack mule. Yet he still fights and tries to get over his phobia. He hopes to one day beat his sister.

Likes:Fighting, boxing, competition, having fun, sweets.

Dislikes: sour things, jerks, downward right hooks,having to use dirty tactics, sore losers,when he loses.

Classroom (All classes are A-2):A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other:Just keep girls away and we won't have any problems.



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Name: Yumi Narusaki

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (optional): Pansexual. She isn't really fussed with what gender you are; love is love in her eyes, and she's open for anything.


Pure as the driven snow, Yumi is one of the kindest girls you'll ever met. A giggle is never far from her lips, and she welcomes all with open arms. However, this doesn't mean she's all sunshine and rainbows; instead, she actually has a rather hard exterior. She pushes others to do their best, and isn't afraid to lash out at anyone who abuses her, or others, verbally, physically, or emotionally. In fact, she's actually make a fantastic class rep with her stubborn attitude. But, really, she can be sweet if you're nice to her. Heck, she has a huge motherly quality! But don't question her too much about things she adores. Or call her out on things too much; she's a real softie, after all, and if things get too hard she'll cry, much to her annoyance.

Yumi had a relatively normal life growing up. Two parents who loved her, a little brother who she played with and bickered with and a family dog. Honestly, nothing really bad happened. The only horrific experience she went through would be getting bullied by a very close friend of her. They were only seven at the time, and it all happened out of the blue. He began to tease her, push her around and just be littled her every day. It was like a living hell... It was from this experience that Yumi put up her guard wall and forced herself to toughen up. The family moved (not before she could beat the crap out of her 'friend' first though) and she's been happy ever since.


  • Animals
  • Singing
  • Studying
  • Helping people out
  • Horseback riding
  • Drawing
  • Anime
  • Manga
  • Making people achieve the best they possibly can


  • Spiders
  • Math
  • Bullies and rude people
  • People getting up in her personal space
  • People who don't take school seriously

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner: Jethro Sato

Other: She's the most easily pleased and embarrassed person in the world. Also, she's a huge geek and adores gaming and anything to do with cosplay.
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Name: Rayisho Nehiro Samaysune

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Hetero

Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-07-22-04-37-1060844886.jpeg.2b0b872c2047ead7bcbf25e237d87e52.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2015-06-07-22-04-37-1060844886.jpeg.2b0b872c2047ead7bcbf25e237d87e52.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Friendly, but when he's annoyed, mean.


Rayisho and his parents were poor. His parents died very early and he had to look for a job and money. He lives alone since he was 9. Now, he lives in an apartment and gets enough money. But at his job, he have too work from 18 - 23, and at the weekend from 12-21.

Likes: Sport, To sleep out, Watch TV and his free days.

Dislikes: his job, birds and mean people.

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):

Other: He don't have to go to work on Mondays and Fridays, so he goes to the gym.



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Name: Matsuo Miharu

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: Well...I guess I'm kind of free-spirited and loving. I'm really sweet to others, and I've been told I have a friendly personality. If I see someone in need, I try my best to help them. I forgive very easily, but I never forget. I don't like schedules and rules, because I think a person should be able to be who they want to be. Now, this doesn't mean that I think that certain things are okay, like murder or abuse, it just means that things like a person's religion, opinions, and other things should be respected. I am very open-minded. I'm not completely lax, though.

Background: My father's side of the family was a very strict one, and I didn't believe that that was okay, that everything had to be done a certain way. My mother's side, well they were strict too, all except for my mother. She taught me about the world and about freedom of choice and freedom of opinion. But when my mother died, I ran away and haven't seen my family since.

