

Wandering Bosmer

Nation CSNation Name:




Nation Flag:


Nation Government Type (Absolutist Monarchy, Republic, etc.):

Major Factions within Nation (Optional, primarily intended for parties within republics:

Economic Cooperative Party 

 Socialist Party

Nation's Beginning Military Strength (Name special units [Panzer Division, Winged Hussars, Cavalry, etc.], no more than 50,000):
Infantry (20,000)

Tanks (10,000)

Air Force (10,000)

Navy (10,000)

Nation's Beginning Economic Strength (Using 'Economy Points', no more than 15 economy):
5 (Ok, but not great Economy)

Nation's Beginning Stability (Use 'Stability Percentage', ex: 15%, the people are on the verge of rebellion. No higher than 80%):
57% (People are content, but it may not last long)

Nation History/Description (Three sentences at least):
Leader Josh Ingar was elected leader the The Nation "Ablein" around 10 years ago, He joined with the Economic Cooperation Party. Before Josh was leader Ablein was dictatorship, people were miserable, poor and angry people have changed but still dont know if they can trust that Josh will protect them if they are attacked. Josh hopes that one day they will trust him fully and change into the happy people they once were.

Additional Nation Information:--------------------------------------------------------------Leader CSLeader Name/Title (ex: Prime Minister Valos of the Salvin Republic):
Josh Ingar (Leader Of Albein)Leader Physical Description/Picture (Both preferred, either acceptable. For description, two sentences at least.):
Josh has brown hair, blue eyes and a good heart (cough. Cliche. cough. ) he goes not wear any Royal chlothing but that of an ordinanry citizen. He has a black Coat and blue jeans, he has a gold wrist watch that was inherited from his father.

Leader Party/Faction (Optional, see faction in Nation CS.)
Economic Cooperation Party Leader Personality Description (Strengths/Weaknesses, make sure these are balanced, one strength per weakness, and vice-versa.)





Can Become Overwhelmed Somewhat Easy (Due To Pressure Of Gaining His People's Trust)

Doesn't Notice The Small Things Like Being Attacked (a few men/women gender equality) As Much As Mos Additional Leader Information:-------------------------------------------------------------@coold00d12

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