Adventure time: a world in trouble



age-same as Finn. So I think 14.

species-he appears to be human like Finn but there is a small thing that makes him inhuman.

ability-his name might tell you. He can create small amounts of electricity and if given enough time a electric sword.

Name: Silver

Age: Unknown, looks like a teenager

Gender: Female

What she look like:


(The green parts are black in Silver's outfit)

How she fight: She haves trowing knives and a sword, she haves a tendency to use the knives first. Her sword is hung at her right hip.

Backstory: Unknown

Personality: Rebel but very caring. Also antisocial if she wants to.

Very badass

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Alright of your doing an oc the. Follow this




What they look like

How they fight



If you are picking one of the characters please upload a image of that character

I picked Finn the human
Name: Hannah

Age: 15


What they look like:

How they fight: Bow and Arrow, Or by biting people.

Backstory: Hannah was abandoned as a child and lived her life in solitude since she was young. She figured at a young age that she was the daughter of a human and a vampire- She can float and bite people, just like every other vampire, but she can also go into the sun without getting hurt.

Personality: Hannah is a silent, shy, and rather lonely girl. As much as she loves getting into trouble and having fun, she longs for a partner in crime. Her cute appearance does not portray her personality well, because in reality she could certainly be cruel. Deep down she is a sweet, caring, kind, and loving person, but nobody has been able to reach that side of her.



What she looks like-Human of French descent. Has straight, red hair down to the small of her back. When she does go into public she is covered in a black sweatshirt and dark jeans, hood up constantly. Never wears shoes. Freckles dot her face. People often get lost in her bright green eyes.

How she fights-She loves to fight hand to hand. Weapons are always a last resort to her.

Backstory-Amethyst was born and raised on the outskirts of what is now the Candy Kingdom. Amethyst was sadly abused by both her father and mother in her childhood. Mental and physical abuse caused her isolation from people. As soon as the apocalypse hit she ran from home. She stumbled upon a magical amethyst that, when carried on her person, makes her immortal. That is why she survived until the current time. After a while she forgot her name so she just started calling herself Amethyst after the amethyst she carries.

Personality-In truth she can be outgoing, but past abuse drove her to the conclusion that she was worthless and doesn't talk much. Around friends she is always happy and loves people that love her. As soon as anyone hurts her or her friends she flies into a rage and won't stop until everyone that thought of touching people she cares about is gone.
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Okay you do know were your character lived and were she is at now

Remembers this is adventure time so only places from the show

But you should. Have read the rules I presume so you know it won't be childish

Name galaxtiel unixel

Age 200

Gender male

What they look like

How they fight using magic and transformation, creating spears from the atoms, he also using skeletons to fight and feeds on negative emotions.

Backstory hailing from hell, he trained under lord death himself learning how to control the dead and damned. He went beserk and almost destroyed the land of oo, but death aided by the king of mars defeated and imprisioned the man in the core of the planet.

Personality he is very laid back normally joking most of the time only using undead to fight, but when he is hurt his rage goes through the roof he gains great speed and powerful attacks, and will fight and get his hands real dirty.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ghirahim_by_daniel_link-d3j9olw.jpg.49987d7c2a2a77bd4fa8c6117088f274.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/ghirahim_by_daniel_link-d3j9olw.jpg.49987d7c2a2a77bd4fa8c6117088f274.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Nix

Age: 12

Gender: Female



How she fight: She cast light spells from a magic book that she always carries with her. Well, she don't always carry it but she can summon it.

Backstory: Nix is an orphan. She never had people that took care of her. She always made it on her own.

Personality: Nix is really childish and trusts people easily. She talks a lot and loves to laugh. She is very sweet and caring. She is shy often with people she don't know.
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((Can I join?))

Name: Sparrow

Age: 15

Gender: F



How she Fights: She uses her fists and Kevlar, her large moose friend.

BackStory: She got bored of staying home and started to travel the forests

Personality: Doesn't really like to talk to people, but she will if she has to. Generally happy, but when she gets sad, it's hard to get her out of it.

((Can I make a second character?))
[QUOTE="The forbidden one]Alright good but did you read the overview of this rp and yes you may have up to two characters @White Wolf

Sweet thanks :) And I read the over view... am I missing something?
Name- skylar

Age- 17

Gender- female

What they look like

How they fight-she fights as an archer. She has a bow but she can also be a melee artist. Her secondary weapon is a demonic dagger. It was crafted by a demons blood. Her bow was made by the bones of a evil king she slain to save her pet cat Hermione.

Backstory- she was abandoned as a child and she was finn's 'sister' she is the only fenale human in the whole land of Ooo and now she is majorly in love with finn.

Personality- she is fun and giggly. She can be very serious during a fight. She is shy and does whatever finn says asks becuase he is her love.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/2014-04-29-19-27-05-1.jpg.db9a31fb5cc8cb97b6f7cbf67b056f3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/2014-04-29-19-27-05-1.jpg.db9a31fb5cc8cb97b6f7cbf67b056f3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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