Likes: ~Freedom


~ Cute things


~Pastel colors

~Cute things




Dislikes: ~Being ruled with an iron fist


~Dishonesty (unless needed)



~Enclosed spaces

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner:

Nothing really....I guess I should say that I daydream...a lot....Um....what else? I brought my camera. Oh! And I brought my pet turtle, Nasazumi-chan!
Name:Mori Hyuga



Sexual Orientation (optional):Pansexual

Appearance (anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f1b95d8_Screenshot_2015-06-20-01-20-132.jpg.654a1d658ab44a4110c1915c3ca8524d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57877" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f1b95d8_Screenshot_2015-06-20-01-20-132.jpg.654a1d658ab44a4110c1915c3ca8524d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mori is a very outspoken male, he wont keep his mouth shut if something is bothering him and hes not afraid to speak his mind. Hes protective and can be a bit loud and obnoxious Hes a jealous type and once he has a friend he dosent want to share that person with anyone. Hes loving and similar to a dog Loyal happy fiesty and intellegent . This street smart male is very in tune with his body and others.

Background:Coming from a "ruthless" family. At a young age his teachers would already compare him to his drop out gang related brothers. Of course hes tried to prove them wrong but in the end he said "f*ck it" he followed into there foot steps but he still getting an education while hes at it. He wouldnt want his kids not to finish school so hes gonna try his hardest to finish as well. His mother and father are dead and so are his older brothers leaving him with his youngest sibling Khala. He loves her to death and wont let anything happen to her. Out of school hes a full time dad and when hes in school all he thinks about is what his sister been up to and how her day was everything thats happend before hand he completly forgets.

Likes:kids/food/fun/money/power/fighting/swimming/basketball/working out/his sister/smoking/drinking/music/concerts/dancing/singing/raping/playing piano/gutiar/drums/fixing things/sweets/fruit/and candy


Classroom (All classes are A-2):????

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):????

Other:he has a tatoo (related to his gang affilation.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_m7ak61Lhuv1qcyytfo1_500.jpg.f6e749fcc363aaab70215017c2a314e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57879" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/tumblr_m7ak61Lhuv1qcyytfo1_500.jpg.f6e749fcc363aaab70215017c2a314e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Arumaya Nakitsuke

Age: 25

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-35.jpeg.2c1e50d1c65071d024ba6189e0281e68.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images-35.jpeg.2c1e50d1c65071d024ba6189e0281e68.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: loves to make Jokes, friendly and helps where she can help

Class teaching: A-2



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Name: Connor Gray



Sexual Orientation (optional): Straight (Heterosexual)

Appearance (anime):

Personality: Connor has a strange personality. When it comes to meeting new people, he can be a bit shy. Not giving eye contact towards others which may comes across as rude. But he doesn't really mean it he is a kind person when you get to know him. He generally get's a little overly excited towards even the littlest of things. For example if he was going on holiday he will be counting down the days. Even though there in the triple digits. Also at times he can come across as very socially awquerd not all the time only in rare instances. For example one time he could be talking about his interests the next he could say about how lovely the sunset is in the most over the top fashion. He has little self confident's every time he hand's in a test he's always afraid of failing it. But out of all these things is a kind and humble young man willing to help others if they need it and will sacrifice himself for his loved one's. He always brings a smile to everyone. But secretly he's screaming inside. Also he has some repressive anger issues

