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Fantasy An Evil Education at the Tudor Lestrange Institute - Refurbished - Roleplayer's Lair

Sir loin of beef Sir loin of beef Can you tell me a little more about the CoB? If it's not a total secret, I feel like it would be something Vex and company would know about and have opinions over.

It might also have something to do with them, depending on how those particular mutants work.
It's a long story but I conceived them as Comedic foils to a dead serious Organization from that Rp Moldoma mentioned called the house of Ascension. Both are based off of an Organization from the Manga One punch man called the house of Evolution.
I meant more about their in-universe plans and methods. I was thinking of whether they'd be rivals or affiliates of Project Peregrine, the organization that created Malice, Vex, Igor, and various other genetically modified hybrids.
Oh...I haven't thought about that. Their plan boils down to Find powerful fighters, See what makes them tick. And use that to their advantage. Their methods are Scientific experimentation and Gathering Data.
And considering that they're staffed by Clones of their founder and Mutants and cyborgs and clones of their founder... Yeah I'm just using that statement to lay out their manpower in vague terms
project Peregrines some Magic thingy right?
They're basically attempting, by genetic splicing, to create a non-magical species that is "superior" to humans. There's some anti-magical sentiment involved, but the attempts to eradicate magic are mostly a side project of a friend of Vex and Malice's father, whom Vex had a summer Internship with.
Technically they've succeeded in creating the bird people, but whether they are superior to humans is subjective.
Oh, well, If Moldomas okay with Imago as a roommate I'm also putting Colonel Gorilla in as a roommate of Vex's, I know the wheel thing I used landed on Leo Rex but I'm picking Colonel gorilla.

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