• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Alastor - Private Eye Agency (OOC)


The Travelling Storyteller


avira avira Chanticleer Chanticleer Achillea Achillea cavaliar cavaliar two two Scaleless Scaleless Irony Irony @Xey eunoia eunoia Plutoni Plutoni (and I believe @DinoNuts - you're Pumpkin's friend, right?) it has come to my attention (through the poll in the Interest Check) that most of you prefer chatting OOC over RPN rather than Discord, so I welcome you to the roleplay's official OOC thread! I know some may not be satisfied with this, yet rest assured that I'll probably make a Discord for us after a while, granted that things work out well.

I'm also taking the chance to notify everyone of a mistake I made - originally I stated that the deadline for submitting your CS was this Friday without realizing that its date isn't the 31st. I actually meant to say Thursday. But because this was a fuck-up on my part I'll be accepting character till 12pm EEST on Friday. Though I will say I would prefer it if at least some of you would finish up on Thursday since I need time to read through everything you'll be submitting, then to evaluate it and write personalized responses...

Also, Wolf Wolf Wolf Wolf sidekicker sidekicker Aato Aato ch1ps ch1ps - you've liked the pitch for the roleplay. I'm sorry to bug you all, but do you intend on joining us or was that just a sign of approval for the premise of the story?
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The whole concept interested me greatly, but I'm not entirely sure if I can portray any of the roles properly since it would be my first time to be part of this kind of role play. Nonetheless, I will submit a CS either later tonight or if I can't finish it tonight, past the due date because I have a leadership training seminar tomorrow that requires us to sleep over at the location, and I don't have any data so... yeah. I'll try to finish it tonight though! c:
The whole concept interested me greatly, but I'm not entirely sure if I can portray any of the roles properly since it would be my first time to be part of this kind of role play. Nonetheless, I will submit a CS either later tonight or if I can't finish it tonight, past the due date because I have a leadership training seminar tomorrow that requires us to sleep over at the location, and I don't have any data so... yeah. I'll try to finish it tonight though! c:

Don't push yourself! I made a mistake in the deadline originally so, again, I'm accepting till Friday evening. Take your time, and I'm sure you'll be able to portray the role you've chosen. After all, we're attracted to things that call to us. I can't wait to see your character and I thank you for your interest.
God, I nearly had a heart attack when I realised that the deadline should've been tomorrow. I'll get the CS done tonight just to be sure. Thanks for notifying me!
Haha avira avira , our characters had the same face claim. What are the odds? I hope you don't mind if my character looks somewhat similar (hopefully not too much though, I'll see what I can find in face claim search 2.0)

And I'll try to have my face claim finished by by tomorrow too :)
The muddle was no problem, it's just a days difference ^_^
Haha avira avira , our characters had the same face claim. What are the odds? I hope you don't mind if my character looks somewhat similar (hopefully not too much though, I'll see what I can find in face claim search 2.0)

And I'll try to have my face claim finished by by tomorrow too :)
The muddle was no problem, it's just a days difference ^_^

Oh no! I definitely don't mind them being similar, of course! What an awful shock that must have been to see. >_< I can work on changing mine if you like!
I managed to do some of the edits I wanted to, but it turns out I can't really nit-pick it anymore now that I'm busy. There's my application for photographic memory and I look forward to reading through everyone else's sheets as I get a spare moment or two this week.
Oh no! I definitely don't mind them being similar, of course! What an awful shock that must have been to see. >_< I can work on changing mine if you like!
No, no, you had yours up first. The early bird and all. Lovely of you to offer though <3
rambler rambler
I'm in a similar boat as Wolf Wolf. I like the unique idea and wanted to give my kudos with the like. However, I'm not experienced with this style or genre. So, I don't think I'd be an asset and won't be signing-up. Again, though, I applaud the idea and design. :xFsmile:
Hey, I'm going to have to drop out of this one. My exam block is rapidly approaching and I don't want to slow any of you down.

Good luck, and have fun ^_^
rambler rambler
I'm in a similar boat as Wolf Wolf. I like the unique idea and wanted to give my kudos with the like. However, I'm not experienced with this style or genre. So, I don't think I'd be an asset and won't be signing-up. Again, though, I applaud the idea and design. :xFsmile:

Thank you for your kind words! Know that if you change your mind, you are always welcome.

Hey, I'm going to have to drop out of this one. My exam block is rapidly approaching and I don't want to slow any of you down.