Background: Connor was born in Scotland. His parent's were Derek and Kristy. They both wanted a baby boy but there first child died form miscarriage. So they had a second try and Connor was born. In his first years he and his parents lived in poverty thay didn't have enough money for two children. So that is why they decided to have the one. They however wanted him to have the best education as possible so thay made sure everyday he done his homework, made himself presentable for what they had and appreciate what thay have since people are far worse then them. By the time he was 4 he witnessed his parents arguing. Thay were shouting plates were being thrown punches being made. He just laid in his bed pretending it wasn't' there. At school he was the top of his class. Kind, polite, friendly but that didn't help in a school. He was bullied constantly saying he was a tramp. He was often alone at recess he liked his little space for himself. That lonesomeness only made him get used to it. Whenever people approach him he doesn't give eye contact he never did not even to his own mum. His mum worked at the school to get money. She noticed his behavior and told the teachers they done nothing about it. As the years gone by the bullying got worse the arguments gotten worse as well. He felt he was going to snap. But when his mum at the age of 8 finaly got him a small tv for him. He flicked onto the channel to watch tv. He saw a show "Yugioh!". He watched that show everyday after that getting into more and more of the cool story's. Teaching that friendship can overpower anything. Oh how he wished one day he can make a friend. But unfortunatly at the age of 10 when he was comeing out of the shcool building. A police man came to him. He said his mum has been in a bad accident with his farther and he had to go. A nice laidy asked a lot about his home life his school life. He said that his farther and mum have been very kind to him. After she asked had his mum and dad ever hit him he shook his head knowing his farther would never do such a thing. The laidy said to him that his mum got killed by his farther and he was going to go to a fosster home. He was shocked that he couldn't move. Couldn't talk. till the end of his primary school days he was a non talking worker not talking to anyone. Even at the foster hoe he didn't talk to anyone. But thay knew what he was going threw. During his secondary school days he was still very shy around people building walls so thay can't get in he still watched anime at the foster home. He also played a lot for video games like kingdom hearts, Crash bandicoot he done a lot of things he wasn't able to do when he was at the foster home. It was then he met his best fraind Dan. He was Autistic and they just became friends right off the bat they had the same interest's so thay just talked about them all the time. Connor still got bullied but without Dan he really couldn't have gone threw the pain. During the end of his secondry school days. A family went into the foster home saying thay never had a kid and thay want to take a Child to japan to start a new life. Of course Connor revolted against this since thay waned him. But soon began to become closer to the family. Knowing what he has been threw since thay lost there child to a car crash. He lowed his walls to the couple and at the end secondary school day's he was ready for what the Americans call "High-school" or college to him. He never really showed his true emotions to other people he was afraid he will hirt them so even to his fosster parents he hides a smile. But on the inside he hides feelings of all the continues bullying the domestic violence and his mothers death.


Anime (doesn't talk about it much in school)

Video games

Music listing and playing (prefers classical and rock)


People who care


People trying to breack his walls


People who are selfish and judge a book by it's cover

people who don't listen to him

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts): Don't knwo who's free?

Other: He may be possibly autistic he hasn't been diagnosed but it's a


Hi! I'm:
Aaron Steele.

16 years old.

a Male.

Um I'm a little embarrassed but I'm:


I look like:
I have black hair and black eyes. White skin and tend to enjoy wearing black clothes, usually jeans and a button shirt. I like to wear a wristband or two. I have the brand of my family on my right arm usually where I put my wristbands because I don't like showing it off.

A lot of people say I act like: I'm VERY shy. Also a bit depressed, my family hates me because I'm not like the other members of the Steele Industries... I don't want to be selfish, money-hungry, bastards.

My family history is a little shaky: I'm a Steele. My family name usually says it all. The Steele's own a piece of almost every company in America and most of Europe. I'm not from around Japan mainly because all Steele's are from America. We came here this year because Great Auntie Leona Steele wants to begin to branch to China and Japan. I want to be normal but sometimes my family's history makes that almost impossible. Auntie Leona is known for getting what she wants, one way or the other and so many people hate and despise the Steele name because of it. I'm filthy rich naturally and that also makes people hate me, I hate being rich. Everyone in the Steele family has the Steele crest branded to their left wrist, the brand is a lion eating a dragon with a sun behind it.We have a strange rule in our family, the Mistress of Steele is currently Great Auntie Leona, and she makes the rules for the entire family and also does all the major things like take over companies, form business deals, etc. Then there is the Mother of Steele who basically has the children of the family, the first daughter born is the next Mistress of Steele when the first Mistress of Steele passes away. Finally there's people like me, men, where all we do is keep the other parts of the family in line and serve the Mistress of Steele. I don't know our family is weird but I guess it works...

I like: to visit other towns and explore cities. I love to draw and listen to music. I-I REALLY like to look up at the stars at night and hide away if possible.

I really don't like: my family, broccoli, and homework.

