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Fantasy Aeon of Heroes: Forging Ahead - Arc 1

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Index progress

An expansive, narrative-driven roleplay focused on telling a unique story loosely inspired by various other animes and games.
This is a collaborative project that strictly maintains a small group for the sake of consistency and detail.

For potential invites, please contact Novelight through direct messages.
Discussions are held on a private Discord server.
Prologue: Shattered Skies
  • Novelight

    Reverence In Stars
    Prologue: Shattered Skies
    GM Event Post
    Northlands of Paymonia

    Since ancient times, the northern reaches of Paymona were always known for its dangerous terrain. As the northerners say, when one finds themselves traversing the lands of the vast emptiness, one must first remember their trails back, as the further you walk, the less likely it is that you will return with your heart intact. Such sayings have existed for thousands of years, warning travelers of the eternal forests that lead to nowhere, and towering mountains filled with dangerous beasts that care not for your survival. However, villages and other civilizations have seemingly existed for centuries, defying the very legend that speaks of the north as the devil’s playground. But like the other regions that had suffered at the hands of evil, the north could not escape the wrath of the Nephilims.

    The scars of war exist to this day, in the form of abandoned outposts and pieces of armaments that can be found during the luckiest of hours. But most notably, the wreckage of an airship from a war that ended not too long ago. A vast vehicle powered by steam technologies of the past, it was abandoned when a more superior form of engine was discovered. The airship, named the Skypiercer by its first captain, formerly belonged to Aeslengard before it was taken down by a combined effort of Aerouants and Bestiards of the Godslayer’s regiment. After its destruction, the remnants of the ship remained on the ground, with pieces of the vessel stolen by looters. Fated to eventually return to the earth, the airship became the property of the villages of the heroes who took down the airship.

    In the years to come, when the Ashen Knights arrived to build relations with those outside of the grand nations, the airship was given a purpose. In response to their valiant efforts, and by proving themselves an ally of peace, the villages gifted their spoils of war to Solara Evernight with hopes that she and her Ashen Knights will use it to stop the brewing Fifth Divine Conflict. With hundreds of workers and mechanics gathered to restore and modernize the vessel, it was not long before the Skypiercer was ready to continue its service, this time its weapons and mechanical functions being used for altruism and not destruction.

    A few days have passed since the Ashen Knights boarded their flag vessel, and the interiors were renewed to better accommodate their living conditions. For the first time in a long while, the knights were given the opportunity to rest in their chambers in private. It was a luxury that they could not afford for a significant period. Knowing this, the princess left her warriors to their own devices and continued to strategize their next plans, not participating in the occasional group events.

    It was not long until the princess called her knights to an assembly on the bridge. They knew that it would not be long until they would eventually reach the destination of their objective. Soaring deep into the skies of the mountains, they would slowly begin preparing for another round of battle that was simply unpreventable. As the dates on the calendar went closer to their estimated land date, the Ashen Knights came together and formed a strategy.

    Beyond the sea of mountains was an unexplored region where no soul dared to pass. It was a land believed to be a territory of not only the vile beasts but hostile monsters that lived exclusively in these mountains. However, it was not these forces that left the Ashen Knights uncertain. It was the fact that these supposedly unmapped zones were used as fortified outposts for the Nephilims, guarded not by the common soldier but instead by specialists of the Aeslengardian church, trained and instilled with a creed that far exceeds the average tenacity of a Nephilim.

    Upon discovering the supposed location of the individual that holds the answers to every tragedy of the past, and realizing that the Pythia Ordasterium had already discovered their whereabouts weeks before the Ashen Knights could, not a second was wasted before they armed the Skypiercer and began the voyage north, deep into the mountains that was left uncharted for ages.

    By sending a raven days before the airship ascended into the clouds, Solara was able to discover that the Nephilims had built a fortress surrounding the entrance of the caves, each brick likely enchanted with arcane crystals that made infiltration difficult. In addition, it was likely that they anticipated the Ashen Knights would trail their footprints back to the mountains. For what other reason would they have gone through the trouble of building a fortification? With the time that’ll take to explore the caves to find the entrance of the Erudite’s home, and the Ashen Knights actively working to discover her location, it was only natural that they were prepared for the worst to occur, and made several contingencies to make certain that their plan bear fruit.

