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An Unlikely Pair of Cat and Mouse

The day was dragging to an uncomfortably long point as Vera had exited the airport with her suitcase in tow. Despite it only being noon, the woman had been up just about all night trying to decide if this was a good idea. Yeah she had known and roleplayed with Sherlock whom she had come to know as Wendy for a few years now, but that wasn’t what she was worried about. It was what would take place in a few hours that did. She had a hotel room booked in advance just in case she was able to get away, though she doubt that was going to happen because the arrangements they had made.

Let’s just hope there’d be a lock on the door to the room she’d be staying in.

Walking out to the curb, it took a bit of waving and cussing to finally hail a cab, the driver obviously in no rush to go anywhere fast. Loading her small piece of luggage into the trunk, Vera closed it with a slam before entering the back seat and giving the man the address to her friend’s apartment. Once that was finished and he had set off into the light traffic that plagued the city's streets, the cursed woman pulled out her phone and sent a text to her.

Imessage 1.png

Once it was sent, Vera reclined in the seat and shut her eyes, trying to take her mind off of mostly everything that was worrying her. This should be exciting! Meeting a good friend in person for the first time. This thought brought a faint smile to her lips though her troubles still lingered in the far reaches of her mind.
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Her mind, at that monent, felt like it had an intimate relationship with the pot of water, boiling away on her gas powered stove. Both were hot, excited, and couldn't stop moving. Every time she sat down, she sprung to her feet almost immediatey, unable to contain her usually managable nervous energy. She wasn't quite sure what she was worried about, since she felt like she already knew Vera-- or should I call her Umbra? I don't know... would that be weird? "Shadow" isn't usually accepted as a name in person... I'll... I'll just stick with Vera!-- although physical interaction was always different from communication through text. She paced through the kitchen, stepping on the same tiles in a broken circle, tormented over the thought that Vera might not like Mac n Cheese. Considering it was the only meal in her house other from instant ramen-- Which would most definately NOT be a good first impression-- she didn't really have any other choice, but still...

And yet another thing to worry about, the copious amout of weapons stored throughout her house. She had gone to great lengths to hide them even more securely, and she was pretty sure Vera wasn't the snooping type, but a scene of her friend discovering her rather large revolver beneath her pillow, or stache of blades that definetely could not be passed off as kitchen knives. She proceeded to pour the hard shells out of their box into the water, but at that moment her pocket buzzed and dinged, causing her to drop the pasta and box straight into the pot. Hopping away from the counter and wiping the splashes of water off her hand, she simultaniously pulled out her phone and plucked the now soaking cardboard out of the pot.

And promptly dripped scalding liquid on her foot. Yelping even louder than before, she impulsively sent a text without bothering to spellcheck and turned her mind to making quintuple checks of every room and cleaning uo the mess of water on the ground.

Vera was only slightly startled by the buzz of her phone. Opening her eyes she squinted to read the message received, it being rather garbled and quickly written. Not bothering to respond, because that would most likely interrupt whatever it was that Wendy was doing, she dimmed the screen once more before closing her eyes again. At this point, any rest gotten now was accepted with open arms seeing at it was most likely going to be a long night.

The cab driver had to yell to wake the woman, explaining that they had arrived at her destination. Nodding in thanks before paying a rather high price, she stepped out and retrieved her suitcase from the trunk. Lugging it behind her, she walked to the building’s entrance before repeating the address mentally multiple times. This was it. She was finally going to meet her.

Entering the elevator and beginning the slow ride up, a nervous yet excited pit rooted itself in her stomach. Vera was still contemplating if this was a good idea or not but before a definite answer could be given, the electronic bell sounded before the doors rolled open.

No turning back now.

Walking down the hall, she located the door and knocked hesitantly, hopping it was the correct apartment.
After scouring her apartment for the fifth time, and tidying up the kitchen, she dipped her spoon into the slowly softening pasta, giving a quick stir before tapping it gently against the side of the pot and letting it rest on the granite counter-top. Using her skirt, she wiped her hands off and walked to the door, hearing the floors creak outside her door, but was no less startled by the nervous tapping that issued from the hallway. She was already at the door, but hesitated for a couple moments, partly afraid to open it, but mostly because she didn't want her friend to think she had been standing at the door the whole time.

Grasping the doorknob, she hurriedly turned and pulled, now worried she had waited too long. 

Then realized the chain was still in.

Almost in tears from this embarrsment, she clawed her hand over the chain, freeing it from it's hollow and swung the door inward, opening the way for her new, and also old, friend. Eyes popping slightly from seeing Vera in the flesh, not just on a screen, she stumbled for words, only letting some jumbled thoughts out in a mess akin to that of a mudslide. "H-hihowareyoudoingyouaresotall!Anddoyoulikemacncheese?" Wendy then shut her mouth and tried to keep from saying anything else weird, hoping Vera wouldnt take any offense.
As Wendy tried to open the door unsuccessfully, it took quite a bit for Vera to hold back a small laugh. Once it finally swung inward and revealed her long time friend as well as a rush of words that was rather difficult to make out. Attempting a smile, though really only managing an awkward grimace, she responded the best she could. “Hey...I, um am fine...not really that tall, and did you say something about Mac n cheese?”
Wendy tilted her head up at Vera, and studied her for a moment. "Well, taller than me anyways." Producing an involuntary giggle she spun around and opened the door wide to allow passage into her now spotless and cozy (not cramped dammit!) abode. "Come in, come in! I don't want to keep you waiting, especially when there is dairy infused pasta ready to be... Well, infused with dairy!" More like pouring a packet of dried, fake cheese into mill but... Still.

The hallways into her house boasted a hoard of... Two coat hangers, and emptied directly into the kitchen. Beyond the kitchen, and practically in the same room was an area for an L-shaped couch and a rather large flat screen TV. Doorways moved onto other rooms in her apartment to the right and left of her lounging area. 
"Well, I think everyone's taller than you." Vera teased playfully as she etntered. It was only slightly cramped but gave off a cozy, homey feel. Setting her suitcase next to the front door that was closed behind her, she let her gaze wanted the immedity room. "Nice place..." Trailing off, she pulled out her phone, lit up the screen. It was 2:30, and sunset for that day, it being the summertime, around 8:30. Good.

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