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Fantasy After the Gods

Setsu walked casually out to where she saw Akira in a building. She popped her head in and waved. "Hey" she said as she walked in with her hands in her pockets. "You look like something is bothering you" she said and saw some strange guy's wound. "Oh"
(@Mintsong are you there)

(gtg now by~y~e~e~) 
(Okay, it's 4 p.m. Pacific... And everyone is still not here. Late day, I guess?)
(I'm guessing you mean Fahrenheit... Otherwise you'd be long dead. Also, that's still pretty hot. I prefer cooler weather. Heat causes pointless sweating and thus stench etc. So I tend to avoid it. Especially in Sumer. Whatever. Bye then...)

Katsumi froze for a moment, not used to dealing with such low intellect. Well, either that or it just couldn't speak well. Either way, "my name is Katsumi. I wish nothing more than to help you."
The Mist was finally getting used to talking like this. "My...n..name is...The...Mist." It said as it righted it's head. "I...like being...called...Mist."
"Nice to meet you, Mist." Katsumi said, voice finally returning to its normal tone. "Tell me, what are you?"
"I am mist." It said. It wondered if it should boe but decided against it. Instead it demonstrated by creating more swords out of mist and having them dispel.
"I see..." Katsumi said thoughtfully, then decided to bring out one of the big questions. "Okay Mist, tell me, why do you exist?"
"I...don't know." It said. "I only came...here because...I felt power." It continued as it looked down. Droplets fell from its eyes. Were these what they called...tears?
Katsumi smiled. The true purpose of his questions was never what they seemed, and this was no exception. No-one should be able to answer that question. And Mist appeared to be crying... A sign that the being was capable of feeling emotion. "Fantastic!" Katsumi said, "If you knew why you existed, where would the point in existing be?"
Mist wiped away the drops with its hand. "I understand." It said. "But kindly refrain from doing that again..it makes me feel...sad? Is that what you use?"
(if he/she can stop his rage.)

A group of thugs try to stop and confront Jofune. "FIST OF THE BULL KING!!!" he shouted as he punched through them, sending them flying out of his way. He roared as his unguided rage is burning through him. Cars crush in the magnitude of his presence as he passes by.
Watching from the shadows, a dark, cloaked figure predicted where Jofune would be in exactly 12 seconds, so he could be there, waiting to confront him.

"Of course!" Katsumi agreed, "Why would I do that to a friend?"
"Friend?" It muttered. The word was foreign to it but it felt nice. "How odd...Hearing you say that makes me feel nice." A small smile graced its lips before returning to its black look. "What about the others?"
"Uh, what about them?" Katsumi asked. "I'm going to have to ask you to be more specific than that." 

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