    The hour reached into the afternoons. With roughly six hours left until the Skypiercer would have a view of the enemy fortress, Solara was quick to begin with the preparations for the assault.

    End of Post
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    Arc I. Forging Ahead - Part 1
  • Reminiscent Embers
    Our Silent Destiny
    Courtyard, Evernight Castle

    The morning air was heavy with the bite of winter, as was customary in the midst of November. The sunlight rarely pierced through the gray skies, often becoming a target for the princess' rambunctious complaints as she walked through the castle gardens. However, today was different, as she had been longing for this day to come since the beginning of last month. Returning from their month-long travel to the Mutou-Kagyou City was an imperial knight of the name Ingreus, his fame coming from his title as one of the surviving battalion commanders of the Fourth Divine Conflict. A reputation that has marked his place in history, stories of the previous war that Solara knew came from Ingreus, who often treated her like a daughter of his own, and engaged with the spoiled child whenever he was available.

    A promise between the two was made before Ingreus departed from the capital. When he returns from his campaign west, he shall teach her the first steps of swordsmanship, as she had just recently reached the appropriate age a month prior. With excitement, she waited and now had the opportunity to wield her first genuine sword, and thus her first training began at the grass fields of the courtyard upon his return.

    Ingreus remained distant from the armed princess, her swings filled with energy despite the first hour already having passed. He was surprised to witness the fervent determination within her heart, a sharp contrast to the prince who had long forsaken the sword when he was once of similar age. The dissimilarity between the siblings puzzled Ingreus deeply, considering their shared upbringing; the only explanation being of their different biological mothers, a matter that Ingreus dared never involve himself in.

    “Swing mindlessly and there will be no second strike. Focus on the target with precision. Each and every slash must have a goal, otherwise, you will look like a fool in the eyes of your enemy.”

    Typical words of an instructor flew from his mouth, treating the session similarly to the training of his squires. Ingreus had never claimed to be an excellent mentor, but he aimed to be effective and wished to treat Her Highness no different. But he couldn’t help but notice that the princess had an innate gift that was rarely seen in even the most talented squires, accompanied by a burning passion that reminded him of the Godslayer from the days before.

    “This is… getting a bit tedious,” Solara spoke in response. She paused her movement after the fiftieth swing and sat on the floor, her heart beating rapidly as she tried to catch her breath. “When do I get to train with my chaos root? It’s… not like people ever fight without first activating their root. This all seems pointless.”

    Ingreus scoffed, “Nonsense. Your chaos root is part of your soul, your body, and your memories. Sophisticating your strikes without the support of your root will be far more effective than training with the mark activated. You must never rely on Arts.”

    Solara groaned, a hint of disappointment appearing across her face as she pouted and glared at the grass beneath her. As anticipated by Ingreus, her expectations were crushed, and her patience began to run dry. It was usual for the spoiled princess, whose curiosity and determination, while charming and respectable, was the ultimate downfall of her character, at least until she would mature.

    Once the fatigue began to fade after a minute of rest, Solara stood and wielded her sword once more, with the same distressed visage that had made Ingreus shake his head. She grunted with a louder voice than before, “You and everyone else keep saying the same thing. You’re no funner than Reymond!” with a quick swing in the air she continued, “If Idalia was here, I’d imagine she’d disagree plenty—PLENTY!”

    Ingreus denied it, yielding to her whims for the time being. “Sir Reymond and Lady Idalia are of the same origin, the same mentor, and the same experience. While I do not doubt your claims, when the time comes, she would have repeated the same words to Your Highness as I have.”

    Her sullen look was further made obvious when her cheeks inflated, but her hands nonetheless continued to practice their swing, her interest in knighthood unwavering by the revelation that she could not witness her chaos root in action. The half-hearted banter persisted for yet another hour; until the city bells tolled throughout the capital, their resounding chimes echoing across the courtyard of the Evernight Castle, heralding the onset of the afternoon hours to the populace.