Um my schedule says my class is: A-2

I wonder who my dorm partner is...
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Riku Hitori De

"Nice to meet ya' !"


13 (skipped grades)

"I..umm...I'm smart!"




Sexual Orientation (optional):


"Yuck! no way..."

Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f51cebc_purplemermaidgirl.jpg.78381989771beff84df9d0d63df4b609.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2f51cebc_purplemermaidgirl.jpg.78381989771beff84df9d0d63df4b609.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


cute, kind-hearted, lonely, shy, strong-willed, cries easily, short-tempered, smiles a lot!



A bit of a mystery, her mum died when she was very young every since her farther had been cruel to her... she is always alone at home which led to her studying so much she never had any friends at school because they bullied her for being so smart her only escape was in anime and manga she always tries to smile but inside is sad the rest is well... history she takes joy out of very small things now and finds that life can sometimes be quite boring and dull so she is forever searching for something more... or better put, something missing.

"I..don't like to talk about it..."


cosplaying, anime, manga, candy, friends



the dark, being alone, math, scary-things


Classroom (All classes are A-2):


Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):


"I hope they're nice...'



((Is that good? tell me if I need to change anything!!)) @AceXCrossix



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Name: Akari Blanche



Sexuality: Heterosexual

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.3990cf3d169d7c8fcd032e48a251e46f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.3990cf3d169d7c8fcd032e48a251e46f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.d955fe6e17362a01cd14f9632302a975.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.d955fe6e17362a01cd14f9632302a975.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Personality: Akari is....different, almost like she has a split personality. She's very outgoing and friendly yet also impulsive and small minded. She is trustworthy and she will keep a secret, even if you hurt her. Akari is clingy with her friends; she doesn't want anyone else "taking" them from her if she's close to them. She enjoys watching people fight (who doesn't), but not if it gets too dangerous. She's passionate about what she believes in an expressive about her feelings. She acts like she doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her, but she truly does. If it really upsets her, she'll cry for hours over it.

Background: Born on May 15 in a beach house along the coastline an into a "perfect" family, Akari was very unhappy. Her father had affairs, her mother was a drunk whom knew what her father was doing (she stuck around for the money), her brother sold drugs and her sister is an angel in the sky. Her brother was shot, her father left, and her mother committed suicide from the pressure of taking care of Akari without any money. The girl still stays at her original house, but she mostly stays at the beach for comfort since there are so many people around.





~rain, storms, lightning & thunder

~learning languages

~cherry trees



~watching people have fun








~major flirts

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner: none yet

Other: n/a



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Name: Suzumaki Arakai

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c301bdc9e_Fight3.gif.cb4d8044929ba809c7ab9ff3bba59e20.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c301bdc9e_Fight3.gif.cb4d8044929ba809c7ab9ff3bba59e20.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c301c7700_SuzumakiArakai.png.bbf4ad7a9af80137b6922fa6a8496ff5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c301c7700_SuzumakiArakai.png.bbf4ad7a9af80137b6922fa6a8496ff5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c301cc395_Smile1.gif.3cf9960760bbb0ad8866383887ae2b15.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c301cc395_Smile1.gif.3cf9960760bbb0ad8866383887ae2b15.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Personality: Suzumaki is very stubborn and hard-headed but also very goofy and doesn't know what she's doing half of the time. She may be small but damn can she fight. Her temper is very short and she explodes if you mention her height. She's a very fun person and loves getting into trouble; call her a yankee. She is very easily distracted; example: She could be following you when all of a sudden and butterfly flies by, she would then be following the butterfly without even noticing. She is very athletic and loves a challenge but hates to lose.

Suzumaki lost her mother from an illness when she was eight years-old. She then moved in with her cousin while her father continued to work over seas and provide money for her. Her cousin, Motoharu Jushiro, was very rude to her and hurt her a lot. One day she mustered up her courage and beat the shit out of him; the consequence would be getting kicked out, which is what happened. She is now working at a ramen shop and renting a small apartment. It's better than what she had.



