• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Alastor - Private Eye Agency (Characters)

Should the face claims be of art or realistic images?

  • Art!

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Realistic!

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Travelling Storyteller


This is my second attempt at such a roleplay - the first time around was not too positive due to an array of unrealistic characters being submitted that did not fit the world of the game. Additionally, I was partially at fault for not speaking up back then, yet now I intend to be more firm with who gets accepted. To aid me in this, I have a few requirements in place that will eventually determine whether a personage gets a role or not. Thank you in advance for heeding my words!
  • Number of Participants - there are 8 open spots for characters, which coincide with the number of "abilities" available for players to choose from. The amount of roleplayers will not exceed this predetermined count. Furthermore, the rule of "first come, first serve" doesn't hold any weight here. More than one individual can claim the same skill, in which case the one with the better CS gets the spot.
  • Characters per Player - every roleplayer gets only one character, who possesses one particular ability out of the 8 given. You cannot have multiple skills.
  • Teamwork - after all 8 roles are filled, roleplayers will be able to team up, forming 4 units, each made up of 2 investigators. You can select a partner based on my recommendations in the descriptions of the abilities (seeing as the point is for the two of you to work off of each other well), or you can follow your own judgement. If later you feel like you've made a wrong choice, after the end of every case there will be the option to rearrange teams.
  • Creativity - unadulterated creative freedom is what I value most, so go wild when creating your character. Any race, sexuality, gender, nationality, etc. are encouraged and more than welcome. In turn, you must by all means be respectful towards your fellow roleplayers and their choices regarding their character's identity. Of course, said identity should fit into the universe of the roleplay.
  • Balance - each ability has its positive and negative side. You might notice that in the descriptions for these "powers" I've stated my opinion as to what these abovementioned virtues and vices might be, yet you need not agree with me. Basically, you are completely free to change some details regarding your ability of choice, yet make sure to keep it balanced.
  • Realism - one of the main issues with my previous roleplay of this kind was that some characters were outright "psychopaths" (done very poorly and offensively...), borderline murderers (that preyed on animals...), ex- or current hit-men, and, frankly, I will not tolerate such personages, since they make nosense! You are more than welcome to submit someone with a traumatic past, a mental disorder, a weird personality, unpopular or controversial opinions, etc. Also, antisocial disorders are more common than we think (and much less dangerous...), yet in all of these cases PORTRAY THEM RIGHT. Also, go easy on the angst and edge...

Bellow you will find the character sheet for the roleplay. It has to be filled out and submitted by the 31st of August, after which it will be evaluated and accepted or rejected. In both cases you'll get a PM to let you know.

Date of Birth: (including their age in numbers: they must be above 18)
Birth Place:
Appearance: (give a detailed description and include a picture to represent them)
Notable Features: (the first thing(s) others notice in them)
Personality: (give a detailed description of how they act)
Peculiarities: (odd things about them)
Background: (give a detailed biography)
Personal Philosophies: (what they believe in, their morale)
(here goes anything additional you would like to add, like character quote, theme, etc.)

This "Alastor" agency is build up on its employees' spectacular abilities in solving crimes. Thus, every characters shall be granted a specific and highly specialized ability. The accepted characters and their corresponding power shall be put up here on the 1st of September.

Complete Empathy
Complete Empathy is the ability to fully empathize with another person, placing oneself in their shoes. An individual with this skill would be able to understand the people involved in a case - the witness(es), the victim(s), the perpetrator(s) - through observing various clues presented before them. They would be able to reconstruct a crime in their mind due to an overactive imagination, and then piece together a psychological profile of the criminal at large - their likely background, gender, race, mindset, incentive, etc. The downside to this skill is that excessive empathy can be a disorder - an individual possessing it, if pushed over their limits, might lose their sense of identity and instead start envisioning themselves as insane, or as the malefactor they are tracking down. This person might not have a high threshold for gore or pain, would be overly sympathetic and more easily manipulated.
Best Partner Abilities: Blissful Dissociation and Hawk Vision
Worst Partner Abilities: Psychological Manipulation and Obsessive Persistence
Blissful Dissociation
Blissful Dissociation is the ability to disconnect from a traumatic situation so as to not bear its consequences. An individual with this skill would be able to separate their morbid work routine from their everyday life, as a result leading the latter unobstructed by the prior. They would be able to withstand shocking displays of violence and death without experiencing nausea or other unpleasant effects, hence receiving an unbiased and clear-headed opinion of a crime scene while additionally having the capacity to delve into its most controversial leads. The downside to this skill is the fact that it requires apathy above what's socially acceptable. If one loses control of their dissociation they can easily come off as unfriendly or asocial, in the worst cases even as antisocial or a sociopath. Such an individual might be quite unpopular, having been deemed unnerving. They would have an easier time working with the dead rather than the living.
Best Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Psychological Manipulation
Worst Partner Abilities: Obsessive Persistence and Motor Intelligence
Psychological Manipulation
Psychological Manipulation is the ability to charm and influence people, hence persuading them with ease. An individual with this skill would be able to integrate themselves into social circles through mimicking the members of said groups. Furthermore, this person would be able to coax others into following their whim due to understanding social dynamics - their specialty is shaping the hierarchy of a community without being burdened by sympathy. They would be a master of disguise with an affinity for the human psyche. The downside to this skill is that a manipulator is often conceited, which would prevent them from forming normal human relations. They might possess a superiority complex, which would lead them to toying with the weak and defenseless out of vanity or insecurity, whilst at the same time viewing those with intelligence equal to theirs as competition in fear of being found out.
Best Partner Abilities: Blissful Dissociation and Motor Intelligence
Worst Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Associative Thinking
Associative Thinking
Associative Thinking is the ability to find relations between different concepts, in turn linking them. An individual with this skill would be able to use logic and reasoning to organize clues into a cohesive system. As a result, they would be able to drawn definitive parallels between at first glance unrelated object or events, hence constructing a complete picture of a crime. They might also foretell the sequence of future events after considering various probabilities, and discovering the most likely outcome. The downside to this skill is the fact that association can sometimes go in a wrong direction - a person with this way of thinking would be prone to making connections where there are none out of sophistry or being fed false information by a third party. They would abide by the laws of logic solely, as a result coming off as dull or stubborn, and might be intolerant towards opinions different than theirs.
Best Partner Abilities: Photographic Memory and Obsessive Persistence
Worst Partner Abilities: Psychological Manipulation and Hawk Vision
Photographic Memory
Photographic Memory is the ability to retain and recall with great detail large amounts of visual information. An individual with this skill would be able to compartmentalize in their mind events and scenes as vivid images that can later be brought to the consciousness's surface and inspected in their preserved state. They would be able to remember an array of things - indoor and outdoor spaces, noises, sounds, temperatures, weather conditions, faces, etc. - precisely as they were at the time of being initially observed. The downside to this skill is that it can overload a person's memory. An individual that is unable to forget might try to escape from their brain through daydreaming, as a result becoming absent-minded, often at the most inappropriate of times. On the other hand, they might be unwilling to view crime scenes or to be active in general out of a need to avoid useless memorizing.
Best Partner Abilities: Associative Thinking and Obsessive Persistence
Worst Partner Abilities: Hawk Vision and Motor Intelligence
Hawk Vision
Hawk Vision is the ability to spot even minor clues, as well as to possess immense precision and meticulousness. An individual with this skill would be able to perceive overlooked hints and leads, owing to their sharp eye and equally sharp mind. They would be a gifted "blood hound" that leaves nothing unturned and sets an investigation on the right track. More than anything, their job would be to pick things clean after everyone else, thought they would also have a knack for firearms due to good eyesight and a steady hand. The downside to this skill is that a person possessing it is likely to be unhealthily obsessed with perfection - their thoroughness might result in them searching for a missing link that isn't there in the first place. Furthermore, this individual might suffer from compulsive habits and ticks that would put pressure on their everyday life, thus they would find solace in being a workaholic.
Best Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Motor Intelligence
Worst Partner Abilities: Associative Thinking and Photographic Memory
Obsessive Persistence
Obsessive Persistence is the ability to devote oneself to a particular goal and use all resources to reach it. An individual with this skill would be able to focus all their energy into a single task, which they are willing to do everything to see through. They would be a "jack of all trades", who is average in all areas, but truly shines with their devotion, relentless courage, and ability to do research on their subject of interest since they know where to look for answers. They might be good to assume a leadership role and organize others' work. The downside to this ability is that it makes a person single-minded. An individual with an obsession for a case would easily, yet unknowingly, neglect their outside duties, their loved ones, and possibly themselves - their health, appearance, and reputation. Eventually after a manhunt for a criminal comes to a close, they might discover they have no personal life to come back to.
Best Partner Abilities: Associative Thinking and Photographic Memory
Worst Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Blissful Dissociation
Motor Intelligence
Motor Intelligence is the ability to hone one's physical capabilities, as a result having superior reflexes. An individual with this skill would be able to train their body to do various martial arts and other styles of fighting, additionally having an easier time wielding weaponry. Above all, they would be agile and flexible, able to think on their feet and react in the best way possible to an emergency. Chases and take-downs might be their specialty, though their mind wouldn't fall far behind their body - they would be a tactician and interrogator. The downside to this ability is that it might lead to harmful spontaneity - charging head first alone, making impulsive and aggressive decisions, starting fights, being naively brave and cocky, various irrational behaviors. Furthermore, a person that recognizes this intelligence in themselves might become resentful towards those that do not posses it, viewing them as lesser.
Best Partner Abilities: Psychological Manipulation and Hawk Vision
Worst Partner Abilities: Blissful Dissociation and Photographic Memory

Last edited:

This is my second attempt at such a roleplay - the first time around was not too positive due to an array of unrealistic characters being submitted that did not fit the world of the game. Additionally, I was partially at fault for not speaking up back then, yet now I intend to be more firm with who gets accepted. To aid me in this, I have a few requirements in place that will eventually determine whether a personage gets a role or not. Thank you in advance for heeding my words!
  • Number of Participants - there are 8 open spots for characters, which coincide with the number of "abilities" available for players to choose from. The amount of roleplayers will not exceed this predetermined count. Furthermore, the rule of "first come, first serve" doesn't hold any weight here. More than one individual can claim the same skill, in which case the one with the better CS gets the spot.
  • Characters per Player - every roleplayer gets only one character, who possesses one particular ability out of the 8 given. You cannot have multiple skills.
  • Teamwork - after all 8 roles are filled, roleplayers will be able to team up, forming 4 units, each made up of 2 investigators. You can select a partner based on my recommendations in the descriptions of the abilities (seeing as the point is for the two of you to work off of each other well), or you can follow your own judgement. If later you feel like you've made a wrong choice, after the end of every case there will be the option to rearrange teams.
  • Creativity - unadulterated creative freedom is what I value most, so go wild when creating your character. Any race, sexuality, gender, nationality, etc. are encouraged and more than welcome. In turn, you must by all means be respectful towards your fellow roleplayers and their choices regarding their character's identity. Of course, said identity should fit into the universe of the roleplay.
  • Balance - each ability has its positive and negative side. You might notice that in the descriptions for these "powers" I've stated my opinion as to what these abovementioned virtues and vices might be, yet you need not agree with me. Basically, you are completely free to change some details regarding your ability of choice, yet make sure to keep it balanced.
  • Realism - one of the main issues with my previous roleplay of this kind was that some characters were outright "psychopaths" (done very poorly and offensively...), borderline murderers (that preyed on animals...), ex- or current hit-men, and, frankly, I will not tolerate such personages, since they make nosense! You are more than welcome to submit someone with a traumatic past, a mental disorder, a weird personality, unpopular or controversial opinions, etc. Also, antisocial disorders are more common than we think (and much less dangerous...), yet in all of these cases PORTRAY THEM RIGHT. Also, go easy on the angst and edge...

Bellow you will find the character sheet for the roleplay. It has to be filled out and submitted by the 31st of August, after which it will be evaluated and accepted or rejected. In both cases you'll get a PM to let you know.

Date of Birth: (including their age in numbers: they must be above 18)
Birth Place:
Appearance: (give a detailed description and include a picture to represent them)
Notable Features: (the first thing(s) others notice in them)
Personality: (give a detailed description of how they act)
Peculiarities: (odd things about them)
Background: (give a detailed biography)
Personal Philosophies: (what they believe in, their morale)
(here goes anything additional you would like to add, like character quote, theme, etc.)

This "Alastor" agency is build up on its employees' spectacular abilities in solving crimes. Thus, every characters shall be granted a specific and highly specialized ability. The accepted characters and their corresponding power shall be put up here on the 1st of September.

