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One x One Alone Together






Five Random Facts:

Extra Information:

-:- Mine -:-


Josephine Marie Eldridge.


Josie or Jojo.




There are many words that could be used to describe Josie, one of the most common ones being cheerful. Despite having gone through things that no one should have to experience at her age, she is seemingly always smiling and is very playful. The truth is, however, that she has to be. If she wasn't an optimist, if she didn't always find the bright side, she wouldn't have survived this long. Although a generally friendly person and very compassionate, she also contains an abnormally high level of sass in such a small body, being prone to snarky comments and unnecessary witty remarks. She can be somewhat tactless, but she's also loyal to a fault and more noble than is probably healthy, more willing than she should be to put herself in danger for the sake of those she cares for. Intelligent and resourceful by nature (though few give her cleverness the credit it deserves), she can generally find her way out of a sticky situation, whether it be by using the materials she's provided with or using her charm - that's another thing. Josie can be unintentionally charming in her own unique way, with her cheeky and quirky demeanor. However, there is a more solemn layer to her, one that leans more towards silence and tears, one that's far less optimistic than she pretends to be, but she refuses to let anyone see it.


Josie is an undeniably cute young girl, standing at only 4" and weighing approximately 56 lbs total. She's a little scrawnier than is probably healthy, but not to a worrying extent. Her skin is a pleasant caramel tone and she has naturally rosy cheeks, possessing a round face, button nose and thin lips. Her ears are admittedly a little bigger than the average person's, but it just adds to her quirky charm. Her eyes are what she believes to be her best feature, considering they're adorably large, almond shaped and framed by long ebony eyelashes, warm hazel irises finishing the pretty picture. Her hair is dark brown in color and hangs in curls down her back, ending at her hips. She has a small scar on the right side of her lower jaw, and a birthmark on the back of her left hand that looks like a flower if you squint. She usually dresses in colorful t-shirts and a pair of dull capris or a skirt, the muted colors of her pants contrasting nicely with her bright shirt. She is also almost never seen without her favorite
sweater, which she knit herself, and never ever takes off her special bracelet.

Five Random Facts:

• Josie knows how to knit and loves to doing so.

• She doesn't know how to swim and is thus afraid of water.

• Also isn't particularly fond of storms.

•Josie has a major soft spot for any and all animals, particularly dogs.

•She has a stuffed fox,
Crimmy, that she still carries around despite her age.

Extra Information:

• Though she seems to be constantly happy, some aspect of Josie screamed of despair to her peers and teachers, though they always ignored it, assumed it to be nothing. And yet, no one was very surprised when she turned up missing. Despite the fact that she seemed fine, that her life seemed to be a pretty decent one, many in her hometown had somehow sensed that she'd become a runaway.

•To be discovered.
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Levi Douglas Reynolds


None to speak of, so far, although a few of his childhood friends called him Lev (which he hated)




Levi could be described in a great many ways, and- depending on the person you asked-, very little of it is kindly. He's stubborn, hard-headed, rude, rough, and sarcastic- and that's on a good day. His words are usually far more colorful than most people, and he'll be the first person to get into a fight, given the opportunity. Of course, usually he only stays around long enough to pick the person's pocket and run off- but that, according to most people, is besides the point. Levi is a lowlife, just another criminal that plagues the states, and people are more than happy to see the tail end of his beaten-up and dying Yugo 45.

Of course, the idea that Levi has to be gruff never crosses most people's minds, not when they're so busy missing their wallet (nevermind the fact that they'd find it, if they looked in a ditch just to their right, even if it was without their cash). Having accumulated the enemies Levi has- which are a nasty bunch, none of which Levi particularly wants to meet ever again-, he has very little choice in the matter. In his world, it's eat or be eaten, and Levi doesn't particularly want to end up some drug cartel leader's lunch. Underneath the rough-and-tumble exterior Levi puts on, there's a lot of sympathy and a big heart hidden away, and the man finds himself in more trouble (and usually with less money) than he should have because he stepped out of his way to help someone. He has very few friends- none, in fact, at this point in his life-, but those he does befriend are likely to find themselves with a loyal and caring friend, one who willingly step out and defend them from any dangers without a second thought.


Levi stands at just over 5'10, weighing in at 137 soaking wet. His frame is described as lean, when people are being generous, and starving when they are being honest- although, considering his lifestyle, that isn't all too shocking. He has a thin face to go with his thin frame, with dark hair that can't quite decide if it's brown or black, which contrasts nicely with his skin- which, although not superbly pale, could certainly use some more time outside the tinted windows of his car. His eyes are a cloudy gray-green, with nothing particularly remarkable about them other than their color. He has several scars, mostly located either on his knuckles or his arms, although there is a long scar along his collarbone and part of his neck, and what would look like the remnants of a stab wound in his midsection. His clothes are usually darker in color- more because of resistance to any type of stain or wears than any personal preference, since he had long ago learned to value longevity over what looked good-, and he can be found most days in his gray sweatshirt, with either a brown, gray, or black t-shirt underneath it and dark-colored cargo pants to complete the ensemble. He wears a small pendant given to him by his now-deceased sister around his neck, and although he does occasionally take it off, that's usually to shower, or to repair the chain.

Five Random Facts:

  • Levi does know how to craft jewelry; in fact, in his earlier days he tried to sell home-made jewelry to keep himself afloat.
  • Levi loves the sound and sheer power of a thunderstorm, and can spend hours watching it out from under the windshield of his battered old car.
  • He has not once changed cars since he was kicked out- not only does he not have the money to, but he has come to know and love his old and dented car, even if it does make him somewhat easier to trace.
  • Although he has temporarily adopted several stray animals while he was out and about, he always ended up sending them to a no-kill shelter, since he would feel guilty of how badly he could support them.
  • Levi will almost always return the wallets he pickpockets to a lost and found nearby, after wiping his prints and relieving said wallet of cash.

Extra Information:

  • Levi's family lives in Illinois, so although he has traveled to every other state several times, he has only returned to that state once- which didn't end well, since that incidentally also happens to be where a high concentration of his enemies are.

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