Amelia Rosett


hold my earrings, please.






Amelia Rosett 

Nickname: Amy

Sixteen (16) years old





See above

Amber eyes // Light brown hair



Her family owns a farm in the countryside of Russia. Her aunt’s family -- with her husband, two daughters and one son -- operates there while Amelia's family visits the farm twice every week for the fresh products and return to the town to sell it. Because of her fear of animals (explained further in Personality), she despises the trips and would frequently plead her parents for her to stay home when the day comes. Outside of school, she tends to her own flower garden which her mom helped set up as a way to give Amelia a hobby and, once the flowers are in full bloom, she walks around selling them in the local market or door by door when she has no projects or homework from school to complete.  



Amelia burns her tongue whenever she tries to eat hot soup, while her brain freezes whenever she has ice cream because she just can’t wait to get into that sugary goodness. People who are late and indecisive are what really makes her blood boil, which may result in the late person’s phone being blown up with text messages telling them to hurry up. Oh, poor poor soul. But despite her lack of patience, Amelia always finds herself being able to concentrate while tending to the flower gardens in her backyard. The rejuvenating feeling of fresh air and the sweet scent of flowers soothed her, along with the dancing butterflies which occasionally would rest on her, making her eyes light up -- they were her favorite animal. On that note, Amelia cowers away from any other animal; there is no other reason behind it except that they’ve scared her since she was a baby. What if they hurt me? Like dogs, how can people even keep those monsters in their house?! She’d think. This is a fear Amelia avoids revealing to others for she would hate for others to think of her as a timid and weak girl. Getting laughed at by Aunt Jamie’s daughters and son was enough. Additionally, voicing her opinion has never been a problem, and she finds time passing by faster than normal when she discusses views with others. Exploring and debating belief really opens up her mind to the diversity in the world. To Amelia, people are like books with more than 1000 pages in them but with some pages ripped out or glued together, and she’d like to read as much of them as possible.


Element Type:




  Amy often sings when she is in the garden or in her room, maybe even dance to her own singing. People around her may get annoyed for her constant humming all the time. 


  Because of her wide, clear eyes and chipmunk-shaped, chubby face, people often treat her very nicely as if she is delicate and can not fight for herself. *Queue Amelia's lengthy speech of 'don't judge the book by its cover'* Again, poor poor soul...


  Whenever she is anxious, Amelia unconsciously twirls and touches her hair and sometimes pulls strands out. She is aware of it and this habit has toned down a lot over the past few years.



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