- Sake

- Challenges

- Running

- Fighting whether she loses or not


Being called short (don't do it)

- Being looked down on

- Complaining

- Slow walkers

- Shy people


Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner: Who knows?

Other: She is not good with relationships so she tends to stay out of them. She also isn't good with talking to other girls and takes everything serious. She's not the smartest and doesn't catch on easily so try to spell it out for her if you can. She's great with sports but sucks at every other subject including studying... She is 140 centimeters tall and weighs 96.3 pounds. She also has a naturally pissed off aura.



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Name: Ichigo Shizuka

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual




Ichigo Shizuka is very quiet, polite, and imaginative. She is described as being sensible, emotive, polite, and sleepy, coming across as "distant" in many aspects. She has a very polite demeanor and rarely seems to harbor negative emotions. Although this is different from how she acts to herself with a more outgoing and open minded demeanor. Contrary to her well-behaved mannerisms, she can become compulsively nosey when intrigued; becoming hyperactive and having a tendency to glare and ignore personal space. She also has a temper.

Although easily distracted, Ichigo can become very focused on a particular subject, to a point of forgetting anything else not associated with it. She can be very persistent and stubborn, especially concerning mysteries, as she will not be able to stop thinking about it until she finally solves it.

While being very skillful in cooking, she is vulnerable to all caffeine. Banana milk is her favorite drink.

Background: Ichigo is a Korean/Japanese girl, though was given up as a infant for reasons she doesn't know of. She was adopted by a a Japanese couple all the way in England where she learned different things than in Japan. Ichigo was named by them, not having a name at all at first. She lived there where she learned English. At the age of 8. She moved to Japan where her adoptive parents teached her Japanese. At first, She was in the countryside of Japan where she learned Japanese and lived a normal life there. When she turned 11 and got into Kyoto, or the Modern, more technology part of Japan is where she was a bit rushed in, not living in the city in England or Japan. Ichigo hash bit of problems now with Technology, but lives and lived normally as a child and now.

Likes: Fruit, Cats, Summer, Swimming, Creepy Things, Cute Things, The Internet

Dislikes: Embrassment, Being Lost, Long Lectures, Waiting, Being Teased, Exercising

Classroom: A-2

Dorm Partner:

Juvia Grayson

@LunaCrosby, "She seems elegant..."


*Although it may not look like it, Ichigo loves tattoos.

* Her name means Strawberry and that is her favorite fruit

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Name: Akima Tagadashi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (optional): Heterosexual

Appearance (anime):


At first impression, Akima may seem like a sweet, shy girl, with a slight mischievous side. So far, she seems to be innocent, always telling the truth. However, under that guise, she is bat-shit insane. She is psychotic, with no mercy for anything that breathes. She is sadistic, taking pleasure in the pain of others, and enjoys tearing students down emotionally. She also gets jealous and suspicious incredibly easily. However, she since she was young, she has developed a strange obsession with finding the "Perfect Guy" to spend the rest of her life with. In the past, her previous "Perfect Guys" have been stolen from her by other, prettier, more popular girls. But this time? She will not let ANYONE get in her way.

Background: Raised by two abusive parents, Akima's early life was rather rough. Her parents were both arrested for drug-related crimes, and she was put up for adoption at the age of five. She floated around from foster home to foster home, staying for a bout a year or so at each one, always getting passed on when the foster parents noticed... stranger tendencies about the young girl. At age 12, she was brought in by some lonely old lady where she has been ever since. Her strange tendencies died down, and she was presumed to be normal by everyone around her, though deep down, she hadn't changed at all.


  • Boys
  • The pain of others
  • Red
  • Reading
  • Crime shows


  • Anyone she suspects of trying to steal her "Perfect Guy"
  • Pink
  • Dogs
  • Music
  • Drawing
  • Spiders

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts): None yet

Other: This is more or less for the lols, actually. I was simply curious as to how an RP with a character like this would be. Plus I was heavily inspired by the game Yandere Simulator. Let the pain begin!