    As time passed, so did Solara’s precision, earning the satisfaction of her temporary mentor. He gazed at the horizon for a moment, watching the carriages enter the castle from the castle gates on schedule. “Splendid work, Your Highness. It appears now may be a good time for a break. As promised, your training shall continue when—”

    In the midst of his speech, he turned his view, the sudden movement in the air catching him off guard. In the distance he would catch Solara sprinting towards the entrance of the throne hall, located at the center of the castle complex, alarming Ingreus in the process as he attempted to persuade her from trouble, “Y—Your Highness!” he yelled with his hand extended forward, “You mustn’t! Now is not the time!”

    Ingreus helplessly watched her run with a mischievous grin on her face, “It’s the afternoon, Ingreus! My brother has arrived! I have to tell him about a new friend I made! He’d be overjoyed to hear that someone wants to play with me~!”

    “That is precisely why you must not, Your Highness!” Ingreus attempted to reason, yet success was dubious, as the princess was not someone you could convince once she set her eyes on a particular matter. Her youthful grin did not help as well, as it had reminded him of his past, long before he aged. A familiar face flickered in his memories for just a moment when she briefly turned around, before the imaginary flames scorched the image into mere ashes, and he returned to reality.

    It was the same smile and dedication that he had long forgotten. A face that once belonged to someone from his youth. He found himself unable to intervene, standing by in silence, heedless of the repercussions of allowing his sovereign to witness her brother's return.

    — Imperial Throne, Evernight Castle —
    10 Minutes Later

    After being denied entry by the royal guards who claimed that her brother forbade the entrance of all personnel, Solara’s defiant nature had coerced her into sneaking into the throne room from the back, where a small tunnel led to the hallways. From there she stealthily snuck into the chambers, peeking her head from the back exit, her luck in play as no guards were occupying the area at the current time. Her previous plan of wanting to greet her brother was met with a sharp decline when she noticed her father—the Godslayer’s presence, his seat occupied by none other than his esteemed self. With his symbolic armor equipped, his disgruntled gaze laid upon her brother, who remained kneeling before the Godslayer, a sight that Solara was all too used to.

    “It’s good to see that you’re in good health after such a long time… father.” The prince began, waiting for his father to speak his piece, but to no avail. He continued, “I have returned momentarily to ask for your permission to access the Library of Lunastasia. I have had the pleasure of exchanging words with the Grand Enchantress. As you say, her heart is one made of gold, and the wisdom she carries in her words has inspired me to further explore the libraries. Rest assured, I've received her blessing for this endeavor."”

    Only the audible sigh of the Godslayer was heard. His hands clutched the armrest, while his eyes portrayed his emotions more vividly than any words could convey. The Godslayer was a man known for his piercing gaze, it often being enough to send someone the message that he was disinterested in their situation and that they would get no empathy from him.

    Yet as the seconds passed, right before the prince would demand his thoughts on the matter, the Godslayer’s authoritative tone reverberated throughout the ivory chamber, capturing Solara's attention and drawing her gaze to her beloved father.

    “There exists nothing of importance at that clock tower; only ideas of fools from the past. You best spend that ticket your mother bestowed upon you with more value.”

    His words pierced through the prince, causing him to clench his fists tightly as memories of his mother flooded his mind for a moment. The guards lining the chamber walls sensed a shift in the air as the Godslayer stood from his seat. His rare appearance on the throne was enough to make them feel uneasy, with the added tension coming from the presence of the prince.

    The Godslayer continued, his commanding tone constant, “You are a foolish boy with foolish dreams. Apparently so naive to believe that I’d grant you access to my war trophies. The Astral Vault was denied to you long ago. What leads you to believe that I would entertain the idea of granting you access to my other treasures?”

    “Because in this life where you have constantly berated my efforts, you have made one promise to—...!”


    His sudden anger made apparent, the Godslayer’s roar penetrated through the castle walls, alerting the guards outside to keep their focus high. Unanimously the guards from within the chamber straightened their posture in response, and Solara crouched instinctively to avoid trouble. The only one who remained steadfast was the prince himself, who kept his knee planted on the marble floor, his expression unmoved despite his father’s increasing wrath.

    “That promise was not made to grant you a path towards certain death. Must I repeat to you for years, that your ambitions will only lead you to join the countless others who have met their demise in pursuit of the same folly? Your mother pleaded with me to ensure you lived a peaceful life! I arranged matches with suitable wives from the Styrmirs to the De Gunst family, all to shield you from the inevitable… Yet you tarnish my efforts by willingly marching toward your own demise!?”

