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The 4th Espada
  1. You must have at least one canon character before making a oc
  2. the oc can also be related to a canon character in someway (Like Rin (Blue Exorcist) and my oc Fate being cousins)
  3. the character sheet... you can make your own
  4. GM: Me, DM: (must pm me to be this and i'd have to trust you)
  5. OP characters are not allowed
  6. have fun
Plot: (I will fill out after the ocs are built)
Name: Rin Okumura
Show or movie of origin: Blue Exorcist/ Ao no Exorcist
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Nephilim (Half man half demon)
Personality: Rin has an extremely compassionate and supportive personality, and a kind heart. He supports his friends and tries to encourage and help them in any way possible. He is also very protective of Yukio and aims to surpass him one day. However, Yukio often finds Rin annoying due to his frequent impulsiveness, stupidity, and his care-free attitude, which makes Yukio look down on Rin as much as he looks up to him, making it hard for Rin to be taken seriously by Yukio and his fellow exorcists, making Rin desperate to earn his brother's approval. He takes offense when Yukio accuses him of killing their father and pointing a gun at him, warning him not to insult him and saying that he isn't going to fight his brother. Rin is also revealed to be very fragile later on when Yukio begins to show signs of Insanity and Rin can't find any way to help him.
Family: Satan (Birth Father) Yuri (Mother, Deseased) Yukio (brother) Shiro (Step father, Deceased), Mephisto (Half brother) he has more siblings but ill mention them later..
Bio: In his childhood, Rin led a normal human life, but his strength and temper seemed unnatural, so all the children and even teachers feared him and thought of him as a Demon, throwing slangs such as 'Demon child.' He got into fights often and injured all his classmates, and the only one who could stop him was Shiro. Rin always admired Shiro and wanted to become like him when he grew up. Rin always protected Yukio from bullies and encouraged him to chase his dream. Also in his youth, Rin learned how to cook, which became his natural talent.
Rin Kyoto Saga.png

Abilities: Blue Flames
Aside from the various benefits that comes from him a Nephilim through being the son of Satan, there are several disadvantages that comes with it:

  • Holy Water: Despite being half-demon, Rin is still weak to holy water like any other demon, being burned after Igor Neuhaus poured holy water on him.
  • Demon Tail: If his tail is grabbed onto, then Rin will be unable to move.
  • Demon Heart: Though, most demon hearts would remain hidden at all times to keep from being targeted, Rin's heart was sealed inside Kurikara, however, if the sword broke then that might have ended up killing him. After it returned to him upon the sword breaking, he didn't know how to hide his heart and relied on Mephisto Pheles' special-made uniform.
Flames of Satan : Also known as the Blue Flames , he inherited the flames of his biological father, which as suggested are blue.Due to his demon heart being sealed in the demon-slaying blade, Kurikara, his demonic powers were sealed too, however, in an erratic emotional state, small blue flames are released even when the sword was sheathed. Rin later started training to control his blue flames to ensure he isn't consumed and reverts to his feral state when he draws Kurikara. Despite his improved control, Rin is still prone to his flames leaking out in rage. After Kurikara, which contained his demonic heart broke, his flames were released at full power burning him, before healing and regressed into his feral demon form, but he soon returned to his state of mind.

  • Pyrokinesis: The most basic ability that Rin possesses due to his heritage, Rin has the ability to create and control fire with his mind. By the time of the Izumo Rescue Operation, he attained enough control over his blue flames to create techniques by releasing flames from his sword in a more coordinated manner. In an attempt to rescue Yukio, Rin could make a blade from blue flames to burn Satan out from his eye.
  • Demon Form:Whenever Rin draws his sword, which acts both as his "heart" and the source of his demonic power, he gains access to his true power. Likewise, this also puts Rin at a severe disadvantage, as he does not keep his tail concealed, which is one of his main weaknesses, and it exposes his heart, meaning that if Kurikara is destroyed while it is drawn, Rin will die. Kurikara later broke due to Satan who talked through Yukio, causing Rin to remain in his demon form with his heart exposed.
    • Intimidating Presence: Rin being the spawn of Satan gives him an overwhelming aura which is feared by low to mid-tier Demons. Such is shown when he told the Reaper to let go of him, evidentially saving Bon while instilling fear into the Reaper.
Skills: Cooking

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