  • Complete Empathy - tba
  • Blissful Dissociation - tba
  • Psychological Manipulation - tba
  • Associative Thinking - tba
  • Photographic Memory - tba
  • Hawk Vision - tba
  • Obsessive Persistence- tba
  • Motor Intelligence - tba

Complete Empathy
Complete Empathy is the ability to fully empathize with another person, placing oneself in their shoes. An individual with this skill would be able to understand the people involved in a case - the witness(es), the victim(s), the perpetrator(s) - through observing various clues presented before them. They would be able to reconstruct a crime in their mind due to an overactive imagination, and then piece together a psychological profile of the criminal at large - their likely background, gender, race, mindset, incentive, etc. The downside to this skill is that excessive empathy can be a disorder - an individual possessing it, if pushed over their limits, might lose their sense of identity and instead start envisioning themselves as insane, or as the malefactor they are tracking down. This person might not have a high threshold for gore or pain, would be overly sympathetic and more easily manipulated.
Best Partner Abilities: Blissful Dissociation and Hawk Vision
Worst Partner Abilities: Psychological Manipulation and Obsessive Persistence
Blissful Dissociation
Blissful Dissociation is the ability to disconnect from a traumatic situation so as to not bear its consequences. An individual with this skill would be able to separate their morbid work routine from their everyday life, as a result leading the latter unobstructed by the prior. They would be able to withstand shocking displays of violence and death without experiencing nausea or other unpleasant effects, hence receiving an unbiased and clear-headed opinion of a crime scene while additionally having the capacity to delve into its most controversial leads. The downside to this skill is the fact that it requires apathy above what's socially acceptable. If one loses control of their dissociation they can easily come off as unfriendly or asocial, in the worst cases even as antisocial or a sociopath. Such an individual might be quite unpopular, having been deemed unnerving. They would have an easier time working with the dead rather than the living.
Best Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Psychological Manipulation
Worst Partner Abilities: Obsessive Persistence and Motor Intelligence
Psychological Manipulation
Psychological Manipulation is the ability to charm and influence people, hence persuading them with ease. An individual with this skill would be able to integrate themselves into social circles through mimicking the members of said groups. Furthermore, this person would be able to coax others into following their whim due to understanding social dynamics - their specialty is shaping the hierarchy of a community without being burdened by sympathy. They would be a master of disguise with an affinity for the human psyche. The downside to this skill is that a manipulator is often conceited, which would prevent them from forming normal human relations. They might possess a superiority complex, which would lead them to toying with the weak and defenseless out of vanity or insecurity, whilst at the same time viewing those with intelligence equal to theirs as competition in fear of being found out.
Best Partner Abilities: Blissful Dissociation and Motor Intelligence
Worst Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Associative Thinking
Associative Thinking
Associative Thinking is the ability to find relations between different concepts, in turn linking them. An individual with this skill would be able to use logic and reasoning to organize clues into a cohesive system. As a result, they would be able to drawn definitive parallels between at first glance unrelated object or events, hence constructing a complete picture of a crime. They might also foretell the sequence of future events after considering various probabilities, and discovering the most likely outcome. The downside to this skill is the fact that association can sometimes go in a wrong direction - a person with this way of thinking would be prone to making connections where there are none out of sophistry or being fed false information by a third party. They would abide by the laws of logic solely, as a result coming off as dull or stubborn, and might be intolerant towards opinions different than theirs.
Best Partner Abilities: Photographic Memory and Obsessive Persistence
Worst Partner Abilities: Psychological Manipulation and Hawk Vision
Photographic Memory
Photographic Memory is the ability to retain and recall with great detail large amounts of visual information. An individual with this skill would be able to compartmentalize in their mind events and scenes as vivid images that can later be brought to the consciousness's surface and inspected in their preserved state. They would be able to remember an array of things - indoor and outdoor spaces, noises, sounds, temperatures, weather conditions, faces, etc. - precisely as they were at the time of being initially observed. The downside to this skill is that it can overload a person's memory. An individual that is unable to forget might try to escape from their brain through daydreaming, as a result becoming absent-minded, often at the most inappropriate of times. On the other hand, they might be unwilling to view crime scenes or to be active in general out of a need to avoid useless memorizing.
Best Partner Abilities: Associative Thinking and Obsessive Persistence
Worst Partner Abilities: Hawk Vision and Motor Intelligence
Hawk Vision
Hawk Vision is the ability to spot even minor clues, as well as to possess immense precision and meticulousness. An individual with this skill would be able to perceive overlooked hints and leads, owing to their sharp eye and equally sharp mind. They would be a gifted "blood hound" that leaves nothing unturned and sets an investigation on the right track. More than anything, their job would be to pick things clean after everyone else, thought they would also have a knack for firearms due to good eyesight and a steady hand. The downside to this skill is that a person possessing it is likely to be unhealthily obsessed with perfection - their thoroughness might result in them searching for a missing link that isn't there in the first place. Furthermore, this individual might suffer from compulsive habits and ticks that would put pressure on their everyday life, thus they would find solace in being a workaholic.
Best Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Motor Intelligence
Worst Partner Abilities: Associative Thinking and Photographic Memory
Obsessive Persistence
Obsessive Persistence is the ability to devote oneself to a particular goal and use all resources to reach it. An individual with this skill would be able to focus all their energy into a single task, which they are willing to do everything to see through. They would be a "jack of all trades", who is average in all areas, but truly shines with their devotion, relentless courage, and ability to do research on their subject of interest since they know where to look for answers. They might be good to assume a leadership role and organize others' work. The downside to this ability is that it makes a person single-minded. An individual with an obsession for a case would easily, yet unknowingly, neglect their outside duties, their loved ones, and possibly themselves - their health, appearance, and reputation. Eventually after a manhunt for a criminal comes to a close, they might discover they have no personal life to come back to.
Best Partner Abilities: Associative Thinking and Photographic Memory
Worst Partner Abilities: Complete Empathy and Blissful Dissociation
Motor Intelligence
Motor Intelligence is the ability to hone one's physical capabilities, as a result having superior reflexes. An individual with this skill would be able to train their body to do various martial arts and other styles of fighting, additionally having an easier time wielding weaponry. Above all, they would be agile and flexible, able to think on their feet and react in the best way possible to an emergency. Chases and take-downs might be their specialty, though their mind wouldn't fall far behind their body - they would be a tactician and interrogator. The downside to this ability is that it might lead to harmful spontaneity - charging head first alone, making impulsive and aggressive decisions, starting fights, being naively brave and cocky, various irrational behaviors. Furthermore, a person that recognizes this intelligence in themselves might become resentful towards those that do not posses it, viewing them as lesser.
Best Partner Abilities: Psychological Manipulation and Hawk Vision
Worst Partner Abilities: Blissful Dissociation and Photographic Memory
Last edited:
WARNING: This CS contains some explicit and morbid descriptions.

Mariana Beatriz Llewelyn

Maria, but only to her parents.

June 6th, 1989 - 28 years old

Birth Place
Baucau, East Timor



Mariana is a noticeably small woman with an olive complexion whose size sometimes gets her mistaken for someone much younger. She stands at just over 5'3" and will often wear heels to make up for what she lacks in height.

Her deep brown eyes are only a few shades darker than her cinnamon colored hair, which is usually kept naturally down at a comfortable shoulder length. When working on cases or in messy situations, Mariana will often pull all her hair into a loose pony tail behind her.

Though she doesn't always require them, Mariana does carry a pair of round rimmed glassed with her at all times.


Notable Features
Mariana is physically very average besides her stature. Alongside her heels, she enjoys dressing impeccably neat. Mariana's neatness isn't just because she enjoys the aesthetic - if she feels anything is out of place she is unable to focus until it is rectified. Naturally, she is always seen dressed well with both function and style. Despite the sweltering heat of New Orleans, Mariana will always elect to wear long sleeved blouses or blazers for personal reasons.

Mariana is typically reserved and is frequently described as cold or distant. Her psychiatrist tells her that she puts up walls to protect fragile center self, and that's a part of the reason Mariana has trouble feeling empathy for others. Another related self defense mechanism Mariana has activated is her ability to dissasociate herself from her thoughts and feelings, as well as her past. Her childhood memories are few and far between, and she refuses to introspect on them due to a deep seated fear of what she'll uncover. This emotional detachment is a big part of what makes Mariana so talented at what she does - she can look objectively past the emotional particulars and find the truth of facts.

Her lack of emotional intelligence often works against Mariana. On more than a few occasions she has unintentionally offended others with her candidness. Mariana does not always understand interpersonal contexts and can sometimes bottle the related anxiety up till it explodes on someone. Despite all her social shortcomings, Mariana is trying to work on it with her psychiatrist's guidance. Though her well-intentioned attempts at social interactions don't always go as intended, Mariana believes in the reward of hard work and dedication. She has a very particular personal code of ethics and adheres to it to a fault.

- Remembers only broken pieces of Portuguese.
- Will only smell offensive odors for a few seconds before shutting them out of her mind.
- Is a vegetarian.
- Will never admit it, but occasionally finds comfort in religion.

- Cold
- Quiet
- Objectivity and cold, hard facts
- Being hands on
- Small spaces
- Organization
- The human body

- Pop culture
- Animals and insects
- Scary movies
- Messy foods
- Loud people & things
- Halloween
- Things she can't understand

Mariana was born in East Timor during the heart of the country's violent occupation. Over the course of almost a quarter of a century, East Timor lost about 20% of its population. On one side loomed a forcefully established puppet government backed by an invading foreign military. On the other, native "dissidents" weary from 200 years of colonization and the toll of their recent civil war. Maybe Mariana's father was one of those freedom fighters, or maybe he was an enemy combatant who took advantage of an unfortunate situation. She may never know.

What Mariana does know is that she born to a now unknown woman in a small village near Dili, East Timor's capital. In this place, she lived through the country's genocide, relatively unaffected, till the tender age of five. She holds few, fragmented memories from this period of her life. One of her first is from exploring with a few of the village children in a field near their home. They often liked to scour the fields after skirmishes for any leftover trinkets or bullet casings, thinking of them as toys and curios instead of deadly weapons. Mariana remembers stumbling upon a rotten corpse in a ditch, abandoned from the recent guerrilla fighting.

The smell was putrid and pungent. To this da, it's the worst smell she'd ever experienced and the only one she could never shut out. Despite it, her morbid curiosity prompted her to poke the remains with a stick. Pieces of broken bone could be seen jutting under the rotten flesh. Though that terrified many of the children with her, that intrigued Mariana. She wondered what happened to the man and how he came to be there, in those circumstances. The others, too afraid or unwilling to go near the fetid corpse, ran home to warn some adults that they'd found yet another morto.

The rest of Mariana's childhood is a blur. She refuses to reflect on these dark times and has locked them away in a box in her mind, leaving only remnants. The village was eventually razed to the ground and its inhabitants evacuated to nearby Dili. There was chaos, confusion, and blood. Lots of blood. Mariana lost whatever family she had, and eventually ended up as a ward of the state. Thankfully this was short lived, as the governement of East Timor had few resources to spare for its orphaned charges. A rich New England couple who had been trying to adopt for some time had finally been given approval. Fortunately for Mariana, they chose the small, quiet girl and whisked her away to Massachusets where she had a relatively normal upbringing in a cozy New England hamlet.

Mariana showed an aptitude for biology (in particular, the human anatomy) all throughout her school years. She went on to one of the top universities in the country and earned her BS with honors in forensic anthropology. Continuing her education, Mariana went on to earn a Master's degree in anthropology, with a focus on forensics and anatomy. Soon after, the founder of the Alastor Private Eye Agency reached out to her. Seeing a chance to gain real world experience, Mariana hopped on the next plane to New Orleans.

Personal Philosophies
Mariana believes that all truths can be found in facts. To her, both the devil and god can be found in the details, you just need to follow the evidence.

Each thing in the universe has potential become something greater and should be given the chance. Once that opportunity is squandered, though, trust is difficult to win back.

----------------Extra----Mariana and her adoptive parents were told that she had "lost" her birth East Timorese family. What exactly became of them, she does not know.

Missing any kind of link to her native cultural heritage.







"Never regret thy fall,
O Icarus of the fearless flight -
For the greatest tragedy of them all
Is never to feel the burning light."
Oscar Wilde

Name: Abigail Hallark

Nicknames: Abi

Date of Birth: 03/04/1992, 25yrs old

Birth Place: New Iberia, Louisiana

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


(The art claim is highlighted. Unfortunately, I could not find the artist for this one.)
Her skin is transparent and anaemic, seemingly stretched taut around her bones. The veins and capillaries underneath create tapestries of reddish-violet colour around and under her eyes, nose and lips. These features are framed with a fine halo of remarkably long, straight, blonde hair that is gathered into a ponytail or a bun when she is on a case. Her eyes are like marbles. They are glassy and blue and tend to roll idly from object to object, never really focusing on one thing for too long unless she is working.

She favours chiffon and silk for her neatly buttoned shirts and will insist upon wearing high-waisted dress trousers that cling just above her ankles when she is working. Her favourite colours range from steely blue-greys to the insipid green of a hospital gown; cold and austere to complement her unsubstantial form without diminishing what little colour is still present on her features. Accessories are worn sparingly and also fasten tight to her body; Abigail usually wears silver studs and an elasticised bracelet around left wrist of small silver panels inlaid with fake diamonds. She carries around a small handbag on a polished silver chain and somehow manages to fit all of her necessities within it.