    His words erupted like a raging storm, striking fear into the heart of poor Solara. In conversations with her brother, his demeanor transformed, and unfiltered criticisms spilled from his lips. It was a familial dynamic that, despite her immaturity, Solara comprehended all too well—a side of her that harbored a quiet resentment toward her father for his cruelty against her brother.

    The prince took no second to spare a moment of respite, “You have always spoken about my dreams as if they were a death sentence. I must inquire, for the third time, what makes you so convinced that I will die on this journey?”

    “The self-proclaimed sages of yore attempted the very same quest. You endeavor to find the cure to end this world's eternal conflict. Because of the prophecies, which have already ended with the ashes of the Arterion Gods lost, are you convinced that the solution lies within the ruins of Avalon? Suppose that the wretched pillars managed to transcribe the solution, times have changed, and their wisdom is no longer considered ‘wise’. This war ends with Aeslengard in flames. And you, who advocate for pacifism, will not endure in a world where mercy is perceived as a weakness!”

    The Godslayer's words once again plunged the prince into silence, prompting him to ponder with patience. Maintaining eye contact proved challenging when one's own father regarded them with such disdain. As the emperor's speech neared its end, the prince rose from his kneeling position, no longer submissive. With newfound resolve, he raised his voice in a louder rebuttal.

    “You are correct. Times have changed. Just not the same way you have fooled yourself into believing.”

    The prince raised his head to face the Godslayer, his sapphire eyes widened with devotion. “Despite many’s disapproval of my actions, I have taken the last few months observing the culture of the Nephilims with my very own eyes, within the territories of their land. A general with the title of The Dicarion had allowed me entry, believing that my proposition to the King would begin a new era, where men and women no longer have to bear the expectations of dying in battle. I had the pleasure of speaking with the Aeslengardian ruler. But more so, with their heiress.”

    The Godslayer was taken aback as the prince removed his gloves, revealing the radiant amber gem adorning his ring finger. The guards, privy to the ring's origin, exchanged knowing glances, beyond question stunned by the revelation.

    “... You…”

    “The King is ill. The Arterion God Sindragar’s blessings are no longer protecting him from the curse. He had already sanctified the princess with his crown, her inauguration on the throne before the end of this year. I have taken her hand for marriage.”

    The proclamation broke the tension, eliciting a gasp from Solara at the unexpected announcement. Unaware of the significance of the ring her brother wore and the unfolding events, she found herself caught off guard. Even the Godslayer, whose silence was formidable, was visibly affected—but for reasons that had nothing to do with the unapproved marriage.

    “That ring belongs to only one woman,” The Godslayer mentioned with his armored finger pointing at the amber glow. “You… by which person did you obtain that from?”

    The prince, evidently confused by his father’s attention on the ring, took a glance at the gem. Although it made sense why he would find the presence of one of Aeslengard’s greatest treasures a surprise, the hyper fixation with the ring had made the prince question other things, more specifically why it was more important than the marriage itself.

    “It is… a tradition in the royal family, made to—”

    “I know of the pointless rituals those cretins practice! I ask you of the origin of that ring—the person who has given it to you!”

    The sudden surge of mana-infused aura enveloping the Godslayer sent a ripple of alertness among the guards, who braced themselves for the possibility of the prince's arrest. Though they hadn't yet aimed their spears at him, their tense readiness unsettled the prince deeply. Stepping back cautiously, he composed himself before addressing his father's question.

    “Naturally, the marriage was approved by the Sacretorium before this ring was gifted to me. The Priestess had returned from her travels to personally entrust me with it. I—”

    “You’ve encountered the Priestess…?”

    “She insisted that I take it personally from her. The queen had already passed years ago, and so the ring was kept within her possessions until it was passed down to me. Her cordiality and approval of my plans were endearing. I only wish that I had not taken the time she could have used to heal the cursed.”

    The Godslayer lowered his arm, his gaze lingering on the ring. His next words would only deepen the prince's perplexity. Already puzzled by his father's intense focus on the object, which to most was merely a symbolic ring representing the highest of the Aeslengardian hierarchy.

