

Character sheet




Animal(s) mixed:

Anthropomorphic (furry) level:


Weapon of choice (optional):




Name: Kiri

Age: 19

Human/Anima: Anima

Animal(s) mixed: Fox

Anthropomorphic (furry) level: Mild

Occupation: Soldier

Weapon of choice (optional): Katana


info: raised from a family of foxes from the west, Kiri (short for Kirimi) was raised around the military her entire life being of discipline and war strategy. (the fluff on her shoulder of her tail)
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Ula and Doria

Name: Ula

Age: 15

Human/Anima: Anima

Animal(s) mixed: Siamese Fighting Fish, Angel Fish, and Dolphin.

Anthropomorphic (furry) level: Max

Occupation: Noblewoman

Weapon of choice (optional): None. Teeth and Claws work fine.










Info: Born to undersea nobility and considered chosen by her people. Ula was never allowed to go near the surface let a lone learn anything about it. She spent her days learning of the important sea rituals and other important things. She had never even heard the surface language and has yet to ever truly experience adventure. She is the only fish-woman seen with red eyes and red spots (as opposed to the normal blue), a rare sign of genetic diversity amongst her species. She is also one of the rare few that can use her feet to walk on the surface.

Name: Doria

Age: 16

Human/Anima: Anima

Animal(s) mixed: Siamese Fighting Fish, Dolphin and Barracuda

Anthropomorphic (furry) level: Max

Occupation: Guard

Weapon of choice (optional): None, Teeth and claws that are sharp as daggers. She is extremely fast on both land and water.






Info: Doria set to be Ula's guide, companion and protector is a young girl only a year apart fro Ula. She has a great distaste for land people, from constant contact, and has learned how to speak the surface language. She however cannot walk on land, but can jump extremely high out of the ocean, towering around 50 ft. She will also learn she can move on the surface when using her sharp fins like daggers to stand on.
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Name: Connor McKinley

Age: 20

Human/Anima: Anima

Animal(s) mixed: cat

Anthropomorphic (furry) level: mild

Occupation: Underwater farmer (Fish, kelp, etc.).

Weapon of choice (optional): Well, the old family shotgun for land folk and a spear gun for everything else.


info: He likes looking at the schools of brightly colored fish that his father trades for at expos. Actually, anything bright and colorful distracts him. He has also barely been off the farm, his short attention span and curiosity making it a bad idea.



Roxie Heart





Animal(s) mixed:


Anthropomorphic (furry) level:




Weapon of choice (optional):

None she does combat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e5cb76476e74298747ad74c216f2a89a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.e5cb76476e74298747ad74c216f2a89a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Roxie was born into a very rich family but she hates it. All her life she had been treated as the the child that isn't good enough. She was also bullied. So one day she completely snapped and now she dares anyone to mess with her. She is considered as the bad apple of the family.​



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Name: Conelly Parker

Age: 18

Human/Anima: Human

Animal(s) mixed:

Anthropomorphic (furry) level:

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Weapon of choice: Two pistols, three throwing knives, a hatchet, One vial of (extremely potent) poison, a sniper rifle (if the situation calls for it), and a ceremonial (Useless, in other words) dagger.





Conelly's life as a child was nothing short of grueling. Throughout early life she did little more than prepare. Training session after training session filled her life, with each getting harder and harder as she aged.

Under her training, her main lessons were this:

1. Pure human blood must always exist.

2. Human superiority to Anima must be reached.

3. Any Anima who stands against human superiority must be silenced.

4. Any human who disobeys these laws must be eliminated.

At fourteen, with ten years of these lessons behind her, Conelly went on her first mission: A local human-Anima offspring was born, and needed to be eliminated. Conelly didn't hesitate, the mother, father, and child were all removed, and their home burned.

Three years later her 'father' was arrested and Conelly's job as an assassin was over. With limited education and no real people skills, Conelly was forced into bounty hunting: Capturing or eliminating anyone who disobeyed the laws of the land.

Due to her years of training and forced avoidance of 'mainstream' education, Conelly is barely literate. Along with this, she has had almost no interaction with other living beings, making her social skills all but nonexistent. To make matters worse, the anti-Anima ideals beat into Conelly still exist, despite her father being removed from her life.
"I am the True King, Hades nor marine captain. I will be the one to unite all, and usher in a new peace!"

Name: Tristan Kenway

Age: 18


Animal(s) mixed: Shark

Anthropomorphic (furry) level: Mild, can breath, see and talk underwater.

Occupation: PIRATE!!!

Weapon of choice (optional): He has a lot of weapons in his armory on his ship, but will usually take a gun ad a dagger with him on his trip.


info: As a child, his minute anima powers and body structure, he was as able to hang with the humans and anima. He was never afraid of either side, and at the age of 16, he participated with a friend on a peaceful protest for anima rights, as some humans used many loopholes and lies to cut down medical and food trade and support. The marines took it as an act of aggression, and fired at them. In the ensuing chaos, Tristan lost his eye, and has burns on him to this day. Ever since, he has took it upon himself to establish a new nation, 'Unity', one in which human and anima life live in harmony. He has a small, long ignored Island as their hub, so the small amount of people of Unity are more sea faring, Living on boats, and wandering the seas. He goes under the name of 'True King' and leads Unity under certain codes.

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