Name: Lizabeth "Liz" Samerson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation (optional): Heterosexual

Appearance (anime):

(With green eyes)


A rather shy girl, Liz doesn't exactly like talking to people. However, with those who get to know her, she is rather bubbly and happy. Nothing in the world makes her happier than art, or being outside with nature.

Background: Born to an American and British couple that had met in Japan, Liz is a rather out of place girl. She had going to a school outside Tokyo, but her parents recently moved to Kyoto, causing her to be the new girl in this school she wasn't at all used to. She had a few friends back in the old school, but here she felt incredibly out of place. Since she was young, she has been fascinated by nature, and art, so, quite early on, she combined the two of those. She stood out with her skills as an artist, and prefered to literally stand out, not talking to people.


  • Green
  • Nature
  • Trees
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Fruits


  • Fire
  • Mean people
  • Math
  • Alchohol
  • Drugs
  • Most popular people
  • Cities

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts): Unknown

Other: My actually serious character.
Name: Rinshara "Ririn-san" Yoshida, M.A.

Age: 24, 25 in a few days

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual



Personality: Despite being quite the genius, Riri is very scatterbrained, lazy and forgetful. He'd much rather sleep or play games than study or teach. If one took one look at him, he may come across as the typical awkward nerd, which is usually the case. He tends to act like a bumbling and outright silly idiot when not in lessons or tending to sick students. His true face, however, is an optimistic, cheerful....and somewhat feminine one, always looking towards a brighter and better day where he could finally have brains and act the part.

Background: Born to the noble and prodigious Yoshida family, Rinshara showed academic proficiency at an amazingly young age. He became known as the Golden Boy of the family, despite not actually a proper student. As much as he was illustrious in classes, his greatest weakness was tests. He often deliberately held back grades, to better cement its lessons in his mind in preparation for one grade's exams. But that is not why he is in Kyoto High School. He is here to teach and become the head of the medical department. In short, he's now both teacher and nurse.

Likes: Frogs, natto, sleeping, video games, broccoli, smoking

Dislikes: Dissection, work, Monday mornings, coffee, loud noises

Classroom teaching: A-2, infirmary

Subjects teaching: Biology, math


  • Ririn has three pet frogs, named Rose, Jojo and Ulquiorra.
  • He has both a girlfriend and a daughter, but he has yet to marry. He tends to keep his status ambiguous to othera.
  • His girlfriend's name is Kanako Takaoka and his daughter's name is Natsumi.




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Makoto Fujimoto

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): Bisexual

Appearance (anime):



Makoto is a very cheerfull, and social character, to such an extend, that some might even call him annoying,

He's quite the nosey one, which often leads to him overstepping someone's boundary's, or making them feel uncomfortable,

without even noticing or intending it, but he is working on that Habit, and it already reduced greatly. Makoto is an open book, basically, since he'll tell you what you

want to know from him without a second thought, however, there are a few things that he keeps to himself, but he would never lie about it,

he'll simply refuse to tell you.


Makoto was born into a pretty chaotic family. His parents are, and always were, free-spirits,

and never really cared about things like rules... guidelines... and things like that. And even though that did influence many decisions, events, and incidents

in his life(Often for the worse...) he never really Held it against them, The teen just accepted them for who they are. Despite all of that,

Makoto really has a strong bond with his family, and loves them more than anything.

Makoto has a 10 year old brother, named Hiroyuki, who he calls 'Hero' as a nickname, taken from the 'Hiro' in Hiroyuki'.

Makoto and Hiroyuki are basically experiencing the classic younger/older sibling relationship, and although they tend to get on each others nerves, but

Makoto would always be there for Hiroyuki if he'd Need him.


The Rain

+Getting to know someone

+The sound of the wind




-Akward silence


-Lying (To hurt others)

-Math... Dear god...

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A-2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts): Akima Tagadashi


*Makoto has surprisingly good reflexes, even though he isn't really much into sports.