Good luck, and have fun ^_^

I'm sorry to hear that you will be leaving us... but I understand. Thank you for letting all of us know. I wish you luck in all your endeavors!
Not sure if I made it clear in my CS but there is a picture for Abigail and you can find it by clicking the appearance title (it's a hyperlink)
i don't think i'm going to be able to finish it on time :c

Don't worry. The deadline is till tomorrow evening, and even if you don't manage to complete your CS by then, I'll make an exception (only this once) and wait for you until Saturday afternoon. But no longer than that...
Hey!! So I'm almost done with my character sheet for Hawk Vision, but I'm about to leave & I most likely won't have it posted til this afternoon - all I need to do is finish his history up, which is already half-way done (I swear, the history takes me the longest to do & I don't understand why, ha ha...) But yeah, I'll have my dude up sometime this afternoon (if that's not too late, I mean!)

And everyone's character sheets are pretty interesting so far, honestly - so even if I don't get accepted, I'll probably (definitely) stalk your rp's future posts, cause I'm sure it'll be fun to read regardless if I'm apart of it or not.

But yeah, if it's not too late, I'll have it posted up sometime this afternoon.
It's currently 11:19 PM here and I just need to finish up my character's history c: I should be able to post it soon.
I'm so sorry but school's been more hectic than I expected :/ won't have time for this but best of luck x
I'm so sorry but school's been more hectic than I expected :/ won't have time for this but best of luck x

Thank you for letting all of us know, and I wish you the best of luck with everything, especially school. I realize just how stressful it can be, so hang in there!
When will we learn who's accepted? I'm really hyped for this to start

Trust me, I am hyped as well! I'm currently writing personalized responses for everyone, but since I want to send them out at the same time there's a little bit of a delay... I also have to flesh out my own characters and organize the first case, but we'll definitely get this show on the road this Monday!
So everyone that has been accepted has received a PM from me by now. I'm sorry for the rest that were interested, yet the deadline is now long past. Thank you to the 8 participants for their wonderful characters - I can't wait to start the roleplay with you guys!

But before that, as I've notified everyone, you must partner up with someone. So, don't be afraid to ask each other to form a team. The game is starting tomorrow, so I expect you to tell me who you'll be working with by then.
I'll just break the ice on this.
If possible I'd like Ezra to take one of the Pen tape recorders, as I feel he'll get the best use out of that compared to the other objects.

I really enjoy all your characters, and I am looking forward to seing what dynamics will come from this!
Keeping the ability based suggestions in mind, but being personally more focused on personalities that might play off well on each other:
I do believe Mariana and Ezra to be the most harmonious combination all in all, though maybe a bit too balanced out for being a team that works well together if that makes sense? I do love the character and if you think they'd be a good duo I'd be more than happy to try.
With Frasier I actually can see a more dynamic clash of personalities that I would be really interested in exploring, despite their abilites not necessarily being the best suited for each other, I feel they are still different enough to work. Their differences should hopefully be a source of advancement and the occassional headbutting, and not hinder them in solving their cases.
These were the two I was just personally the most drawn to for the possiblities I saw in them, though I am completely open to discussion. I do sincerely find all the characters great and would love to team up with each and every one - if anyone is interested :)

As for my person: I believe to be fairly easy to write with, and enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth beforehand but also reacting to my partner in writing without too much planning, whatever flows best. I do live in CET so that might be an issue if the time zones are too different, though I respond quickly to messages (and have alerts on my phone to not miss any). I also have discord if that makes planning easier for someone. I hope to have a good and interesting time together!
(...I also have no idea if this is how we were meant to go about this. Ah well, off we go.)
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This is such a freakin' interesting first case - you can really tell you've put a lot of detailed thought into this rambler rambler ~ and I was thinking for Fraiser, maybe the lock-picking kit would be a decent thing for him to have, so I guess I'll snag that; & I think Cavalier already let you know, but Irene and Fraiser will be partnering up for this case. (Actually you already know this, I just realized lol.)

I'm pretty pumped to start, especially cause the characters (the npcs's, & the other members of Alastor) all seem really unique and dynamic & I've never been in such a thought out mystery rp like this, so it'll be interesting for sure. (And I wasn't sure, but did you want us to make those relationship chart things? Like how our characters view the other employees of Alastor, or does it not really matter? I've been in a few rp's where we did that, and a few others where it wasn't necessary, so I thought I'd ask just to be sure.)

Achillea Achillea - I was actually thinking Fraiser & Ezra would be an interesting team duo too, (even though they weren't recommended to be partners, I think their abilities would actually work pretty well together - maybe not the personalities part aha, but abilities for sure) - maybe on a future case, they could team up or something, cause I'd be totally cool with that sorta 'butt-heads' but 'it-still-somehow-works' dynamic.
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