Notable Features:

The only striking feature in Abigail’s looks is the pallor of her appearance. Her skin tone coupled with the platinum blonde sheet of hair have often provoked questions about albinism, which she emphatically refuses having (although she’s one of the rare few who could probably get a sunburn on a cloudy day if she took less care of herself, a particularly bad trait to have in somewhere like Louisiana). She is easy enough to spot in a crowd because of this.



To the common observer Abigail is remarkably human. She’s a cocktail of incongruence; like everyone else she presses a front of wary politeness around strangers which eventually melts off to reveal her equable demeanour coupled with a sarcastic sense of humour, often taking jibes at those she’s truly comfortable around. Her movements are both delicate yet slothenly and usually mistaken for laziness. She thinks before she acts and keeps those thoughts to herself whenever possible. She claims that she does not care what others think of her but her dress sense and the way she obsessively guards her secrets say otherwise.

And yet upon closer examination it is clear that Abigail is a woman torn in half. Parts of her behaviour seem to awkwardly juxtapose others. She seems to be stuck in an ever-changing internal conflict between a constant strive towards perfection and a rebellion against the deeply ingrained ideologies within her. She never outwardly displays it, but Abigail is in constant motion; whether she is working, playing or relaxing there is always some sort of purpose behind everything she does. She abhors failure and always over-reacts whenever she gets something wrong. Despite that veneer of jovial indifference that she possesses, Abigail is more than capable of exerting herself to near-exhaustion unless someone intervenes.

Peculiarities: Her body language is unique. She hardly looks at others in the eyes when she’s talking and her fingers seem to dance across each other smoothly whenever she isn’t preoccupied with something else. When agitated, her fidgeting becomes more frantic and she seems to collapse in on herself, becoming tense and reticent.

Likes: Pass-times are always a bother for Abigail. Re-reading books, re-watching movies, even re-runs of the same TV show infuriate her to no end. As a result Abigail enjoys going out when she wants a bit of a break from things, and never to the same place too many times in a row. Trying new things is always a passion of hers.

Dislikes: As mentioned above, boredom is the bane of Abigail’s existence - and she’s easily bored. She also often critiques the Church and most organised forms of religion. She’s terrified of drowning too and never swims in water she can’t stand in.


Abigail's story is a lengthy one. As such, I have hidden in within a spoiler. Read at your own leisure.

“But you’re not allowed to say anything, right? There’s this whole...confidentiality thing that stops you from talking about what I say in here?”

The therapist smiled softly, re-arranging the papers on her desk. “Miss Hallark, we’ve been through this before you even signed up for these sessions. I’m legally bound to client confidentiality.” She picked up a chewed ballpoint pen and a clipboard, scratching a few preliminary notes onto a series of forms. Abigail was stiff on the leather chair, her fingertips sliding over the nails on her other hand whilst her lips were pursed into a wary scowl. “If you’re worried about your friends finding out, know that me telling them anything would be against the law.”

“But you can certainly hint about whether or not I co-operated,” Abigail retorted softly. Her head tilted to one side whilst an ahsen brow quirked up and she leant backwards slightly in resignation. The therapist glanced up from her paperwork and paused.

“Abigail,” the therapist sighed, “It would be counterintuitive to not co-operate in these sessions. The fact alone that you’ve been persuaded to attend them is a clear signal that people are concerned-,” Abigail rolled her eyes and a hiss of breath left her nostrils irritably. “-...so it would be in your best interest to at least try to be open in here.” There was another long pause as the pen hovered over the first of the larger boxes on the form patiently. Abigail shut her eyes and nodded miserably. “Let’s start at the beginning then. How would you describe your childhood?” With one last weary glance towards the frosted glass panel of the office door, Abigail spotted two blurred figures waiting outside and reclined even further in the seat defeatedly. Her voice was quiet and ponderous as she began her explanation.

“Like living in a snowglobe, I guess. Like-...an actual snowglobe, this is a literal metaphor. Everything was laid out so neatly and perfectly in this bubble with a beautiful house and some trees and maybe a few little decorations here and there but that didn’t mean it wasn’t cut off from the real world, sealed tight and full of watery bullshit that you’d drown in if you stayed there for too long and every so often someone would come along and give you a good hard shake to make it pretty again.” Abigail shifted from toying with her nails to tapping the knuckles on each hand; a forceful and rapid action as her gaze slipped from the therapist to some point on the desk. “Takes a lot for a little porcelain person in one of those things to be able to break the glass and fuck off...” she mused bitterly.

“That would be about you running away, I assume?” When the therapist received no sort of response from Abigail, she shifted the topic. “We’ll get to that later. Tell me about your parents. No doubt they influenced you quite a bit when you were little…?”

“Oh, you know,” Abigail shrugged her shoulders weakly, “caricatures of suburban stereotypes. My mom was pretty...uh...pretty strict. Super Catholic and really, really overprotective. It was all prayers and church, full-length skirts and long sleeves in the summer, no TV or games, that sort of crap.” She glanced up at the therapist and answered the question that she knew would be coming next, “Dad had no spine. He probably married her because of her ‘passion’ or something and ended up getting stuck under her thumb. He was nicer; I’ve got a load of fond memories of us playing with one of those Fisher Price plastic rocking horses in the backyard. That didn’t stop him from basically parroting out what mom would say though.”

“And what did your mother say, exactly?”

“She made it out like I was destined for greatness. When I was little, I thought I’d become the next Virgin Mary. That through my hard work and devotion, I’d become the pinnacle of purity and lead humanity into an age of peace and…” Abigail trailed off and abruptly began drumming her fingers on her lap. Her voice had taken a monotonous edge towards the end of the sentence which clearly alarmed her. “It got drilled into me. I wasn’t allowed a lot of contact with the outside world. Couple of friends in my bible studies and school friends, plenty of them but…since I wasn’t ever allowed out to their place and I had to play twenty questions just to background check them for a playdate at mine, they weren’t really that close. The result? I honest to Christ thought I’d become a saint. At least, in the beginning.”

“What do you mean by ‘in the beginning’? Did something change?” came the therapist’s soft inquiry, encouraging Abigail to elaborate. Abigail’s fidgeting had settled into a constant drumming noise that she did not seem aware of. She would not meet the therapist’s gaze.

“As I got older and school got more serious, I grew out of that ‘I’m gonna become godlike’ phase because my mom basically told me it’d be very very unlikely since we’ve all got sin in us...hence the confessions and the mass and all those rituals to prove to God that we were trying to be good and-...sorry, I’m rambling. I got to around eleven, twelve years old and the tone changed. I had to show my devotion through prayer and good grades. But prayer is...unsubstantial, it’s not like God ever reached down and gave you a pat on the head for it, you just had to be satisfied that you did the right thing. Grades are concrete, they’re real. At some point mom decided a low grade was the same as a weak connection with God or an affiliation with the devil. See where I’m going with this?”

“Miss Hallark, you’re...it looks like you’re slightly distressed. Do you want to take a minute?” Again, there was no response from Abigail, merely a frantic drumming noise and a brief flickering glance towards the therapist. “....Even something like this can be quite harrowing when it’s all you knew at the time. You’ve adjusted quite well, all things considered. If you’d like, we-”

“I’m sorry, but can we just keep going?” Abigail interrupted sharply. The fidgeting stopped and she smiled placidly at the therapist. “I mean no offence, of course, but since this whole situation’s been blown out of proportion by my colleagues I see no reason to drag it out any longer than it needs to. You must be quite busy,” she made a vague gesture to the door behind her, “and I’m worried I’m taking up time that could be more important for other patients.”

The silence seeped through the therapist’s office for a good half minute before more scratches of pen on paper filled the space. When the therapist spoke again, she retained the usual softness but it seemed somewhat artificial. “So-..you were pushed towards achieving high grades, I presume. That must’ve been a lot of stress, especially during those formative years. How did you cope?”

“Mom had this sort of system in place that reinforced ‘good’ behaviour and punished ‘bad’ behaviour. When I was getting good report cards, waking up early, doing all my chores - she’d relax a bit on the rules. I’d get to watch TV under supervision and eat junk food she bought for me. I kind of thought that if I managed to get one, two more percent on those report cards I might be able to make her loosen up to the point of having a pretty normal life. So when I lost even a little bit on my test scores it was more frustrating than flat-out catastrophic. It felt like an escape plan that kept failing. It wasn’t as stressful as you’re probably making it out to be. I was pretty happy then.”

“What about when you didn’t do so well?”

“The opposite, really. One step forward, two steps back. Bedtime was put an hour earlier, no TV, more chores - dad was a bit of a guard dog to make sure that bathroom was spotless but he never yelled at me, only sort of warned me to maybe go back and clean the sink a little harder before telling mom I was done. I want to make that pretty clear because I guess from an outside perspective it all looks pretty grim. Dad was never mean to me. He even used to smuggle me cake or sweets, just out of the blue. I loved him so much.” The therapist hesitated as a phone buzzed twice in her handbag. Her hand slipped into the bag briefly then she gave Abigail her full attention once more.

“I think it’s time we approach the whole ‘running away’ part. Like you said, you didn't feel like you were suffering at the time. What pushed you over the edge?” asked the therapist. Abigail’s features puckered into an expression of deep thought and she slowed her words down again as she carefully considered what she had to say.

“I guess in order to understand this, you need to understand how learning worked for me. I wasn’t smart. I’m still not smart - I do irrational shit all the time. I don’t think I ever actually learned anything until I ran away and realised what learning really meant. So all those papers and reports and all that, what happens is I sort of...I look at something and remember the way it looks, not the content itself. I remember all the senses too. It’s like the flashbacks you see in movies - they’re not like proper memories which, from what I’ve been told, are all fuzzy and indistinct. It’s literally two, three seconds of footage from a previous time where I was sitting in my room studying. I can read the page, I can also feel the fan blowing on my right shoulder, the sound of kids playing in the park down the road, the empty glass around a palms-width away from the textbook-...you get what I mean? It’s always been like that. Mom thought I was blessed. Dad called it photographic memory. They both thought that it’d make me a supergenius and as a result I thought the same as well.” A set of bony fingers slipped through Abigail’s hair with exasperation as she rolled her eyes once more.

“20/20 vision. Hindsight,” Abigail’s words were blunt and tetchy. “Nowadays I get that it doesn’t work like that, but imagine how infuriating it was as a 15 year old girl so sheltered that she didn’t know who Britney Spears was, let alone why her special gift from God wasn’t working out to make her into a doctor? It wasn’t a rash decision, I genuinely thought that I was imperfect, or I sinned real bad somehow and that sort of...nibbled away at my self esteem, then when mom noticed the grades starting to slip and the punishments became more severe, I sorta...I kind of…” Abigail shifted in her seat and pushed out another sigh. “I didn’t even pack anything. What was there to bring? I thought I’d just go out on a pilgrimage like all the other saints before me and God would make it all better again. Mom had the old oak tree a little ways off from my bedroom window cut down after I did it.”

At this point the therapist was struggling to keep up with Abigail’s erratic pace and it took her a short while to confirm that her paperwork was up to speed with what her client was saying. “When logic failed, you turned to religion. That makes sense. You were gone for...almost a year, right? How’d you manage to survive with nothing but the clothes on your back?”

Abigail’s head snapped upwards to stare down the older woman sitting opposite her. Jaw clenched, she let loose another one of those bland, empty smiles that she displayed the last time her therapist hit a nerve. “Oh, you know. I covered a lot of distance and got into the inner city. Abandoned apartments, the charity of...of strangers, people who knew the streets better than I did.”

“Did they ever…?” There was a slight twinge of concern in the therapist’s voice as her brows knitted and her grip tightened on her pen, ready to write down a flurry of notes. Surprisingly, Abigail looked a little insulted and shook her head fervently.

“God no! First of all, I had standards - I wasn’t going to whore myself out on my so-called holy pilgrimage, that was against the whole point of it. Second, I’m pretty damn sure that I must’ve looked so pathetic that the kids I went with would’ve felt bad for raping me. Imagine being so disconnected from reality that you have to have someone teach you how to buy stuff from a fucking cornerstore. That was the sort of life I ran away from. Don’t get me wrong,” Abigail’s tone darkened, “I know how spec-fucking-tacularly lucky I was to have met those people. And don’t think there weren’t close calls either. Those eleven or so months were my reality check. But those eleven months were my months, okay? My fucked-up enlightenment. Not for anyone to poke and pry into.”

The defensive behaviour slid off the therapist now as she grew accustomed to Abigial’s tone. She moved on seamlessly to the next question after a few more notes. “Then in march, two private investigators found you and said they’ve been looking for you?”

“I was behind the cinema eating lunch when these two people in suits and big coats came up to me and basically said my parents hired them a few months after I went missing and how I needed to go home.” Abigail smirked. “I told them to fuck off. Then they bribed me with food from a diner so I agreed to at least explain why I ran away in the first place and they took pity too. Well, it wasn’t pity. It was something else. Something more decisive. They gave me this real shitty nokia phone and taught me how to hide it, told me to keep in touch. I think they knew what’d happen next.” With the therapist looking at her blankly, Abigail explained, “They didn’t bring me back right away because they started looking into my parents too. It wasn't social-services worthy but these two...absolute strangers realised that when I’d go back there wouldn’t be a teary reunion and a promise to make everything better. They kept tabs on me for almost another month or so and I used that phone to tell them where to meet up. Didn’t trust them one bit but I loved the fact they actually gave me privacy and time to prepare myself to go home.”