*His Father is named Ryuu.

*His Mother is named Kyoko.

*He has an allergy to cats.

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Name: Juvia Grayson

"If you call me Juju..."

Age: 17

"Age is just a stupid number"

Gender: Female

"Last time I checked"

Sexual Orientation (optional): straight

"Don't bother"

Appearance (anime):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/78601e5a-dbf1-4f5f-9004-94234255e067.jpg.50a46e25372f17285b908d69dd69de90.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58117" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/78601e5a-dbf1-4f5f-9004-94234255e067.jpg.50a46e25372f17285b908d69dd69de90.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Stop. Staring"

Personality: Juvia is a pretty curious girl, she has a tendency to punch anyone who comes at her with a quick speed, she can be seen as cold and heartless when really she just doesn't wanna be the one hurt, when she's around animals her soft side comes out and that's the only time you might see her smile.

"If you want to keep your pretty face, walk and don't run torwards me"

Background:Juvia was raised by a.. what you would say a violent family. You have to keep your guard up in the house or you'll most likely leave with a black eye and bloody nose, which lead to her constantly having her guard up and punching if you charge at her.

"I mean.. love hurts"


* being alone

*not being charged at

*learning new things

*silently pets a cat*

Dislikes:*animals getting hurt and abused

*being bothered

*being charged at

"You should know by now..."

Classroom (All classes are A-2):A-2

"Yeah A-2"

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/edf96d28-4ff4-4955-8cea-1f44ffddede3.jpg.e0b84eb6412b5fee1718c69a383ec51e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/edf96d28-4ff4-4955-8cea-1f44ffddede3.jpg.e0b84eb6412b5fee1718c69a383ec51e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1efe5969-80db-4742-b496-c46983a6c017.jpg.a861ea188e7ca1561c081450b0982dd2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/1efe5969-80db-4742-b496-c46983a6c017.jpg.a861ea188e7ca1561c081450b0982dd2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2ee2427e-8b86-4626-89bb-64387522c1bc.jpg.95942c77cb119a304d72250d5fff1a44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/2ee2427e-8b86-4626-89bb-64387522c1bc.jpg.95942c77cb119a304d72250d5fff1a44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Satsuki Shishio

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation (optional): depends on the person.

Appearance (anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-22_20-2-13.png.994c65222cc96d01dc309988133dd816.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-22_20-2-13.png.994c65222cc96d01dc309988133dd816.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Satsuki is a real big flirt. He likes to make people feel good and gives easily a compliment, only if he meant it though. He is very straight forward and experience nothing as too weird or awkward. The most people around him are comfortable. But if you get to know him better you'll know that he is better then that. Actually he is losing himself in making others feel good. He doesn't want a relation ship and is simply messing around. He can be cruel too, because he is straight forward, what is the opposite of his feeling to make others feel good. He is not easily amused and wears often a mask. His friends know how he really is: A easy pissed off cruel teen.

Background: Satsuki grew up in a household with two children. Him and his older sister Ryuka. Their parents are divorced and their mother refused to pay money for the children. She still cares about them, but claims that his dad has enough on his own. Which is true, but his father works hard for it, often getting home exhausted. Satsuki blames his mom and hate seeing her happy with her new friend. He can't stand it and is often with his father. Satsuki started smokin on the age of 16, because of his older sister. It eases the pain she said.


Likes: Smoking, flirting, studying, anime, going to the barber. Traveling

Dislikes: His mother, animals and the city.

Classroom (All classes are A-2): A2

Dorm Partner (add in when RP starts):
We will see

Other: Satsuki wants to be a world traveller, he is working alot to save money for that.

-Satsuki is struggling with his sexual orientantion as he once felt something for a close male friend. He really doesn't know if he just likes girls or both. Or only man.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-22_20-10-59.jpeg.4ac385312510532747feae2868a4f54f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/upload_2015-6-22_20-10-59.jpeg.4ac385312510532747feae2868a4f54f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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