Alicia Winters


Elder Member

Alicia Winters








(Pending as I draw some things XD)

Is tall, about 5'9, with willowy limbs. She has long blond hair and blue ice eyes. Her ears and nose are pierced.

Unusual marks:

None until the accident.

Clothing style:

She enjoys wearing long flowy dresses. Though since the accident she has taken to wearing thick sweaters, leggings, and gloves as well with every outfit.


Was a pretty cheerful person, friendly, and nice. Now she is pretty quiet. Some part of her always wants to help people. And always feels like she has to be the hero. Which is how she got herself into this mess


The sun, summer, fuzzy slippers, cats, light flowy dresses, demons, and desserts


Spicy food, Cold, covering up, Winter, spiders, and expectations


Plays with this ring on her finger or her necklace a lot.

bites her nails


Ally lived a normal life in the middle of nowhere. She lived with her parents and her older brother in a big lake house. It was warm in the summer and cold in the winter. As kids they splashed in the water and squirted each other with water guns. Then when they got older Ally sunbathed while her brother did tricks off the dock. They were traditional small town people with money. Pretty well known and pretty well liked, even if it was just for their money.

But being well known kind of stopped when Ally went away for college. And surprisingly, when she was away from all the people that knew her, she finally got to know herself.

She decided there she wanted to make clothes. Like, From scratch. Weaving her own fabrics and everything. She found she was stranger than most people and liked hearing scary stories and learning about mythological creatures and demons. Mostly Demons.

her entire new self was a stranger to her family though, especially her brother. And they got in a huge argument over the phone about how Ally was throwing away her life with her crazy dreams. So she decided to come home so her family could see her in person and decide.  Once and for all if they liked Ally for who she was instead of what everyone wanted her to be.

The accident:

A winter day. Ally was going home, visiting from college for the weekend. It was going to be cold that evening so everyone was warning of black ice on the road. Ally paid attention but not really because she had hit ice before and it didn't worry her since she knew what to do.

It should have.


Sometimes as you go down winding back roads you get those turns that you've been down a million times before. You are use to them. And because it's a back road and you've been down it a million times before you know there have basically never been any cars on it as you take those turns. As you take those turns as you have a million times before, cutting off just the edges so you can go down them faster. Just as you have a million times before.....

But what if it wasn't like those times? What if as you took the turn too sharp there was a car there instead of an open road? What if you swerved away and hit a patch of black ice? What if that patch of black ice took you off the road, down the cliff, and into the frozen lake even though you are only five minutes away from home?

Maybe then Ally wishes she had worried as her car sinks below the water. She breaks the window of her car before it goes under....

but then water rushes in and her body is too stiff from cold water to even get her free from her seatbelt.

The nightmare:


Ice cold water rushing up to get you.

Your siezing up in the cold water when you need to move.

The car sinks faster and faster. Below the waves and you can't breathe! 

Why does the car sink so fast when you don't even have your seatbelt off yet?


Hands grasping until there is a click!

But it's so cold.... Maybe it's too late as the car continues to sink... 

Not.... Too late....


It's warm now....

Swim twards the light...

A hand reaching out... Reaching.... Reaching.... Grasping mine... 



The body:

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Her fingers and toes are black with frostbite since her accident and it's only been getting blacker as the days go by and spreading up her hands and feet. On her left hand is a slightly raised symbol[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] though it's hard to notice through the spreading frostbite. Her head sustained some injuries too and she wears bandages to cover up the twin wounds on her forehead. She always feels too hot but if anyone touches her, her body is ice cold.[/COLOR]
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