A coy smile played on the therapist’s lips. “I think I know who the investigators were.” Abigail laughed, a thin wispy sort of laugh which trailed off into a much smaller and genuine smile as she nodded and glanced back at the frosted glass panel again. “When did you move out?”

Abigail responded nonchalantly by saying “Oh, the moment I turned eighteen. Things had gone sour a long time ago - mom was happy to see the back of me and dad-...I was cut off from him. It was basically ‘Happy birthday! Get the fuck out.’ Just without the swearing because although I may have fallen to sin my mom was still a pure and holy Catholic and wouldn’t let my nefarious ways impede her worship. I don’t blame them. I’m still grateful for what they did.” Abigail read her therapist’s expression again. “Well, think about it; just because I got out of that life doesn’t mean they followed me, right? Being disruptive in church and the arguments and the loss of appetite, that wasn’t their fault, I was just upset that I tasted freedom and had it taken away from me again - and then some. When I came home they did their damnedest to try and save my soul and my education and that’s probably one of the most genuine and heartfelt things they ever did for me. It was their way of saying ‘we love you and want you to be perfect again’...shame I figured out that perfection didn’t work outside of the snowglobe.”

“Did you become homeless after leaving?”

Abigail’s laughter came back in another gentle wheeze. “Course not. The moment I was down the street I fished out that nokia and called those PIs. Moved into their shitty apartment that evening, and got an internship at the agency a month and a half later. I’m pretty sure they pulled some strings to get me a job as a detective but I’m also certain that the fact I could just recite spreadsheets verbatim to my boss was a good indicator of having a little something that could give me an edge out there in the field. I’m only a few years in so I’m a little wet behind the ears but, just like in my studies, I’m pretty sure my little god-gift is carrying me through until I get the hang of things.”


Personal Philosophies:
The crux of Abigail’s character is the development of her own ideologies as she attempts to split them from the ones drilled into her as a child. As such, she could be described as a morally grey individual as her beliefs on right and wrong tend to vary in ways some could consider nonsensical.

The beliefs she carries around now are a menagerie of opinions she’s picked up from those around her. Self-preservation is of the utmost importance to her, even over the suffering of others. That being said, she sees no reason to be openly hostile to anyone she doesn’t know well enough to judge and will often look down on people who do. Finally (and most intriguingly) her tenuous bond to religion is one of fear and uncertainty and it drives Abigail to openly dislike the Church and all of its teachings, yet she will still spend hours knelt in the luminescent glow of a street light through her bedroom window in the early hours of the morning, feverently muttering bible passages and thumbing her rosary.

When all's said and done, there’s no true way of knowing if Abigail even has any personal philosophies in the first place.

All of the divider images come from a really talented artist called Awanqui. She mainly does fanart but her style is amazing. The link leads to her art tag on tumblr but she also has various other sites including DeviantArt and Twitter.​

BASICS Name: Irene Tremain
Nicknames: N/A
Date of Birth: 10/05/1984 (34)
Birth Place: California, LA
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

"Okay. Here's my best stone-face. Take the shot."
Irene stands at an average 5'10", her body lean and trained to withstand the requirements of her job title - a habit picked up young as she began her training to join the police force. Her thick black hair is usually cut to shoulder-length, the tresses gently curving into similar waves that her mother once had. Her skin is brown with warm undertones, a few shades darker than her hazel eyes, thus-far smooth and featureless though nicked with barely obvious scars every here and there from two decades of life and an extra one of scuffles and labour. Her mid-age is somewhat apparent through the occasional grey hair and dark under-eyes after long nights, but overall she has weathered the test of time well.

She has a good sense of style, achieved mainly through less-expensive clothes picked up and brought together. Her lips are full and usually coated in lipstick, her eyes capable of the extremes of softness or intensity, lashes always coated in jet black. Save the lipstick and the aforementioned mascara, tubes of which she always carries in her bag, she rarely wears many other products. When she does, it's either because she's going somewhere fancy, somewhere with attractive people she'd like to impress, or she woke up way too early and had way too much time on her hands.
Artwork Credit: [x]

Notable Features:
  • During lengthy or intensive conversation Irene will sometimes adopt the other person's habits, subtly mirroring their posture, replicating their system of gestures to conform to her own speech, and mimicking the rhythm, tone and tenure of their voice. Effectively losing a piece of her identity in the process, this often occurs without her originally being conscious of it. While this goes entirely unnoticed by most people, those who are alert (and those she is closest to) will often become acutely aware of the changes. Sometimes she will realise what she is doing and will make an active effort to stop, however recurrently fails to. This can absolutely cause some people to immediately dislike her, while others are more susceptible to the social tactic of mirroring and like her more for it. It usually depends on how well they know themselves.
  • If one were to see Irene's bare back, they would notice one very long, pale, apparent scar running diagonally down from her shoulder-blade to her spine.
  • Her hair is very shiny and well-kept, usually carrying the pleasant scent of whatever shampoo and conditioner combo she invested in.
: Irene makes an effort to be as amiable as she can be. Good with witnesses, co-workers and your average person, she can usually relate to most people, making it easy for her to find common ground. She has, however, been known to act aloof around certain people, sometimes without knowing exactly why she feels so ill-at-ease. She genuinely cares for other people and is rarely rude even to those she would consider enemies. This extends to situational examples, as Irene is passive to most situations, only acting aggressively when she absolutely has to, expending all other resources first. When talking is an option, she will talk. Luckily, when negotiations are in order, she has a trap card to resort to.
When spending free time with close friends or relatives she is quick to joke around and let herself be completely carefree. Her demeanour is lax and lighthearted in these times of refuge as it is something she values immensely. Having relied on her parents for comfort throughout her childhood, she often seeks out close friends to confide her feelings to, quick to let down her guard when she knows she is with a person she can irrefutably trust -- something she is never wrong about.
This is all in stark contrast to her mindset when on a case for the Alastor or in a meeting, at which point she is usually very serious and expends herself wholly on the matter at hand. In the aftermath of a job she is very susceptible to depression or anxiety, either caused by the side-effects of her empathetic tendencies and overactive imagination or purely because the case was simply harsh, which is the reality far more often then not. In the times when circumstances are so bad that she believes no one could truly empathise with what she is feeling, Irene will choose to be alone and indulge her mind instead, with unorthodox treatments usually in store.

  • Irene often finds herself easily addicted to certain things, ignorant to any and all consequences social, biological or mental. If she knows something is bad, and if everyone around her implores her to stop, she will simply resort to hiding it instead.
  • She is ambidextrous: after reading Albert Einstein's biography and discovering that he was ambidextrous, an eleven-year-old Irene made it a goal for a year afterwards to master writing with her right hand as well as her left.
  • Though she lovers flirtation and all that comes after it, she can't ever imagine herself actually being with anyone, no matter how she tries. Her longest romance ever amounted to barely a year and a half, though she wasn't the one to end it. Being a mother is a wholly alien concept to her, despite seeing her own mother as an idol.
  • She can do that thing where you tie a cherry stem into a knot with only your tongue.
  • Irene was nineteen when her father introduced to her a soft-faced man he used to know in his college days. That man, in turn, introduced her to the idea of an 'empathy disorder', something that lacked much documentation beyond mere speculation yet which fascinated many psychologists. 'Overactive imagination' was another term given to her -- a girl who had been known to spend many hours pacing in the dark with a book or a friend on her mind, somehow experiencing other lives with lucidity and clarity -- that she readily embraced, careful to understand whatever it was her mind was doing. "Is it dangerous?" she had asked. "Theoretically?" he replied, still very sceptical about her 'condition'. "Sure," she ushered, "theoretically." "Yes. It can be very dangerous." "... Would you call them insane?" "In some cases, it's unavoidable. But you don't have to worry about that. It's a purely fictional theory." ... She thinks about that a lot.
Likes ✔ : Biographies & autobiographies, family, wit, brand coffee ☕, musicals, that one movie Heathers, diner food, poetic prose, minds; the way they work and how they change, neon lights, red lipstick, travelling, dogs.
Dislikes ✘: Hospitals, Happy - Pharrell Williams, summer time, too-bright lights, prejudices, hamsters, and often times her own 'gift' of complete empathy.

Their line of work was never easy.

It was never simple.
Never straightforward.
Never safe.

Irene was staring into the cool glass of the bathroom mirror, one finger hooked under the nape of her shirt, hesitant. Her lungs sucked in one long, heavy breath, and with a single swift motion the shirt was removed entirely. She swept her hair to one side, turning then so her back faced the reflection. Over her shoulder she could see one long, pale scar in the dim light, curling down over her shoulder-blade and halting an inch or two before it could touch her spine. On this very night, she had officially carried the mark for exactly a decade.Ten years. Her eyes flicked across to the cheap digital clock beside the soap and toothbrushes, and remained there for a full minute until the faded numbers finally clicked into place.
Now, she thought.

Right now, ten years ago.

Life had never been the same ever since. Irene thought about the green moss pads sprouting between the cracks of the floorboards, the rickets and creaks as wind embraced the walls and the stench of stagnant waters washing against the stilts below. The black shoes that stepped in front of her eyes were beautifully polished despite the surrounding bogs. Somehow she knew he had bought them just for the occasion, and when something cold and blunt pressed against her skull, she felt herself holding it: a weighty pistol, loaded and set. Her thumb suddenly felt the graze of metal on skin, as if she had loaded the bullet into the barrel herself. Her body looked so very pathetic, blood soaking one shoulder, crumpled onto cut-up knees with twine constricting the wrists, yet she only felt a complacent smugness, and her veneer mouldered with that feeling.
Meanwhile, the real her clenched her bound fists in spite. "Now you're empathising with someone who's about you kill you?" she had thought bitterly, incredulous with fear, wondering which life was more worthwhile to spend her final minute inside of.

The hammer submissively lay down with an audible click. She never previously believed that lives really did flash before dying eyes. Maybe they don't, and she was simply going mad with dread. But the scent of the water faded, the floorboards fell away, the cold gun disappeared, the man in front of her vacated her mind. For the first time in years, she was entirely, completely, absolutely herself again.

The memories came in perfectly lucid flashes that lasted barely an instant-- though they felt far, far longer to her. Her earliest memory was Lake Tahoe; just grass, and translucent teal waters, and a glimpse of her parents, who were so very tall. Her father bent down, a giant of flared blue flannel and wide smiles, and suddenly she was on his shoulders, one hand around his forehead, demanding in broken English that he take her into the lake, but not so deep that she would get wet. Then, that time she got to star in the lead role at her nursery as the Hoity-Toity Angel and her parents began waving from the crowd and making her giggle mid-song. Her mother was always wearing the same red lipstick; it was her one constant, otherwise so vibrant and ever-changing and alive.

Then her house. Her room; her 'dungeon-blue' walls, the collection of toys they had saved up to buy her; dinosaurs and dogs and plastic lion toys, and her favourite: Mimi the bear cub, like the one they saw in Yosemite. She remembered when she got home one day and opened up her hamster cage, only to find bloody carnage as one had cannibalised the other. She couldn't understand at the time, but later she would.

They were evicted when she was nine; goodbye to that old childhood home with the squirrels in the attic and the mice in the walls, where the appliances never worked and the toilet wouldn't flush and the ceiling in the upstairs hallway gave out one night under a storm. She remembered packing everything away in a single night, and forgetting Mimi to the demolition crew. The new house was small, the travels ended, and luxuries were a thing of the past -- but they kept family movie night.

She recalled her friends, that one time one of them let her try the NES at their house, how she was a contender for first place in every game they played despite it being her first go, the classes, the teachers, the life experiences she absorbed from the people and the material around her. She remembered the library card her teacher had given to her; it was white, with a silver sticker on the front that shimmered in opalescent waves. She remembered the biographies she traded it for: of Voltaire to Winston Churchill to Marilyn Monroe to Martin Luther King and Vincent Van Gogh and more. When she came to read auto-biographies, it was almost as if she could have written them herself.

Mein Kampf was the first book that scared her. She could have closed the book at any time -- it didn't feel like turning a page, it felt like sinking when she could just swim, she could have put the book down -- but she chose not to. She saw the pages again, the same she had read while lying in bed in absolute silence, and somehow, someway, she had empathised with the cruel propositions he proposed for humanity. She understood them -- not only fundamentally, but with cognitive and emotional clarity. While her lungs filled with water, her mind drank it with pleasure.

That book was never returned to the library as promised. She burnt it to ashes beside the local brook, and found herself suddenly terrified of what her imagination could do.