    “... Fatebreaker.” The Godslayer remarked, the word having no meaning to the prince or Solara who remained in the back, her curiosity on the brink of exploding. He continued muttering, “Why… why would she…”

    The storm of mana surrounding the Godslayer slowly weakened, his anger no longer visible. What remained was a countenance the prince had never before witnessed, in the countless years he had spent arguing with his father.

    The Godslayer turned to the side, only now realizing that a familiar guest had eavesdropped the discussion from a close, her inability to hide well made obvious by her strands of crimson hair flowing from the corner just before she tried to hide. There was remorse within the Godslayer’s heart, as he remembered the words of his dying first wife.

    It marked a sudden shift in demeanor, perhaps influenced by the ring. Whether for better or worse, the prince felt a wave of relief as he observed his father. Perhaps now, amidst this calm, a rational discussion could finally take place.

    “Ingreus will prepare you a letter before your departure tomorrow. Return by month's end with Lunastasia at your side. We'll resume this discussion in her presence, joined by the battalion generals.”

    Further relief washed over the prince, and he couldn't help but crack a smile, albeit with a touch of awkwardness due to the turbulent change in atmosphere. His curiosity was left unsatisfied, but he knew better than to press his father for answers while he remained composed. Believing it to be best to allow the conversation to end on a decent note, the prince kneeled, appreciating the gift.

    “Should you wish an audience with the Grand Enchantress, I shall let her know.” Letting his previous remarks fade into the background, the prince finally comprehended what had caused his father to lower his tone, as Solara clumsily tripped at the sight of her father, fearing that she had been discovered. The Godslayer merely stared, his expression unmoved. It was then when he had left the chamber, but not before leaving a message to the worried prince, who just watched her sister fall on her face.

    "You would do well to avoid the path I once walked. If you wish to see your dream come to fruition, keep your sympathies to yourself."

    It was a rare sight to hear his father offer him advice that was not born from willful ignorance. Seldom did he bother to raise his son, treating only Solara differently, the prince already aware of the tragic reason. Proven correct when he decided to help his daughter up from her clumsy mistake, the princess feared for verbal discipline, but was only met with her father’s empathy, as he dusted the dirt from her shoulders from her training at the courtyard.

    “I've heard you've made new friends. I'm certain your brother would be pleased to hear about it,” he said before departing, not waiting for a response from either of his children. He walked into the distance until he disappeared from the hallway, the guards excusing themselves after the prince dismissed their attendance. Now, only Solara and the prince remained in the throne room, with the latter worried about the condition Solara was in after suffering a devastating attack by the floor.

    “Solara!” the prince exclaimed, rushing to her side, “Are you alright? Is your head injured? What were you hiding over there?”

    The princess rubbed her forehead, fortunately unharmed as the impact was not enough to damage her skin. She mumbled her words, “Mmm… I didn’t… mean to…” she looked to the side, avoiding eye contact, “you’re barely here at the castle, and I just wanted to hang out before you leave again… I didn’t mean to eavesdrop…”

    A single tear trickled down her cheek, followed by another, each one gently wiped away by her brother as he knelt beside her to communicate more intimately with his beloved sister. A gentle smile occupied his face as he did so, “My apologies, I should have taken the time to speak with you when I saw you train with Sir Ingreus. I just didn’t want to bother you when you were so excited about becoming a knight. Did you enjoy yourself? ”

    The tears began to slow down as Solara was more comfortable making eye contact with her brother. Her temperament changed rather rapidly after the mention of her training with Ingreus, this time her words more like her original self, “He stinks. I want Idalia to be my trainer!”

    The prince chuckled at his sister's deadpan response. "Ah hah-hah! I was afraid you would say that. Don’t worry, I won’t be bringing my entourage for my next travels. I’ll ask if she’s available to train you from here on out. In fact, why don’t we go ask her now?"

    “Really!? Can you convince her?”

    The prince briefly took a moment to appreciate the excitement in Solara’s eyes, her flames blazing like no other in his life. Despite being only half-siblings and the whispers surrounding their father's affairs with another woman, the prince's affection for his sister remained unwavering. Regardless of circumstances, she remained his foremost inspiration, driving him to achieve many things.

    End of Reminiscent Embers: Our Silent Destiny
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