Suddenly, it was that cold night when her father sat her down and told her why her mother had been out on 'business' for three days straight, how she spent the night crying in his arms, and for the first time ever he had cried too. Then she saw her first romance, and then her second, and then her third, all fruitless yet somehow increasingly more satisfying with age. Graduation came too easy; science, language, and creative classes were her fortei. She saw the crowds again and her mother in the front row, on leave from hospital for just a day in order to attend. Withered, but her smile was wide and beautiful, painted in red. Then she was at the bedside conversation they shared the following day, with those things plugged into the wrists of her mother and bags hanging from metal poles and a gentle beep coming from somewhere in the room; "I want to join the police force." They begged her to consider the risk and change her mind. When her father left the room to retrieve some coffee and water; "That line of work isn't easy. It isn't simple, it isn't straightforward, and it isn't safe, Irene. If you die, your father will have nothing left when I'm gone. Don't take this risk," and she understood exactly how her mother felt. Yet still she kissed them on the cheek and left, hating herself for weeks after. And then nothing until training in New Orleans, miles away from her parents and her home, away from the stress of burdening a single man providing for two loved ones who he could barely feed, let alone himself.

The academy was corporate and plain, but good. She saw the visage of a young Raymond Chadling, his lips spelling out the first conversation they ever had. She could feel the memories accelerating; she passed the tests with flying colours -- both physical and mental. Her badge was beautiful and golden, and for the first time she fired a gun. The air shook, she felt it fire, the human-shaped target rattled on its rail, a hole pierced the left shoulder, the sound still ringing in her ears as the next memory came. She met more men, more women, no real faces she cared for. Then this. Moss, wind, water, shoes.

She opened her eyes. The world was uneasy, ever-shifting, and she realised she wasn't on her knees anymore. She was on her side, shaking very slightly, her eyesight blurred, her cheek pressed to the mossy floorboards and a spotlight searing down onto her. The shoes were gone. The cold metal of the barrel was gone. Her stomach churned and she let out a fluttered breath of fear as she thought to herself; "Is this death?"

She turned her head as a shadow fell over her, blocking the garish yellow bulb from burning her retinas any further. Standing over her, giant-like, she saw the visage of a young Raymond Chadling, his lips spelling out the first conversation they ever had. Wait-- her heart caught in her throat-- No. This was real. He was talking to her, though she couldn't fathom language at the time, his hands reaching behind her erratically to remove the binds.

... Irene turned her face away from the mirror. She had turned that dutiful yellow badge back in just two days later, she remembered, and never looked back, though she soon took up a new mantle similar to the old one, this time with people she knew she could trust with her life -- people who had similar burdens, similar experiences. A family, if you will. She grabbed her over-sized pink nightgown from the back of the door and wrapped it around herself warmly, blocking that scar from sight. The door slammed and suddenly she was in a bright hallway, the homely scent of open cans and the residue of a cooked meal hanging sweetly on the air. She headed down the hallway, the carpet soft and cosy against her feet, and entered into the living room where Raymond and Abigail were also still awake, excitedly discussing something she could only somewhat make sense of between the rapid back-and-forth.

"Yo," she called out. "Room for one more on that sofa?"

Personal Philosophies: Irene doesn't believe in the firm following of any one established dogma. When she meets someone who cites a single source for all their beliefs - including religious texts - she will usually see them as basic or sheepish. When someone cannot see flaws in the strict belief of their idols, or their doctrines, or their morals, she will always doubt them - as well as when people display firm, immovable beliefs in their 'rightness', that their opinion is the correct one and there is no alternative.

After experiencing first-hand the fabrics of so many minds over her years it is almost impossible for her to believe any one philosophy is the right one for all, though she does believe wholly in the idea that certain people are, and should be, drawn to specific ideologies, whether for self preservation or in order to reinforce their moral values, so long as they're not mimicked one-to-one from a secondary source.

Despite this, she not only possesses many strong personal philosophies, but values them immensely. Pieced together from a hundred lives, she believes to have found the perfect mosaic of ideas for herself. Her moral sense reigns over all; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, who outweigh the one, and those who believe the opposite are unworthy of the title of human. Monster, she would call them. She would readily sacrifice herself in order to save other people, and truly, wholly believes in this vein of goodness -- in which unneeded cruelty is evil, the self means nothing in the face of someone else's pain, and justice comes without mercy for the wicked. Furthermore she believes firmly in the idea of the death penalty, knowing exactly how wrong some criminal minds are, and how, despite what anyone would tell you, they cannot simply be erased and rewritten. They will always, always relapse to harm again.

That being said, Irene's philosophies can be forgotten in the drop of a hat given enough stimuli. Her imagination is insidious, always opening barriers that shouldn't ever be opened, and when those tears grow large enough out through that void goes her morals, her beliefs, her identity. So far she has always recovered them rather quickly after some riling from a friend or a co-worker, but in those dark, foreign moments, nothing of herself remains.

Taken from the NOPD database, 2007.

INDEX DATE 04022007
SOCIAL SECURITY# 433-86-1829

"When the sun sets we're both the same -- half in the shadows, half burned in flame."

Name: Esterella Leonor Hill
Nicknames: Estie, Ella, Leonie
Date of Birth: March 21st, 1994, 23 years old
Birth Place: Ireland
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance: Esterella has bluish green eyes and slightly curly ginger hair. Her facial features are generally quite sharp and her skin a mix between fair and tan, not quite one or the other. She's a lean woman with a fit physique, standing at a height of 5'6. She'll wear heels just to make herself look even taller and dresses well unlike the messes she usually makes, presenting the image of a classy business woman, wearing pants rather than tight fitting skirts, on some days and a woman ready for a workout on others.
Notable Features: (the first thing(s) others notice in them) Her hair stands out for its distinctive colour and makes her rather easy to spot from a distance or in a crowd, leading her to hide it under a cap when she wants to avoid easy identification.
Personality: (give a detail description of how they act)
Esterella is in a word tough and not an easy person to work or deal with. Known to act impulsively and recklessly, often endangering herself without a second though, this daredevil like behaviour is because of her passion for her work and determination to prove herself and shut her doubters up. Esterella is known by others for her stubbornness, sharp tongue, dry humour and fiery temperament, as well as her dislike of socialising, her words often laced with sarcasm. She often takes jabs at others and doesn't really beat around the bush, being very blunt and to the point, being especially harsh in her criticisms when on the job. She hates being held back and failing to complete a task often blaming the other parties involved because she has difficulty admitting her own faults and mistakes even if she internally acknowledges them. Though she usually does not care to be sensitive or emphatic Esterella does know when to keep quiet will never verbally attack anyone's personality, life choices or dreams due to her own past although she doesn't hold back with regard to anything else. Extremely confident in her abilities and firm in her beliefs, she has no trouble standing up to others or voicing her disagreement which lead to frequent trouble. Esterella's ability to act with reckless abandon and dive into a situation without a second thought is due to her confidence in her abilities and her fearlessness which she gained after having faced her greatest fear when she was a young teenager. Losing her beloved father. She views her lack of attachment to anyone else as a strength and makes it a point to not become emotionally attached to anyone else because this way, there are no people around her she cares deeply about that criminal can use to exploit her or tie her hands up and she can focus purely on hunting them down without having to hold back. This combined with the fact that her mother and older brothers are still alive and the way she goes about her work has led her to be called ruthless by others and resulted in frequent fierce disagreements and fights since she prioritizes the capture of a criminal over everything else, even the life or safety of a hostage. Patience isn't her strong suit and she has very little tolerance for most things. While she is disrespectful to just about everyone, she is a little less disrespectful to those whose abilities she has acknowledged, at least where their abilities are concerned. A cynic and realist, idealists and those who like to spout pretty words about justice and the world are the type of people she cannot deal with and she will regularly shut them down. Though she often gives herself the appearance of an asshole who cares for nothing but the capture of criminals, Esterella is more than the straight shooting, difficult ass she usually is and has a bit of a mischievous streak, provoking various reactions out of people for fun but also to gather information. She typically refuses to help others, saving all her energy for her own cases and likes to make life difficult for others by unloading any tasks she doesn't like or considers beneath her onto them. She does however, have her own unique way of caring or helping, her tendency being to do so in a very roundabout way often with lots of disses and sarcasm. While she is brutal with her words around colleagues, adults and most teenagers, many complaining that she doesn't know how to hold back but around children, she noticeably mellows out in her speech and quietens, often avoiding them where possible. Esterella dislikes making a fuss of things, often playing an injury or various matters off as less serious than they actually are and doesn't really open up to others.

When she is displeased with someone but does not want to 'lower her intelligence by subjecting herself to the stupidity of others' she will make it known by way of childish acts such as kicking their chairs or them, if not salting their coffee and the like.

She likes to walk around at night in the dark or head to shooting ranges to think

Esterella takes a picture of every significant person she meets and takes note of any weird quirks or details about them in a notebook that briefly outlines their various characters, something she uses to aid her in her interrogation of them. While she is very meticulous with these notes and profiles, Esterella is disastrously messy with everything else.

She likes to take things that are not hers and use them, partly because she likes getting under other people's skin and partly because she's too lazy to get her own.

Esterella cannot cook to save her life, but she likes to think herself fully self sufficient and will often attempt to cook for others to prove this and force them to eat her food which is usually bad beyond measure.

Useful people
Snow globes
Shooting Ranges

Paper work
Flashy colours
People who make a fuss out of everything

Born the youngest of 6 children and the only girl, Esterella was her mother's long awaited daughter and the woman had grand plans and dreams for her that she forced upon the little girl from young, suppressing her personality which caused Esterella to feel like she was trapped and suffocated although her mother showered her with the most love and attention. Her father allowed her to be herself, forcing no such expectations on her nor did he stereotype her as her brothers did and because of this, she grew very comfortable around her father and attached to him. He was opposed to her mother's constant attempts to baby her and keep her at her side, encouraging Esterella to be independent and puruse her interests in sports and other activities that were considered manly or inappropriate for females. Their opposing views on how Esterella ought to be raised caused much strife between her parents, leading to their divorce and despite her expressed desire to live with her father, custody was awarded to her mother who made sure to limit their contact as much as possible so that Esterella would grow up the way she wanted her to. Her father removed from her life, Esterella felt more suffocated and suppressed, unable to be herself with her mother and brothers who would frequently refuse to let her join them in their games and later a boyfriend who wanted her to be more feminine and docile. This led her to feel a constant need to assert herself strongly and be a dominant figure. Her meetings with her father were highly treasured and often included various activities her mother had prevented her from pursuing, the pair making trips to shooting ranges, parkour lessons and the like on their outings with Esterella picking up various skills she has since honed and uses today from her father. Her 15th birthday was supposed to mark the start of a week spent in her father's company, the longest amount of time they got to spend together since the divorce. It was meant to be the happiest week of her life since her early childhood days spent tailing her father round his workshop. Instead it turned out to be the worst day of her life. Her turning point. He was on his way to pick her up from school, her present, a tabby cat in the backseat when he stopped to fill up the gas tank and while on the phone with her, discussing their plans for the weekend with palpable joy and excitement, was shot and killed by an unknown assailant with Esterella hearing her father's final moments over the phone. The murder left her scarred and she shut herself off from everyone, limiting her daily interactions with others, staying locked up in the room with only the cat her father bought her for company. When she finally emerged from her room, she ignored her mother and threw herself into training, with intentions of hunting down the murderer who stole her father's life. She stopped interacting with friends at school and her change quickly had her labeled a delinquent with her open defiance and fearlessness in challenging others. Setting her sights on becoming a detective so that she would be able to go after the criminals, she has cared for nothing else other than the cat her father left her ever since, her relationship with her mother greatly strained. Though her attitude and behaviour was a problem, her physical capabilities and ability to adapt and react quickly on her feet landed her a job on the force where she has thrown herself into her work, hunting down criminals. To this day she resents her mother for separating her from her father.

Personal Philosophies: (what they believe in, their morale) Unlike how others in her line of work might be, Esterella doesn't see herself as righteous or a force of good nor is she guided by a strong sense of justice. Rather, she is motivated and driven by an intense hatred of criminals because one robbed her of the person most precious to her. She focuses on limiting the damage a criminal can do rather than saving as many lives as they can and views sacrifice in some cases as necessary.
She hates her name which her mother chose, preferring to go by her nickname, Leonie, which her father gave her.



Name: Raymond Chadling

Nicknames: Ray

Date of Birth: 15.02.1983 (35)

Birth Place: Manhattan, NY

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Standing at 6’1”, Raymond is a rugged, stocky man, physically attuned for action. His hair is a darkish brown, with the roots on his sides sporadically taking on a silver shine. His face is wrinkled at places with stress lines and darkened with a layer of tan; from behind his dark, bushy brows Raymond's blue eyes are usually squinted against the sunlight, and a short unkempt five o’clock shadow does little to hide the habitual scowl on his face. His calloused palms and stubby nails are the hands of a labourer. He has a scattering of small scars and marks on his body that he has accumulated throughout his working life, being one to dive head-first into chances at action.

During his first years within the P.I. business, Raymond was generally contracted as bodyguard for his partners during dangerous cases. Due to his mastery of the body he lives within, this was his perfect role. All Chadling needed were his fists: he easily broke down doors, climbed walls, gave chase to criminals, and apprehended them without the need for long-range weapons that might potentially do deadly harm. Even at his current age he primarily uses his strength and physical prowess to overcome obstacles, and likely will continue to do so far into the future.

Notable Features:

  • His blue eyes are steely, contrasted starkly against the deep-set shadow of his eyeline, making his gaze seem almost predatory at times -- certainly to those he is interrogating.



Raymond is, first and foremost, a rude and disillusioned cynic. His stubborn adherence to his morals, in partnership with his impulsivity, means that he will genuinely do whatever it takes in order to get the job done and will, on rare occasions, dare to go against his superiors if he feels something isn’t right. While sometimes his brash instincts bring the best result from an outcome, his spontaneous decisions have ever so often backfired with consequences. In every other situation, however, Raymond posses steadfast loyalty to the company, with no order demanding too much of him. He has very little patience for people who get in his way and is known to cuss and yell when he’s angry - and Ray spends more time being pissed off than he does sleeping.

He has a sharp tongue and a short temper, with little regard to social etiquette or manners; a man who wouldn’t waste a minute telling someone exactly what he thought about them. Ultimately his heart is in the right place, with his lifestyle having forged his outward demeanor into what it is today.

Even with his volatile and impulsive attitude, Ray rarely panics and manages to contain a level-headed attitude when faced with a dangerous or gritty situation, possessing the capability to react to dire situations with lightning-quick solutions, following his instincts all the way. The several years worth of tours he carried out in the army have helped him hone his natural skills with weaponry and tactics ranging from close quarters to long distance combat, seemingly only being enhanced by his brave and cocky nature. His pessimistic and action-driven lifestyle has also moulded Raymond into a terrifying presence inside an interrogation room.


  • He has a very hands-on approach to cases: in Raymond’s eyes, the most direct approach is always the most efficient one. He’d rather keep them shoved up against a wall than sit them down and wait for an answer.

  • A highly functioning alcoholic. Lack of parental advisory and a cloudy future ever since an early age lead Raymond to find solace within his drinks. Despite a jaundiced liver, his natural athletic prowess has allowed him to tolerate a considerable amount of drink while still managing to function day to day.

  • Parental relationships being practically non-existent, Raymond is partially composed of a deep-seated desire for maternal affection.

Alcohol, stemming from the realisation that alcoholic beverages possess the capabities to calm his angry demenour. Lacrosse, a sport from his youth that provokes nostalgic fondness. Polo, which has similar effect to lacrosse but is arguably less important. Blondes, a personal taste developed over time. (Not to mention that was his mother’s hair colour).

Being made to wait is a surefire way to enrage Raymond. Queues, indecisive people, liars, being early...the general sense of something impeding his progress frustrates him to no end. Aside from this Raymond finds that neglectful or uncaring parents hit a very sensitive nerve and cause him to flare up, becoming surprisingly protective of the victim. This protective streak extends to his friends; as the most physically capable of his group, Raymond sometimes finds himself in fights that he instigated for no better reason than to protect the mere reputation of his companions. People who dare to upset him or those he cares about are, in Raymond's humble opinion, the most infuriating people on the planet.



Raymond Chadling might be said to have been incredibly lucky to be born into an upper middle-class household, having had everything he wanted simply given to him but at the cost of his parent’s presence. The two of them were far more invested in keeping their professional and social lives up to date than offering a sufficient amount of care to their eldest son, resulting in an overly frustrated and undisciplined childhood with a lack of authority or consequences to keep his ever-growing impulsive attitude in check. A lack of adequate affection and maternal care ended up taking a toll on Ray’s early childhood as a violent combination of envy and entitlement caused him to lash out anyone that could have been considered a friend. The only form of loving and parental interaction Raymond ever received was offered to him by his grandfather, someone who he greatly respected and grew to love only after his passing.

The rapidly expanding rift between the young Raymond and his progenitors foreshadowed the inevitable emotional detachment once he was shipped off to a boarding school in New Orleans. Ray drudged through grades, barely scraping by if it weren’t for the fact his parents’ finances kept the school from allowing him to fail. This carried on until ‘graduating’ high school, after which he immediately dropped out of and suffered the severe consequences. A complete fallout between him and his parents left Raymond with no financial support or definite life goals for the foreseeable future, so he swiftly joined the only organisation that would accept a miserable nobody: the military.

After a five year stint with the marines - enough time for Raymond to recollect his bearings and have his entitled attitude kicked out of him, replacing it with a strong sense of morals - he left the armed forces to pursue a career in law-enforcement. He moved into New Orleans in order to take his officer examinations and aced the physical with flying colors, however he failed on the theoretical side of the tests. Disgruntled and annoyed, Raymond dropped the career option after several attempts made it blatantly obvious that he lacked the knowledge needed to overcome the hurdle, but not without first meeting a young and kind-hearted woman known as Irene Tremain.

After wallowing around without any prospects, and being declined re-entry into the military due to their unwillingness to accept previously resigned officers, Ray stumbled upon P.I. work through a simple ad in the papers section. Things moved on fast from that point on, he took an instant liking to it and found his particular set of skills to have their use in enough situations to allow him to begin making a small name for himself.

Irene had been a close friend for a while and after catching wind that she may be in trouble, Raymond instantly jumped to action. Though they rarely speak of the struggles of that event they have been like brother and sister ever since, going so far as to recruit her into the private investigation workforce. Shortly into their P.I. careers, one of their more intense cases lead them to meeting a girl named Abigail; a young suburban runaway who they both took a liking to, making sure to remain in contact for years to come before inevitably inducting her into their line of work.

When the day finally came that the three of them were notified of Alastor, there was no way they could’ve declined the step up in quality and difficulty for their already intense workload.

Personal Philosophies: In Raymond's eyes, laws and civility are less of a necessity and more of a recommendation. Anything is legal if you know how to avoid getting caught. He adheres to his morals more than the law; Raymond inflicts his own justice when unopposed and is just as quick to protest when the sentence doesn't seem to match the 'wrongness’ of the crime. It's one of the reasons why he dismissed religion of any sort (yet he understands the importance it holds for other people, even if he can't grasp the concept himself).

Taken from the NOPD database, 2007.

INDEX DATE 09302007
DATE OF BIRTH 02151983
SOCIAL SECURITY# 433-01-7175
HEIGHT 6'1''
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Ezra Rousseau
Psychological Manipulation
Description - "Disarm you with a smile"
Nickname: Ross

Date of Birth: 29.11.1981 (36)

Birth Place: East Berlin, GDR

Gender: Genderfluid (He/Him)

Sexuality: Aro/Androsexual

Nationality: American, French

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 52 kg
Despite being of relatively small and wispy stature, Ezra manages to stand out with an affinity for bespoke pants and print dress shirts. Always impeccably dressed to show off a body shaped from years of intense training, he struggles to hide his constant battle with his underweight. Ezra keeps his thick hair neatly parted on the left side and combed back, routinely brushing it in place to keep the ashy brown strands out of his eyes. With the wavy fringe just barely too short to push behind his ears, style is not always more important than practicality - he carries a bandeau in one of his back pockets for emergencies.
Generally sensitive to sunlight as his pale skin tends to burn before finally settling into a tan, he owns a small collection of tinted eyewear he makes regular use of. Defined cheekbones and a sharp, straight nose guide one's eyes to his - to his bluish green irides framed by long lashes and angled, expressive brows. Most informative are his lips. Usually kept in a charming, if somewhat aloof smile, they falter first when his patience is tested beyond reason.

Likes: The cacophony of a crowd and the busy hum of night life. He has an unrequited fondness for cats, and enjoys exploring new food. His parents have left him with a passion for ballet and dancing.
Dislikes: Ezra does not like his time being wasted, be it through lies or stalling. His first impulse when being told how to act is to do the opposite out of spite, and people thinking they need to manage him or his life are met with contempt.
Personal Philosophy: "Know your audience" - Having no use for a strict dogma, his philosophy is as fluid in nature as his personality: To listen, to watch and to adapt. To know when to bend the rules and when to follow. To have a mind for details. To get up when one falls and to only let one's guard down when there is an excellent reason to.
ezra07.png Personality - "To the king, I will bow, at least for now"
There is only one person whose feelings Ezra truly cares about - his own. Seeking the thrill of a grift but cautious in his nature, he only engages when the estimated cost/benefit analysis turns out in his favor; good natured and attentive the one second, brusque and deprecating the next. While cunning and calculating, his vanity and desire for praise are easily exploited, making him push his own boundaries just to prove he can. A reckless impulse he'll only feel ashamed of when it is too late.
A social chameleon to his core, Ezra subtly adapts to every new member of a crowd, preferring to gather as much information as he can before doing so, choosing to watch from the sidelines until satisfied. If pressed to do so, he can however make do with a cold read of the person. He always leaves a strong impression - but only seldomly not the one he aimed for.
Private and blunt, though not always honest, it is difficult to tell one's position with him. Ezra's loyalty and trust are hard-earned, but the select few he has let close to him, he would watch the world burn if it meant saving them.
Used to hiding most of himself, there are a few habits he has a hard time controlling:
  • Despite wearing a perfectly functional wrist watch, he keeps a pocket watch attached to his belt, which he'll play around with when bored or concentrating.
  • Stress upsets his stomach more than his mind.
  • Occasionally he can't distinguish between French and English, easily falling into one or the other (or an awkward mixture of both) without any awareness of doing so.

Born in East Berlin to the prima and principal of a travelling ballet company, Ezra’s life was unsteady but exciting from the start. Spending most of his childhood on the road, moving from city to city, he barely remembers anything outside of the cars they used and the stages they visited. He was brought up bilingually by his parents, his first words were the dance terms he heard every day.
Between practice and being homeschooled due to their nomadic lifestyle, there was little opportunity to meet people his age, and he realised early his parents had chosen their careers over him. To cope, he started exploring different personalities early, being someone’s ideal playmate for a few weeks, a fair trade for some companionship, although never forming any lasting connection.
The volatile relationship between his mother and father only became another ground for practice, exploiting their animosity and playing the ally to whoever listened to him.

Their troupe came to New Orleans in December 1999, planning to stay until the start of the new century. Using every opportunity to network, the then freshly 18 year old found himself a benefactor, staying behind and throwing away a promising career - mainly to spite his parents. Their relationship of mutual interests lasted for five years - in exchange for using his constantly evolving skills of observation and manipulation at social gatherings, Ezra had parts of a law degree funded that he would never complete. Finishing a Psychology BA for pre-law just before Hurricane Katrina hit, he moved on to California with no intentions to return.

Between odd jobs, law school and sweet talking his way into access of another man’s purse (not good with money or being alone), time flew by fast. The high-stakes, unstable lifestyle he’d gotten so used to became increasingly exhausting and tedious. When news hit his old benefactor had lost his wealth to a conman, a sense of duty brought him back to a city still recovering.
Obtaining a P.I. license, he began a manhunt that has yet to come to a conclusion. In his mind, his extensive web of informants and expertise in skirting on just that side of legality are what finally brought the job offer at Alastor to him.
And at 36 and with his wanderlust fully sated, he did not hesitate to take it.
ezra09.png ezra05.png

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((- click before scrolling -))
NAME - Eugeine Rue Frasier

NICK NAMES - Usually goes by his last name, 'Frasier'.


AGE - Thirty Seven

D.O.B - February 7th, 1980

ROLE - 'Hawk Vision'

BIRTH PLACE - New York City

SEXUAL ORIENTATION - Heterosexual; but isn't interested in dating or getting too involved with anyone.

ROMANTIC STATUS - Divorced; and probably isn't interested in getting romantically involved. He's hasn't been looking or wanting to be in a committed relationship with anyone in a long time.

Theme -And then She was Gone




⌲ a p p e a r a n c e ⌲​
Height - An even six foot (182 cm)

Weight - Around 180 pounds (81 kg)

Eyes - Dark grey, & almost always has dark circles underneath them; also squints 60% of the time, even though he has perfect vision.

Hair - Black hair that curls towards the tips, while the rest is sorta wavy; parted down center, & usually worn with a little hair gel.

Clothing - Usually wears typical office wear when away from home; things like button down oxford shirts, slacks, dress shoes, silver watch, & sometimes his glasses. At home, he's definitely more casual (like most people) & will usually wearing things like t-shirts and sweat pants.

Body Mods - Has the name 'Paisley' on his right wrist, written in small cursive font.

⌲ a n - i n s i d e - l o o k ⌲​

- P E R S O N A L I T Y -
⌲ Observant & Meticulous - Fraiser is definitely someone who notices and pays attention to the little things; this includes objects, places, and especially people. If you got a new hair-cut, or you're getting sick, or you keep anxiously tapping your foot across the room, he's probably one of the first to notice.

His attention to details often helps him pick apart pieces of clues in places and people, and helps him discover things someone with a casual eye wouldn't find. But when he's searching for something, he'll look in every possible crack, no matter how long it takes & even if sometimes it makes no sense to do so; if he thinks he needs to know the suspect's eye doctor's name, he will literally dig through hundreds of files to get what he's looking for, even if it makes zero sense to someone else at first. Fraiser does things with at very precise pace/attentiveness, and aims to get all the pieces of a story, no matter how small or large they might be.

⌲ Perfectionist - Being so detail-orientated & having such a strong awareness for the smallest things, he can easily get agitated with both himself and others fairly easily, over things that aren't usually that significant. He has his things in a very specific order, & can get easily aggravated with people who are too touchy-feely or careless with his personal belongings. Fraiser can be a bit knit-picky with some people, and gets annoyed when he see's messes, or things with no logical structure. Some would say he has a slight case of OCD, but he claims he just 'likes things to have a place and purpose, and likes for people to not be annoying'.

⌲ Sarcastic - If you're someone close to him, chances are you've been the butt of some sarcastic remark, either jokingly or serious (with him it can be hard to tell sometimes). In his younger years, he was much more ruthless with his sarcastic remarks, to the point where it would hurt people's feelings - but as he's aged, he's thankfully learned who can take his jokes or remarks, and who can't. (He at least tries to spare feelings now, which is an improvement from his past self.) But if he's comfortable enough to jokingly banter with you, it probably means he likes your company (at least alittle, anyways).

⌲ Workaholic - He's so invested into his job, he honestly doesn't even know what to do anymore when he has free time. When he tries to just sit and relax, he'll usually start to dwell on things (like the annoying ticking of a clock, or the stupid fly buzzing around his living room, or the way his wall-paper is peeling in some places) to the point where he'll become so aggravated that he just has to do something; but even when he's jogging, drinking at the pub, or even trying to watch a movie - his thoughts are clouded with the annoying details of things that usually aren't even that significant. Slightly less so with the consumption of the alcohol, but still annoying enough for him to notice - he'd rather smoke a cigarette than drink though, because he doesn't like not having control of his senses (even if his senses, specifically his sight, are constantly over-stimulated.)

He doesn't have any serious hobbies, or passions besides what he does for a living; and he'd definitely never admit that to you.

Sometimes even on his days off, when he feels like he can't find absolutely anything meaningful to do, he'll come in to work just to hang around under an excuse like 'he was behind on his paperwork' or something, even though everyone probably already knows he's always ahead on his paperwork.

⌲ (Unintentionally) Intimidating - He doesn't exactly mean to come off as intimidating, but he just... does. Might be because of his overly suspicious nature, or the critical gaze he uses on others (he can probably find like three things to judge a person on in a span of under a minute) or maybe the way he doesn't always do the polite thing & look away when he makes accidental eye contact with people. He's overly suspicious, overly critical, and doesn't always bother to hide the fact he's studying you or judging you. His presence is usually not too noticeable at first, but once it is, it's a bit hard for some to ignore.

Sometimes he realizes he's coming off over-baring, & will try to socially redeem himself, because he feels guilty - but other times he just gets so wrapped up in what he's doing or thinking or searching for, that he just... forgets. When his co-workers get a little rough or rude to people or suspects, Fraiser will occasionally step in and remind them of what's acceptable to do & what isn't (and sometimes, they'll also have to remind him in return.)

So it's only sometimes that he actually means to come off intimidating & threatening, but the majority of the time, it's just strangers that mistake his critical and analytical gaze, for something else (and sometimes, they don't mistake it, & they really are being harshly judged by him.)

But honestly, it's pretty much just his face - he isn't completely oblivious to your feelings, but he also doesn't typically understand how to deal with them either.

⌲ h i s t o r y ⌲​

February 7th, 1980 was the day Frasier's life began, in the well-known city of New York. During his childhood, Fraiser lived a pretty typical childhood, in a three bed-room home with a family that wasn't considered poor by any means; but there a lot of times when money was a slight set-back.

Money especially became tighter after the birth of his younger sister, because his parents (who both bakers) were paid minimum wage, trying to support their family of five. But they managed well fairly well compared to many others.

Fraiser had toys, played outside, & did things that kids in the 80's/early 90's did; only main difference was that around the age of six was when Fraiser's hyper-sensitivity to details started to develop - he'd get visibly annoyed when his food would touch, he organized his families books in order from least favorite to most favorite, & would search every corner of the house for hours for something like a single piece of a puzzle that one of his siblings lost.

In his teen years, Fraiser went through a small rebellious faze, like most teenagers do. He was quick to jump into things & commitments, but even quicker to jump out of them; got into more than a few fights, told a few teachers off, and broke a couple of hearts.

This was also when he himself started to notice that his need for precision and thoroughness began to affect his thoughts & actions, probably more than the average person. He might've seemed like this hardcore rebel with something to prove around his friends, but in the private moments in his own home, he would sometimes take a notebook & just jot down the meaningless details of meaningless things that clouded his vision and mind, which usually seemed to help.

During his young adult-years, he grew out of his teenage rebellion stage (sort of anyways), and instead flung himself into the world of college - which consisted of a few parties, more than a few of flings, and a lot of late nights studying later, all lead to him getting an associates degree in criminology.

He had been planning to stay in college for a couple more years, to earn a masters and become a few steps closer to becoming an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation; but that dream quickly changed when he met a girl who could actually put up with him for longer than a night; and that was when he fell quickly & deeply in love.

They were together for a year, before she eventually got pregnant. Fraiser immediately dropped out of college & ditched his dream, and instead got a job as a prison guard so that he could make money to support his new-found family. A few days before the birth of their child, he married her - partially because he loved her, but mostly because he thought the stability of a marriage would help them better raise a child.

Both Fraiser and his wife only had four weeks of time with their child, before she suddenly stopped breathing, and passed away. The girl's name was Paisley, and even though she wasn't alive for long, Fraiser's whole world seemed to stop for the first time.

His marriage only lasted for two years in total - one year before the birth of Paisley, and one year after her death. Fraiser and his wife just grew further and further apart, & after many fights later and realizing that he no longer had much love for the woman he hadn't even known for that long in the first place, they got a divorce.

He quit his hated job as a correctional's officer, and moved to a shady studio apartment deeper into the city, instead finding a few odd jobs that paid under the table to do instead - most were legal, but some... not so legal. (Player of big league poker games, body guard for some shady people, informant for cheaters etc.)

Fraiser's life went on like this for a good four years - before the inconsistency began to weigh heavily on his over precise mind. He didn't like living a life without a structure, from his constant switching of jobs, to the constant changing of partners in his bed, to constantly being distracted by the meaningless details of meaningless things - Fraiser needed consistency, structure, purpose - and the life he had been living was pretty much the opposite of that.

At age thirty three, things started to change for the better - he was offered a job for a private eye agency known as Alastor. How they got a hold of his resume, or even heard of him - he didn't know; but after much research and digging around later, he accepted the job. Ever since then, he's been entirely (& thankfully) consumed by it; so much so, that he isn't very much interested in much else. He might not have achieved his original dream, but this was something close to it.

His ex-wife ended up remarrying some high-school sweet heart, and now has two young children with the guy. Fraiser doesn't keep in contact with her, nor does he want to - but he's thankful she ended up where she did, regardless of his negative feelings towards her.

Things have gotten better for him though, and he's aged up a lot since his younger jump-head-first-into-everything mindset. (He's still a little stubborn, critically head-strong, sarcastic git - but he's still better than he was.) His job definitely puts to good use of his over-analytical eyes, and as of right now, his life is his job, and he likes it that way.

⌲ e x t r a s ⌲

Coffee that's more cream & sugar, than actual coffee ((he tried to drink coffee black once & hasn't tried it again since.))
Keeping himself busy
Precision & thoroughness
Asian take-out (basically eats that every night)
Hardworking & earnest people
Poker/card games
Jogging & sharpening up his aim at ranges
Both wine & whiskey (not together, obviously)

Having his belongings be misplaced or moved around
Most teenagers or young adults
Being wrong or having his skills be doubted
Having 'free' time/not doing anything work-related
Cats (secretly creeped the hell out by them)
Being rushed or hurried
Not getting the information he wants & is looking for
Over dramatic, clingy, & flaky/secretive people
Overly stimulated or decorated places

• • Smokes cigarettes, especially when agitated or tired or has a head-ache; he's been trying to quit, but he's been rather unsuccessful.
• • Squints a lot, for pretty much no real logical reason
• • Has extremely steady & precise hands, even when he's unnerved - like surgeon level steady.
• • Insomnia is something he's dealt with for a while, & has been taking prescribed sleeping pills for a good couple of years; but he's noticed that he's grown slightly resistant to them, so they aren't as affective as they once were (hence the reoccurring bags & dark circles underneath his eyes).
• • He keeps his home smelling nice & unusually clean, which is something a few people who have visited his apartment seem surprised by.
• • Has extremely good vision, & has never in his life needed glasses; but sometimes he wears them because he secretly likes how they make him look more professional.
• • Always introduces himself as 'Fraiser', because he's never liked his first name, 'Eugeine' (since back in the day it was considered to be a 'nerdish' name.) He'll probably get annoyed if you call him Eugeine, so maybe just stick with Fraiser.

MBTI -- ESTJ (The Executive)

Personal Philosophies:
- He doesn't always look at the bigger picture of things & instead dwells on the smaller pieces, because he believes that the little things almost matter as much or even more than the larger scheme of things. He surprisingly believes in the law and the rules, even though some parts of his history might suggest otherwise. The reason he values laws, rules, and directions is because he believes in mapping out the steps, in direct and precise executions, and following a structure or plan that mostly guarantee's that nothing, no matter how small, is missed.

He was never really religious, but after the death of his child, he started to be more open to the idea of a 'god' or some other worldly entity; at least for his child's sake. While he doesn't exactly practice any specific religion, he does keep in mind his morality, when it's not preoccupied or too distracted by other things.

A good eight years ago, he wouldn't have given two shites about your feelings, but lately he now gives at least one shite about your feelings, specifically if you're not just some stranger. (He might not understand, but at least he'll care a little bit, even if it might be hard to tell.)

The truth, regardless if it upsets him or makes him happy, is important to him. It might be hard to tell by his gaze sometimes, but he tries to believe that he should leave the world a cleaner, more organized, and a little less of a miserable place then it was when he entered. There are definitely days when he's so caught up in dwelling on other things, that he forgets this; but it's something he tries to keep in mind, even if his mind and eyes are way caught up some other thing.

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Victoria Fairbrook
Associative Thinking

Name: Victoria Fairbrook
Nicknames: Give her one and you'll be sorry.
Date of Birth: January 22, 1992 (25 years old)
Birth Place: La Crosse, Wisconsin
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual

"What are you looking at?"

Victoria has creamy brown skin, blue eyes and long blonde hair. She has a tall, lean build, standing at a height of 5'8" with slightly broader shoulders than normal. She wears a pair of circular wire-rimmed glasses, and it would be nearly impossible to see her without them. She normally dresses with a black blazer, white buttoned shirt and black dress pants, black shoes and a red cravat, and whenever she goes outside her abode, a green trench coat that belonged to her grandfather.
Notable Features:
"Look into my eyes and tell me: what is my weakness?"
The first thing that people most often notice about Victoria is the way that she carries herself. She seems to radiate an intimidating and imposing aura wherever she goes, and she'd be ready to take on any challenges thrown at her.

"You don't know me, so don't you dare think you do."
Knowing that danger could come from anywhere and happen anytime, she tends to not be surprised when things go downhill. In fact, she even craves the thrill of danger. Sometimes, you yourself have to bring out the worst in people to find out the truth, and that is something Victoria is not afraid of doing. Being a fiery woman, she comes across as feisty to some. She has a rather short temper and she finds it extremely difficult to manage her emotions in ways other than stuffing them down and only letting indifference show. Not only that, but she is also a prideful individual. Challenge her, and she would have to actively try and hold herself back from impulsively falling for the bait. If you test both her patience and prowess in fighting, you better be prepared.
"Stay back. Come any closer and I'll be tempted to strangle your neck."
- Always checks for possible alternate exits when entering a room.
⁃ Has a habit of lighting a cigarette when she's struggling to contain her emotions.
- Observes strangers with scrutiny, making quick calculations and tactics in her head if she ever had to engage them in combat.
- Although she is skilled in hand-to-hand combat (and other weapons), she is only right-handed. What most people don't notice is that punches thrown with her left fist are a lot weaker compared to her right-hand punches. Thus, she uses her weaker arm as a shield, mainly for defensive purposes.
- While she is a rather serious persona, she likes to doodle in the corners of her notes, which is why she never lets anyone see them.
- Makes plans for her everyday agenda.
"...You saw nothing. Nothing, understood?"
Cigarettes, fiction books, cats, iced coffee, Disney movies (she likes the flow of the plot, and she can always guess what happens next), playing the piano, fall, guns, combat, silence, the cold, doodling, plans
"You better pray we never cross paths again."
Nosy people, tea, hot temperatures, dresses, heels, make-up, loud noises, show-offs, insects

"A nightmare is a nightmare only if you let it be one."
Victoria was born into a prestigious family in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Ever since she was a child, she was raised to be fit for inheriting her family's business, a law firm. Of course, being a young girl back then, she had no choice but to follow her parents' wishes. She pushed herself to get a high standing at school in order to not disappoint them. Her focus in her studies led her to being distant with her classmates, and wasn't able to make a lot of friends, but she didn't mind back then.

When she reached her adolescence years, she then realized that she had missed so much on socializing, that it permanently left an empty space in her heart. She had no choice but to steel herself when she was rejected whenever she attempted to join other groups. She pretended to not be affected by it, but deep inside, she was hurting so much.

Then one day, as she was walking home from buying a book (her parents were out on a trip), she was approached by a man who looked a lot older than her. Feeling cautious, she dropped any form of conversation with him and walked faster. The man, not taking her reaction well to his advances, grabbed her arm and roughly dragged her to a dark part of the street. Panic and fear filled Victoria, and she immediately started screaming for help. Just as the man trapped her between him and the wall, a small company of police officers arrived and pointed guns at him. The man pulled on Victoria's hair and brought out his own gun, leveling it with her face.

Before the man could say a word, he was shot in the knee and he fell over, allowing Victoria to shake herself free from him and run towards the direction of her saviors. Just before the police could arrest the offender, his friends rescued him and shot at the police to distract them before getting away. The officers escorted Victoria to the police station so she could call her parents. Her parents were worried sick, and she was trembling in fear the whole time she was in the police station. Her parents told her that they would be coming home the next day so they could be there for her.

That incident traumatized Victoria. She flinched away from books, as they reminded her of what happened, and she didn't go to school for weeks. Her parents attempted to coax her out of her terrible state, but all she did was lock herself in her room. The few times she exited the confines of her room was to use the bathroom, or she sneaked into the study to use the piano. At first, she only played non-sequential series of notes, simply using the piano as a mean to express her emptiness. Eventually, she began playing short songs like Happy Birthday and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Her parents were overjoyed when she started returning to her old self, except she still didn't like talking to anyone.

Victoria's father, feeling that there were other pent up feelings within his daughter, called in his own father. Though he may be an old geezer, he still remembered the lessons he was taught in the army. Victoria's grandfather would listen to her play the piano when she thought no-one was with her. When she found out what he was doing, she payed him no heed and let him be.

"Do you sometimes wish you could make those who have wronged you pay?" he asked one day. Victoria stopped playing the piano immediately, and she pondered on the question. It had something to do with the 'incident', but at the same time, she felt that her grandfather was just asking a simple question. "Yes," was her answer. "I do."

Every time she got home from school, the old geezer would take her to the backyard to train. High-knees, sit-ups, push-ups, uppercut, left and right hook, you name it, and Victoria did it. She didn't mind completing the tasks her grandfather set her to do. In fact, she enjoyed the exercises. They helped keep her mind off what could have happened to her. Her grandfather would push her to her limits and whenever she collapse, he would reach out a hand towards her and say, "The only limit you have is yourself."

Overtime, Victoria developed a strong sense of independence. She stopped taking her grandfather's hand when she fell down and pushed herself up without any assistance. Her movements became quick and were executed excellently. Her eyes seemed to have a sharp edge to them, and she masked her fear and trauma of the past with a stoic face.

Victoria graduated high school as the valedictorian of her batch, and she took Law in college. Her parents were proud of her. Victoria originally planned to take over the family business once she finished college, but she was mentally and emotionally shaken when her grandfather finally passed away. The only remembrance she had of him were her memories, and his green trench coat that he gave to her when she completed his tests. Grief overcame her, and she stopped going to school for a while once more. She only spent a week away from school, because she knew her grandfather would be disappointed in her if she took longer.

The funeral was sad. She felt like she was being suffocated and she struggled to contain her tears and keep her stone-faced facade.

When she finished college, she no longer felt like being up for inheriting the family business. She was indeed a lawyer, but the reason she wanted to take up law in the first place was so she could put the man who dared to touch her to justice. But she received no reports regarding his whereabouts and thus, she could not do so.

So Victoria spent most of her time looking and asking around for any clues about the man. And when she felt hopeless, she would take on cases that might have leads about him. When she learned about Alastor, she felt like it was a ray of light in the darkness. She informed her parents of her change in career, and they were more than understanding of her decision, letting her join the private eye agency.
Personal Philosophies:
"The only limit you have is yourself."
The strong prey on the weak. Or at least, what they think are weak. Victoria lives by this code, and will never, under any circumstances, let herself be the prey. Be it in a simple game of rock-paper-scissors or a heart-stopping shootout, she will stop at nothing to be the victor.

"Bare your fangs, and even the wolves will think twice."
Theme songs:
"Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes
"Unstoppable" by The Score
"Fighter" by Gym Class Heroes

|| Name || Konstantin Czesław
|| Nicknames || Ryan has been heard to refer to the man as Koki or Kostya, but everyone else knows him simply as "Boss"
|| Date of Birth || 5th December, 1978 - 39 years of age
|| Birth Place || Unknown, thought he is suspected to hail from somewhere in eastern Europe
|| Gender || Male
|| Sexuality || Unknown
|| Appearance || Though the man makes very rare public appearances, the few times he has been to the agency's offices in person have given his employees the chance of observing his outlook. Kostya is a man of no more than 5'7'' in height, weighing around 143lbs. His physique is unimpressive athletically, yet what stands out is the pristine posture with which he carries himself - despite it granting him an atmosphere of superiority, it is less of a show of dominance and more so a sign of pride for having overcome some sort of great difficulty in his lifetime.

To support this theory, various scars and burn marks can be observed adorning the otherwise untarnished skin on his arms, though Konstantin is usually quite meticulous about covering up these vestiges of his mysterious past. Hence, even if by some odd chance one was to get a glimpse of these wounds of his, the man acts as though nothing of the sort has transpired and gleefully avoids questions related to them. To aid him in derailing unwanted conversations and prying inquiries serves his cheeky smile. It makes Kostya appear quite amiable, yet his sharp blue eyes reveal some sort of ulterior motive to those that dare to look into the gateways of his soul. There is constantly a certain glimmer of cunning behind his friendly expression - his smirk seems too measured to be honest, his charm is too persuading to not be intentional.

As a matter of fact, the man is overall too clinical to be truthful. Konstantin's haircut is slick and perfectly styled, his complexion is free of any blemishes, and he pays utmost attention to his position and gestures. He is too conscious of his body's language to be... human. All this alongside the posh suits he wears and the way in which he combines them with his accessories to form aesthetically pleasing color palettes have led some to believe he is a modern-day caricature of a dandy. Others are of the opinion that he is trying to run away from some part of himself through achieving an unknown goal. Possibly, he seeks to be redeemed. Otherwise why would one of the most prosperous businessmen world-wide create a detective agency bearing the name of the Avenger?
|| Personality || Konstantin has proven himself to be one of the most intuitive people alive today. Not only did he manage to single-handedly establish one of the most prosperous pharmaceutical companies seemingly out of nowhere, but he has also been the person to hand-pick the extraordinary employees of his private detective agency... without interacting with them even once beforehand. He appears to be able to smell the potential off of an idea or an individual, and is quick to take advantage of it. It is no wonder that his success relies 50% on his gut feeling. The other 50% Kostya owes to his charm. Not only does he possess the appearance of a well-educated aristocrat, he also talks like one. His speech is soaked in an eloquence able to entice anyone to believe in his opinions - some have jokingly remarked in the past that he is like an enchanter. The man simply knows his way around words so well that he needn't be knowledgeable on a subject, for as long as he talks with confidence regarding it people will think him an expert.

Yet, contrary to what the multitude may see as the truth, Konstantin doesn't particularly enjoy the spotlight his high-call acquaintances shine on him. It has been noted that the businessman strays from communal activities or dinner parties if they cannot bring him some sort of benefit. Taking this into consideration, he is exceptionally selfishly advantageous. There are few individuals he truly cherishes in his life, and even them he admires solely due to their abilities, which he wishes to observe mature for his own entertainment. Kostya is not someone to get attached to outsiders - he almost feels like an inhuman entity, locking himself far away and observing from the safety of his abode. Whether asocial or antisocial, people can merely make wild guesses, seeing as the man refuses any types of psychological evaluation.

Whatever his motivations might be, however, one thing is certain - Konstantin has no tolerance for injustice. And, in spite of the fact that his sense of fairness is not dictated by morals but instead by the boundaries of the law (the loopholes in which he often abuses), he has been built up in the eyes of the investigators of "Alastor" as a messiah sent to eradicate evil.
|| Background || Konstantin is, put in the simplest of terms, an enigma. His title points to foreign origins, yet his voice reveals no identifiable accent. Researching his surname leads to a dead end as there appears to be no information on his person before his pharmaceutical company, "Basilikus", sprang to life some 15 years ago. It's like the man appeared on this world out of the abyss. That, or he changed his birth name and did everything in his power to erase all traces of his previous existence.

His sole connection to whoever (or whatever) he was before is Ryan - an ex-investigator for "Alastor" that currently manages the agency's offices. He is Kostya's best (and only) friend, and the two have known each other since their college days. Fate brought them together as roommates in their dorm, and due to the fact that they were both shut-ins they formed a mutually-beneficial relationship. Ryan claims they "saved each other", but from what exactly he refuses to specify. Whatever their predicament then was, the two men graduated together and immediately went on to becoming PIs - their duo would become the progenitor for "Alastor".

The next few years went by in a blur - Konstantin formed connections with very strong people (both outlaws and state official) through his detective work, and his fascination with reptiles in a bizarre way led to him founding "Basilikus", which specializes in the medical properties of snake poison. He would later reveal to Ryan that the only reason he went into the pharmaceutical market was so that he could open and sponsor a legitimate detective firm - his dream was to make it the best non-governmental organization of the type that there ever was. And so "Alastor - Private Eye Agency" came to be.
|| Ability || Ryan enjoys labeling his friend as carrying the talent of Impeccable Intuition, as he has dubbed it.
|| Fascination || Konstantin is, to the dismay of many, obsessed with reptiles. He is known to have a whole terrarium room in his home to house his multitude of pets. Apparently, he also gave a snake called Chess to Ryan as a present - it's a Common King Snake that is kept at the "Alastor" offices.
|| Theme || "Walt" by Yoko Kanno

|| Name || Ryan Diederik
|| Nicknames || None
|| Date of Birth || 30th May, 1978 - 40 years of age
|| Birth Place || New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
|| Gender || Male
|| Sexuality || Asexual
|| Appearance || (give a detailed description and include a picture to represent them)
|| Notable Features || (the first thing(s) others notice in them)
|| Personality || (give a detailed description of how they act)
|| Peculiarities || (odd things about them)
|| Likes ||
|| Dislikes ||
|| Background || (give a detailed biography)
|| Personal Philosophies || (what they believe in, their morale)
|| Theme || "Tonight, Tonight" by The Smashing Pumpkins

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|| Name || Martin Turner
|| Age || 40
|| Gender || Male
|| Occupation || Chief of police
*tends to pass down cases to the "Alastor" if they are unimportant or too controversial for his men to handle
*allegedly is a very corrupt cop that will do anything to assure he retains his position
*is mostly disliked by his subordinates for his apparent cowardice and superiority complex
|| Name || Evelyn Biyu
|| Age || 31
|| Gender || Female
|| Occupation || Police officer
*is Martin's biggest rival for the spot of chief of police, though she has unfortunately not been able to take it from him so far
*possesses a positive attitude towards the investigators at "Alastor" and doesn't mind cooperating with them


|| Name || Bridget Dauber
|| Age || 38
|| Gender || Trans-female
|| Occupation || Head forensics specialist
*seemingly has been acquainted with Konstantin and Ryan for a very long time, hence doesn't shy away from providing any possible help
*is a very cheery and open woman with strong opinions that come from her heart
|| Name || Pamela Downson
|| Age || 25
|| Gender || Female
|| Occupation || DNA specialist

|| Name || Kristeen Coziér
|| Age || 26
|| Gender || Agender
|| Occupation || Head chemist
|| Name || Frederick Harrison
|| Age || 53
|| Gender || Male
|| Occupation || Microbiologist


|| Name || Derick Freeman
|| Age || 60
|| Gender || Male
|| Occupation || Chief medical examiner
*is a great supporter of "Alastor" and adores working with its investigators, since he finds them to be "intriguing beyond belief"
*acts quite oddly in an overly excited way, which makes him more fit for being around the dead rather than the living
*has cut all of his family ties (including those with his ex-wife, whom he never truly loved), apart from his daughter
|| Name || Marigold Freeman
|| Age || 22
|| Gender || Female
|| Occupation || Assistant medical examiner & medical student
*daughter of Derick Freeman
*unlike her father, the girl possesses quite the reserved demeanor


|| Name || Boy X, aka "Jack"
|| Age || 4-7
|| Gender || Male
|| Name || Micheal Donovan
|| Age || 57
|| Gender || Male
|| Occupation || Unemployed
*is a homeless man living under St. Claude Avenue Bridge with a plethora of other individuals out on the streets
*seems to be a neurotic alcoholic

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